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Jake wants the best bits of being a parent. Like the praise if the kid does well, Father’s Day presents, cute pictures for his content. He doesn’t want to actually do any parenting. Sophie will be the one teaching him to walk, talk, toilet, read, write etc and then Jake will jump on with how clever chicken nugget is as if it’s down to him

It’s not the first time he’s said to Sophie what do you do all day. If I was her I’d tell him to be a stay at home dad and get her beauty business back up and running see how easy he finds it then. He can’t do that though as he needs public validation constantly and can’t just quietly look after his own kid
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The King of Cringeville.

Imagine being forced to work with this twat all day? The tragic thing is, Jakey is beside himself with joy and thinks he can bask in his glory. Chris is famous for little more than Jake but he has a side to him that is naturally likeable. It is so awkward to watch. How tragic is it that Chris is everything Jake would like to be? And how does Jake not see that he irritates the life out of Chris?
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Philimena cunk

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At this point I think he’s so desperate to be famous that if they did a celebrity hunger games and only one person survived I think he’d still enter. He would literally do ANYTHING, it’s so cringey
He'd let himself be pegged live on national TV if it made him famous, sad cunt...
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So they are driving a car with cameras in, wonder what it is.

Chris told him not to shove his phone in his face at 7.30 and at least wait until 9am. Does he listen. Does he fuck.

Also, him trying to give Chris tips on getting ripped. Chris has been more ripped before you Jake he’s probably been too busy working to live in the gym you twat.

Jake is desperate to make him and chris and ‘thing’ like he was with Kem. Not going to happen. Chris gets PAID to spend time with you Jake
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So first thing this morning we’re treated to the blobs disgusting bogey nose and poor Fred in an unironed school shirt 3 sizes to small. Cunt🤬
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well that’ll teach me for watching his stories whilst eating my lunch 🤮 did NOT need to see that much of nanny qvcs body
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Jake Quickenden trying to act like an expert, in any capacity, is laughable. I think he is the thickest bloke I have ever come across. Jake, if you’re reading this, and scoffing: my husband has postgraduate degrees in physics (literal rocket science); I have postgrad qualifications as well. I’m enjoying my Sunday afternoon while occasionally dabbling in a bit of Tattle for light relief. You’re whoring your family out for pennies.
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When you think he can’t sink any lower, he does. I have never ever known anyone who gets off on sharing grief like he does. He really is a despicable excuse for a human being. Karma is a bitch and I await the day when it catches him up. Jake you are a cunt 👍🏻
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He probably shares all Sophie’s photos of Leo because 1. He’s never there to take any of his own & 2. He has a lot more followers than her (I know a lot are fake but so are hers I’d imagine) and he is totally the type to then brag to her, he gets more likes or feedback than she does 🤦🏻‍♀️
Leo is obviously going to prefer her and Freddie over him. Even when he’s home the only time spent with Leo is through his phones camera. He is a shit dad and that’s not trolling, that’s being honest 🤷🏻‍♀️
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VIP Member
Jake wants the best bits of being a parent. Like the praise if the kid does well, Father’s Day presents, cute pictures for his content. He doesn’t want to actually do any parenting. Sophie will be the one teaching him to walk, talk, toilet, read, write etc and then Jake will jump on with how clever chicken nugget is as if it’s down to him

It’s not the first time he’s said to Sophie what do you do all day. If I was her I’d tell him to be a stay at home dad and get her beauty business back up and running see how easy he finds it then. He can’t do that though as he needs public validation constantly and can’t just quietly look after his own kid
I actually don’t think he is capable of looking after Leo by himself. He couldn’t manage a few hours when Sophie went to the hairdressers that time without having a strop and that was before Leo was up and walking. I mean I know he’s ‘working’ but he’s not even looking after him while Sophie’s on her Hen, his mother is. I bet her Hen was arranged purposely at that time so he didn’t have to look after him. I don’t like her and if I’m honest I think some of her parenting skills leave a lot to be desired but at least she does actually do some form of parenting. What does he do apart from use his child for content on Instagram 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Who writes these replies lol he has weird followers.Wonder if a woe me post coming he is so irrelevant and I’m loving it 👏🏼👏🏼

I no has to make it about him .Can’t just private message her idiot.What’s with all the !!!
“Thank you for sharing your journey with us” lol wtf ? These bots are obviously malfunctioning!!
All that message is ,is fake being a passive aggressive prick and trying get people to feel sorry for poor Jake who’s stuck at work and with the kids to sort …oh no wait ! He’s not doing either

There’s nothing Loving or genuine about these pair and if there were then that message Would of Been sent privately !

I cannot BELIEVE he’s using th death of his cousin for content I really can’t he’s a disgusting piece of shit and if I were his cousins family (who actually saw him and made an effort) I’d be fucking reeling.


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He’s a thick bastard isn’t he .Just reading threw the thread as been out for lunch with my daughter :) .So he not spoken to the family in years but probably would have known he was ill? Gets a photo of the poor girls Instagram who he only followed yesterday and puts on his story? Replies to her calling her mate like wtf she’s a young 20 year old call her by her name you ignorant pig.He needs to go sit in a dark cave sort his head out as is not normal how he gets off on others grief and no way will Lisa tell him she’s so far up his arse it’s ridiculous 😡
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The fact he shouted that she’s not got to deep throat a can of sprite is so disrespectful. My kids would never say something like that to me. VILE!!!
Who would even think something like that let alone say it to their own mother ?! Wtf !!
I doubt very much that any of his past lovers needed a deepthroat for that tictac !
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