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Wonder how our slippery heroine’s going to wriggle our of this mess? Played right into the hands of those she claims to despise, what a pickle. And coming hot on the heels of trolley gate too-I’d have kept my mouth shut if I were her & hoped nobody noticed that I’m actually screwing over those whose predicament I make a living from but not old widow wanky. Jack’s made a career from amateur dramatics & being a loudmouth.
Really had enough of her for the moment, and she stole the ‘sentient Victorian coat rack’ phrase-someone posted it a while back. Charlatan.
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I wonder why she won’t do a ‘Krish mate’ (bleughhhh) to every other celeb on Twitter currently encouraging donating?!? Silly sausage wouldn’t be able to keep up. I would love it if Mom did one.

My daughter’s school has just sent supermarket vouchers for half term despite it coming out of their budget. I feel a bit guilty using it but even an extra £15 to the shop is much appreciated.

According to some people, I should look to JM and do a £20 week shop and stop complaining. The money spent on toilet paper after a week of her recipes would surely negate any savings?!
And this is the nub of it, Jack cannot do a £20 shop as it doesn’t include toiletries, cat food, cleaning stuff etc. She can show you a £20 shop but she is almost definitely topping that up and putting the £20 shop down to “business expenses.”

Meanwhile the right wing are going mad with joy because if Jack “can do it for £20” then so can everyone else. You are being made to feel a failure if you can’t do it.

Jack buys her yellow sticker items (you can not rely on this) she shops when she knows stuff is marked down (that’s not suitable for everyone), she doesn’t have to include shift work, commuting, childcare costs (because she shares custody with SB’s Dad). She’s largely cooking for herself with an occasional meal for SB.

Your daughter’s school sounds amazing for doing vouchers,
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LOL no she's hating it because someone she can't initiate a pile-on towards is stealing her ~niche~.
This is bang-on. Am sure it’s already been said, these comments are coming thick and fast, and as rotten as it sounds but the thought did cross my mind that her tired old excuse for the success of others, the ‘typical old white man’ argument that she loves to pull out, just can not be used on this occasion. It must be soul-destroying for her. But it’s wonderful that she’s being forgotten, reading about MR is a breath of fresh air what an inspirational guy he is, long may he continue and at the expense of charlatans like Monroe.
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I won't name names, but I do occasionally pop into a particular celeb thread to catch up on their crazy bullshit and the people who post in there are fucking brutal. Really frequently shocking name calling and horribleness - I don't consider the Jack threads to be even remotely close to some of the other behaviour I've seen on this site. So I can well believe someone saw another little Tattle community and was shocked by it.
I think I might know that thread. I almost feel sorry for the subject. Jack’s wet dream is these threads being like that in tone. Also I think in some threads people have to make up conspiracy theories, etc. As they have nothing to talk about. With Jack she’s constantly providing material.

It is sad though as I do think it ruins Tattle’s rep a bit. Non-Tattlers think we’re all like that.

I think you're probably right on that, I haven't seen the MM thread but I've seen a couple of others - mostly they're fairly dull compared to these :ROFLMAO: but occasionally you'll find some extremely vicious slut shamey type behaviour on others which is the kind of thing I think anyone on the Jack threads would never tolerate on here.
This is very true. When people have attempted this with Jack here, even the most vehement anti-Jackers call them out.

There’s a nice code of honour here that I like. What makes it even better is It doesn’t serve Jack’s agenda in the slightest
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Whoever said that Jack is furious is correct. She is absolutely spitting feathers about Marcus Rashford stealing her thunder. He experienced foodmpoverty as a child and is committed to changing this for others. I also get the impression of a very stable upbringing with a Mum who really looked after him and his siblings. No luxuries, just the food they could afford which sometimes was not much.

Jack has no experience like this to share because she has never lived it.

I would also put money on her being abusive in a relationship. She's obviously high maintenance just based upon her tweets. Plus her comments about assaulting her brother speak volumes (if it happened).

Meanwhile the Gammon are sharing her name as someone to look to in feeding g a family on £20. Not the poverty campaigner she thinks she is.
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KS: straightforward sense

JM: Me. Mememememe. And a thing about me and how this is about me. Mememe. Self-pity. Me. You see?

