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Well-known member
Unfortunately for her, any normal variation of her name means the forum comes up. I think she'll formally change her name to Jasmine Campbell as it's a more common name and less easy to trace her past. Although it's nothing a little spamming and trail leaving on the forum can't solve lol
Just a thought Yasmin Campbell or any other variations of her legal name would be even better.
Looking at her daily follower graph for September, it appears that there has been minimal growth. The numbers have been fluctuating, possibly due to Instagram's efforts in tackling some fake accounts and bots.

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On a completely different topic, Insta randomly suggested her sister's profile to me haha, Jade Lenkowskii @Lenkijade, and it turns out she's in an indie rock/pop band called 7 Pound Halo.
View attachment 2450404

Good for her!


VIP Member
Yes, please @Jellyjam_ , sometimes it can be placed in more than one section. In this case, it can also be placed in the unprofessionalism section by introducing it like this:

Also, please add/edit the 5 items I mentioned
earlier to the wiki.
Yep done sorry! I put it under "talking in a crass manner" and Christmas tree is in the nude sexual era section (used the same link for both sections)

For the p*ssy dried up" post. I don't think Jasmine actually wrote that, I think it was Katie Wilkinson although someone please double check that. The style of writing and emojis used isn't like Jasmine although yes Katie Wilkinson is the blueprint for Jasmine's gross phase. I'll add it once it's confirmed :)
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Well-known member
I said in previous threads that when Jasmine would get pregnant she would want a dreamy water birth!

I was right however I am even surprised she is planning to have the baby in the hospital and not at home which is a wise choice in this day and age though, it’s also not a good idea for Josh to be there because the delivery time whether it’s in a hospital or at your house is not the place for the husband to be in and even male midwives will tell you that.

In the old days only the midwife, nurses and maybe other female companions would be in the room, in the mid/late 1970’s husbands started to appear in the delivery rooms because a lot of people started to move away from villages to the cities and without network support it probably made sense for some people for the husbands to be in the delivery room.
In commie countries such as Poland that probably didn’t happen until the 1990’s.

Good luck with that Jasie and I mean it because anything can happen and you may end up having a c-section, I hope you don’t have to have one but if you do don’t victimise yourself and think you are a failure because c-sections have been going on since the 1700’s sometime and before that women were dying during childbirth left, right and centre.

I also hope you get the best Professionals possible when you have your baby and by that I don’t just mean people with degrees, I also mean people who with professional attitudes because there are many rude nurses and it’s just not very nice at this delicate moment and there are many stories of rude nurses that made the mums birthing experience very miserable and women did not start to talk about it publicly until like 2019 and oh in Portugal where you were planning to live it seemed many midwives were sacked for that reason leaving a LOT of midwives vacancies to be filled and women having to give birth in hospitals as far as 50km away from home.

Rant over for now, I just hope Jasmine isn’t going to say any horrible stories for clout, she also said the baby girl isn’t going to appear on their socials without her consent but I wouldn’t be surprised if they changed this.

Do you guys know or remember Jamie Perkins and Nikki Toth?
Nikki said that Jamie tried to get her back and even got her sister to talk her into it when the views on his channel dwindled and Nikki said no because at that time she was too settled on getting a divorce and had probably realised it was all for views because people only used to watch for the girls really and most viewers were black or in mixed race of some sort.

An even more problematic channel is “This is so Iyah and Rafal”.
She is a biracial American girl aged 25 and Rafal is Polish aged 46, I mean it she’s worse than Jasmine.



Well-known member
I am not offended in any way. But you made a blanket statement saying 'It is not the place for the husband to be in', rather than mention this was your opinion (or that of a few generations earlier). My grandmother/father not being ok with something doesn't make it correct, specially not for this generation.
Hi again, I thought I had cleared the air on this.
I must stress that men not being allowed in the delivery room is not of my opinion and I reread and reread and I have not said this.

I don’t know how old your grandparents are but you are correct in saying that just because they may have had a different view at the time it doesn’t make it correct, maybe they have changed.

I wasn’t gonna share this but my grandparents are OLD if my grandpa was alive he would be 93 and my granny who is still here is 88, my youngest aunt is 51 and again yes my granny told us he was there for the specific birth of that girl when they moved to a bigger town.

