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VIP Member
The latest post on his grid 🤮 considering it was meant to be for a baby clothing shoot they sure took a lot of topless pictures just of themselves 🤦🏻‍♀️ Yet again saddo so desperate for his engagement rate to increase, he’s commented from home account, baby account and even podcast account.
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Chris Hughes doing a q&a and Jake has asked how big his Willy is. He isn’t going to shag you Jake no matter how much you pretend it’s a joke.
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Jac In The Box

VIP Member
He just doesn’t get it does he.

let me spell it out.
Firstly. You weren’t looking after your sick mum and having to leave her, in fact you were young with no commitments. You are currently in Panto on day two and already nearly having a breakdown over not seeing Leo. Same thing except you get to FaceTime him.

secondly. Australia isn’t freezing cold

Thirdly. He didn’t really want to do it, he’s doing it to pay for his mums care, you would have done anything back then to be famous. Even mr Cowell said so
Like others have said, he’s the first to cry troll & call people nasty, wankers, dickhead etc if they attempt to disagree with him or call him out🙄 but he can slate & ridicule someone else for ‘bants’, running that poor guy down & slating his music😡 You’re a big fucking cry baby who begs & pleads for people to download your shite songs🤢

Jealousy is a disease Jake, get well soon🖕🏼
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VIP Member
he isn’t depressed. He’s a lazy attention seeker who got caught out
He’s clearly been reading here recently - bringing up the plug socket covers and now justifying being in bed til mid afternoon. If (and that’s a big if) he’s depressed and doesn’t want to get up, that doesn’t excuse that poor baby being left in bed all day watching TV with his useless cunt father.
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He’s bought that toy purely because it entertains his kid without him doing anything agreed. Leo garbles at the toy and it garbles back. He’s such a lazy fucker. Isn’t he off to panto this week too? Can’t really get out of that since he’s plastered all over the posters
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VIP Member
He’s an actual disgrace with the comments today. He won’t apologise though as it’s just ‘banter’

Jake prefers to bully his mum for laughs though I guess.
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Quick repost it, didn’t get enough likes the first time. I mean ah Instagram deleted it for some reason
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New member
This! Because when I messaged him recently he said I'm not gonna block you, and straight away I thought nah mate cos you don't wanna lose the followers, so I unfollowed anyway!! 😂
I commented about him never having a friggin shirt on, he just replied "blocked" but never did, so unfollowed myself, the prick
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VIP Member
Hahahahahaha you ruin your own career (I say that lightly) with your massive ego, inability to take any form of criticism.
Get in the bin.
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Tulip lady

Chatty Member
ironic ….: Jake taking the piss out of naughty boy on im a celeb saying he will cry if nobody buys his music 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Absolutely pmsl
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Chatty Member
He's going to miss Leo so much. Not Freddie then no? Obviously couldn't give a shit about leaving him for weeks. Freddie is probably relieved. He'll get to bond with his little brother and not have a phone shoved into his face constantly because although Sophie is also an influencer, I don't think she's as bad as Jake is in terms of thrusting her phone into her kids' faces.

Also, there is no way Leo is advanced. Why do these women lie to him like this other than to hope they're noticed?

And they have marks all over their settee from Leo? Well duh. He is a baby. Most people clean their settee when it gets grubby because of children. They don't just leave the stains and then film them. Common sense dictates that you don't have a fabric settee when you have kids anyway. As for the coke stain on the carpet, who leaves coke to stain like that? And who leaves a glass of pop within the reach of a baby????

Brains in his pants clearly.
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Chatty Member
I've never known anyone to "parent" their child like they do,the kid is never dressed properly,he's kept in bed for hours and hours at a time with no stimulation,they feed him in bed, they never take him out to do anything or go anywhere, its just bizarre and selfish.Ive said it before on here but a child NEEDS to be exposed to normal experiences outside, going on a bus, walking in the woods, even going in a trolley when you go food shopping, going to the park, even just going out in the garden and letting him touch the leaves etc.this week is half term, they could have gone somewhere with him to expose him to new sights, sounds and smells.i genuinely just don't understand how they think staying in the house all the time is good for anyone
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If the volume of stories from within that house slow down dramatically we'll know that someone has complained. I agree, he'll be in a hotel within a week blaming his anxiety when really his colleagues hate him and demanded his removal.
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Feeding his boy…quick glance to the phone to check…then carry on. It’s all a performance, isn’t it? Poor kid.
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Chatty Member
So has he messaged your on Instagram? Is that how you complained to the theatre?

You know if he gets sacked from the Panto it’s all going to be the trolls fault 🙄
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Sunny Jules

Active member
Sophie and Jake showing us their new, smart and trendy clothes. Leo looking like a beige soggy dish cloth. It makes me feel sad! Much nicer clothes around for him to wear than the Bambi and Bear oversized boring clothes they talk about.
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Jac In The Box

VIP Member
So instead of spending quality time with his fiancée & kid(s) before he goes away for 8 weeks, he chooses to go out to sheesh with his mates & their partners🙄 Their relationship isn’t healthy at all, I’d bet money on it. You can tell he’s went out because Soph was out last night, I hate people that do that!! He’s so petty & that kind of behaviour is so wrong😳 You would only do that if Sophie was going too🤦🏼‍♀️
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