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Why can she look after the neighbour and harp on like saint Jane about she would want someone to look after her family like that meanwhile Charlie’s mum is probably home some terrified and confused also why does she talk about older people in such a patronising manner and if her neighbour was my family I would be pretty pissed off to have her business talked about on youtube
That’s the first thing I thought, poor Charlie’s Mum! There’s already a comment on how wonderful she is 🙄
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Thank you 😊

Omg it’s horrendous 😯 if you’ve not got a high social media following you’ve no chance! I don’t even think Janes following is enough... the word “cult” is used... I agree! Awful ☹
That's the one haha sorry I fell asleep so early last night, don't have time for a nana nap every day like old Chins 😁 anyway it's so disturbing isn't it! These companies prey on vulnerable people and Jane indirectly preys on them too - she is only recruiting to get a slice of their profits, not to help people make money for themselves. She must know that they will make very little money from it as they don't have a 'platform' like she does. So basically she is lying to and manipulating these people and is just as bad as the company IMO.
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Just occurred to me, to you think 'Plain Jane Superbrain' thinks that by including protein shakes as snacks she can do her own Muscle Food plan on the cheap? Not much protein in a Pukka pie (and a whopping 30g of fat)

Have just checked out the nutrition for PPies 555 calories, also check out the reviews, the Gammons are clearly gourmet consumers! I think Charlie wrote the review of 23rd April...

Jesus the amount of saturated fat in that pie! It's probably more than Jane's recommended daily intake. Jane, we all know you read here - it's not all about the calories, it's about eating food that nourishes your body. You said you wanted to be healthy but shoving fatty, greasy food in your mouth is doing the opposite, even if you lose weight doing it.
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They’re still trying to work it out....they can’t remember their last weight, they can’t work out if they’ve lost 6lbs, 2lbs, half a pound but you can’t expect your body to work miracles, take your pick really.
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Love the title for the thread by the way and I wasn’t bragging about what I,ve got as I,ve literally worked me tits off for it 😂😂😂 over the years hence a double mastectomy. Was going for a recon but held back when I found out it was stage 4 so it’s chicken fillets or socks, whatever I can grab. What the fuck am I rattling on about !!! Think she,s really showing her true colours at the mo. Selfish to the core, greedy as fuck and a complete and utter control freak. Hope she reads this in bed tonight when she’s wearing her piss, club biscuit, tea stained Bon marche nightie, not that she,ll be bothered mind 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the welcome backs xx
You brag away 🤣 you're making me jealous though 🤣🤣🤣

Amy just nearly pissed her pants with excitement


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Oh christ she's had a whey protein delivery...She does realise that the 'bargain' she's got is only about 10 servings? Muppet.
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Unless there are start and finish weights shown with each of them actually on the scales and before and after photos there is absolutely no point in vlogging it.

She will just lie as per....
I know she talks utter pish. Even if she did lose anything she will have put it on with the amount of shite she has eaten since coming off musclefood although tbf she hardly followed musclefood properly. Bean deffo didn’t with his umpteen glasses of wine. If they were 100% serious about losing the chub, they would cut out alcohol (even temporarily while they lose weight) and not eat a full pizza for dinner! That pizza Chins had the other night was nearly 700 calories alone. And you know she wouldnt have cut her calories for the rest of the day to balance it out 🤪 bottom line is they aren’t serious about losing weight, they just went with musclefood for the free food and the payment they probs got for putting it on youtube.
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OK , thanks, I don’t really drink them so I assumed it was the real deal! Sorry Janeychins!
Yeah she bought 24 cans of coke zero the other day, it’s a far cry from when she started calorie counting though, she said she wasn’t drinking anything other than water as it burns fat now she’s guzzling Coke Zero lol
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Likewise. It was just stating a fact really.

Oh bullshit did she earn enough money from her pyramid scheme for that in one month. I'm sensing a lot of fake it till you make it and a huge amount of products purchased on credit all to give the illusion she's crushing it......
That’s true is typical of pyramid schemes to promise that superstar, #girlboss lifestyle. I feel like her Very account will be taking a beating (nothing wrong with it, it’s just the dishonesty). She loves to pretend that she is so high class and upmarket. She always says Charlie’s a manager, he’s actually an assistant manager hun. Also talks about his company car. Uh yeah it will be a pool car for anyone to use, we have them in my workplace 😂 does she think we just came out of our mothers?? I feel very ranty about her today haha.
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They must have dumped a bag of ready meals on the doorstep and left .she said they kept their distance "a visit from afar" she said, disgraceful the pair of them..

Daisy Duke's 😬

She's the breadth of the hallway ,we got an honest view point when she thundered down it to fetch her glasses..
Synthetic fabrics and friction....I'm waiting for her to burst into flames.

I wish these deluded, cringy muppets actually had an inkling of how pathetic they look filming content like this. It is quite stunning that bean is only 30 and chins a few years younger 😳😳😳😳 not only because of their looks, but how stupid and thick they come across. I don't like bean any more than vile chins, but I suspect he's one of these men who will act completely different when not in the company of the domineering wife. Because unlike chins, other people seem to like bean IRL? he just isn't allowed off the lead often. I do think he's been roped into her weirdness and now thinks this is the norm!
Agreed. He seems the kind of guy that will just go along with her for a quiet life because it's easier than dealing with her melt downs. Quite often in the vlogs he's sitting beside her answering her inane questions but the eyes are wishing she would shut the fuck up and let him sleep/watch tv......
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I'd love to see her with a "Karen" hairdo. We all know she films herself getting all demanding but then hides in the car when she sends Charwee in to do her dirty work! Remember yoghurtgate?!! 🤣🤣
And has the cheek to complain about customers like herself in Tesco!
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VIP Member
Just occurred to me, to you think 'Plain Jane Superbrain' thinks that by including protein shakes as snacks she can do her own Muscle Food plan on the cheap? Not much protein in a Pukka pie (and a whopping 30g of fat)

Have just checked out the nutrition for PPies 555 calories, also check out the reviews, the Gammons are clearly gourmet consumers! I think Charlie wrote the review of 23rd April...

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But yet she says she,s not bothered by these comments, so what the fuck is she going on about them for? .....I know another month on the sick is looming and she wants people to pity her, “poor Janie”. Manipulating narcissist

That is going to be my phrase now “ stop being such a fucking Gammon” love it !
How bizarre though. I've heard of people resembling their pets before but never a surname..
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