Also in the generation before my aunt they didn’t use the word pregnant they used expecting and women wore super long dresses and coats some such as Queen Elizabeth II didn’t even appear in public, she only made a brief public appearance when she was pregnant with Edward and whore a long coat but we could see she was clearly pregnant but hey that was 1964 so things were getting relaxed and Grace Kelly covered her tummy with a handbag when she was pregnant with Caroline and those bags were reproduced and became known as Grace Kelly’s bag people at that time thought that everyone would know they had sex which is obvious, anyway I digress.

If you and your mates had positive experiences that’s great but not everyone can handle this and those people would probably like some respect too regardless of their age and situation.

I have some sources here and I am not making this up.

In communist Poland


I think the problem with my post is that I did not elaborate on the reasons why some people thought what they thought and why some men currently kind of think the way they do and would not want to be present during childbirth some are valid others are immature.


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Well-known member
I feel like she only went back to Jesus because she felt guilty about scamming people and wanted redemption. A clean slate before her daughter arrived kind of thing.
I think she did say that some time ago in the stories, what is she doing for a living now?


Well-known member
I've just had a look at that account and I don't think that's Alaya. That post belongs to a different influencer although the lady looked very similar to Jasmine.
However your point does definitely still stand. They are incredibly lazy about their "privacy" of Alaya. They've released her name, date of birth. They show their local walking routes and you could probably figure out the hospital she was born in too.

Like you mention, Jasmine has never even mentioned her dad and he's not on social media yet he's easily accessible online.

I think it's universally agreed that it's not good to show your kids online, I think J+J just don't care as long as they're getting that sweet sponsorship money
Oh crap! You are right I am so sorry to the said influencer.
I should have read the post below I got carried away and this other influencer looks similar to Jasmine on the side, similar hair and all.
Lady teacher if you are reading this post I am so sorry.

Jasmine did talk a lot about her dad, he seems a nice bloke and he was on numerous videos and spoke he just didn’t want to
show his face.
she even went as far as saying that she speaks like her dad but no, no he sounds like a proper man with a strong voice.


Well-known member
View attachment 2999831
Erm…yeah Jasmine Lipska/Jasmine Mary Campbell it wouldn’t be a great idea to have you be a teacher for children. Especially the times when you recommended to drink period blood, posted nudes, and simply couldn’t comply wearing masks during the height of the Covid pandemic 🤮 I wonder what her advice would be to Alaya would be if she did the same things. 🤔

Also remember someone in this forum said she had teenagers in her unethical scammy coaching/membership programs. Her desire to create educational program for children is sickening. Can already imagine her wanting to scam kids with coaching sessions 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼

This exactly. So this makes me super nervous for her desire to create educational programs for children. I swear she may be a mom but her thinking is stuck at adolescence, like using Alaya as aesthetic baby content for her fake ass brand.

Jasmine is still the same scammer, choosing views and $$$ over her daughter’s wellbeing and family.
Oh god, she would need to do A LOT of research and get it proven!
With her recent internet past I don’t see that happening anytime soon.


Well-known member
"I would say I am a Jesus believer" 😂 🤣

Nearly spit my drink all over my phone when listening to that. You are either a believer or you aren't. There is no "I would say I am" about it. He is hardly convincing.
Jesus was an irreligious Jew, people can study Christ, bible, Religions, theology and still don’t believe everything and choose to be a non denominational Christian.
He may admire Jesus but I think he just said just to please Jasmine and pretend he’s into the same shit she’s into.
Also the video was too long so I didn't include it but he does not seem excited at all about being a dad. Like he said he's excited halfheartedly at the end but he seems so anxious and unsure. Feel sorry for the guy at this point
Well, he was dragged into this that’s why I said what I said about Josh being in the delivery room and possibly say shite.

I personally would ask my husband if that’s something he would like, if he says yes then great, if he found it overwhelming I would understand he may want to leave and return when the baby is here and if it’s a complete not, that’s ok too.

I mean he better adjust himself into this and embrace fatherhood
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VIP Member

This was also unethical, so please include the bolded sentence:

Jasmine also got fillers and Botox herself as a teenager into her 20s, without ever disclosing it when promoting self-love and natural beauty on YouTube. Which in itself is unethical.
*Joshua Luke Campbell
Hi @JellyJam, thanks and good job so far! I typed this yesterday before your message above, but wasn't finished yet. Her family is part of her bio, Jingjing has a YouTube channel and a public Instagram account, was part of Jasmine’s videos and her sister also has public social medias. What you mentioned is insignificant as it is a part of who Jasmine is - akin to any other public figure or celebrity who has a detailed section about their family on a wiki page. This also took me time, just as you painstakingly searched for screenshots of her soft p*rn era.

