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VIP Member
I can’t seem to understand How he got my details they must have told him .
He also sent me that message early this morning so they must have told him about it this morning . It was 7 ish he sent that message so if they did tell him he’s literally jumped on me from them telling him

so unprofessional
No wonder he had his arse in his hand this morning. He MUST have had some kind of warning or been advised as to his behaviour. Creeping up and filming a woman through a glass toilet door whilst loudly speculating what bodily function she was performing is indefensible. They MUST have had to address it with him. There was video evidence on his own Insta, it wasn't speculation. Might have been as casual as "We know you meant no harm but you really shouldn't do this, ok?" But he will definitely been "advised" about this which is why he's SO pissed off.
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Chatty Member
They are obviously hoping one of the minions is in that trade and will cut them a deal.
wouldn’t it be nice to go on holiday plan weddings and live well without spending a penny or earning it through real hard work ?!
It’s not enough that these fuckers get thousands for doing FA ! They also want work on their house and the wedding for free or a fraction of the original price.
noticed he promised to reply to every message then just did a copy and paste Job on about 10.
A lot on here started off liking him but I’ve detested him from day 1 I was
Never under any kind of illusion about the nasty bully narcissist Jake truly is.
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He films constantly when no one else is, and when clearly no-one else wants to be filmed, he's un utter prick and I agree with whoever said it earlier they're tolerating him for now, I give it a week MAX before he's in a hotel 😂
I wonder how many of his new colleagues will be making complaints to their bosses about his behaviour and filming them!
Yeah definitely see him moving into a hotel in a weeks time!
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Jake we know you read here so here it goes: I’ve heard pissheads in a backstreet Blackpool pub in sing more in tune than you. Leo doesn’t like it - he shows no reaction to it whatsoever. I’ve more chance of sprouting a pair of wings and flying than you have of getting a record deal. It’s fucking embarassing at this point, just stop.
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That baby will never see colour in his clothes. White on white on beige on black on grey. SO boring!!! Get some fucking colour on him he’s a BOY not a doll!

That baby will never see colour in his clothes. White on white on beige on black on grey. SO boring!!! Get some fucking colour on him he’s a BOY not a doll!
p.s jake you’re a shit parent
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I've never posted anything here before, love a good lurk though! But filming the girl through the toilet door just proves how horrendous a human being his is. Literally no boundaries and actually humiliating her if that's legit. I don't even know why I am surprised, he's just the worlds biggest untalented arsehole
I reported that. Vile behaviour
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Please stop filming for a second and then wipe your babies nose!! His tongue is trying to wipe it .. call me old fashioned but I’m still from the generation where I wipe my kids faces before a picture that will be on display what’s the difference in wiping his nose before filming him for thousands to look at its basic!! Even better stop fucking filming him dick head
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Ooh morning Jake, finally got caught up on tattle have ya 👍 mentioned about how they don't do messy play with the bairn because of the mess marring their show home look, and he gives us a tour of all of the stains and says about how having a kid means your house is never clean and tidy. How about jake, instead of filming it all, get some stain remover (washing up liquid is fab for stains) and give it a wipe up yeah?
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Didn’t they also say they didn’t take Fred to Ibiza cos he was in school but they were taking him away in half term? Pretty sure it’s half term this week. If you’re going to continually lie, don’t live your life on social media and if you do expect to be called out on all your BS.
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Chatty Member
Engaging with Leo on the floor today… my my Jake are you trying to be a parent. The trick is to turn your fucking phone off, you useless square haired wanker
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He just doesn’t get it does he.

let me spell it out.
Firstly. You weren’t looking after your sick mum and having to leave her, in fact you were young with no commitments. You are currently in Panto on day two and already nearly having a breakdown over not seeing Leo. Same thing except you get to FaceTime him.

secondly. Australia isn’t freezing cold

Thirdly. He didn’t really want to do it, he’s doing it to pay for his mums care, you would have done anything back then to be famous. Even mr Cowell said so


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Deleted the pic of Leo looking like a scruff because he came on here and saw us slating him. Tell us you read tattle without telling us you read tattle

Commenting on the pic from his sons account is ultra weird too. He’s beyond sad
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Nice to see the lazy cunt is out of bed before midday for once! Glad little Leo is out and about getting some fresh air. Of course Jake has to get his “candid” photo 🤢 Could this prick love himself any more?! Also why is Leo constantly wearing Vans when he can’t walk yet. They really are a pair of thick cunts
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It makes you wonder how she managed to bring Freddie up. I think jake is just such a petulant brat she just lets him get his own way for some peace
Because Freddie’s father is the better parent. Clearly. Certainly better than Jake. To Jake, Leo is an accessory. Used for content to cling on to his fifteen minutes of fame which ran out years ago
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