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Putting aside for a moment the fact she said she wasn’t going to show video footage on Twitter (because why on earth would anyone?) isn’t it highly inappropriate to even *talk* about being a witness to an assault on a child on Twitter?
If it happened exactly as she claims (sceptical but sure, jan) then surely that has to be one of the most horrific evenings of the victims life? Why is she tweeting about it to her hundreds of thousands of followers?

I would lose my mind if I were the victim of assault and she started yapping about it on Twitter.
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I make the jars look good with circles of cloth cut from a tea towel, hand written labels and try to use nice shaped jars. It looks very professional even if I say so myself, one might even call them fancy!

I made membrillo once (quince jelly), but it was a lot of hard work for very little product. It was lovely though. I can see why it is so expensive to buy.
oooh, I tried making membrillo once. Didn't quite work....tasted nice though!
We used to have quince budh and i got a grand total of 3 fruits that were as hard as rocks. Had to go to the Turkish shop to buy more!
I used tonnes of sugar but not sure i was supposed to?!!! Never quite set as hard as membrillo should be but made a really nice pink jam!!!
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And her writing style is eerily reminiscent of the crazy-arse clues they used to have on 3-2-1. “Go on, try and find the meaning in that!”.
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Chatty Member
Good morning, Cabal! It’s been a long, heartbreaking and knackering week at Bellend Towers.
It has been an absolute cuntyballs of a week here too! Never been so glad to make it to Friday, lol.

There better not be any dramas today at work. I need to catch up on this hilarious place
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This woman is beyond belief.
Everything that comes out of her mouth or on twitter is so contrived I can not believe that any one actually falls for it.
I am flabbergasted that she has so many followers.
She duck ING boils my piss every day of the week!
So angry that she gets away with it and her sycophantic followers can not see her for what she is.
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If that happened, thats awful. Believable that it could happen though. I wouldnt stand by and openly film though 🙃 I had to report a fight with knives and I was so scared they would see me on the phone!
I agree she very brave too film it. I always think that when people film people in altercations or during terriost incidents. It's useful because we can see what happens, but it would honestly be the last thing on my mind. I would try and phone the police and if possible try and help the victim.
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A mum died in Glasgow this week. She was living in extreme poverty and her malnourished baby was found with her, thankfully still alive. The mum lost her job after her limited leave to remain expired (she was from Uganda) and she was no longer allowed to work. How utterly heartbreaking for her family and especially her baby :( What a waste. Although the the reason why she has died has not been discovered, it is not deemed suspicious and I have no doubt that poverty and isolation played a part. This was a woman of colour living alone, a true single mum not eligible for state support and completely reliant on charity and volunteer initiatives. Where is Jackie when things like this happen? This ought to be 'up in her niche'. She should be taking a leaf out of Marcus Rashford's book and using her brief possibly genuine poverty experience to speak up for those who truly slip through the net and campaign for a better approach and handling of such cases. She should also follow through on her pledge to hand her platform over to women of colour who will understand so much better why migrants and refugees are deliberately neglected and are at risk of real poverty in the UK. It should not happen in the UK this day and age and Jack ought to be shouting it from the rooftops.
I read about it today. So heartbreaking.
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I can't believe we all forgot the most severe train incident Jack ever experienced.

When a man put his LEG beside her. And she took PHOTOS of his LEG near her.

I think this was around the time I started to really notice how horrible she was to people online. I can't find any evidence of it now (shock) but I feel like she was talking about... hurting him??
She's seems very observant on train. I am normally engrossed in a book with earphones in if I am not with kids.

I don't do small chat and I don't pay anyone any attention unless the ask me a question. My stop is the last one on most of my journeys so I don't even really need to look up.
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Well-known member
No offence but that green bowl of food looks like what that girl in the exorcist threw up, at first glance i thought it was a movie still. Sorry!
Thats an american werewolf in London and the exorcist mentioned in the space of five minutes.

*waits for wickerman song which is presumably inbound*
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Controversial but I love season 2! All that down the docks stuff and organised crime - love it! I also loved Marlo 🤣

I made a point to stop by in Baltimore on my way to NYC from Washington last year just to check out the town. Did some bar hopping, had a chat with a bunch of the Baltimore PD who happened to be in one of them, and ate a shit tonne of crab - it was great!
Season 2 was also my favourite, I found the blue collar stuff relatable coming from that kind of background myself.

If you enjoyed the wire, check put top boy. Similar thing set in east london.

S2 is brilliant (Frank Sobodka - "We used to build shit in this country" 😭), but I think I'm going to have to agree with Poca, S3 is the shiiiiiiiiit. I don't believe for a minute that Jack's ever watched it.
Season 4 was heartbreaking the way it ended for the kids. All sucked into 'the game'in different ways.
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Hi Jack! 👋 Some excellent points have already been made to you tonight but here's a few more.

1. When was the last time you updated your Patreon? Looks like it was over 3 weeks ago. I do hope you're at least prepping those photocards for next month. It's very deceitful otherwise. If you're only updating it very sporadically then you're breaking the terms of your page. It's no better than an illegal MLM scheme, morally in my eyes.

2. My Uncle owned a small cafe and didnt have any time off longer than one day aside from 5 days at Christmas each year for two decades. And no, a day of work for him did not include scrawling through twitter and experimenting with weird jams. It's backbreaking work. Can you do that? Don't insult restaurant and cafe owners like its something easy you can pick up. And a couple of shifts in an ex girlfriends cafe don't count.

3. If you're doing *whispers* Waitrose shops then don't you fucking dare beg your followers via Patreon.

4. @heretoreaditall2019 is as ever, correct. Your social is all over the place. Google the social media marketing funnel for the love of Michael.

5. Wash your damn nails.
My old boss worked seven days a week and only took off Christmas and New year. She had the occasional holiday in which her daughter took over the running of the place but that didn't happen very often at all.
She never got a break and her relationship s suffered alot.
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*All those people who have ever met her who run an eating establishment are now shitting themselves. They're probably practising a polite way of saying 'you can't come anywhere near my restaurant'
Or changing their numbers...
Can you imagine the TripAdvisor reviews? Any restaurant she took over would drop in ratings like a stone.
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I wonder if she spends a lot of her 22 hour working day / 600 hour working week watching series (maybe even... the wire) hence these weird americanisms? Who tf calls kids or teens minors?

Watching the video I think she was suggesting she was relying on it as a food source, like for sustenance? This isn’t me shitting on formula at all but my midwives told me babies tend to rinse through it just as it doesn’t really have much substance, it doesn’t have the fatty bits breast milk has so they need more of it. So fuck knows how much a grown woman would have to drink to make it worthwhile?!

The other thing that perplexes me is, aren’t food bank visits capped to 3 a year? She sure has a lot of stories from those 3 visits doesn’t she.
Gosh, I don't think baby milk is they way forward Poundland does slimfast stuff surely that would be better. I have never tried it so who knows.

Her poverty stories are really quite shocking, I have never known anyone to struggle as much as her for food. I mean yeah sure having very little money but I can literally make something out of nothing. Why couldnt she have just made some toast, it's not very exciting but it's something until she finds something else.
It really perplexes me, because I have been skint but have always been able to buy the staples, bread, milk and butter.
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I've never used a slow cooker so I don't actually know - but I can't see how a jam is going to thicken in one? Isn't it just going to come out as overly sweetened slop?
It wouldn't (she'll lie about it, if it's ever mentioned again though) I have done an American style apple butter in the slow cooker before, which worked really well.
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