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I just got an ad on instagram for what seems to be Josh’s new job

That account doesn't follow josh. Maybe he was just doing an advert for them?

I am curious to know what he does these days. Apparently he said he has finally made "financial achievements" and Jasmine keeps bragging about how she's able to take time off because her "husband provides". Plus their new apartment in Australia looks really nice.

Edit: he is working for a company called "transcend creative directing".

Also Jasmine is having a girl! I guess her spirit baby prediction was correct. She must be so happy lol

Also LMAOOO solid proof they did/do read here! Josh changed his linkedin from being an "Area Manager" to "Placement Student" after we called him out on it!!


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I wonder if she'll ever reach out to Courtney again now that she's back in Melbourne. Although I'm not sure if Courtney still lives in Melbourne, she seems to be living all over the place according to her instagram!
I think Jasmine has been snooping on here and realized when she moved back to Australia how bad and distant of a friend she was.

It was probably during one of the many sleepless pregnancy nights, she started to realize her lack of keeping in touch with girlfriends.

She commented on one of Courtney’s recent selfie pics on insta using her old account Jasminelipska. And apparently her old insta is where she follows “fam and friends” lol. Does anyone follow her old and now privated “Jasminelipska” account? Curious to know who she’s following on that account lol

Jasmine is so sneaky and ofc comes back into her friend’s life being sugary sweet and they seem to fall for it. She truly is a wolf under lamb’s clothing.
Also apparently her and Mariana are still friends? She gifted her a Thai massage which is nice of her. I think that's her only friend though tbh because otherwise Jasmine would've mentioned others lol. I wonder what she'll do when the baby is older and has to socialise and go on playdates since Jasmine is notoriously anti social
I still think it’s weird they keep in touch only on socials. It was probably their once every quarter virtually distant catch-up. Like when Mariana was travelling during her pageant days and was in Bali, and Jasmine was babyless living there, they wouldn’t even meet in person.

My guess is Jasmine @ her hoping for a repost on Mariana’s story so her huge following count can also follow Jasmine lolll
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Portugal is often seen as one of the poorer countries in Western Europe, having lower economic prospects. When compared to other major capital cities in Western Europe, Lisbon is viewed as more affordable. This might justify why Jasmine and Josh, who can't afford much, didn't bother spending more time in expensive cities like London - just 2 days, how short! Nevertheless, it's important to highlight that this affordability might not be within reach for the average earners in Portugal.
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Saw this on reddit today.

Guess they're joining the many privileged people moving to Portugal cause that's where their money would stretch the furthest
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Chatty Member
Has anyone taken a look at her "loving wife" club LOL. Absolutely nothing wrong with loving and respecting your husband, that's literally the point of marriage! But she takes it to a weird extreme where she puts the idea of the husband on a pedestal to almost be worshipped. It's super strange. She's definitely going down the brain dead tradwife evangelist Christian route with this message in particular.
I'm pretty confident he doesn't believe in God though 😂 :rolleyes: 🤣 :oops:
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Jellyjam_ said:
I guess we've been wrong about her family the whole time. She gets on with them just fine 😅😅

Interesting to see them meet Josh for the first time
Sorry I'm going through the old threads to update the wiki and I found this so funny and just peak Jasmine.

March 26: Jasmine says she hates filters
A mere 4 days later...
March 30: posts the most filtered, airbrushed video ever

Yes, that's when her parents came to visit her in Bali last year. Her mother has always been her biggest supporter, defending her scams online. Strange family.

yoni eggs
Couldn't find any Yoni Egg screenshots.
Link to sensual dancing doesn't work.
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Chatty Member
Yep 100% called it. She's going down the evangelical Christian route and finally disowning her old woo woo ways.

Expect lots of Bible quotes, live laugh love tradwife content coming up! And I'm sure this time there will be some not so well disguised homophobia and racism hidden in the name of Christianity in true J+J fashion
"after an experience with Jesus again" 🤣 😂 :oops: - what, like he appeared like the angel to the Virgin Mary??!
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Random thought: does anyone remember their joint podcast with the really stupid name? You , me , loving we? 😂 they acted like this joint project would be the the second coming of Christ! They then proceeded to only post 5-6 episodes and the last one was months ago.

