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Chatty Member
Has anyone else had the thought of he's a feeder and making her put weight on as certain shallow people of the public when he leaves her or cheats again will understand why?
That's always been my theory, I mentioned it one of the past threads. She never had a weight problem until she was with him. He's very enthusiastic about buying her junk when he doesn't eat it himself. Same with those ugly white chunky sandals he bought her, he's trying to turn her into a man repellent.

Most cheaters are very insecure and always accuse their partner of cheating. They can't believe that there's actually people in the world who wouldn't cheat. So in his warped mind he's taking measures to make sure no other man finds her attractive.

I'm not in anyway saying she's unattractive because she's gained weight, I'm just guessing that Dan probably thinks feeding her will make her unattractive. I think she looks fine, it's her personality that's off.
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Haven't been on this thread for ages so it's probably been mentioned but I find it quite sad how Dans always posting about Teddy and Mia but you rarely ever see Ella, there's clearly some favouritism going on there .
He probably finds Ella as annoying as I do
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She looks really sad in that picture. You can see it in her eyes.
why are they moving anyway?
He’s had quite a few infidelities whilst they've been at that house. Idiotic logic these people us is fresh house fresh start. I once dated a guy who I then found out had a long suffering partner. When I found out and told her what he’d been up to she was more concerned about what cars I’d been in (most importantly had i ever sat in his brand new expensive car) than what he’d done for the past several months 🤨🤣 anyways he had to replace any cars i’d ever sat in and that clearly made her happy as they got married six months later as part of his apology. These girls always think a new car/ house/ holiday/ baby/ wedding will press the re-fresh button on their toxic relationships. I’ve heard he’s back to his old tricks since they got married. When she finds out they’ll probably have to get a new house and renew the vows 😂
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The fake laugh she does in front of Dan...i have an ex sister in law who did that infront of her mentally abusive boyfriend. Fake laughing and putting on an act....not fooling anyone
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He can feel free not to have it in my opinion. What a daft c*nt. Seriously, the guy flogging £1 sunglasses and humping anything that moves doesn't believe in vaccines - what a surprise.
Willing to give oral on a night out to two grotty birds but worried about what he might catch from a vaccine. Nothing worse than what you’ve probably caught countless times before Daniel 😂😂
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How stupid is his response ‘if i got a big dog and didnt introduce the girls to it first I’d get stick and if I drive them 8 hours during a pandemic to see it i get stick I literally cant win whatever I do’ how about....... you dont get another dog (?!?) especially a big dog that needs tonnes of exercise seeing as you got two dogs last year, and a third dog the year before that you got rid of when you couldnt cope with it.
If his job now is supposed to be this scammy business driving up and down the country all day and Jac is so lazy she doesn’t work out in the gym in her own GARAGE then how is the dog going to be walked for two hours a day by either of them??? Just isnt going to happen is it. Add to that Dans a really aggressive guy despite him thinking otherwise we have all heard the voice recordings to his ex, and seen his videos when he’s been accused of cheating or breaking rules he doesnt hide his anger well at all. The dog (with naturally aggressive tendencies if not raised in the right environment and household) is going to have a combination of an aggressive impatient bullying owner, a load of loud screaming girls, two little cockapoos, lack of exercise and mental stimulation. Not to mention in the three years theyve been married theyve broken up how many times? Even last year she moved in with her mum and dad. Who will look after the dog when theyre having their latest screaming match/break up? Absolute recipe for disaster. The girls and the cockapoos are at real risk of being attacked when the dog snaps through no real fault of its own. It’ll be entirely jac and dans fault
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He’s not attractive in the slightest. And more to the point he’s a dirty filthy cheating scumbag who would sling his rancid penis up any hole he could find. She really is a brainless doormat. Stupid stupid delusional girl.
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This has made me so happy!!

His language, attitude and aggression show what a truly awful person he is. And he kept saying he was normal in his rant 🤣
Sooner or later something will happen and his aggression will get the better of him and then all those people that brushed how he spoke to his ex under the carpet and harp on about what a nice guy and a great dad he is will have no choice but see him for his true colours.

I very much doubt the police are investigating them but the fact that the story isn’t just disappearing is great. Tacky jackie can try to ignore by her shit giveaways all she likes but it’s out there ha!
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Okay I caved and watched it. A few things

1. I don’t have kids so I’m allowed to be a member here apparently? 🤣
2. She can only pray for us 🤣🤣🤣 I’d rather be me than you Jac taking back a cheating husband multiple times and having kids just to try and keep him
3. “I don’t understand why you follow” I don’t follow you hun
4. “No one knows who you are” she says that as if I want to be famous, I’m happy being a nobody thankyou

Also the fact she is sat there saying she can’t do home schooling because Mia needs entertaining then just letting them both run riot while she’s sat on her arse swearing and ranting at the camera

piss off Jac
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liar liar

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And to think his grandmother recently passed away! He probably gave it to her. I hope they are given a fine for their bullshit.

