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How are they going to have any space up there 😂
I remember her saying about having a proper dressing room. Most walk in wardrobes are bigger than that, let alone a proper dressing room 😂. They’ll be happy as long as there’s a full length mirror in there. Looking at how small the doorways are, I’m surprised they even fit their heads or overinflated egos through them 😉
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OMG, he must be off his tits. He's sweating like a pig on a skewer!!!

And what the fuck is Polly Parrot doing sitting on the floor like that in front of everybody filming him!!!

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Jake getting all wet over people screaming over Him
It’s a charity event not his own show obviously people will be friendly and cheer him on 😂😂

Hes so sad it’s hilarious 😆 polly is obsessed with him wierd as fuck

Imagine making your brothers cancer story all about you prick !!
My god he seriously can’t sing have you watched the video it’s so bad honestly 😂😂😆😆
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No point talking to him let alone saying 'cuckoo'. He's not paying ANY attention whatsoever to you Flapz. None of my children were like this which makes me feel he's either partially deaf or he's really got some problems and needs looking at. Do they still do that 2yr milestone health check? He really needs looking at. Pronto.

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Now he’s shared her story where she says about everyone asking for an encore 🤢 and sharing stories where people are saying how nice he is 🤢 does he think by sharing strangers who have met him once saying he’s nice, suddenly he’s going to get inundated with work? Does he not realise it makes him actually look totally self obsessed that he feels the need to do it especially while he’s still actually at the event 🤦🏻‍♀️ All it shows is how much he’s got his head stuck up his own arse and that he can’t even leave his phone alone for a few hours whilst he’s meant to be promoting a charity and not himself 🙄
Definitely opened my eyes up about Polly Parrot tonight. WTAF?? You couldn't be more unprofessional if you tried. What a joke. Flapz, this is a VERY BIG red flag for you girl!!! 😂

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They really are fucking vile sorry but they disgusting!!! So Freddie’s party only happened because she grabbed herself a FREEBIE again …. Is that all she does now get freebies for her kids because they too skint to pay themselves!!!! Beggy bastards 🤢 why oh why do these companies say “ celebrities “ they ain’t celebrity they are barely z list that’s why they are both jobless FFS 🤦🏻‍♀️


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How can he put up a birthday post about Freddie but make it all about him? You can tell that every shot he's selected are the ones of himself that he likes. 😡 Freddie is gorgeous and it should have been all about him with ONLY pictures of him (and maybe the odd one with Leo).

Anything to invite likes and comments about what a great stepdad he is to his "bit" of a stepson 🤬🤬
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Shes definitely heading back tomorrow because he said her Mam had the kids for the night and we all know her Mam doesn’t mind Spud much so I doubt she will have him for two nights.
Flappy is probably ok with that though as im sure she think’s going to an OK even that she has now reached Influencer fame, Eh no Flaps OK mag has really gone down with the dregs of zelebrity like the scum and the fail.
Enjoy youre one night out 🫶

Also why is she covering her drink? It looks like water?? I hope shes pregnant, my god she wont know what hit her if she has another baby now 😂 fingers crossed she is 🤞View attachment 2001837View attachment 2001840
Jake is coked off his nut. The bong eye is back. Dirty druggie
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He must hear something different when he ‘sings’ to the rest of us. He’s not even a pub singer at best (no disrespect intended towards pub singers 😉). Bad enough he’s sharing peoples stories saying how wonderful he is but that last story he’s put on with him murdering that song 🤦🏻‍♀️
Why is Polly filming that? Is she planning to use it as some sort of audition reel for him or keeping it for personal use? Also why has she got someone taking a picture of her filming him? The whole set up is fucking weird. He’s going to be tired after 3 late nights this week. All charity events but somehow as usual he’s managed to make it all about him and not the charities he’s supposed to be supporting. Wonder how sarcoma will feel when he drops out the marathon? After their response to his disregard to protecting his skin in the sun, no sympathy for them at all. They should choose their ambassadors more wisely 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Total gaslighter. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve had words today about his lack of effort for Fred’s party. I still say couples in genuine loving relationships tell each other to their faces not publicly on social media. If you’re saying it on Instagram you’re doing it for engagement and to make yourself look good. He may ‘love’ her but if he was ‘in love’ with her he’d keep it private between them and treat and speak to her better than he does.
Literally this! Don’t remember the last time I posted a pic of my partner and said love you because I tell him everyday. I don’t need to post it 😂
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So the prick got the job but talking it over with Sophie.Meaning I’m going to fuck off as usual and leave her to bring the kids up.He’s such a gross smug twat and once again no top on he really makes me feel🤮🤮🤮🤮
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Have you ever known anyone keep sharing photos of themselves from a minor film premiere that happened 2 days ago? He knows he didn’t make one news or magazine website showing him there, so next best thing is to keep putting it on his insta. The insta account that has posted this has literally posted everybody that was there and he’s still right at the end of their stories and I bet all of them haven’t picked their picture out and posted it 🙄 More taking the attention away from Fred on his birthday 😡 He is such a self obsessed cunt. I mean he actually thinks he looks good in that hideous suit and those horrendous clod hoppers 🤢


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