Seems to be a common trait with both of them. Just really poor work ethic, no resilience. The path they leave behind them is littered with flopped projects and failures.

Speaking of poor work ethic, Jas has been gone for about a month now. I bet 573848% she has a burner account she uses for scrolling when her main account is on "hiatus". I wonder if she also takes clients and works during this time too? Their income situation is so weird and confusing. I really want to know how they stay afloat lol
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Well-known member
Hello everyone I have been away.

Not surprised to see Jasmine pregnant she’s 15/16 weeks pregnant of 4 months pregnant.

If she doesn’t use contraception it will happen even with “fertility issues” or whatever it may be preventing her from getting pregnant.

I know of a lady that never bothered to use contraception because she believed that with her medication and health problems she was never going to have children and she gave birth to a healthy baby girl at 46 without planning and only find out she was pregnant 6 weeks before giving birth and she’s been with the same man since she was 17 and they are now in their 60’s the health issues are still there but she’s very stable.

Whatever Jasmine and Josh do I just hope they don’t ruin the mental health of that child, start becoming sensible and ideally leave the internet or stay but have a minimal presence.

I have been on the internet for decades now and I have seen problematic leaving and have not returned ever since.

I wonder where some of them are.
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Lol I just realised, Josh always talks about being a masculine man and being strong yet he disabled comments on his deranged Barbie review. In fact he's always deleting comments or posts that don't get the response he would prefer. At least Jasmine kept hers on and responded to people. Josh is the very definition of weak, masculine beta male. Despite being a good looking guy, he seems painfully insecure in himself and his status and he's always overcompensating or on the defensive.
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Did anyone see Jasmine's testimony. It's literally stuff we've been saying all this time and only now she's woken up to it. Seems she acknowledged us too in a way about the critics and "dimming light". I find it so funny that she's been claiming her business was thriving but for the past 2 years, business was actually slow for her. Furthermore, she was questioning astrology the whole time despite scamming and making money off women. It's disgusting and shameful and I hope she repents for that.

Although I have to say I'm very glad she's woken up to that new age bullshit, but not really a huge fan of the fact she's into right wing extremist media to get her new viewpoints (like saying feminism is the work of the devil). Oh well, no one is perfect and as long as she's seen the fact that her former ways were wrong and she'll stop scamming, that's all I could ask for and the main reason I post here.

She said meeting her in laws was a wake up call to this new way of life and as we all know, Josh's family (or dad mainly) are well known and documented right wing extremists...

As long as she doesn't hurt, harm or scam anyone with her new right wing religious views, I couldn't give a damn about her new cooking and cleaning soft wife persona tbh.
Bullshit at it’s best!!!
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Chatty Member
Sorry guys, this new rebrand is just making me laugh it's so fake 😂😭 The sugar sweet accent has come back, "here comes the sun" softly playing in the background of this video, harping on about "modesty" and being a good Christian wife. I wouldn't mind any of this if it wasn't so sudden and disingenuous. How shameless can you be using religion for your own monetary gain and image rebrand.

Let's remind the audience that this lovely young lady was scamming women and whoring herself out in Bali with the rest of the shameless influencers not even a year ago. When that jig was up, she decides to have a baby for content. Let's see how long it takes before she's over sharing the baby in the name of algorithm engagement. She's all set for years of content!

Also, anyone noticed she barely mentions or shows Josh anymore apart from the odd deranged "remember to worship your husband" loving wife club post every now and again? Seems being married is not flavor of the month and she's rinsed that for all it's worth. Josh hardly posts too but I think that's cos he's got a job now.

