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Kickstarter stuff. Spoilering so OG fraus can just skip past if they want. Same old, same old. Nothing changes.
It’s almost funny (I mean it’s not, it’s appalling, but you know what I mean) that this could just as easily be talking about Patreon - and was completely ignored by Jack- other older messages have replies from Caroline you can see. This wasn’t even replied to.
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This person below paid £140!!! and Jack still didn’t do what was promised. She couldn’t even bother to write thirteen personalized messages to people who’d paid her £1,820 in total. Didn’t bother with a response to this one either, even though messages around it have responses
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Jack should have learned serious lessons from that Kickstarter about over promising and under delivering. Instead, all she seems to have learned is how to take money from people, not provide what was promised in return and completely get away with it.

Oh! And ripping off people worse off than her and being rude and passive aggressive as hell at people expressing legitimate concerns isn’t anything new either.
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ETA what a wonderful thread title too…
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Fraus, if someone wanted me to handwrite eight or nine messages for a grand, I'd write it 10ft tall if they wanted. God, so many opportunities to genuinely produce nice bits of content. It boils my piss hugely.
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The October 2020 photo was posted on the same day she'd spent the afternoon with a professional photographer. Those Photoshopping skills belong to the photographer, not Jack.

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I don't look like this right now.


“A change is gonna come and it’ll fall like sweet cool rain” 😂 I can’t even…

Never mind Georgia Church Suppers, she’s gone full-on Georgia MegaChurch Preacher there. Daft twat.
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No. It’s not a glossy mag. It just seems to be a random blog started by the writer of the Jack piece. Lots of the articles are written by her and it’s very rarely updated. A lot of writers/journos have blogs like this to use as a kind of portfolio to show their writing skills.
or lack thereof
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Chatty Member
Just been reading the updated "official" Wiki.

I know WE already know it was nothing to do with her, but honestly, her fans only need to look at that page to see that she lied about making the ONS change their procedures! Are they all *thick? (Don't need answers on a postcard!) The thing she is most good at is her careful choice of words (apart from when she uses the wrong ones that she doesn't understand in the first place).

"In January 2022, Monroe complained that food prices were rising faster than the official inflation rate, which hit poor people hardest.[42] The Office for National Statistics agreed that one inflation rate did not reflect everybody's experience, and noted that they were already working since 2021 to revise the Consumer Price Index, to more accurately measure changes in consumer prices.[43][44] Monroe stated, "Delighted to be able to tell you that the ONS have just announced that they are going to be changing the way they collect and report on the cost of food prices and inflation to take into consideration a wider range of income levels and household circumstances."[45] Monroe announced plans to launch a new price index, called the Vimes Boots Index (VBI), highlighting the greater cost of poverty.[46]"

BIB - Just for when you're next here, catching up, Jack Monroe scammer! Hi Jack! 👋 How's your hiatus going?

*Inclined to believe it's gullible in a lot of cases, but definitely thick in many others! #jackmonroesflyingmonkeys
It's ridiculous. They always collected data per percentile income so what she claimed was ignored was a lie. Christmate clearly told her this with the data, but no she knew better due to an anecdote.

Because of her they went to extra effort to release more data and track value items. All to just show it was unnecessary and her point was void.

The only thing she achieved was wasting public money. Slow 👏,👏,👏
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Weird bots are spamming Twitter with variations on "Jack Monroe has left Twitter". This one is a better cook than Jack so it's not all bad.

Screenshot 2022-09-30 00.09.24.png
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I love bunnies very much and it makes me very sad that she killed one. They are my favourite animals in the world but I wouldn't have any because they require so much care and I would be heartbroken when they died ...
She claimed Dash the bunny was very old when she got him so died of old age. Not because he was neglected in a damp garage with foxes around (who eat hose pipes). She ALSO has stated that he is buried in the garden of her rented house. Yes there is a sadly deceased rabbit buried in the garden of a house someone else owns.

She also had several Guinea pigs. That also died. She claimed they died in s gas leak. A friend of hers came on here and said they more likely died because she kept them in the coldest part of the house.

There have been quite a few animals; cats, rabbit, Guinea pigs, that she’s had and have either ‘sadly died’ or suddenly and incomprehensibly ‘disappeared’ without a plausible explanation. Eg Mini Cooper the kitten that “was hers but that was never hers” or disappeared with no explanation. I can count at least 8. Think there are perhaps even more though. She is a horrible, horrible human being
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In all honesty I don't think the Sunday Woman article is very good. It's poorly written and focuses more on having a dig at Jack than focusing on the facts. I'm a little disappointed. Molly did a much better job.
Oh thank goodness you said that because I thought I was alone. While reading it I was rolling my eyes at how the writer made most of it about herself. Tiresome.
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Chatty Member
Unbelievable. So may be other requests have been made previously and been given the same treatment? Glad I don’t donate to Wiki now! 😂😂
It's ridiculous. Claims to be a source of knowledge. But valid criticism of Jack is met with shut this down, don't discuss and warm 'em because it's defamation and bile 🤦‍♀️

What's allowed to be said about people on their page seems to be based on their political view. So jack is offlimits.
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Chatty Member
Back from Tattle Life retirement for tatergate.

