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Even with the child in hospital still pushing the products
Jezs can anything be private hes a lovely child but who wants to see someone else child colouring.
The soother really bothered me this morning. He was happily playing his game & not in absolute need of the soother. He should be encouraged to take it out when he’s talking so he can speak clearly.
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She's making an eejit out of her little boy. Filming him in pramsuits and flowery bibs. He's in preschool!
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Oh Jesus your one from BabyBoo is going to blow her top when she sees what Janette is planning 🤣
Oh she will lose her shit completely. And Janette will always do better than her because Babyboo are extortionately priced. €50 for a baby sleeping bag 🙄 give me strength!

Absolutely shocked and disappointed that someone with two losses like this would choose to share a gender reveal on pregnancy and Infant Loss awareness day.
It does seem to be in very poor taste doesn’t it. Like obviously it’s her news to share how and when she wishes but really it is a bit much. Personally I think gender reveals are completely tacky anyway. And why would you hijack your child’s birthday party for it. The mind boggles 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Another holiday ?! He must be the least busy carpenter in Ireland being able to take so many holidays. The markup on her little one suits must ne insane.
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I don’t like any of the new prints. I think they all look really cheap and tacky. And I had to turn her off the other evening with her shite about not being organised for the launch on time. You’re a business woman. Get your shit together and run your business if you are serious about it.
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Can someone please tell me the need for the drawstring? Are children up and down the country waking up with their pj's around their ankles???
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I think it’s a pet peeve of most people even those who have kids and everyone knows they aren’t little robots they can’t sit still all the time but the wild ones irk me. Bring books or colouring or even a tablet to keep them entertained if you can’t go without a drink in the bar 🤷🏻‍♀️
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So it’s basically like they pick plain suits and then your man opens up his microsoft word and pops on whatever pic he can find . The gaa one is shocking 🤣
That looks shit. I guarantee it will sell out though. I saw a comment from a follower the other day saying they were putting money aside each month so they could buy more of the suits. Like would you be that bothered, if I had to actually save hard for something it wouldn’t be €12-14 sleepsuits. Asda often has a pack of 3 zipped suits for the price of their single ones & the quality is as good if not better. I didn’t actually mind the few Little one suits I had but they’re nothing to rave about either & if money was tight that I needed to save for them I’d just do without & buy elsewhere.
It’s like a cult following that they have at this stage, really weird.
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VIP Member
Even with the child in hospital still pushing the products
Jezs can anything be private hes a lovely child but who wants to see someone else child colouring.
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Babyboo have lost the run of themselves and she is such a wagon on her stories always going on about costs and how they are going to raise prices and their prices are astronomical as it is. Now I did buy the bibs for my elder son and they are still perfect for his brother 3 years later so they got the cost per wear in my house but the clothing is completely overpriced for cotton clothing it’s just nonsense.
as for Janette, she’s turning into a right moan bag lately. Just my opinion.The next launch will be a pain in the arse as usual with everyone crashing the website to buy more cheap rubbish so they can match their children for Christmas photos 🙄
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She’s gone off on holidays, broadcast an empty house to 43k followers. If that house gets broken into her insurance could be invalid. Some companies were talking about not covering theft if someone publicly announced their holiday dates.
Where is she gone to now ?! So stupid to advertise 🙈🙄

Hate to be stuck next to her on a flight she has the most drone accent I’ve ever heard 💤💤😴😴😴
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my 3yo still has her soother & bottle for bed & sometimes in the evening if she gets hit with a wall of exhaustion or she would be wrapped around my legs whining while I’m sorting dinner. The soother & blankie are far safer than her standing at the cooker with pots & pans on the hob.
my eldest was 4.5 & old enough to understand it was tkme to give them up as I spent a few weeks mentally preparing him for it. My 3yo isn’t quite there yet so I’m in no rush. We still have a lot of bad nights with her so I don’t want to take anything that gives comfort. We were in little one sleepsuits until recently too but now her legs are longer they’re actually a pain for nappy changing.
we stopped with suits a couple of weeks ago & potty training finally clicked this week so it’s def pjs from now on for practicality.
i really wouldn’t judge anyone using bottles & soothers at this age, I know there are concerns about his development, she has addressed this herself & anyone with children with additional needs will confirm that some need things a lot longer than toddler years.
i just hope with all the sickness he’s been suffering with that she’s sterilising them & replacing regularly. Some tonsillitis strains are highly contagious & with other small children regularly in the house it could easily spread. My son picked it up from a friends child as a baby & suffered repeat infections for over a year, I got it from him a couple of times having never suffered from it before
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The pink baby soother on a big boy who’s nearly 4 and who is well able to talk - she’s a lazy yolk making a baba out of him 😳 its like four year olds in a buggy drinking juice from a baby bottle during the day- eh get them a cup 😬 really erks me. If he does have a delay even more important to get him off bottles and soothers- I get the bottle at night up to about 3 if they child is super attached but in all honestly there is really no need for it
I strongly suspect that soother is Robyn's. She admitted that Robyn had her soother til she was over 5, could even have been six. But it wouldn't surprise me if she still had the soother.
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Chatty Member
Now that’s just a bit too weird, Emma is old enough to be left off on her own🫣
Yeah I don't care how well you get on with your ex going on holiday with his Granny is so weird. I reckon it was one of those situations where someone invited her to be polite never expecting them to say yes and then she rocks up with the whole family. Surely her husband must think it's odd?
  • Haha
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He looks a bit too old for the leggings too. She put a comment under her last grid post that the bottles and soothers were going soon. Any chance the babygros would go too Janette??
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Is there a thread for the babyboo lady? She is on today giving out did anyone see her stories?
She needs one, or if we could just mix her in with this thread because they’re similar.

Babyboo cannot stand ANY criticism, she nearly blew a fuse when her one of their products(sleeping bag) had to be recalled. She’s very up her own ass about her products and thinks they’re the most superior on earth, if any business dares to have anything similar she’s salty because they’re “copying” her.
I much rather Janette at least she smiles and doesn’t have a miserable head all the time.
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Her new sample bib looks exactly like the littleboo bibs from Babyboo. Vicky will be going insane wait for the stories from her now about staying in your own lane!
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I suppose all for selling the clothes but they look ridiculous on older children.
They don’t have to live in the clothes though. I think Ali always did a nice mix between work stuff & regular clothes so her boys didn’t permanently look like walking adverts
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