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It’s not really up to white people to decide what is or isn’t racism and I shall leave that there
Thing is, it is. To a certain degree. Any race can be racist against whites. If you push one race out of the conversation about racism, surely that, in itself, is racism?

(Not trying to have a go at anyone, just expressing an opinion.)
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I've loathed him for years. When he assaulted that producer he also called him a 'lazy Irish c*nt'. Imo this proves that his bigotry isn't faked, he genuinely is a nasty bigoted man.

I can't believe people are wasting time reporting him to the police.
Sophie Corcoran is the worst.
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I think it’s up to minority groups to decide what they find to be racist or derogatory. Not for people saying ‘well I don’t see racism’ well of course you don’t, because you are not in a group of people who do experience it. White people have a privilege that minority or oppressed groups do not, this is well documented throughout history through the ages across all continents and in modern day times.

In lay terms as an example If you are female you will have experiences a male will likely not have too, such as sexual harassment. If you are Jewish you will experience racial antisemitism, if you aren’t Jewish you won’t.

My partner is from an ethnic minority group in the U.K. and even I wasn’t aware of the every day low level of racism that is his every day normal until I met him. He has also experienced some more serious racism in his life that I have never experienced. Racism is also about stereotyping, assumptions and telling people they are imagining it or playing a ‘card’ is just continuing to oppress people. It’s a delusion of denial people tell themselves to scoff it back because it’s unpalatable. It’s just as gaslighting and unpleasant to try to defend it by using strange examples from your own white perspective. The U.K. is racist, we literally had an entire media and political campaign of ‘send everyone back home/don’t let ‘them’ in’ doing the rounds not 5 years ago. We have entire museums dedicated to all the valuable, indigenous items we travelled round the world and stole from different countries. At football matches, racial insults are still shouted at players. It was less than 100 years ago we were still shipping in very low paid manual labour workers from other countries such as India. Just because we don’t make people sit in a different section anymore doesn’t mean all racism has gone away. We all still have work to do, on ourselves and as a society. On one thread I won’t reference someone recently posted ‘X doesn’t even look black’ about someone who has clear and well documented mixed ethnicity background. Ask anyone who isn’t entirely white looking you know, they will have been asked ‘where are you really from?’ many times in their life. This has happened to me, from a young age as I have distant genes from native America and I am very dark haired, had hairy legs and I have almond eyes. I got teased every day for it and started shaving them from age 9. I got called all kinds of racist slurs, asked where I am ‘really from’ and the same thing happened to my daughter all through secondary school to the point where she would cry about it because even if we were ‘really from’ somewhere else, so what? Both born in the U.K., have dark features.

The U.K. was found to be racist back in 2016 in this report

Everything you say about your experiences and that of your husband, I accept. Of course racism exists. But what makes me very angry is where the accusation of racism, sexism and homophobia is used where it is not the case. So let us go back to Meghan Markle and Jeremy Clarkson, the subject of this thread. Please point out to me exactly where any of those were apparent in his comment. He hates her. She is of mixed race, she is a woman. That is not why he hates her. And if you can see racism or misogyny in what he said, then I believe that you will see it everywhere where white people open their mouths. Because we often see what we want to see. And that is a stumbling block to there ever being a fair, accepting world. When you mention the person who doesn’t look black, are you meaning Meghan, who described herself as Caucasian until she married into the Royal Family? Is everyone at football matches racist , because there are ignorant yobs who shout abuse ? You mention workers being brought in from countries such as India to work for low pay ? A hundred years ago ? Yet make no mention of the thousands of people working not only for low pay, but as slaves all over the world TODAY. And in their own country, not just in Britain. I am generalising, please be very aware of that, about what I say next. Almost every Christmas decoration in the entire world will be made in factories in the Far East. The workers in these factories are often not paid, their recompense is to receive meals, and to be allowed to sleep on the factory floor. This includes child labour. We buy cheap cotton garments from factories in India, where not only are there poor wages but there are no safeguards for the health of the workers. Of course, in these countries, the perpetrators of these disgusting working conditions are the same nationality as the workers, so it cannot be called racism. There are very corrupt nations in Africa where the people are ground down by cruelty, and poverty by leaders who are of the same ethnicity. Again, not racism, though. What about the nations who limit the number of children allowed to be born ? Where female babies are killed ? yet again, not racism. While you are so busy accusing all of us as being racist, saying we have no right to define what we think is racist, while you dictate that we have no right to defend ourselves, while you dictate that we are not allowed to profess dislike for anyone who is not white, do you ever stop to wonder if perhaps you are the racist ? When you walk down the street and see someone with a very bad disfigurement , do you ever wonder if their life experiences are as bad as yours are ? There are atrocities to be fought all over the world, but while we are walking on eggshells trying not to offend someone who has colour in their skin, we will never be able to move forward. Accusations of racism against anyone white incites racism. And if I hear the term gaslighting once more, I will scream. And I do not care what colour the skin is of the person who says it.
The strange example you talk of, was that my example? I cannot see where that was strange at all. It was the despicable action of an individual against another individual on the basis of their colour. Is that not blatant racism ? Because she was one of our group, are we all branded racists? She was ostracised from our group from that day. It that racist. Is the placard we hang from our neck to say “We are white, ergo we are racist“

I didn’t like the GOT scene and I also hated what JC wrote. I haven’t watched it but I have read all the books.