QUOTE="Bugger13, post: 2698401, member: 112061"]
Yessssss!!!!!! Finally someone’s calling her out.
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This is how she secretly feels about MR👀
This. This, this, this! She feels about dear heart (only time I’ll say it non-sarcastically) MR the same way she felt about THAT MAN ‘stealing’ her niche. She thinks she’s put in alllll the legwork, and he’s just come along and swept up all of her effort and got the praise for it. I know the way a narc mind works, and it’s this. She’ll be seething, and blaming everything from misogyny, the right, the left, to BLM for giving him her shine. Secretly working with him 😂 course you are, pet.
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Exactly. The socialist arguments about charity are philosophical, not practical responses to need. (I had this very fight with my vaguely communist dad as a teen!) But charity is also just basic human goodness isn't it? There was a lovely thing on Radio 4 recently about those Sikh kitchens where they just feed anyone who shows up. It's not plugging a gap left by government, it's done as part of their faith, and with joy.
It also just highlights how superficial Jack's ~politics~ are. I don't know if she's ever claimed to be a socialist (much less an anarcho socialist lol) but we really shouldn't (IMO obvs) be waiting for the state / government to do anything for the common good, because we'll be waiting a long time, and acting for the benefit of the community shouldn't ever be seen as a top-down matter.
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I've been away for a couple of days so on an IncyGrunk, see she's being a complete cowbag still but this did make me giggle 😂 #thread31

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yesterday & today her search volume is so low it doesn't even meet the threshold to share related queries 🤭 nobody's thinking of dear heart for diddly.

last 7 days tattle still ranking number 2, with a second disparate 'tattle life' coming just below her recipes. look at the strength loool x soon we'll have two keywords ranking above recipes?!!!


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I know I'm stating the obvious here but her 'work' is all to line her own pockets. It's literally her job, not just a charitable sideline she does for a good cause. Can't stand people on Twitter calling her a hero etc, like seriously people.
THIS. Most people in the world aren't on Twitter but it's Jack's whole fucking life. She pops onto Instagram and Facebook to post some poverty shit and top up her bank balance but then back to Twitter to try and engage with other blue stickers.
Shameless, bored, boring and lonely but obsessed with herself.
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Yikes, when you read it all again like that ... it’s painful how terrible and unprofessional that was.
It reads like it is written by Violet Elizabeth Bott *I'll thcream and thcream and thcream until I am sick." So, so, childish and entitled.

Saying it was her niche genre and nobody gave a shit about it before, only her, as though budget cookery had never been done by anyone else. Of course people gave a shit about it before she came on the scene, that's why there are a plethora of budget cookbooks going back to wartime. People cared enough to donate to and volunteer at food banks and charities that existed long before she came on the scene. It is why there were foodbanks that she could, and did use.

No wonder she said she would regret the tweets later (evidence that it was a deliberate tactic, she knew it was wrong) but we have the evidence. She can not delete it from here.
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I've been thinking over the last couple of days about how unfit for purpose Jack's recipes are. Not just for all the obvious reasons - they're also really badly written, and I feel that any recipes targeted at food bank users should be written in very clear, simple English.

To be clear, I certainly don't believe that all poor people are illiterate; however, someone who struggles with literacy will have a hell of a time dealing with chickpeas bathing in their own ephemera.
Even people who have absolutely no struggle with literacy will have a hell of a time dealing with chickpea ephemera.
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So she’s gone quiet this evening? How funny that Southend’s biggest gobshite never has anything to say while serious things are happening. Any other random day, she’s raving about crisps, or sandwiches, or garlic. One time there’s (theoretically) a bit of useful commentary she could add, and she’s all meek and mild and “having a break from the hellscape”. Anyone would think she doesn’t actually want to help 🤗
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chocolate choux

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These screenshots are doing the rounds on twitter. Replies to a Nigel Farage tweet, and evidence of the narrative Jack feeds with her £20 a week shops.

View attachment 284023
View attachment 284025View attachment 284026View attachment 284027
The last Tweet really makes me despair. Per person that’s just over one piece of chicken, a few carrots, a quarter of a loaf of the shittiest cheap white bread, a couple of potatoes. Day in, day out. Sure you wouldn’t be starving to death but you’d be feeling absolutely awful from the lack of nutrients. Feeding people isn’t just about physically filling their stomachs but also providing the correct nutrition to keep their bodies functioning and prevent them from becoming unwell. You can be obese and eat large quantities of food on a daily basis, yet still be malnourished if what you’re eating lacks nutrition. Are these people too thick to understand this?

Also you’d be bloody miserable. I wonder how many of these people could stick to this diet?

And Jack feeds into this, as we can see. At this point she’s basically campaigning in favour of keeping people hungry rather than to help them
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