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I have a qn: just because you’re listed in his little black book, does that therefore mean you’re guilty of anything?

I am sure my contact details are probably in lots of people’s phones because I’ve met them once and not because of anything underhand.
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Miss polar

VIP Member
This bloke is an evil fucker! I have seen him being interviewed actually sneering and laughing at female interviewers.
He’ll flee to Israel for protection if it looks like the net is closing in on him!
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Chatty Member
The names don't really mean anything out of context. Some of them are victims names and some are just mentioned in passing or in questions. There's too much for me to read the whole lot but it seems like Prince Andrew has come out worst in these documents and all in all there's not much new info there and there's nothing that could land anyone in prison. Bit of a disappointment overall.
I always think its telling that Prince Andrew is the one thrown under the bus....he is a member of the British Royal Family...whilst minimal 'power' as such but definitely high profile. To publicly have him as the 'poster boy' of this horrendous situation says to me he is the deflection.

There are so many names in that list and I think Epstein was "clever" he had contacts and this wining and dining was part of his life and therefore can be used as a cover. Cate Blanchett on the list, doesn't mean she was involved with the illegal activity and abuse it means she had contact with him. All these other high profiles did meet him, or stay on his island but nothing untoward.l happened...and they will come out no doubt to distance themselves and it can dilute what did actually happen? ? And so having other high profiles weaved into friendships muddies the waters.

Cate Blanchett is first name that I could think of, doesn't mean I have any Intel on her!
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Hillary turned her comments off on Twitter earlier this week she knows it’s coming.
Here you go live multiple journalists reading live.
And you can listen with the app closed. They’ve just said there’s big information coming next. To do with trump I think.

Jane doe 3 was an underage girl trafficked who was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew.

Epstein trafficked her many times. They say that’s the one who he had the court case with. John Brunel is mentioned a lot. Flight manifests with lots of trafficking of children
Trump raped a 13 year old.
sports stars and celebs are on the list.
apparently when you’re in the compound on Epsteins island you can’t get out. Poor kids
Alan durshovitz. ( spelling ) Mentioned multiple times. He made a deal on the epistein case. One of the bigger names
Bill Clinton’s mentioned over 100 times..

Sorry for the spam listening live.
Micheal Jackson, David copperfield. A list is coming.
Jackson mentioned not sure as what of yet
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Abuse in any form is very easy if you have power. What is scary, it's doesn't happen in the 3rd world countries it happens in "democratic", developed countries, where the most money is. Obvious hush up by Secret Service, CIA, MI6, Mossad and other alphabet soup known and unknown agencies is a proof that we are fed a particle at times (change of generations at helm) and that abuse rings are very much functional and thrive.

This particular case would be busted ages ago, if not powers that be.
Power from money.
amassing too much money is a problem in my opinion. There should be a limit
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Chatty Member
True, but it's interesting that in the Graham Norton clip she jumps in and mentions Epstein of her own accord.

No one would ever have remembered that on one of the 5 times RG presented the golden globes, at one point RG made a joke about Epstein and the camera cut to CB for a couple of seconds.

Except for her mentioning it! And then she doesn't say something like 'I don't know him/I don't know why they cut to me', instead she makes this huge performance of pulling a face with exaggerated gestures, but when you watch it, it's not clear (for someone who is world renowned for their expressive face) what she's actually expressing.

Also interesting that after her mention of Epstein, RG's mind goes to Leonardo DiCaprio (as a pp said, another dirty old perv) as the celebrity he uses as the example of someone being relieved RG's joke about them wasn't that bad. Subtext from RG: there are waaaay worse things I could have said about LdC.

People give themselves away.
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I know right! This one did shock me.

This whole case makes me feel sick. Especially seeing people joking about it on Twitter, these are abused children there's nothing funny about it. And I think people denying their fave celebrities involvement is deluded, rich people seem to have a habit of exploiting and abusing people doesn't shock me that it extends to children.