He has an email linked in his bio. I wonder if we should let his company, wink models know the sort of guy he is and who they're associating with? Then again, he is a father to be and has bills to pay now since Mrs Campbell is now a tradwife so maybe that's kinda mean. What do you guys think?
I think he is posting less because for his brand there is nothing remotely interesting to post anymore now that he is in full time employment, doesn't have to 'hussle' and has a kid on the way. I have my doubts as to whether he is as happy with the situation as she is. I know he isn't a fan of religion either and far from a prude so that may cause friction as some point.

Whatever you do, make sure that if you say anything you can back it up with hard evidence or it'll be dismissed.
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Finally engaging! :LOL:. I have been quietly following your posts. Expressing my thoughts now.

Well, I think it's their choice and they seem fully aware of the discussions surrounding Josh. It seems like they want to prove that he is capable of more than what people have been saying all these years.

However, I can't help but have doubts about Josh's credibility as well. I mean, he claims to be a life coach, but there's something shady about his exaggerated experience. It's frustrating dealing with scammers like him and Jasmine!

Speaking of the "gold digging" lifestyle, I find it quite amusing. Maybe Josh should consider finding himself a new wife in Monaco if he wants to fully embrace that lifestyle. I bet there's a middle-aged billionaire sugar momma out there who would love to have a sugar baby boy like him! Lol. Anyway, instead of focusing on them, we should worry about our own lives, right?
We've always known Josh is money/clout hungry so that's actually no surprise. He used to strip for middle aged ladies and auditioned for love island so this guy clearly has no morals lol.

And yes you're right. I don't really focus on them anymore because they're truly pathetic losers who will never change
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So he went from targeting men to women to men back to women or both, I guess. Sucker! OK, OK. Is he a one-man company? I could even find my celebrity crush Rege-Jean Page's company on a government website, but I can't find anything about flat-earther Josh Campbell, can someone do a little sleuthing?
Joshua Luke Campbell the earth is round man 🌍!!

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VIP Member
Here is a picture of Alaya’s face if you go on this page is there for everyone to see!
What’s the point of hiding her face on their socials when her face is clearly visible as day on other pages and anyone can see?

If Jasmine really was concerned about her daughter’s privacy and well being then she shouldn’t be using her to get free stuff, she is capitalising on that baby.

With her father Jacek Lipski was different, he is a middle age man that doesn’t seem to be on any social media to this day however there is a clear picture of him on a event taken about a decade ago that’s about it, we tried to respect his privacy but it was inevitable in the end.
I've just had a look at that account and I don't think that's Alaya. That post belongs to a different influencer although the lady looked very similar to Jasmine.
However your point does definitely still stand. They are incredibly lazy about their "privacy" of Alaya. They've released her name, date of birth. They show their local walking routes and you could probably figure out the hospital she was born in too.

Like you mention, Jasmine has never even mentioned her dad and he's not on social media yet he's easily accessible online.

I think it's universally agreed that it's not good to show your kids online, I think J+J just don't care as long as they're getting that sweet sponsorship money
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She's been pretty open about having postpartum anxiety and baby blues. It's sad she doesn't have any friends to lean on although she has her family. (I remember her saying she wasn't speaking to her extended family during her insufferable sex phase but things seem to be patched up now).
She will soon be talking about sex life after having a baby.
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Well-known member
Also apparently her and Mariana are still friends? She gifted her a Thai massage which is nice of her. I think that's her only friend though tbh because otherwise Jasmine would've mentioned others lol. I wonder what she'll do when the baby is older and has to socialise and go on playdates since Jasmine is notoriously anti social
I wonder if she'll ever reach out to Courtney again now that she's back in Melbourne. Although I'm not sure if Courtney still lives in Melbourne, she seems to be living all over the place according to her instagram!
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VIP Member
Omg I didn't realise the Josh links had been deleted! Must've gone when I was reformatting. I've now readded them. Good spot!

Also I think I'd like to add a new section about Jasmine and her business are disingenuous, how her personality and business changes constantly to suit algorithms rather than help and benefit her clients. From going from sex positive liberation to her new right wing adjacent trad wife schtick. Can someone help me draft something up?
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