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The other day she took on a job working with train line she said they always go on the train which is I big fat lie. she was given first class tickets and went to Gloucester on the train. She also said that she will be making a video about using the train and how much they love it she has been paid to use the train as she told the company she loves trains and always uses them.
Not only does she never normally use them, she choose to use them whilst there I still a risk due to COVID. I know we can't stay locked up and inside forever but for me with a young baby I don't think I'd have risked taking her just yet. 🤷‍♀️
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Brooke Davis

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Interested to see her talk herself out of this one because the filter is clearly making her legs smoother and slimmer. Hard to see if it's warping anywhere else because of the size of the clip
It looks like it on opposite waist but hard to tell because of the drawn heart!
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Carys is such a trendsetter, Kim Kardashian is even using Carys’ favourite buzz words to describe clothing 🤣
an ad just came up on my TV for active wear where the person called it buttery silky soft 🤣🤣
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I asked about jabs on the last thread as I'm sure Carys would have posted about them to influence others to get them done. most other people I follow have posted about getting them, especially as Carys makes out she's anxious about Covid (only mentioned after being called out for breaking Covid rules for ITS shoot) you'd think she would have had them🤣
I'm double vaccinated my partner doesn't want it I think it's a good
She can’t be serious
Is this not a fire hazard 🤔

View attachment 677619Ffs not train line again 😂
I did like Carys a few years ago but she just seems less and less genuine! When do they EVER get the train even when travelling far they always drive everywhere. I find it so condensing 'influencers' telling you what to do just because they are getting paid when they never do it themselves 🤣 next she will be advertising a trip to the moon
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Chatty Member
Sorry to be that person but what went down with Ambers name reveal? 😂😂 I didn’t follow back then!
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On the subject of jabs though you would have thought that with her parents being GP's that she would have definitely had them especially with her having contact with them and going away with them. Although not all influences are, not sure if any of you follow Charlotte Dawson, she said on her stories last week that she hasn't had hers and isn't sure she will be having it.

I understand it's a personal choice thing and if it came to children having it I don't think I would let my boys have it purely because we don't know long term affects, we don't know if it will ever cause infertility etc but in the mean time it's all a case of common sense. I don't drive and normally take the kids on the train during the hols but I'm not this summer purely because I'd rather be safe if I can be.
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James and Carys #12
Content is stuck in a rut, the only time they film outta the house is when James walks the mutt
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Carys is on some serious post partum body and body positivity bullshit. On her IG stories, she makes the weirdest faces. She thinks she’s being hilarious. But it’s kooky! Not cute, at all🙈

She continues to be lazy while James cleans, cooks, walks the dog, and takes Amber out for walks. When Carys does join the walks, and it’s hot outside, Carys dresses Amber in several layers of clothes while she and James are dressed in summer attire. If Amber is awake during the walks Carys wishes the poor child were asleep instead of enjoying the scenery. According to Carys, Amber is so advanced that she’s reaching for objects at barely 3 months old. When in reality, Carys placed the toy in Amber’s hand. Carys needs to support Amber’s head and back until she’s strong enough to do so on her own. While all mothers want the best for their children, let’s hope that Carys stops rushing Amber to the next phase. Simply enjoy and cherish the precious moments. Carys wants to blame #mumbrain but it’s really her bird brain that’s the issue.

She’s boring as fuck.🥱🥱 She has no idea what she wants her channel to be. She’s horrible at making reels! It took Carys six days to create a basic reel that most people could create in 1 hour. Amber was shown in the reel and the reel contained the lyrics ‘put my dick in your mouth.’ Carys still uploaded the reel knowing full well the reel contained lyrics not appropriate for children😖 Carys taken up woodworking and has decided to build a radiator cover. Danger, as she’s built the radiator cover with flammable material.⚠ Because her scatter brain is all over the place she’s losing followers. We wonder how she has so many followers anyway🤷‍♀️

As mentioned, Carys is on some serious post partum body and body positivity bullshit. Carys has a love hate relationship with her boobs. But, has no qualms about displaying her boobs at every opportunity. She needs to wear a supportive bra. Otherwise, she’ll be able to use her boobs as a winter’s scarf 🥶🧣

She launched another ITS collection and insisted that she wears a size 12. Even though, the ITS’ website listed her as a size 14. Carys says, “She’s a size 12, but wears a 14 because she has huge boobs.” No, boo, you wear a size 14 because that’s the size you needed it that particular dress. Truth be told, Carys looks like a size 16 or 18. But, we’ll let her come to terms with her body. No body shaming. It’ll give her confidence a huge boost if she would just admit her true size and work to get to the healthy weight she desires. Simply stop lying about being a size 12 🤦‍♀️

Now that Elle has had her baby, we’ll see Carys pull out all the stops to out do Elle. They are the true definition of frenemies. #mumlife

Here’s to hoping that Carys focuses on Amber, James, and herself!

