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I walked up to my sisters every other day (only 10 minutes away, to be fair), for 7 months, with my washing in tow, so I could save for a new one when I was on my arse with terrible credit and no other option. Also, washed stuff in the sink and wore things probably a day past their best (as well as pyjamas a lot on days off!). Not crying about it now seems like another lifetime ago. Still, I haven’t got all the poverty diseases on top of SEVERE ADHD/SEVERE AUTISM, to constantly remind me. Or the enormous clutter of poor choices in spending now to haunt me of my bad choices.
Our boiler broke, and for over a year I washed in cold water on a morning as there was no one about to do what you had to do to have hot water (see below). We also had no heating.

To have hot water you had to have someone with the boiler cover off, you turned the water on and shouted tap on , they moved a peg and shouted boiler on, when you had enough you shouted boiler off please, they then moved the peg, shouted boiler off at which point you could turn the tap off. The kids thought it was a great game and were amazed other people didn't do this for a hot bath. How crazy is that? And we just used to sit wrapped up in blankets on a night to keep warm (couldn't have afforded to put it on if it had worked)

In the end our son told my mother in law (an amazingly wonderful women) when she came to baby sit. She was an astute woman and tackled me about it as oh would have said it was fine.

She rolled up next week with an envelope of cash and told us a buy a new one, I was so lucky that I had support like that many don't
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I’m so disgusted by Jack now. It’s all been said but I’m sure we all know people who’ve had it way, way worse than little miss bullshitter who had a well paying job and had a brief stint in poverty that she now monetises, exaggerates & uses to get kind hearted people to give her money so that she can avoid having to get a job.
People move on, people accept shit happens-Jack’s whole persona is just such a massively entitled spoilt brat and that’s why she goes on & on & on & on. Loads of people have had & still do have it way worse than her, yet make an effort to move on, have a laugh, help others.
Lazy fuck. How she can sleep at night knowing the money she’s taking off others could be going to the genuinely poor when she’s perfectly capable of working for a living I will never know.
Repulsive, self pitying, egotistical, brat charlatan.
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I stumbled upon Jack through her kickstarter (which was a shambles and should have warned me off-but so are many other kickstarter projects). I can see how people get sucked in to the narrative as from a distance, in the heavily curated world of tweets that don't get deleted, all is well. Someone mentioned this site in her comments and I've been blown away catching up through the past threads and am really frustrated that I have supported in the past and its a lesson in not believing everything at face value for me.
We are in the middle of what could have been be her defining career moment (although it seems she has had many in the past and keeps blowing them) and all she seems to be able to focus on is herself.

Passing quickly through dissapointment to anger.
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It says a lot about this thread that I got back from a day out, saw 13 pages to catch up on, and thought, "Ah, quiet day for R Jackie."

PS Those facetune disasters will haunt my dreams.
Babes same

Thanks for the good wishes. We have all had a lovely day, and a socially distanced reception afterwards. Very full of lovely food and drink now and tired, so I may have to go and have a good sleep!
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Chatty Member

Empty envelope?

I could do the same, most my letters from the bank don't get opened due to checking the app 🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member
I suspect the top tweet is the reason Wor Jackie back-pedalled to the squiggle and apologised.

Or am I just being cynical, m’lud 🤔
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Chatty Member
For some reason it's only just hit me today how little she actually DOES.
I don't mean for charity or whatever, I mean literally, what does she actually do all bloody day apart from tweet?

I wear a green uniform (find me, woman, I will be waiting) and I've met a lot of truly incredible people over the last six months who've pulled together and created real communities, it's been humbling to see so many people come together as a force for good.

Meanwhile, Eliza Do-Little over there can't even be bothered to boost her local foodbank using her frankly baffling number of followers.

Annnnd finally, in the course of my uniform wearing I have seen things. Real poverty and genuine despair, the kind of shit that is imprinted on my memory forever. Her "trauma" fakery is really just mocking people living in truly desperate conditions, it honestly turns my stomach to think of her believing her own lies in her comfy three bed home.

On the drama triangle she's utterly static.


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Her Trussell link has had over 50 donations since she shared it this afternoon. Prior to that, aside from one yesterday, was 26 days ago and then 2 months ago. Look at the positive impact she can have when she focuses on it.
A genuine 👏👏👏
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Phew, these threads move fast. Had to do an IncyGunka to catch up.

I wish I believed in Karma. Having watched many unworthy people prosper over the years, and kind generous people go unrewarded, I don't.

Jack will hoodwink enough people to keep her in the manner to which she is accustomed. It is unlikely that she will ever be properly held to account for her outright lies. I console myself with the knowledge that whatever Jack does, nothing seems to make her happy. It might seem terrible to be pleased that someone else is miserable, but unless she changes she doesn't deserve to be happy. I suppose that her continued unhappiness is Karma in itself. 🤔
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My dad was quite poor growing up he never speaks about it much but I remember growing up when he was home (he was a tramper so was away most of the week) he’d let my sister & my brother have friends over and he’d always make sure whatever we had for tea there was extra to take home for them if they wanted, my brothers friend used to leave with cottage pies and all sorts. We didn’t think anything of it at the time, It was only a few years ago he told us that he knew my brothers friend’s family were struggling and he let my sister & I friends over so it wouldn’t be obvious what he was doing.
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Tabitha D

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Bit of a tantrum last night maybe? Taking her frustration out on the furniture?
I just KNEW that she’d be ditching the “£20 shop”.
And it’s all falling apart a bit on Twitter isn’t it. Her whole “career” has been built on writing recipes to prove that you can cook on a budget. Except now she’s saying it isn’t?? She’s tying herself in knots, none of it makes sense, and she knows it.
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If she accepts money from someone on a "low pension" she should be ashamed of herself. She once said (more than once actually) that she disgusts herself. That disgust is well placed.
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I am desperate for someone to ask her WHY she is flipping her tits.
Everything she has 'campaigned' for is finally getting a huge audience.
Fair enough, it wasn't free school dinners, because she never mentioned or showed the slightest interest in those before.
But people living in extreme poverty is.
She is getting traffic to her recipe page and the ad revenue that pulls, the tip jar is getting spanked like a Tory at Eton, her books are selling.
I do have an AS disorder and a lot of things fly over my head without even ruffling my hair, but what am I missing?
It can't just be that her name is not attached to Marcus. Can it?
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Thanks 😂 I know, doesn’t it? It’s more of a late-night, illicit activity, not a cold light of day / the club lights come back on and we’re all blinking occurrence. Gah, I’ve been pashing with YOU all night?! Ohhh-kay.
We’re all doing the early morning walk of shame to the new thread 🥴 I haven’t even had a cup of tea yet!
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A whole thread passed without me getting the chance to post! But just wanted to say, agree with everything being said as per. I honestly do not think I have heard of a more narcissistic thing EVER than Jack not being able to sleep after re-reading her own article. Genuinely jaw dropping that one. Then for her to post (yet another) filtered beyond recognition picture and say it's down to some cheap face cream. Unbelievable.
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