I don't think I want to know but what does de-barked mean??
It is a procedure where a dog's vocal chords are cut so it can't bark. It is illegal in this country except for one or two breeds which you can check-up about via a vet website. All vets abide by these rules. Katie Price's dog was complained about by the neighbours when she was renting in Ashtead as she often left the dog, Blade, outside for long periods of time on his own. Someone had him de-barked and he sort of squeaks now which is barbaric and ridiculous as he is supposed to be a guard dog. I hate anyone who does this or clips dogs ears or docks tails. Just screams thugs to me.
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This girl honestly fucking winds me right up... Article from daily mail today where she looks 'incredible and vows to embrace her plus size body'. Sure the photos are still photoshopped love and she's hardly fucking plus size without photoshop. Jesus she just needs to step away from the editing. And how many times has she said she's gonna embrace her body??🙄🙄 Idiot
The funny thing is, the Daily Mail print those photos saying how amazing she looks and yet tomorrow they will be printing ridiculous unflattering photos where she looks 3 sizes bigger. It’s as if they don’t realise it’s the same person!
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Have to laugh at her bringing Dan to a hotel in Belfast. Last time he was in a hotel in Belfast it was definitely not with her 🤣🤣
She is parading him around like shes won some husband trophy!!! Jac, yea he is good looking, but you need to remember he cheats on you all.the.time!! You are not the winner here.
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So apparently they've been cleared of breaching coronavirus restrictions. FFS - no wonder people aren't following the rules when the Police investigate obvious breaches by celebrities and then never take any action. People are rightly starting to wonder why on earth they should adhere to such restrictive rules when 'celebrities' don't and get away with it.

I've supported the restrictions all along but I'm genuinely getting to the point now where I'm starting to question why I bother.
I'm going for a 8 hour drive now to visit some puppies because I can
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View attachment 339843What on earth are those dresses?! (Hidden Ella’s face for privacy). Are people really going to go out in those?? Maybe as a nighty yes, but £20 for a child’s dress that looks like that...just wow! £20!!
She’s had her fake tan, make up and hair done and still looks absolutely awful. Who in their right mind would buy that?! You’d have to be clueless and drunk. What was the brief for this dress exactly? “I want it in pastel lilac polka dots in like a fabric that looks static and highly flammable, and if you could do lines across to emphasis my armpits and my crotch but make it really puffy around my arms and waist area so it looks like I have no shape to my body whatsoever. Also could we have the length not midi or mini but right at my knee to make my legs look at fat as possible.” If the brief was to make the most unflattering dress possible they have nailed it 👌 For the love of god people stop putting money into the hands of ITS to mass produce this absolute tat.
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It's scary isn't it.
I’ve no issue with her being thick its more to do with her labelling Dan’s repeated cheating and complete lack of respect as normal relationship ‘ups and downs’. Such a shit example to others. Reality is her entire relationship is built on lies and deceit and if she’s happy then brill but she should pipe down and keep that toxic mess of a marriage private. If she wants to keep taking him back she can’t be shocked when he keeps cheating, and if she wants to make a complete tit of herself on the front covers of magazines she can’t grumble when people make an opinion of her and her wally of a husband!
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If you think about it he probably sees that Ella is the reason he doesn’t live with his son and he’s stuck with Jac... obviously we know it’s bullshit it’s the fault of him and Jac! I imagine in his head Ella is the catalyst that took his life in this direction...
He did call her a mistake after all
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Haaaaa!! Been seen visiting his PR girl in Wilmslow has he. Ohhh how hilarious!!!

Also they have two not very well disciplined or educated little screaming children running riot in the house, two little cockapoos, (oh and one disposed of husky that they couldnt be bothered to exercise and got rid of after less than a year) and now theyve gone and got a Rotty that require two hours of exercise a day and are very active otherwise they become destructive. Add to that if they arent mentally stimulated and exercised well each day they have natural tendencies to be aggressive. They need consistently firm and patient discipline and obedience training neither of which those two thickos can provide! I literally cant believe they are getting another dog and people will say ‘ohh they can do what they like people mind their own business’ 🙄
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