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I’m quite a few pages behind and had to give up on 40 and 41 altogether because selfishly moved house during Jack’s bitchfit; but the conversation about salacious books haven’t mentioned Forever by Judy Blume. That book had nearly fallen apart at the spine in our school library copy.
Oh, we did Judy Blume 😂 last thread I think ... I lose track!

Eta! Happy house moving in
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She wasn't training to be a fire fightetr, she just gave the impression she was without actually saying it. She was, apparently working her way through the on line programme to make her fit enough to apply,

I think this is one of Jack's tricks, she will imply something, then if challenged, she can say ' I didn't say that'. She did it over Vivienne Westwood, and when she accused DW of being on drugs, and that is just two examples.
She tweeted a photo of her when she was 20 a few weeks ago showing her muscles saying she was training to be one.

That’s why I said that. I saw the photo

I do get that she talks bollocks a lot of the time.
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Oh, just realised, the fabled Puttanesca Funebra (or penne with passata) was the one she cooked and then abandoned and then had a meltdown.

She's such a (insert favourite Scottish swearword)

Also what the fuck does it mean? Whore's (Italian) funeral (spanish) pasta? It makes no sense.
Now I remember why I never watched any of those live 🙈. Does she even know there’s a camera there? And don’t even get me started on that gallop on....

She’s a fanny!
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Well look. If we're talking about weird crushes on older men, I take your Keir Starmer and raise you Alastair Campbell.

Yes, that one.
Same, babe. x

Now, every time I read Fraus describing their face shape (triangulation purposes only, m’lud), I imagine you all coming forward in this manner, with your own disco beat theme tune...

I am....a...SHAPE

Hah, thanks for that earworm. My daughter was obsessed with this song as a toddler. I liked the circle best. Presumably out of sympathy for its moon-face qualities.
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Oh my God Motherwell, he had this energy. I don't know how to describe it. You know when you're a teenager and you have a new partner and it's all so intense?? He made me feel like that. I swear he put his hand on my leg and there were sparks or something. *swoons*
Not even jealous. Just happy to get confirmation that Kevin Bridges is indeed a fox.
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Jay-cloth Cow

VIP Member
I am SO glad you said this.

I fancy Kevin Bridges something rotten. Who cares that he’s in his 30s and married. Not me!!

(Not even ashamed, not one bit).

I took my mum to see him two Christmases ago and even she was like, he’s handsome.
A friend of mine worked with him and said he was absolutely lovely, and his mum invited her out to dinner with the whole Bridges clan!!
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Babe, same! (Except the area was poor). It’s shocking that someone said that to you, like kids don’t have filters but surely they have some idea what sounds incredibly dickish?! These things stay with us longer than the speakers imagine

I remember sitting next to a boy in class, a wannabe edgy type. We had some banter back and forth until he called me the n word. Incredibly confused, and also ignorant myself, I retorted “but I’m not black!”. After arguing that I was, he held his arm against mine to show the contrast between our skin colours. Up to that point, I’d never properly realised how different I looked

In hindsight I should have told him to bog off as he had clearly never seen a black person before, which was for the best considering what he’d said

I was lucky though. The school was relatively small so everyone had to get along
Ah! Sounds like we had similar ‘other-ness’. Manly handshake in solidarity
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I think we can't really know what went on with her parents and her family. And just because they are middle class/respectable doesn't mean things were good. My mum, who I suspect is a narc, makes me very wary of accepting help from my parents because it comes with strings. I will do everything I can to avoid ever being in the circumstances where I have to stay in my parents house again. If poverty was more attractive to Jack than staying with her parents, I suspect its because there is more going on there than we can know.

Regarding short term poverty. I had a few years where I was struggling to make my career. I'd used my savings on a masters degree to get me into a specific industry and the next four years was going from one short term, poorly paid job to another. Each job was in another part of the country and my finances slowly dwindled. I ended up with depression and anxiety as I felt myself a failure, I berated myself for not being good enough to get decent jobs, and I had no support network to fall back on because of the moving (and above family problems).

Eventually I found another career route and I got out of that industry and I'm now in a better situation. However, I get rather terrified of being in that situation again - so I can understand the fear and trauma that even a short time on benefits can induce. However, I wouldn't call myself 'working class' due to four years of (and in one case less than) minimum wage work. I also wouldn't count myself as poor because I can only afford to live in shared houses. I also wouldn't think it my place to advise people who live their entire lives in that situation because I had (comparatively) 5 minutes of struggle. In that respect, Jack can come off as a middle-class saviour.
I think you make this point really eloquently. Many people would (boringly) describe me as posh and I have had many many opportunities that my relative privilege has afforded me, and I’m exceptionally lucky and grateful for all of them. I’ve also had some struggles with mental health and I have found anxiety/depression has stopped me reaching out to my very kind parents for help, and for a time I was in a privileged but very difficult situation financially. An ex once referenced the Pulp song “If you called your dad, he could stop this all”.

Jack can get in the ducking sea but I agree that not everyone can seek help when they’re in trouble. As you say though, I would never seek to tell others about my short period of problems and I certainly wouldn’t consider myself a spokesperson for anyone else. But maybe that’s because I’m not a massive narcissist lying cockwomble - just saying.
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Slightly off topic, but this is an interesting development regarding cancel culture.
The last few paragraphs confirm this whole 'guilty by association' angle. Someone signed an open letter against cancel culture and then withdrew their name because JK Rowling had also signed it. I honestly despair. Whatever happened to reasoned debate? Or defending freedom of speech even if you don't agree with the message?
@Into_the_tunnel snap!
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Chatty Member
Thinking of books we read when we were 10 - Half my class had read flowers in the attic in the last year of junior school which had murder, neglect, incest (!) and abuse. I didn’t, but I heard other (quite posh - more than half my class went on to private secondaries) girls chatting about it.
Oh god yes! I read and loved this series by Virginia Andrews. It was very racy at the time, as were my mum’s books like Lace and Princess Daisy which I also devoured. (I’m clearly showing my age here 😊)

The stuff I was reading by 10 😱 I had an advanced reading age and plundered my mum’s books. Virginia Andrews, Jackie Collins, Stephen King, the Idi Amin biography 😳
I turned out ok. On the outside.
Babe, same. 😂
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I must admit I often been mistaken for being from a posh background because of the way I talk. This always makes me laugh because I am from northern Ireland and to me there is nothing posh about that accent. I just speak correctly and rarely use slang( as I hate it) 🤣
‘Bout ye, @Lanie 😜
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