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Went to a meeting at work this morning where some woman is leaving and was being given a speech/handed her collection gifts. One of them was Jack's latest book 😂 I almost felt sorry for her until she said, "This is my fourth one by her!"
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Bread and jam ice cream.

If I had the ingredients for this knocking about, I don't think I'd be making ice cream with them.
Bread, milk, eggs, jam.

2 meals easily.made so no risk of waste:
Jam sandwhiches.
Scrambled Egg on toast.

A tub of Tesco ice-cream is £1 or so..

Ask and thy shall receive, when I can be arsed..... No donations required..


I have to sanity check this, but... As I'm reviewing the book.. I've taken some photos I might use in my review and for that review, all the photos I've taken have been to review the recipes.. i photographed all the recipes so I can choose which pictures I might use in a review, cause I'm writing a review..

Theres only 107 photos so 107 recipes.. but for the review I am definitely writing, no copyright infringement here, I'll double check the actual number on a bit..
Is she actually for real?? Enjoyed worldwide?? Yeah, with rice as the ‘porridge’ element, not fucking oats! Chicken porridge in Asia is actually made with rice… and chicken. This is it, it’s Jollof rice all over again, and that sound you can hear is me ripping open tins with a mallet and knife. Howling and clawing incoming….
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I’ve no sympathy for the Patreons now who are fully aware that Jackie makes thousands (its way more than £5k I reckon) each month and provides nothing. And they defend it 🤷‍♀️

They think they are helping some brave little tireless crusader cure poverty when in fact they are indirectly funding organised crime and the county lines 🇨🇴❄

So fuck em. I’m sick of hearing about them. WARNED
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She really is The Teflon Con, isn't she?
We thought that with Sarah Akwisombe - the cancellation took longer than expected, but less than 2 years after scamming nearly a million quid, she's now complaining all her brand deals dried up due to companies knowing her name and job interviews go mysteriously cold (i.e. they Google her), so she's selling possessions on Nextdoor and trying to rent out her outhouse as a "studio" for £75/hr. It takes time, but I predict similar things for Jack Monroe.

Don't give up hope tender one ❤
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Well after reading the Guardian piece in more detail, I have to admit I'm more than impressed that after hearing about the foodbank plight of the Dickensian starving and half frozen to death darling daughter and grandchild during the bleakest of bleak mid-winters, the mother eventually weighed in with no less than two BAGS FOR LIFE full of shopping. Not just two bags of shopping, not just two carrier bags, but two BAGS FOR LIFE full of shopping. Them sturdy Bags For Life, eh?

Now that's real love that is.
Bags for life aside, another thought occurs to me. It's been decades since I've had to but on the very rare occasions when I needed parental assistance they just gave me cashos and trusted I would spend it on what I needed. I wonder why Big Dave 'n' Eve didn't do the same with Jack. Really makes you think.
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Mama Mia, her puttanesca recipe is shit!! I can picture her doing it on This Morning and Gino having some kind of breakdown 😭

Jack, you wanted to talk about the recipes, yeah? Well maybe let’s talk about why you think it’s necessary to put sardines that are already cooked, into 600ml of liquid and then cook for 30 mins? Why, also, would you use x2 tins of sardines, when you could use the stronger saltier (and correct for a cultural recipe!!!) flavour of x1 tin of chopped anchovies that are sold in Sainsbury’s for 90p a tin? You’re not saving money, because you’re using x2 of the alternative.

If you’re being thrifty, why would you have the gas on for 30 mins when 10-15 would suffice? Oh, wait, I know the answer! It’s because you’ve used way too much liquid (600ml) and need to reduce down the unnecessary volume 🤷‍♀️

Why is your puttanesca devoid of any of the things that would give a depth of flavour? It’s supposed to be cooked with onions and garlic, with parsley added at the end. All we seem to have here, is mashed 🤢 fish boiled into tinned tomatoes for half an hour.

Puttanesca is supposed to strike a lovely balance between being rich in flavour, but light and fresh, salty, with pops of zing here and there. Why am I cooking pre-cooked, mashed sardines for so long? Won’t the sauce just become a slop? Apologise to the whores of Naples, now! WARNED.

PS, after your bread and jam bullshit in the ice cream recipe, you could have at least treated us to a history of puttanesca (whore’s sauce) and how it ties in with your definitely not made up experience of being a sex worker. Missed an opportunity to talk about yourself there pal.

View attachment 1870622
NOT Puttanesca!
Puttanesca is oil, garlic, anchovies, black olives, capers, tomatoes. Pepper and parsley at the end. Takes 10 minutes to make (all you had if your husband was coming home for lunch and you had been busy with your beau). She's got to stop mangling recipes, she's no idea of why certain ingredients work. Arrogant fool.
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Im miles behind …. But just been on instagram and seen bored of lunch’s account and the difference between his week and jacks is immense. And he’s just a guy who started up an account over lockdown I think and this is his first book - not an established cookbook author like Jack. His feed is just food and people saying nice stuff about his books. And amazon are having to have new batches of his book delivered each week of Jan due to how many orders there have been!! Amazing when I have no idea about any of his medical issues or family members or GCSEs 🙄

But back to Jack - so just to confirm - she’s a chef who can’t cook, she’s a writer that can’t write, she’s an activities that does no activity or campaigning and a poverty expert who spends poor peoples money on sideboards…..