I have a checklist of items that need to be considered, and I appreciate your help in adding them to the wiki. Thank you.

1. Please also change her name in the "How to report" section and heading “Jasmine Mary Lipski aka Jasmine Lipska”.
2. Please put "Jasmine Lipska" in every heading.
3. I've already merged @Teslaka's and @Mamol1's texts and some other user fonts with a few changes that I know off the top of my head, ready to be copied and pasted into the wiki (bio). Please read it, it's basically a timeline of things, see below.

Please include this image before the first paragraph of her current bio:

Please include this text after the first paragraph in her current bio:
Done and thank you for your help! I've included everything you've said and put it in the biography but changed the formatting a little bit to flow with the rest of it. Hope you don't mind!
Also the links for Jingjing's pictures weren't working so I've just included a link from an old post where it shows her before and after pictures. Hope this is ok.
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Well-known member
Saw this on reddit today.

Guess they're joining the many privileged people moving to Portugal cause that's where their money would stretch the furthest
This is very good, glad they are ending the Gold visas BS because homes are for people to live not to be left empty for no reason.

I also wish these vloggers would stop selling Poland as cheap and easy to live because I know that for someone on the minimum wage is not that simple this is not to say that you can’t have a nice in Portugal or Poland of course you can within your means I just wish people would stop selling those two and others to name as “cheap and easy”.


Well-known member
Thanks so much for avoiding me the hassle - no judgement passed! Its mostly that I refuse to give them any views 😂

Im sure the hospital felt like a 5 star hotel compared to whatever hostels they stayed in Indonesia or even hospitals in Bali. Yet she was sharing a room with 3 other women so hardly a hotel experience.

No comments on the placenta. She's in a league of her own - how is that related to 'jesus' in the slightest?!

All babies know how to get to the breast 😂 It's bloody instinct. She must not have done that much reading to prepare herself for motherhood.

Apart from the umbilical cord, did Josh seem remotely excited to be a dad? Did he sound happier about the situation?
No problem, initially she was in a private room which is standard and oh I forgot Josh took the mockery on the noises she made 🤨.

That’s nice that she had the best possible care because if I was a midwife I would make sure every lady would have the best possible experience because you never know this can be their first and last time they give birth but I didn’t go into midwifery nor doula in the end.

Yeah most babies have that instinct but my younger sister wasn’t like that, I guess she just didn’t like being breast fed she seemed much happier with bottle feeding but that’s her.

The placenta thing is ……

I believe Josh is happy but at the same time I don’t understand why he mocks but hey Jas is the one that chooses to share her stories with the world and she said that she didn’t not get her water birth in the end but these things happen.

In my opinion she got more of a humanised birth and that means that she got what she wanted in her circumstances and her wishes were always respected by the professionals and that goes for vaginal and cesarian births.

What else can a woman want?


Well-known member
Not trying to undermine childbirth, but isn’t gas and air technically medication? Seems a strange thing to brag about.
I’ve seen a few women IRL even way before IG bragging about giving birth “completely naturally” and only using gas and air.
Gas and air does not remove the pain but still helps so it’s not really that unmedicated.
I don't know how you can go from having no cooking skills to suddenly doing all the cooking and cleaning. Also it's pretty hard to do while breastfeeding a very young infant and recovering from childbirth. My guess is either Josh is helping or they have her family or someone else to help. I'm not saying it's impossible the first few weeks with a new baby are hard for everyone. And breastfeeding makes it that little bit harder.

Going back to Josh's 'poem'. I hate how he says this is 'her dream' but not his?! How much more obvious does he want to be about this not being a wanted baby?! He's horrible.
I wonder if she has a post partum doula and is not sharing that detail?
Also you can tell she is kinda disappointed in herself that she didn't get her water birth, which is why she's probably hamming up the whole "unmedicated" stuff.
I think she's fully aware that she's kinda bragging and toe-ing the line of how much she can get away with, especially with the bragging about how she loved pregnancy and how well the baby latches.
I knew where this was going!
But who am I to tell others how they should feel?
Come on guys, can some people not be grateful that they had a safe birth surrounded by proper health care professionals?
There are now a lot of birth trauma stories going on now and I have been hearing this stuff for years!
Black women are apparently more likely to encounter mistreatment and I don’t know why that is!