My friend showed me a video a while back and it's not one I'll ever watch again. It was a guy who'd been involved in trafficking children and talking about what these rich people would pay for, including children's body parts and severe torture. It is all incredibly heartbreaking for those involved in any case. I think all should be exposed, but we know that they have the power and money to keep so much of it under wraps.
This is so sad but true. I'm no conspiracy lunatic but a lot of it really does come down to power and money, if you have that you can gag the media and the legal system by way of an NDA.
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The thing is I do think he trafficked girls and that wealthy people sexually abused these girls. But the information so far doesn’t really show the extent of it. Which isn’t a surprise because people that powerful always cover their tracks. A lot of it focuses on Prince Andrew and I know some people think he’s being used as a scapegoat but by using that term it’s almost like minimising what he has done.
There was a new report today about a young model who was on JE’s airplane’s manifest- Ruslana Korshunova. I’ve always been a fan of her so maybe that’s why this article today caught my eye. She unfortunately later killed herself at the age of 20 and was involved in a self help cult. There had been talk that Epstein used girls from underprivileged backgrounds and foreign countries. So potentially Ruslana would have been the perfect victim for him and it could explain part of why she ended up going to this cult. Which makes me think how many girls are there who crossed paths with Epstein who didn’t get out the other end? Who took their own lives or have fallen on bad times?
I don’t know, I’m probably not explaining myself well and I think I’ve gone off tangent here!
Im not that interested in all these lists. Surely the issue with Epstein, now he is dead and gone, is how to stop this abuse of power happening again.
you can go around and around in circles blaming everyone named in connection with Epstein, but the guy was never completely operating alone- other people did condone and assist him by not speaking out at the time. Epstein must have used dodgy deals to amass quite so much money and become so powerful financially. Why wasn't he stopped earlier?

And one of the biggest issues for me, is that if these ruthless men, like Epstein and Robert Maxwell, (linked because of Ghislaine) arent called out and stopped, then their behaviour becomes normalised or acceptable by those around them. So who do you blame? Ghislaine grew up with a completely immoral father, and then seems to have become the willing accomplice for a man like Epstein. Why did no one challenge her years and years before this, and point out that her behaviour was dubious at best?

The biggest issue is that most of us know full well why not. Money talks, and rich people get away with appalling behaviour that is both immoral and often illegal.

Rumours abounded about Epstein and his island for years. Most of the girls on there, were poor and desperate for money and attention. Prostitution is one of the oldest professions in the world. So far too many people just turned a blind eye to what was going on. Mud slinging names on a list now, seems sad.
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I’m disgusted at the number of people joking about who’s included in these documents, it’s about sexual exploitation of children??
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Scotch Mist

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I agree that this case should be used as a way to identify vulnerable people being trafficked and how to prevent it the future. But in regards to these names, if anyone is named for doing something illegal then that should be in the public domain. I’m not interested in a celebrity who once turned up to a fundraiser or a celebrity who’s he boosted about knowing. But if there is consistent claims that X person took part in sex with trafficked women, some who were potentially minor then that I think is of public concern. Especially as these are very powerful men and women, some who are involved in the highest offices in politics.
Actors aren't known for being fine morally upright people (even though they pretend to be by jumping up to support causes that are popular). I don't care who Leo Di Caprio sleeps with as long as she's over 18 and willing.

It's more concerning that politicians and law makers are involved in this scandal to me. They should be held to account if they are governing over us.
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Plenty without money or power abuse children but those with money get away with it. I'm always wary now of people who only work with children. obviously there is more to it than that but so many makes sure they are around kids
Thinking about it I could reel off 20 ponces I know irl off the top of my head. It's grim how many people are like that.
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I’ve made a couple of jokes and I wasn’t meaning to be disrespectful. I think it is just the fact that ‘the list’ has been a talking point for years that it has become the joke rather than people joking about what happened. Completely understand your point though. If it is true that all these people were actually abusing people then it is scary to think about.
“People” being children/ minors, they all belong in jail.
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Unredacted black book:

Genuinely wondering if this is all real? Only because one person is listed has a Cirencester address, however I noticed the dialling code was wrong. So I googled the address as well and it doesn't exist either.
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Well Tony Blair, if correct I’m not surprised dodgy fucker. Numerous names are doing the rounds, bill, Trump. Some say trump got Epstein bumped off.
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VIP Member
This is so sad but true. I'm no conspiracy lunatic but a lot of it really does come down to power and money, if you have that you can gag the media and the legal system by way of an NDA.
You can buy anything with enough money and power. I don't understand how sooo many of these celebs and public figures are ponces.

What is it about power and money that makes people want to abuse children?!
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