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Well-known member
Thanks so much for avoiding me the hassle - no judgement passed! Its mostly that I refuse to give them any views 😂

Im sure the hospital felt like a 5 star hotel compared to whatever hostels they stayed in Indonesia or even hospitals in Bali. Yet she was sharing a room with 3 other women so hardly a hotel experience.

No comments on the placenta. She's in a league of her own - how is that related to 'jesus' in the slightest?!

All babies know how to get to the breast 😂 It's bloody instinct. She must not have done that much reading to prepare herself for motherhood.

Apart from the umbilical cord, did Josh seem remotely excited to be a dad? Did he sound happier about the situation?
No problem, initially she was in a private room which is standard and oh I forgot Josh took the mockery on the noises she made 🤨.

That’s nice that she had the best possible care because if I was a midwife I would make sure every lady would have the best possible experience because you never know this can be their first and last time they give birth but I didn’t go into midwifery nor doula in the end.

Yeah most babies have that instinct but my younger sister wasn’t like that, I guess she just didn’t like being breast fed she seemed much happier with bottle feeding but that’s her.

The placenta thing is ……

I believe Josh is happy but at the same time I don’t understand why he mocks but hey Jas is the one that chooses to share her stories with the world and she said that she didn’t not get her water birth in the end but these things happen.

In my opinion she got more of a humanised birth and that means that she got what she wanted in her circumstances and her wishes were always respected by the professionals and that goes for vaginal and cesarian births.

What else can a woman want?


Well-known member
Not trying to undermine childbirth, but isn’t gas and air technically medication? Seems a strange thing to brag about.
I’ve seen a few women IRL even way before IG bragging about giving birth “completely naturally” and only using gas and air.
Gas and air does not remove the pain but still helps so it’s not really that unmedicated.
I don't know how you can go from having no cooking skills to suddenly doing all the cooking and cleaning. Also it's pretty hard to do while breastfeeding a very young infant and recovering from childbirth. My guess is either Josh is helping or they have her family or someone else to help. I'm not saying it's impossible the first few weeks with a new baby are hard for everyone. And breastfeeding makes it that little bit harder.

Going back to Josh's 'poem'. I hate how he says this is 'her dream' but not his?! How much more obvious does he want to be about this not being a wanted baby?! He's horrible.
I wonder if she has a post partum doula and is not sharing that detail?
Also you can tell she is kinda disappointed in herself that she didn't get her water birth, which is why she's probably hamming up the whole "unmedicated" stuff.
I think she's fully aware that she's kinda bragging and toe-ing the line of how much she can get away with, especially with the bragging about how she loved pregnancy and how well the baby latches.
I knew where this was going!
But who am I to tell others how they should feel?
Come on guys, can some people not be grateful that they had a safe birth surrounded by proper health care professionals?
There are now a lot of birth trauma stories going on now and I have been hearing this stuff for years!
Black women are apparently more likely to encounter mistreatment and I don’t know why that is!

Do people think black women are all stoic, immune to pain and can pop babies as easy as 1,2,3?
Whist it may be true in some cases, black women are no different.
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Well-known member
I looked at the wiki, and it's definitely biased towards Josh. Who cares about his father if the man isn't famous on social media? I was curious about Butler in The Buff; it's the same as working in a bar, but half-naked, and sex is not part of the job. So Josh was not a former sex worker @Jellyjam_

“Butlers in the Buff are booked to serve drinks, mix cocktails, and assist in a charming way with party games at events such as bachelorette and birthday parties”

“The main thing people may get wrong about the job is that we are strippers or adult performers”

“The rules for the butlers are clear, keeping strict boundaries between them and the revelers they are hired to entertain.

“You are not allowed to drink on site, you are not allowed to hang about and you are not allowed to socialize with the guests.”

Adam hints that some of his colleagues mix business with pleasure by flirting with the guests.”

We don't condone hate towards Jas and Josh through DMs, etc.; just report whatever you can, even if you were a former client. Reporting is your best bet.