Do people think black women are all stoic, immune to pain and can pop babies as easy as 1,2,3?
Whist it may be true in some cases, black women are no different.
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Well-known member
I looked at the wiki, and it's definitely biased towards Josh. Who cares about his father if the man isn't famous on social media? I was curious about Butler in The Buff; it's the same as working in a bar, but half-naked, and sex is not part of the job. So Josh was not a former sex worker @Jellyjam_

“Butlers in the Buff are booked to serve drinks, mix cocktails, and assist in a charming way with party games at events such as bachelorette and birthday parties”

“The main thing people may get wrong about the job is that we are strippers or adult performers”

“The rules for the butlers are clear, keeping strict boundaries between them and the revelers they are hired to entertain.

“You are not allowed to drink on site, you are not allowed to hang about and you are not allowed to socialize with the guests.”

Adam hints that some of his colleagues mix business with pleasure by flirting with the guests.”

We don't condone hate towards Jas and Josh through DMs, etc.; just report whatever you can, even if you were a former client. Reporting is your best bet.

Another thing to note about the wiki is that there are more testimonials that have not been included. It only says "Client 1", but if you dig through the threads, there are actually several clients of Jasmine Lipska who have come to Tattle to complain.
Hi I wanted to comment on your post on the last thread about Jasmine deleting a bunch of photos 100 I think it was.
Maybe we have said something and I noticed she deleted her pre YouTube photos and her pictures from secondary/high school photos because we mentioned how she was still bragging about her high school results.
That's not true, she's still trying to shill. I saw with my own eyes recently that she was looking for people to buy her coaching services for $10,000 and $20,000. Using false scarcity as usual. That's just one example.

If anyone wants to report Jasmine Lipska but hesitates, don't hold back, you certainly have consumer rights, and the link I shared above on August 7 is the best option as it is international reporting.

Anyone can use that link, really, even non-former clients.
Who’s gonna pay that sort of money?
I don’t think even A list celebrities would be willing to part with that much cash 💰 unless they got a recommendation from another celeb, I know this because former actress Allison Mack got involved in some MLM crap that was found to be a cult and she tried to recruit other celebrities and apparently Emma Watson ignored her or was simply not interested.
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Well-known member
So Jasmine says she used to have an identity crisis every 2 weeks before she supposedly found her way back to Jesus. This is the person who charged exorbitant fees to be a “life coach” to others. What the f*** could she possibly “coach” others on when she could barely get a grip on herself??!!
Oh I saw that, I forgot to post thanks for mentioning!
Lots of ex new agers say that when they find that the new age or witchcraft no longer serves them.
There are Christian witches does she not think we know that!
Also found it quite distasteful how he kept mocking Jasmine for screaming and crying. He was laughing about how she was drugged up and wanting to die. She seemed kinda uncomfortable about him revealing such personal things by the looks of it. Also kept saying how he got such a good night sleep whilst she was alone and struggling in the hospital
I knew he was going to behave like that but in Jasmine’s mind she probably thinks he was amazing, I think he was very immature and men like him should not be in those places.
There are more mature men out there!
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Well-known member
Here is a picture of Alaya’s face if you go on this page is there for everyone to see!
What’s the point of hiding her face on their socials when her face is clearly visible as day on other pages and anyone can see?

If Jasmine really was concerned about her daughter’s privacy and well being then she shouldn’t be using her to get free stuff, she is capitalising on that baby.

With her father Jacek Lipski was different, he is a middle age man that doesn’t seem to be on any social media to this day however there is a clear picture of him on a event taken about a decade ago that’s about it, we tried to respect his privacy but it was inevitable in the end.



Well-known member
@Jellyjam_ Could you kindly add these two things as well in the wiki?

Jasmine Lipska: “A wet pussy is a magnet for abundance

- -

Could this be put under 'Unprofessionalism' in the wiki?

Jasmine Lipska lack of professionalism and inappropriate comments highlight her disconnect from reality and the business world.

Jasmine Lipska: “My pussy dried up at the thought of running a business this way 🫢.”

Ew…can’t believe Jasmine Lipska openly said this. She is so unnecessarily crass. She sounds so dumb. This is the same tone as the male equivalent of a guy saying “A hard dick (literally and figuratively) is a magnet for abundance.” 🤮 That’s one thing Josh Campbell never stepped down to. He never really used crass language to market his failed life coaching lol.

How is she going to explain this to her child when they find this? It currently goes against with the fake docile, stay at home wife persona she’s trying to sell. There’s load of screenshots that are like this that need to be added in the unprofessionalism section please.