Are the bots phase 1 of reputation management? It's almost like they're trying to get Jack trending because the reaction to the leaving has been muted, to non existent. Like 'yoo hoo, please notice that I've LEFT, coo eee, HELLO! Anyone out there?'. Attaching a random 7year old video to it as well is just desperate.

Only big blue ticker I've seen comment is Jeremy Vine and he even implied it's the right thing for them to do. Nothing from Mom. No hashtag campaigns on the go.

The Sunday Woman article isn't great, it sounds too personal. And it won't turn any heads that have been fed Jack's story for the past 10yrs. Tbh I doubt any great revelations about misappropriation of charitable funds etc would sway some of the hardened supporters. I think many would forgive it. Jack's intentions were good in raising the money but she had to do it as SB couldn't have toast and jam because of the Tory bastards and they drove her down that path. I would expect people to say that they don't even mind that the money went to Jack instead of charity because to them Jack IS a charity. Like sponsoring a kid in Africa or something. "How do you support the impoverished Cressida?" "Oh I donate to Jack Monroe, poor little pixie, can't afford lightbulbs, it's turrible darling we must do more". Apologies if your name is Cressida.

The people who will steer clear though is probably brand partners
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I think I have located Jack’s personal memoir of The Poverty and other terrible tales of suffering and grief in the endless cold and darkness! Come on photoshop fraus, get her mug in there!


(this is a real book BTW)
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"What's next? Take slice of bread, shape into cups and grill. Et voilà a yorkshrire pudding"
Her Yorkshires were worse than you imagine- we spent most of an afternoon on that lol
Fill the cups with whisked eggs and you've got yourself a quiche. Add bottled lemon juice and top with powdered sugar for a lemon tart.
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Albert Hall

Just listened to the BBC Scotland interview. Her voice? Oh my god. Sounds like she's holding her nose under water.

Really useful tip though when she says: "One of the key things I build my shopping budget around is doing a stock take before I leave the house and go to the supermarket."

How clever. Her shopping only costs £20 per week because she's already got £200 worth of stuff in her freezer, fridge and cupboard.

How does any interviewer take her seriously and not think "what the fuck?" when she spouts such obvious nonsense.
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Chatty Member
Speculating on her Twitter return… I think she’ll start with an ‘I’m not perfect, I never claimed to be, I’m flawed and chaotic, but all I want is to HELP PEOPLE’ type speech. Followed by some spiel about her multiple ailments and disabilities and the effect they have on her. She’ll then move on to ranting about the evil right wing transphobes who are trying to bring her down and how her followers shouldn’t fall for it, it’s organised bots etc. Finally she’ll remind everyone she’s just a smol pixie trying to save the world one pov at a time, alongside a recipe* for bollock sausage, tinned pineapple, kidney bean, porridge and sardine risotto made with chopped up linguine rather than risotto rice.

*Not a recipe, a LIST OF INGREDIENTS!
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Amazing work @That Forensic Man & other clever ninnies, chapeau x

I’ve searched past threads and couldn’t see that this Instagram look had been costed before? Huge apols if I’m duplicating old news, but I’ve worked it out at a minimum £98.91 (mini sizes where available & combined blusher and bronzer palette) to a maximum £134.11. Jack was very clear that there was no sponsorship or freebies.

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That looked bagged rich, old Harold, though. Paid for itself.
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I read the canal’s radio commentary yesterday and I saw all your reactions in real time but nothing could have prepared me for actually listening to the BBC Scotland radio thing on catch-up.

1) The voice
2) The bolognaise into goulash into chilli (???)
3) The intelligence-insulting shopping ‘advice’
4) The barely awakeness

Jack is obviously really unwell and I hope that whatever happens over the coming days (articles, exposés etc) she gets the help she clearly needs.
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Mr Krabs

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View attachment 1614992

A couple of vintage bangers from Jack "10 pallets" Monroe for you, whilst it's quiet.
Did not realise Jack had single handedly saved a food bank with her generous donations. Did the tins have her name on them?

Perhaps we should have a list of Jack’s most incredible accomplishments/claims too? Little things that were lost to the great Twitter deactivation. For example, having her recipes stolen by Tom Kerridge and getting one of the highest scores on the 11+ in the country.
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waffle maker

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I don’t understand why Jack isn’t in legal trouble for the tax and failed kickstarter and not delivering on patreon. And isn’t it fraud if you are pretending to be poor to get charity donations but have a house full of expensive stuff?
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