Another thing to note about the wiki is that there are more testimonials that have not been included. It only says "Client 1", but if you dig through the threads, there are actually several clients of Jasmine Lipska who have come to Tattle to complain.
Hi I wanted to comment on your post on the last thread about Jasmine deleting a bunch of photos 100 I think it was.
Maybe we have said something and I noticed she deleted her pre YouTube photos and her pictures from secondary/high school photos because we mentioned how she was still bragging about her high school results.
That's not true, she's still trying to shill. I saw with my own eyes recently that she was looking for people to buy her coaching services for $10,000 and $20,000. Using false scarcity as usual. That's just one example.

If anyone wants to report Jasmine Lipska but hesitates, don't hold back, you certainly have consumer rights, and the link I shared above on August 7 is the best option as it is international reporting.

Anyone can use that link, really, even non-former clients.
Who’s gonna pay that sort of money?
I don’t think even A list celebrities would be willing to part with that much cash 💰 unless they got a recommendation from another celeb, I know this because former actress Allison Mack got involved in some MLM crap that was found to be a cult and she tried to recruit other celebrities and apparently Emma Watson ignored her or was simply not interested.
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Well-known member
So Jasmine says she used to have an identity crisis every 2 weeks before she supposedly found her way back to Jesus. This is the person who charged exorbitant fees to be a “life coach” to others. What the f*** could she possibly “coach” others on when she could barely get a grip on herself??!!
Oh I saw that, I forgot to post thanks for mentioning!
Lots of ex new agers say that when they find that the new age or witchcraft no longer serves them.
There are Christian witches does she not think we know that!
Also found it quite distasteful how he kept mocking Jasmine for screaming and crying. He was laughing about how she was drugged up and wanting to die. She seemed kinda uncomfortable about him revealing such personal things by the looks of it. Also kept saying how he got such a good night sleep whilst she was alone and struggling in the hospital
I knew he was going to behave like that but in Jasmine’s mind she probably thinks he was amazing, I think he was very immature and men like him should not be in those places.
There are more mature men out there!
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Well-known member
@Jellyjam_ Could you kindly add these two things as well in the wiki?

Jasmine Lipska: “A wet pussy is a magnet for abundance

- -

Could this be put under 'Unprofessionalism' in the wiki?

Jasmine Lipska lack of professionalism and inappropriate comments highlight her disconnect from reality and the business world.

Jasmine Lipska: “My pussy dried up at the thought of running a business this way 🫢.”

Ew…can’t believe Jasmine Lipska openly said this. She is so unnecessarily crass. She sounds so dumb. This is the same tone as the male equivalent of a guy saying “A hard dick (literally and figuratively) is a magnet for abundance.” 🤮 That’s one thing Josh Campbell never stepped down to. He never really used crass language to market his failed life coaching lol.

How is she going to explain this to her child when they find this? It currently goes against with the fake docile, stay at home wife persona she’s trying to sell. There’s load of screenshots that are like this that need to be added in the unprofessionalism section please.


Active member
I thought it would flow better there

Yep done sorry! I put it under "talking in a crass manner" and Christmas tree is in the nude sexual era section
Why not add the other 2 quotes and screenshots above to that section as well?

Jasmine Lipska: “A wet p*ssy (literally and figuratively) is a magnet for abundance

Jasmine Lipska: “My p*ssy dried up at the thought of running a business this way 🫢.”


Well-known member
Haha she is a scammer and does bad things, but the birth of a healthy child is always a nice thing. Maybe I'm getting too soft 😅
I have said tons of shite about Jasmine but also defended her on an occasion or two and her baby has nothing to do with her scamming.
She didn’t get the water birth she initially wanted as I can see in the picture but still it was a safe, natural and unmediated birth according to Jas herself.

Can you imagine if she had a traumatic birth experience or an emergency c-section?
She would be posting shit left, right and centre and we wouldn’t know what to believe.


How is she going to explain this to her child when they find this? It currently goes against with the fake docile, stay at home wife persona she’s trying to sell. There’s load of screenshots that are like this that need to be added in the unprofessionalism section please.
Yes, please @Jellyjam_ , sometimes it can be placed in more than one section. In this case, it can also be placed in the unprofessionalism section by introducing it like this:
Jasmine Lipska lack of professionalism and inappropriate comments highlight her disconnect from reality and the business world.

