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She is speaking as an unelected, self-proclaimed, spokesperson of the poor. Well I am poor and I do not want her to speak on my behalf, thank you. There are far more qualified people, with far greater and more varied experiences, who are much more eloquent to take center stage. They do not make it all about themselves, they are inclusive and give a voice to those that are disenfranchised. We don't need to hear the same old, very old, Jack back story, everyone has already heard it and could probably recite it verbatim.

This time it is thankfully not the Jack show.
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Just to highlight how absurd adult baby Jack is, a few weeks ago we were on spin class instructor Jack (ft. someone else’s teeth - whose are they?!)

View attachment 283924
By saying "I don't look like this now" is she implying she looks good in that photo? 'Cause I would say different. However, she didn't even look like that when the photo was taken. It's photoshopped to buggery.

ETA the teeth are Red Rum's
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Oh my lord I had never seen those niche tweets as I just dived in without a Grunka!

I love how she refers to cooking with canned goods as 'her thing'. It just shows what a gimmick this poor me cooking on a budget schtick is for her.

She hates people calling their experiences 'a story' but it's okay to refer to it as her niche or her thing? Get to absolute fuck.
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Haha sorry to disagree with you again, nothing personal, but she'd be an absolute nightmare trying to run a cafe. It takes organisation, a certain degree of humility, actually being able to make appetising dishes, and most importantly HARD WORK, none of which are Jack's specialties.
Look, I'm tired and I'm angry, and I've spoken about this before, both directly and emotively. I've even used some emojis. You can't see it behind my shining eyes and beaming smile, but I am dead inside. Let's agree to disagree

Hahaaaaa I just made a noise and had to sit down after typing that

@Veronicaaa You can disagree any time, because even though I know you are not Julia Luis-Dreyfus, my crush is real
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First post, been lurking since DKL. I first came to this site after reading about JM’s pile on of That Man, thinking what an entitled brat she was and googling her. Anyway, just wanted to say what a brilliant job you’re all doing, you regularly make me hoot up a lung. Also, I spotted this first thing. Since deleted
Haha poor old Jack in her massive house, desperately attempting to relive her 'glory days' of when she felt she had some relevance. It's all very Norma Desmond isn't it? Also welcome, @Chudney

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Still grunking along. I have to agree Marcus Rashford writes beautifully. His tweets get to the heart of the matter and displays a lot of heart too. He genuinely cares and instead of making it all about himself, he uses his platform to fete the other people working hard alongside him. He is the perfect person for this job. Jack is a broken record who has never made a positive change happen politically because she won't move with the times or explore the issues more deeply. Also she is still so obviously self serving. I hope Kirsty keeps chipping away.
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No, wasn’t me replying to Strickland. If I ever do, I think it would have to be in a blaze of glory. A photo of Jack eating diamond encrusted potatoes, or revealing that SB is a child actor she’s been paying in questionable bowls of blue porridge all these years.
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Jack: I don't do nuffing!

also Jack: I "hoot" at Sarah Vine's curtains. but I'll say nothing at all on a day when a 22 year old footballer is collating resources to help children eat. so socialist. much work behind the scenes. 🥴
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She is truly awful. I have her blocked on Twitter. For the very reason that I’d go nutty with her.
I grew up really poor. The stories I could tell. No proper coat in winter etc etc. Food was very basic. And very cheap.
I am fortunate that I have enough money to live on now. And to donate to charities. I could easily write a cook book on how to eat cheaply. No tomato purée with stuffing soup either. 😂
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They could also argue that she's asking people to pay for her website upkeep but we shouldnt have too. Children's having full stomachs it 1000000000000000000000 times more important than her website upkeep.
That's the nature of the whole beast. Rather than turning her 'poverty' story into a success story, where she now runs the website and writes the cook books/telly gigs which earn her more than enough to do so, she's still constantly harping on about being broke and literally asking people to give her money! Still! After 10 years! While simultaneously bragging about what she has and showing off pics of her lovely house! It's pure greed and grift. Maddening
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Just a bit more evidence documenting

Couldn't fit all the tweets in one ss, but Jack fan is replying to the awful squiggles in first ss

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What is wrong with people? We can’t just let kids starve because their parents have Sky Q and smart phones. The whole system probably needs to be completely overhauled but how many children will starve to death before that happens?

