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She makes it sound like the kid is some sort of tubercular or otherwise invalided child in a Frances Hodgson Burnett novel

"Oh mamapapa, I should so like to look upon some photographs of the aurora borealis, if you are able to gather them from your colleagues in the ✨comments club✨"
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Jelly Bean

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Hugh Grant (or, as Jack calls him, "H") gave Depher £75k. I wonder if he has also 'donated' to Jack.
I would be extremely surprised if he didn't at some point. I think she got quite a lot of money from well meaning gullible celebrities.
It's extremely gratifying to see Depher James Anderson being exposed. He's a horrible individual who lies and s*icide baits constantly when asked legitimate questions.

(ETA thanks @Tin Can Crook for ss from Depher thread)
But James O'brien can you hear yourself as regards one Jack Monroe?


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How ambiguous ...she doesn't say she's actually delivering the food, she's delivering the message about the food. Wot a fanny. I want to see a pic of her actually holding a crate of provisions. And today's newspaper.
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When I was 14, the very last thing I wanted to do with my parents was look through a bunch of photos.

My entire being was focused on hanging out in the park with my pals
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I have a porch. It has umbrellas, dog leads and coats and boots in it. It’s south facing but no one has ever sat in there chatting about anything.

She’s now trying to make out that her son not only went to the cinema with her yesterday but also stayed the night and is going to be thrilled to see all the photos other people have taken of the aurora from Friday nightView attachment 2930414

Giving me very much these vibes.

Thanks to @Valiofthedolls for the screenie
Urgh, that post reads as 'oh poor little us we can't afford to travel to see the actual northern lights because we don't have a penny between us. send cashos' to me.

Completely ignoring that they were seen from peoples gardens etc in the UK.

Anything for sympathy.
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Lucky Escape

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I think that, hilariously, Dire Potatogate was a key moment in opening a lot of Xwitter people’s eyes to the grift. Her absolutely raging OTT reaction, “SHE’S DISABLED”, the vile replies from the flying monkeys, the deactivation. All absolutely insane.

The second was the Shattenstone article - as even the most hardened Guardianistas who would casually throw likes her way now and again could see that something was totally off, not least with the immensely ill-judged photoshoot.
The most glorious thing about Potatogate was that Tom didn't have a clue who she was - it was just a drive-by quip that set Jack against the whole of Football Twitter. She was entirely responsible for fanning the flames that burnt her so badly.
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Chatty Member
I don't think the name Jack is to do with her gender identity is it? She was 'A Girl Named Jack' long before she talked about being NB/trans, and Jack is her legal name.

That said, there's no need to call her either Jack or her old name when guest exists.
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View attachment 2940281

Yes Jack, why don't you downsize so you can save towards a deposit?
I hate that she uses this excuse. I live alone and have rented for 20 years. For a lot of that I paid a substantial percentage of my monthly income on rent. I couldn't afford to save, in fact, I ended up in debt because I couldn't afford to live at times. I had a stable but not particularly well paid job with decent benefits, and because I had nothing to fall back on I was scared to risk leaving it.

I now earn a decent salary, and have a very kind landlord who charges me well under the odds. If I didn't have him, I would be screwed as even on my now good salary, rents have far outstripped wages (as we all know) and moving would absolutely wipe me out financially.

Had, at any point during the last 20 years, I had 1. A wealthy, stable and geographically close family to support me, 2. A hefty supplimentary income from something like Patreon, 3. Various substantial book advances and royalties, 4. Various partners earning six figure salaries and this presumably paying their fair share of the household costs, I absolutely would have saved for a deposit. She may not have had an entirely consistent income, but we know how much money she's had through her grubby little hands.

She's shat all that money away, and now with her dwindling income and ever-rising rental costs, I doubt she is in a position to downsize and save a money. That ship hasn't so much sailed as been driven out of the harbour and on its merry way by her.

I suppose what I mean by this long and not partcularly thrilling ramble is she is using what is a legitimate excuse for many people, and making us all look like spoilt, spend thrift cunts like she is. And I couldn't give a shiny shite what anyone spends their money on, but as alway it's the cosplaying the struggles of people whose lives she can't even comprehend.

And of course one day she's going to inherit a wedge. She'd just such a spoilt, entitled prick she wants everything now despite her clear unwillingness to work for anything.
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I note Jack’s Vegas Adventure included things ”bleeding” money out of her, the tightarse.

She spoke about being “female presenting” and being ok with she/her, accepting she’s seen as a woman by others. That’s not exactly at odds with being non-binary in todays society - and NB is trans.

I don’t think we get to override someone’s assertion that they’re trans or call them by a name they don’t want to be called, based on whether we like them or not, and/or whether we think they’re doing trans wrong, or not. Because in part, the casual observer sees it’s ok to start doing that in x case or y case, then there’s always a reason why it’s justified.
She literally calls herself a woman (not merely “presenting as”) when it suits, and “nonbinary” when it suits. Sometimes within the same hour:



Even the most hardened TRA would struggle to come up with a logical explanation of why anyone should believe someone was nonbinary one day, a woman at 10:49 the next morning, then nonbinary again within the hour. If that’s possible then surely she is so-called “genderfluid” rather than “nonbinary”. The alternative would be that “nonbinary” was totally meaningless.

I’m not arguing that anyone should call her “Melissa” because “they dislike her”.

I’m saying that it is obvious - given the above and the thousand other examples of her flip-flopping - that the biggest bullsh*tter on the internet is lying again for personal advantage, just like she does with “single mother”, “lesbian” (instead of bi), “sex worker“, “working class”, 100 disabilities etc.

And like those other identities that she has appropriated, her nonsense causes actual harm to people who are trans.
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Ja-aaaaack! Question 🙋

Is elderly Randy RAF Olive or elderly Tatler-collecting-royalty-loving Gladys the same elderly woman who gave you the pianoforte?
Cos am imagining if it was the latter it was a highly polished grand piano with lots of family photographs in silver frames, a small sherry and a tiara propped on top. And if it was the former it was an old Joanna from a Cockernee pub where the pearly kings and queens used to have a right old knees up around it.

Anyway, hopefully (even though they don’t exist) none of the above fictional elderly ladies were this elderly lady who ended up in the grim situation of living “rent free” in your grandad’s foul slum after “running into difficulties” and was then handed off onto your dad to “look after”. Let’s hope to fuck this one was fictional, eh?
How on earth can she not understand how awful this (and all the other stories she told about those vulnerable tenants) sound? Spoiled cosseted provincial brat.
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I'm starting to see a very faint glimmer of hope that she won't be able to grift back from this. Every time in the past she has clawed her way back smelling of roses. There will always, always be a crowd willing to blindly support her but hopefully they are becoming smaller in number than ever before 🤞

Get a job, Jack. Leave people alone.
She’s done. Look at the ratio on this tweet.
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As a teenager aiming to study politics my friend went to the main library to have a gander at Mein Kampf, but he couldn’t find it. He asked at the desk. They asked “who is it by?” And when he said, they said “that’s an unfortunate name, must have been written “before“ you know who.

which is amazing, turns out Jack could probably get a job in a library as you don’t have to know much to work there!
Ah feck I missed out the main bit, he asked at the desk for the “autobiography-Mein Kampf”

person “hello do you have a copy of Mein Kampf? It’s an autobi..
Library Jack, interrupting “yup, god what a great book, I’ve read it 341 times absolute banger”
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It’s hard to understand what the thread title is driving at, as it’s very cryptic

I’m still puzzled by her inexplicable, cardboard baked paella
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