Also, please add/edit the 5 items I mentioned
earlier to the wiki.


Well-known member
What I don't get is what this history about our grandparents has to do with Josh who is generally an open minded 20 something year old, or Jasmine, who seems to relay on everything for him now. The most likely scenario is that she will want and have him there in the delivery room.

I don’t want to make assumptions about you because I can’t.

I don’t know your grandparents, their ages, previous or current attitudes

I get you are under 30 and forget about the grandparents for now ok!

Young doctors may have a similar attitude but at work they are not going to impose their views and experiences, I hope.

The other relative of mine I mentioned that’s deceased was not very old but older that you and his experience in seeing his former partner childbirth was traumatic and her behaviour was what it was and I am not going to say what he said.

If you took the time to read the sources you would find what I am trying to say and how some people in today’s age may not want to be in the delivery room or it may be best in some cases for the sake of the relationship/marriage and I even mentioned lesbian couples, can be the similar thing.

“knowing what I know” about Jasmine oh more than 100% she wants Josh there.

The thing is that I perceived Josh to be immature and I can be wrong that’s why I wondered how would he behave and take the situation and that’s something I don’t know I can only speculate.
In all honesty for the sake of Jasmine’s wellbeing I hope her delivery goes straightforward and Josh behaves well and doesn’t say stupid things.

Now to conclude the impression I got from your responses is that you seemed triggered but what I said in regards to childbirth and despite me kindly explaining as much as I could and it was not intended to offend anyone, having your partner with you clearly was important to you some people could not have had them around at the peak of the pandemic, not even their own mums which made new mums very lonely whether they have a partner at all or not.

Perhaps it might be a good idea to also look or listen to other people’s stories and it’s nothing to do with age and you also mentioned you have friends of different ages that have children and I would imagine they are are aged 24-50 which seems eclectic in the age department but I don’t know about experiences.

I think I have said everything and if possible I would like to kindly end here because at this time it’s not even about what I think how Josh will behave.

If you are triggered that’s on you.


New member
Anyone watched “Escaping Twin Flames” on Netflix? It’s the no. 4 tv show today and seems like it’s all about the scam coaching industry. Seems more light is being shed on this industry, I sense Jasmine pulled back because of how shameful it truely is and she was only making money from old YouTube fans not actual clients.. what will she actually do to earn money now with a kid on the way?


Hi @Jellyjam_, I also have noticed inconsistencies in the information provided by Jasmine Lipska. Also, it seems that you have incorrect details as mentioned before. Please remove the sentence about her desire and the following "instead" sentence from her bio. This will avoid any confusion for readers. Please keep the section about her pregnancy announcement and due date as mentioned before. In addition, it has been noted that only two paragraphs, one of which is the "desire" paragraph, have been added to the wiki, and most of the information from the last five to six months is neglected.


Well-known member
Sorry if I misunderstood but are you saying men shouldn't be in the delivery room? I am unsure as to where you live but that is pretty common and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I've got two kids and my other half was there for both births. It was great. I did not have a water birth but definitely would not have made a difference.
Hi darling, this is not my personal opinion it’s what some people say and sadly to some it was not a good idea, I am not gonna mention who as this person is no longer with us but let’s just say someone related to my family but not attached did not think it was a good idea for his future children because his former significant other at the time behaved in the way she behaved.

My grandpa helped my granny deliver one of aunties when they moved to a bigger town and looked after her sometime in the 1970’s and my granny was grateful because he’s not always been very nice.

For me personally each to their own, if the husband and wife are ok with this and he supports her or in case it’s a lesbian couple she supports her in this delicate time then I am 💯 with it.

I live in the UK and I am not very old nor too young either I know it’s very common here for husbands to be in the delivery room but not everyone is ok with this and I am sure if you ask your grandma or your great grandma (hopefully I have not upset you with this) or an older nurse depending on their ages and eras they will tell you this.

Your positive experience does not invalidate other people’s experiences so I hope I have not upset you in any way.
Each and every pregnancy and birth is unique some are positive and makes your spirits high others you just wanna say shut the f up!! I am not invalidating unpleasant experiences though, I just think that some people are just on your face.
The reason I made those points is because Josh seems immature and he might say stupid things, I once heard a student doctor that I am not going to name saying that he was so shocked with the delivery he made that he almost v*mited, I get it it’s not for everyone.