GOT was fictional in the sense that it may have been depicting in a sensationalist, disconcerting way how women were treated in times of old (although GOT isn’t really dated, it’s clearly medieval style). in my mind, many women across the centuries did experience all kinds of horrors just for being a woman and we have moved on as society from that being acceptable. The character was written to be very horrible and a lot of her anger and vitriol was because she was female in a man’s world. What I do not like about it is that her punishment was nudity shame and humiliation and that it was her ‘comeuppance’ when a man would have just had his hand chopped off.

MM is a real person with feelings and not a character and we aren’t living in medieval times anymore. Regardless of anything MM has done, she doesn’t deserve to have those kinds of things written about her by JC or anyone else. It should be a crime to be promoting violent acts against women in the media, twitter or anywhere else. The kind of men who love JC and read the Sun are highly likely to already dislike women so having men in positions of power writing nasty, violent fantasies about them is dangerous
You make a great many generalisations. The kind of men who like Jeremy Clarkson are likely to dislike women 😂 That is one of the most preposterous things I have heard on this forum. I have just spent time answering your post about racism. Now that I have seen this, I realise I have been talking to someone with a warped view of the world. And you are saying that a man having his hand chopped off is a lesser punishment than being naked and having excrement thrown at you. Oh dearie me, I wonder how many people the world over would agree with that.
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I cant really get bothered about what he wrote about MM, despite it being vile. There's just no point. I'll list the reasons, probably easier;

-The police/govt don't take misogyny seriously (they should)
- Misogyny is not a hate crime (it should be, you cant change your sex, therefore discrimination on the basis of your sex is illegal as sex is a protected characteristic, so why isn't sexism prosecutable like racism?
- His editor let it through
- It was obviously not meant to be read as literal. He does not literally lie in bed gnashing his teeth
- I expect it from him, its part of his tv character.
- Worse has been said by other men in columns that didnt get this kind of reaction

I dont know if I'm just numb to this kind of shit, but I do find performative outrage at Jeremy Clarkson irritating. Just like I find Jeremy Clarkson doing performative outrage at Meghan Markle irritating too.
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You make a great many generalisations. The kind of men who like Jeremy Clarkson are likely to dislike women
Indeed... what about the many women who like him?

I don't read his columns that he has written (in fact I thought he wrote for The Times, not The Sun) but I have over the years enjoyed many episodes of Top Gear and Clarkson's Farm. While watching those & enjoying what he did & said on those, I didn't know about, or consider, anything he did/said outside of those, as I am aware he has a TV persona which is the only part of him I've been interested in. As it turns out if he's a total twat outside of that, if I wanted to spend energy on disliking him, I could do. But if I still like the TV -him, what does that make me? My husband likes watching him on TV too, does that mean he dislikes women?
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I managed seven episodes of the first season of Game of Thrones and then just could not take any more. I am staggered so many loved it. I am not against darker storytelling - one of my favourite shows is Twin Peaks, for example - but in GoT the misery was just so utterly relentless I couldn't cope. I was very pleased when it ended.
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Me and my son are gutted about Clarksons Farm we both really enjoyed it and found him very funny on it the miserable sod.
I hope they’re still going ahead with the second series that’s due to air next month.
Ignore that last part I see they’re going ahead so that’s good news.
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Just a couple of observations. I think Jeremy Clarkson would be the first to describe himself as an old fart. We are now living in a world where taking offence is a default, so perhaps his type of humour is no longer understood. There are people ever ready to scrutinise statements, looking for misogyny , or racism, or homophobia , their little bristles quivering to capture something they can use for their favourite agenda. We are afraid to open our mouths because of the politically correct little policemen . Thank goodness I have lived in a time where women could hear a joke against women and laugh, exactly the same as when a woman made a joke about a man and they laughed.
What I think is far worse than what Clarkson said, is what Harry said in his book about the matron at his school. He’ll get away with that, of course. He won’t be pilloried.
Though it would please some people to think that Clarkson has been cancelled, I think we’ll find that the fact that his job is ending is pure coincidence.
Some years ago, my husband and I were going away for a weekend break with another couple, and the husband asked my husband if he was taking an overnight bag. My husband said “Yes, the wife is coming”. I nearly wet myself with laughter. That probably makes me a dinosaur like Clarkson.
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Can you tell me please , who is the Black woman who suffered racism? I am presuming we are not still talking about Meghan Markle who described herself as Caucasian ?