Thanks to @heartonosey for the title with the most votes 🌼
Thanks so much for the recap! I can’t believe how quick her last thread went 😂
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I know right!! I’m a 32DD and a size 10 sometimes2 and I have to buy gymshark size medium! Her boobs are the size of my head and she has two of them! No way on this earth was she fitting those in a medium! It’s right on me!! :/
No offence to anyone and am not trying to be funny but I would say she more a triple xl

If I had guys speaking about me like that on Reddit, NO FUCKING WAY would I be sharing my innocent baby on my social media so frequently.
It’s all about the money money money she will do anything for it even sell her soul she is ridiculous she looks vile in most of the things she advertises and she does a really bad job at it no pride in her so-called work. Wish she would put in more effort

what an unbelievable dream, he barely gets 5 mins in the gym before he's called back home🤣
He doesn’t even have time to brush his hair yet alone anything else 😂. When you have lyche of a wife that sucks the living daylights out of you because of her immature pathetic behavior. She needs to take a leaf out of Elle book and give James some time to do his own things like go around a friends house to watch rugby instead of sitting on the sofa with her Sloth of a self looking after amber Whilst she sits there doing nothing. I do think until today her going to her friends you have never hear her say ohh am going to my sister for a couple hours with amber or anywhere it’s only since Elle had the baby she been trying to do 1 or 2 things. If wasn’t for the competition she in with motherhood with Elle she would be doing nothing amber is 4 months and it’s only a few weeks ago she attempted to do anything on her own. The only reason she’s going with friends is because Elle said she went to her sisters house with the baby and she was on her own as con also put up on his story that his having me time in the gym and GOD knows what ever else he usually gets up to.

View attachment 694949

A normal parent when hearing their child “screeching” would pick up their child and comfort them. Then there’s Carys…grabs camera to film, tickles the child hard as fuck, laughs and asks the infant why they’re making noises. Ugh! Pick up Amber. She’s probably tired of being in the same position! Especially, with all that sensory shit over her. Give the little sweetie a sensory stimulus break. For the love of ice cream, take some of those hot clothes off of Amber🤦‍♀️ Damn, Carys, you’re either dumb as fuck or play that role like a champion.
Dump as F**k of course she will have the camera out it’s content the well-being of the child is less irrelevant than her making money. Amber doesn’t come first which is really really sad 😞 herself and Money comes first it just shows how maternal she is with amber I do feel sorry for that child the connection isn’t there at all or she just blind sided by money.

I’ve taken my 18 month old out for the day and they were a little shit the whole time. Knocking off the perfume displays at Zara, running off in every direction possible. Currently screaming in their cot and won’t go to bed. I’m just sat giggling thinking about Carys and James dealing with this in just under a year 😂
WHY IS AMBER STILL SWADDLED. Isn’t that child cruelty?
I have to agree with you that seems very cruel to treat amber that way yes when shes a new born but not now. Can you imagine how stiff her joints must feel she can’t even get to look at her hands feet etc or move them her parents oh my bless the poor baby she can’t even stretch in peace without being forced in a swaddle I just don’t get it after all there research that by now she shouldn’t be swaddled. For me it’s also apart of her development and recognising her body parts because we don’t know how long she will be swaddle for wouldn’t be surprised at 1 years old then pinning her down to do this.

and regards to amber being active like your baby GOD help them they will be loosing the plot wouldn’t be surprised if they keep her in a car seat strapped in so she cannot get out in the house ridiculous 😞 they so seem that type.
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Another transformation going on! Next video Realistic hallway + radiator transformation pending 🙄

That wheat basket she’s got does not look great in my opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️
Woohoooooo I can’t wait that’s just gonna make my weekend content of the year amazing carys so fun to watch 😩
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VIP Member
They used to have great content but it's all so repetitive now.
> body positivity
> walking mila
> ramble about nothing
> film Amber
> ramble about nothing
> body positivity
> walking mila
> ramble about nothing
> 'here's one I made earlier'
> body positivity

Exactly, even yesterday's weekly vlog had a 10 to 15 minute section on all the hallway stuff which she unboxed in the previous vlog 🥱 and that vlog literally went up the day before 😂
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I’ve asked Admin to make the change. Thanks for catching that 🌼
Hehe thank you x

as annoying as the leg pop is to look slimmer, I really hate her lifting her head up and back to try give herself a visible collarbone and get rid of her chins too 🤣🤣
It also creates a much bigger contrast when we see the candid photos taken by James!
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Guys I cleary know nothing about babies that’s exactly how I was holding my friends 3 month old when I met her :oops: She didn’t say anything (the mum haha not the baby) so I assumed I was ok! It wasn’t for long though.
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Chatty Member
View attachment 698849
Gymshark should cancel,their sponsorship! She is so SLOPPY in her reel ADs. Even, her captions don’t no what the fuck she’s trying to sell/buy? I’d never purchase anything after watching Carys. NEVER!
To be fair I think the captions are auto generated and don’t always pick up accents very well 😂

yes I thought this pieces were flattering on her, but some people do think you shouldn't say people should only wear flattering clothing🥴 I don't see that as an insult or shaming, because I feel way more comfortable in things that actually flatter my shape compared to things that don't (e.g. I'm pear shaped (but with big boobs), and crop tops and baggy tops look ridiculous on me😂😂)
Exactly! Annoys me when people say you shouldn’t use the word flattering 🙄🙄 I mean come on not everyone wants to show every lump and bump! People are WAY too oversensitive about the whole diet culture shit IMO
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