Also you’ve not touched on the rude treatment some midwives give to mum so I guess yours was positive.
The bikini idea shows that in true Jasmine fashion, you can tell she's meticulously planned and thought this through and is very much romanticising birth and motherhood. Ofc it's good to enjoy and anticipate and I don't want anything to go wrong for her but I hope she is prepared for the very real possibility of things not going to plan.

I think recovery and actually raising a child will hit her like a truck but ofc, she will portray everything as perfect. She won't have time for flowery dresses and pretending to be perfect like she always does. I also hope her mental health and support system is strong enough. Her body image issues is already a delicate thing for her and her body will never look the same. Someone noted that she's been making sure to let everyone know she's wearing size small so it seems she's quite sensitive about how big she's gotten when she shouldn't be worried about that.

She doesn't have any friends to lean on but she has her parents and sister so hopefully that should be enough.

I also think she will go back on her word about showing the baby once the lure of likes and engagement pulls her. Lots of influencers say the baby won't appear on their channel but they end up carrying the baby around and showing them even if the video has nothing to do with the kid. Connor and Liana, and Julie and Camilla are just 2 examples I can think of off the top of my head. Like they could be posting a makeup tutorial and the baby will just be strapped to them in a carrier for absolutely no reason but for more people to click on the video. It's so shameless.
Spot on!
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VIP Member
On page 5 of this thread @SerenityPlays already confirmed it. Definitely put it under unprofessional, doesn't matter what phase she was in, unprofessional = unprofessional. And if anyone can help find more unprofessional screenshots, please share.

She's also not using her flowery emoticons these days, I think, or hardly at all if I'm not mistaken.
I just found the source post from serenityplays. Thanks for the heads up. I'll put it there now.

I've put it under plagiarism of coaching career for now. What are people's thoughts on that? If people would prefer, I can put it in unprofessionalism but because I already mentioned Katie Wilkinson in the plagiarism section, I thought it would flow better there


Well-known member
Yep 100% called it. She's going down the evangelical Christian route and finally disowning her old woo woo ways.

Expect lots of Bible quotes, live laugh love tradwife content coming up! And I'm sure this time there will be some not so well disguised homophobia and racism hidden in the name of Christianity in true J+J fashion
I think we’ve got another Doreen Virtue here!!! She can believe in Jesus, be a non denominational Christian and still do Astrology, card readings, crystals and all that lot.
I've actually met Josh, before Bali, in the UK, when he called himself a health coach and had another girlfriend. He was doing the whole PT thing with close to zero experience other than the fact he trains himself. I laughed pretty hard when I found out he was a relationship coach considering he is had like 2 relationships his whole life, all 14 years of it 🤣

And I can confirm he was a huge flirt even when in a relationship.
Christ!!!! 😱
The fact you mentioned he said he had considered an abortion but she wouldn't makes it obvious he was put into a corner by her. What a great relationship to be in... :rolleyes:
What???? That’s got to be a really bad relationship and no fair on the baby but that me, I am against abortion personally but I don’t judge those who do and would never even dream of harassing ladies outside a clinic, their body is their choice.
The fact you mentioned he said he had considered an abortion but she wouldn't makes it obvious he was put into a corner by her. What a great relationship to be in... :rolleyes:
What???? That’s got to be a really bad relationship and no fair on the baby but that me, I am against abortion personally but I don’t judge those who do and would never even dream of harassing ladies outside a clinic, their body is their choice.
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VIP Member
And Ok says the queen of filters LOOOL
I guess we've been wrong about her family the whole time. She gets on with them just fine 😅😅

Interesting to see them meet Josh for the first time
Sorry I'm going through the old threads to update the wiki and I found this so funny and just peak Jasmine.

March 26: Jasmine says she hates filters
A mere 4 days later...
March 30: posts the most filtered, airbrushed video ever

This poor little baby. I genuinely am feeling so sad for this unborn child and the shit parents they're going to have :(