She’s extremely contradictory. What she’s saying is she pays her taxes (ahem) so she shouldn’t have to contribute to charity - well I pay my taxes so “my” money shouldn’t go to Jack via some poor soul’s winter fuel payment...
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She always has to have the last word doesn't she?!
Only if it's an inconsquential (in her view) squiggle! If it's a blue ticker who has handed her her arse she scampers off wordlessly.

She's deploying the autism / adhd references to pre-empt or counter criticism from yesterday's shit show.

If "I used to be POOR" defence doesn't work by itself, she can shriek "you are not allowed to criticise me, for I have AUTISM AND ADHD! Therefore I win this round! HAHA! Oh, and did I mention MY GRANDFATHER IS DEAD?"
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Tabitha D

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I think she's pissed off her reissue of "potatoes" hasn't done numbers.

3.8k retweets is pathetic for a following her size on a day like today. That's got to hurt.
That “Potatoes” piece is pathetic. It says nothing about the wider issue of poverty. It’s just yet another overwrought rehash of Jack’s now rather antique “origin story”. It’s actually pretty embarrassing. It’s no wonder the vast majority of her followers have ignored it.
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Chatty Member
You mean it's messing you up that someone isn't just all up in your self appropriated niche, they've out stripped and outshone everything you've done in a decade of wailing and gnashing and pissing about on Twitter in a matter of weeks.

Go back to your Dib Dab and Mom's new book Jack, you're not needed dear heart.
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Chatty Member
Have to say I don’t think anyone need worry about SB. I despise a lot of what jack does but I think you need strong evidence to suggest that & it isn’t fair-my sister has been an absolute bitch to me but she would never harm her kids. And the kitten thing was awful but I think that was Jack being too self obsessed rather than deliberate cruelty (didn’t help the poor little soul what the intention was though obvs).
Also he has a dad, half siblings etc but also whatever her faults I don’t think Jack is that evil. Just my opinion.
I agree. Also, I just don’t believe that she punched her brother or kicked a stranger in the shins. I think she’s lying to Hard? Riot girl feminist? In real life, I don’t think she’d say boo to a goose
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oh god, McDonalds + Jamie Oliver are both trending now wrt the feeding of kids 😬

she's gonna go apeshit!
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I think she was pretty anti Corbyn too. She also briefly flirted with the WEP. And gave actual SPEECHES for the pro-Indy Scottish Green party, and the SNP too, despite admitting to actively campaigning against independence with sock puppet accounts (Benedict Cumberscotch? OK pal). I'm baffled at the support she still gets from certain quarters of twitter. Basically she'll 'support' anyone who will give her a quick buck for telling her ~story~ but she'll ultimately back the British state because that's what she is - an establishment Britnat who boasts about being 'military around the edges'.
I think this is why she makes us all so angry. She has no real conviction about anything and believes that if she shouts loud enough on twitter/the guardian/Edinburgh fringe stage then no one will see behind her barking, the deeply inconsistent and flawed messages she is sending. Unfortunately, in the current times of rapid social media engagement, not many people have the time or inclination to spot these inconsistencies.

It is appalling what she is doing at the moment but not surprising. My hackles were originally raised when she was transitioning and then the backtracking on veganism did me in. Now, the way she peddles ADHD and ASD is sickening..... it is reductive and insensitive to those who live with the conditions everyday.

I am sorry for an oft-repeated rant. An education-heavy household leads to heavy shoulders.
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You know what, I did know some absolute bellends from Oxbridge back in the day. One of my mates broke up with his Oxbridge boyfriend because his friends were such vile snobs.

But...we were all about 20 or 21 at the time, still in university ourselves. People grow out of that. In fact, my friend's ex sent him a very nice apologetic message a while back.

If I met someone in their 30s or above who was still banging on about where they went to university, I'd be laughing AT them, not fizzing with impotent rage.
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