So really all she has left is her battle against the trolls. I think that’s why she posts so many lies so she is called out and can say oh look poor me being picked on. In a way it’s another way she’s very like the Tories and their pretend culture wars
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The food bank my husband works for (it is a foodbank to other foodbanks, if that makes sense) is having problems getting food--supply chain issues not just funding. There are items you simply cannot get, or cannot get regularly, or cannot get at a price that is feasible. They have shut down their partnerships with some of the smaller outlets they contract with, consolidated, etc. Not saying that Trussell has these problems or even wants to spend money on feeding people--because they sound problematic AF. But there might also be other issues at play.
Bit of a scandal brewing here re donations to foodbanks - most of the grocery store chains have it set up so that you can make a food bank donation when you pay for your purchase. Turns out that only a few of the chains are giving the donations directly to the food banks. At least two of them are converting the donations to credit, i.e. the food bank will only get the donations by buying goods from that particular store. They don't get to use that money anywhere else. And those two chains aren't telling the customers that's how their money is being distributed.

You know, if Jack *really* wanted to make a difference to the less privileged, this is the sort of shit she could be calling out.
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the breadcrumbs are allowed to be stale or fresh... isn't that all breadcrumbs?

also pinches of vanilla, you can't pinch vanilla extract? is she expecting poor people to have some pods lying about? i'm panicking how do i pinch liquid
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Jelly Bean

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I found it more frustrating in the early days I think. She had zero criticism from anywhere, if anyone did try and say the slightest thing negative about her they just got piled on and hounded off twitter 🤷‍♀️. It was just us, spotting all the lies and bad behaviour and everyone else just labelled us trolls/bullies/mavens etc (I'd forgotten about mavens 🤭) and stuck their fingers in their ears. Now it's different, and yes it's still depressing at times, but when you look back, there's been huge progress. Plus when it gets frustrating that she's being given more undeserved opportunities and she's giving it Billy big balls toot toot - take heart, she'll run away with herself again and fuck it all up! She does every time. And each time, more people see her for what she is, and that's where we are now.
Yes back in the day of the early threads here there was NO overt criticism of Jack on twitter. Certainly not of her grifting and lying. I remember times when the odd times literally one most oblique tweet was spotted eg something like 'anybody else fed up of a certain attention seeking cookery writer' and we'd all excitedly speculate about it - 'ooh do they mean Jack?'
It really is hard to believe it was like that with the open exposing and mockery of her now.
Things really have changed with twitter, media generally, lack of support almost everywhere for her, work drying up. Looking at just her tweets you might think they haven't and feel disheartened because she hasn't changed. But she really is the only thing that hasn't and therefore is not an accurate barometer at all of what is happening.
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Jelly Bean

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So she admits she is only invited to festivals etc (she hasn't been) because of troll notoriety creating interest. Not due to the success of her book or her tireless campaigning work.
She really is just a laughing stock now 😂
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Sorry for jumping forward from the past, but I need to get something off my (non 2p covered) chest.

I’ve been honest here about my alcoholism (and I’d like to thank everyone else here who is honest about addiction too. I welled up a bit when Andy said Tattle was right all along but also when I read people’s experiences. It’s so important that everyone sees that what Jack Monroe says about AA/recovery is not the norm) and I’m really hacked off at her pretty much using alcoholism as a ‘get out of jail free card’ for her downright fraudulent and disingenuous behaviour. If worked properly with the guidance of someone who’s walked the path before you, you learn how to accept your part in things and own your behaviour, however bad they are. All I see from her was “soz you didn’t get your Patreon stuff you paid for, I was pished. And I can’t refund you because I’ve spent all of the money when - you guessed it - pished. Lol”


I am wholly unsurprised to see that she’s snark central on Twitter, biting back at anyone and everyone. If she has done her Steps with the recommended level of rigorous honesty, I’ll eat Andy’s crumpets (that sounds a bit wrong actually). But I’m actually wondering if she is an alcoholic at all, or she’s seen it as something people wouldn’t probe her about and she can say anything at a meeting and be protected by the yellow card. It blows my mind that anyone would lie about alcoholism, it’s a horrible illness that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. She’s a truly horrid person. The journalist described her as “gorgeous” in the article but I can’t see it - all I see is a shameless, selfish, self-indulgent grifter and there’s nothing gorgeous about that.
@LennyBriscoe youre not the only one who wonders if she’s an alcoholic, dearest heart. I simply don’t believe her at all.
If she said the sky was blue I’d have my doubts to be fair x
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Squeaky Beans

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I apologise if this has been recently posted already but I've been on a semi-skimmed grunk (grunk lite, if you will) but the Controversy section of Wikipedia is just *chef's kiss*
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Chatty Member
Here’s one from the OG recipe back in 2020
View attachment 1870862
Here’s the nonsensical woe is me bollocky bullshit that accompanied it. She made it out of a tin of chicken soup. That she put oats turmeric, coconut milk, butter and an egg in. Rather than just, y’know, eating the chicken soup.

Also, tell me you’re fucked off your chump on gak without telling me you’re fucked off your chump on gak. What a stream of consciousness nonsensical load of wank this is
‘I’m not going to go into detail about my manky mouth because it’s rank, but here’s loads of detail about my rank manky mouth’.
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