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VIP Member
I can’t even imagine how truly horrific that would’ve been for Yaz. Say what you like about their relationship and the rights and wrongs of going back with him (I know first hand how hard it is to extricate yourself from an abusive relationship when there’s still feelings there), she obviously cared about him and seeing him die in such a traumatic way right in front of her… well, I can’t imagine that the emotional scars that would leave would ever really fade.
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Lilly long

VIP Member
I thought his current girlfriend was holly she was the one posting with him most recently 🤷🏻‍♀️
Yes I thought that too .. and after Yaz saying he abused her threatened her with a sex tape if she left him and was opening up a womens refuge retreat for people in the same boat for her to go there again is beyond me.. and if none of it was true why did he go there again…his name was muck over Yaz.. absolutely toxic relationship and look how it ended..

Under the girl hollys latest lost everyone one is saying thinking of you.. so what was going on there…
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He is a scammer. I wonder how much debt he is in. Most of his bars have gone under quickly
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Telly Fanatic

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This could actually be a wake up call for James to grow up and settle down with Yaz after realising she could have died
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If that’s true which I hope it wasn’t as that unbearable to even think of, would she of been able to go and get help the way the DM says today. Would be devestating for poor girl if that was true.
I have never been in a situation like that so I can’t say but fight or flight is a real thing and when it’s like a life or death situation she probably had so much adrenaline and fear running through her she may not of realised how bad her injuries were or felt. I hope to god she didn’t lose her arm though 😢 it’s all so tragic.

Wonder if Georgia will retract if that is true..
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His family could have a lot of questions they want to ask her ?
Of course and she can do that respectfully. I just hope in a few months she’s not gonna be in the tabloids cashing in on this and I don’t mean that as in she won’t be genuinely upset devastated and still living with this traumatic event because of course she will and she probably will for the rest of her life but I know her mentality before the accident was very attention hungry so I hope she can steer her life away from the fake reality tv lifestyle
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I’ve a feeling from the way she’s expressing herself on social media the story will be - it was her understanding that her and Jake were in a relationship so it has come to her sadness and shock who he was accompanied with in the car during the crash… - even if this is the case (and I’ve not got a clue) it’s really bad form to be seeking attention in this way, if that is the story I’d 100% have stayed quiet due to being both angry and devastated at the same time but nah she’s full on looking for coverage across all media platforms!
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Active member
I've just watched eating with my ex. Gosh what a car crash they are. James might be crude and rude but he makes no apologies about it. He is who he is. Its Yaz I have the issue with she's clearly a very insecure girl, jealous and has no sense of self worth and his personality would only feed into that. She called his dad 79 times in one sitting because she couldn't get hold of James. She's still begging him to admit he was cheating which he never will. She said she was the man and woman in the relationship but also admitted to running his bath every night and doing everything for him. Their toxic dynamic will continue as long as yaz will continue to stomach more disrespect. He will continue their situationship till he meets someone else he really wants to be with. James said she became obsessed and i agree. It was telling that she said after 3 years the best thing about their relationship was that they looked good together. She's more obsessed about being a 'power couple' than truly analysing the reality of their situation. Also someone said she's not pretty... she looks awful on the show.... too much filler, lank hair and over inflated lips...all her interesting features have been completed erased. Sad.
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Lilly long

VIP Member
The irony..

View attachment 1124011

She’s proper ranting now, I get the feeling this is coming from jealousy at Jake and Holly as she’s been mentioned now too.

I did some Googling and found the story about the armed robbery he did with his mates.That poor woman has moved abroad and helps others now (and it’s not through a ridiculous luxury ‘retreat’/cash grab). Can you imagine going through something like that, She must have known what he’d done yet was still enjoying the lifestyle he gave her, bizarrely she’s now trashing. YOU WERE PART OF IT YAZ

I guess it’s ok when someone else is the victim and not you
I actually just screenshot this.. she’s describing herself to a T .. he was an armed robber who went in with guns and could potentially kill someone but that’s ok .. when Yaz was living off his ill gotten gains driving around in his Lamborghini.. lining up all the designer stuff he bought her for her birthday .. eye fucking herself in the Maldives.. she didn’t care where the money was coming from or who he hurt to get it and now suddenly she’s a expert on narcissistic people and domestic abuse.. she was with him for a few months in total here and there .. she’s describing the relationship as if it were years long.. and I’m sure she would be still going back only for he gave her the slap in public so she has to turn it around now .. she needs to sort out her own insecurities and childishness before charging people to help sort their lives out..
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Chatty Member
Someone was watching over her to make it out alive, god love his poor family and friends no matter what he has done this is an awful way to end up.

Really hope yaz can see how lucky she is and move on from the toxic lifestyle she’s stuck in. Also praying she doesn’t go down the route Georgia has so clearly done and try to cash in on a family’s grief.
Yaz has too much class and decorum to do what Georgia’s done she also doesn’t need the clout or money as much as Georgia does. I came on here after seeing Georgia’s recent snap chats.. the disrespect is real.. yaz isn’t even out of hospital ffs and she’s the one rubbing salt in her wounds not the other way round! Ok I’m bias always been a fan of Yaz but Georgia’s really pissed me off making it about her. I hope yaz heals physically and mentally from this, she’ll be traumatised and maybe suffer survivors guilt. Then she’s to read all the crap Georgia’s saying
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Tbh sounds about right for the typical parent of an abuser… ‘my baby would never…’
That'll be why he was a womanising peadiphilic woman beater then aye, they all have a mum in the corner cheering on their shit behaviour
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