This thread is not about discrimination though, it is about Jeremy Clarkson . If you are suffering discrimination because you are a woman, that is totally wrong. I too worked with men, but had no such experience. Though it was not in engineering. Clarkson did not make his remark because MM is a woman, or black, he made it because he does not like her as a person. We are allowed to dislike female black women just as we can dislike anyone else. Why can that not just be accepted without all the accusations ?
Because that's not allowed these days sadly. It hasn't made the world a better place. There are still loads of unpleasant and hateful people around no matter what colour they are and we should be free to observe this without censure or fear of the racist charge.
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I was the one who used the term ‘Far East’ I am 74, so am not quite up to speed about what it is acceptable to say. I had absolutely no idea that it was now a derogatory term. If I have offended anyone, then I am very sorry. Also, the word ‘Eurocentric’ is one I have never heard before, I have had to Google it.
So I shall hang my head in shame, and admit that I still like Jeremy Clarkson, on the whole. So I must be a racist, a misogynist, and no doubt everything else that is described by the latest buzzword. But if I don’t like Meghan and Harry, I am entitled to say it without being accused of racism or misogyny. Because it is utter *******.
Is it still okay to say “The West” or the “Western World“. Asking for a friend.

I think it is patently obvious that we are talking about Clarkson because of his comments about Meghan Markle. So wind your neck in.
You don’t need to apologise for anything and I for one am completely unoffended. I like JC too, I will continue to like him, and I find the endless nitpicking and blathering on about perceived racism, sexism and every other -ism under the sun where none exists absolutely ridiculous. My post about the “Far East” was not intended to be taken seriously (although I have absolutely been accused of racism in my academic day job for using that term). I was taking the piss of that type of authoritarian idiocy where posters on this thread have accused others of racism and misogyny based on absolutely fuck-all, and the insanity of identity politics in which you can never be politically correct enough.
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He's apologized but I don't know why he's bothered because he's always doing things like this, like he can't help himself almost except I think he knows exactly what he's doing.

I absolutely can't stand Meghan (or Harry) but his comment was vile even if it was meant as a joke/meme.
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Chatty Member
He is a lazy Irish cunt and a pussy(I'm Irish BTW) he should have had a hot meal organised for everyone after that episode it was miserably wet and cold. He should have manned up and punched Clarkson back instead of running crying to a hospital to get treated for imaginary injuries.
People who comment like the above that they are Irish, or BAME or female, or whatever minority is being discriminated against really do a disservice to minorities. It's bad enough being discriminated against, but when one of your own turn around and say there is no discrimination cause they are a minority and they have never been discriminated against it feeds the old misogynistic, racist bullies. Its really sad that people are so gaslighted that they take the bullies side.
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It’s a bit racist to say Far East. Didn’t they mention that in your Critical Race Theory courses and/or YouTube videos? Shame on you for using such an antiquated Eurocentric term and then lecturing others about their racism. You’re clearly not quite pure enough in your thinking yet so off with your own “I’m not a racist” badge and off you go to the gulags for a bit of re-education.

Oh yeah, Clarkson - paid to be controversial, scored another hit I guess, and all forgotten about by this time next week. Whether or not anyone thinks he’s a misogynist is purely subjective, and the way that word is used gives it less and less meaning anyway. The most annoying thing is that he’s given the Harkles a bit more ammunition about how everyone hates her.
I was the one who used the term ‘Far East’ I am 74, so am not quite up to speed about what it is acceptable to say. I had absolutely no idea that it was now a derogatory term. If I have offended anyone, then I am very sorry. Also, the word ‘Eurocentric’ is one I have never heard before, I have had to Google it.
So I shall hang my head in shame, and admit that I still like Jeremy Clarkson, on the whole. So I must be a racist, a misogynist, and no doubt everything else that is described by the latest buzzword. But if I don’t like Meghan and Harry, I am entitled to say it without being accused of racism or misogyny. Because it is utter *******.
Is it still okay to say “The West” or the “Western World“. Asking for a friend.

Was this to me about the Far East? As I was responding to the original poster who mentioned this description in their post to me, I referenced their post back to them

This is a thread about Clarkson, not H&M they have their own thread.
I think it is patently obvious that we are talking about Clarkson because of his comments about Meghan Markle. So wind your neck in.
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It's not perfomative at all on my part, and just because there's other people who are worse (are there? I can think of Richard Littlejohn but not many more) it doesn't mean Clarkson's rantings shouldn't cause concern.
Agreed. It's also the fact he earns money from this. Isn't Richard Littlejohn one of the highest paid columnists as well?

Ironically, his current partner is Irish.
Well that's awkward 😬
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I hated what he wrote about MM. Whilst it was clearly a riff on the Game of Thrones scene, I still think that's a fucking weird and clearly misogynistic and sexually intimidating way for a man to write about a woman. It was unacceptable.
I wonder where the fine line is, in between someone writing the GoT scene as entertainment to be viewed by millions of people, and someone else writing it as a newspaper article? At what point does it change from being unacceptable misogyny to being OK to watch on TV? Is it OK to write something like that about a fictional character and film a willing actress doing it, but it's not OK to write it about a real-life person? Are most people just so desensitised (if that's a word) to comments like this because we happily watch stuff like this all the time? Just wondering, by the way, not specifically asking you in person.
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Chatty Member
The sun has said sorry, but what's the point in deleting it now? Something went wrong in their organisation to actually publish it.

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