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Imagine if Netflix or some documentary maker does do it? I know she’s small potatoes 🥔 (Small, Dire Potatoes as a title?) but as a con job type story it’s a banger. People love that stuff.
I hope wonky b gets a cameo. Can’t help thinking of that woman who continued to insist Savile was a good guy even after he was exposed.
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Big thanks to all the canal who listened to the entire BBC radio Scotland morning programme - you were all hilarious- from feet to fungal nails to nasal honk- I was sat on a beach in the sunshine 🔺 hooting out loud, great commentary all, thank you for all you do 🙏🏼
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I'd like to see some calls for stricter regulation of online fundraising and guidelines that people know about so they can report, or at least not throw their money away. Basically like how the ASA has tackled influencer advertising, but for donations.
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The station knew she wasn't turning up by 9.30 this morning. They just keep mentioning her as they've never had so many listeners before 😂
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She's def impulsive, but I'm not sure if she feels untouchable. Some of her actions lately (e.g. the deleting sprees, epic potato strop) make me think she's aware of having lied herself into a corner.
Hmm I dunno... she's always been a tweet and deleter, and a large part of the potato strop was the inability to control the situation and silence people, imo. She's been used to getting away with increasingly brazen, public lies and I think that's what's given her the untouchable feeling. Either way, sucks to be Jack this morning, very much reaping what she has sown now! She'll be longing for the days when it was just this bunch of ninnies, laughing at slop 🥰.
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Chatty Member
Has there been an in-depth study of Alcoholism Recovery Jack?

I read about the local shop contradictory stories, but there's more than that.

BTW, my name is Benign Narcissist and I'm an alcoholic, and regularly attended meetings and events for a number of years.

I have never seen, or heard of, an AA group in the UK give out the "sobriety chips" marking the length of time sober (though I have seen it in other 'anonymous groups' - Cocaine Anonymous, for example).

She might have a home group that does do it, but why would she accept multiple chips to mark the same length of sober time?

Any South of England friends of Bill W able to confirm if sobriety chips are given out?

Standard advice to new arrivals at AA is attend 90 meetings in 90 days, and don't drink in between. Anonymity is discussed, and I'm pretty sure someone with a high profile is advised that using said profile to announce early recovery risks damaging AA reputation, and putting others off trying it, in the event of a relapse.

If Jack does have a sponsor (AA veteran to do the 12 Step programme with), then they will be aghast at her social media antics.

Jack announced to the world her alcoholism with a Guardian article a week into 'sobriety' - everyone is different, but I don't know any AA members who made membership public within the first few months rather than days, except one guy who announced it on his Facebook page when he acted like a drunken fool at a work event and tried to worm out of getting sacked.

Jack may well have gone to AA. She may believe she is addicted to alcohol. She might even be. I can't know. But what I do know is that her exposing the organisation to association with her, particularly so early on, would likely cause immense discomfort to those who do "service" (volunteer to host and run the meetings). This is read out at the start of every meeting:

A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety.

Nobody would ever be asked to leave an AA meeting unless something really awful like violence resulted. But AA meetings will have people desperately in need of help arriving, and, if Jack does attend, find there is a social media personality with serious boundary issues there.

If Jack is in AA, she acted out of accordance with the spirit of anonymity the organisation has carefully cultivated over decades.

Many famous people have spoken of their membership - but usually after many years sobriety, and often significant service. Jack showed up and wrote a Guardian article about it.

It's all very weird and suspicious.
Also an alcoholic here. Jack’s article for The Guardian really ticked me off. Even on its face, it wasn’t appropriate to be written. There are quite a chip meetings here in London so perhaps it is a regional thing, but I don’t think taking two chips or attending two different meetings for the purpose of getting two chips so you can give one to your child, or whatever Jack says she did, is really the done thing. You can buy the individual chips (not the fancy ones) yourself online anyway very cheaply if you really want multiples.

It could just be how Jack expresses herself that makes everything sound questionable but as you say, in the AA stuff, she doesn’t really act like anyone at AA, and that includes the much more famous people who go. I don’t see them tweeting about it and writing Guardian articles but just getting on with it.
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Chatty Member
From the article linked above:

"Maybe you know of her cheap meals where she proudly shouts about feeding her family with Smart Price pasta (as if this is a triumph, when in reality most of us do it)"

The writers absolutely right. Just about every tip or suggestion Jack pulls out of her backside is something that a good majority of us do every damn week.
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Chatty Member
The severest of severe anorexia was apparently from when she was 8 or 9. Can’t be arsed to look through the archive but the tweet still shows on Google.

View attachment 1613727
Also, I understand that people with anorexia aren’t always very underweight, but we have seen pics of her as a teenager and she’s a very normal, healthy weight. No indication of anorexia. She only pulled this one out because people were complaining that her menu would leave people starving and ill.
I definitely think it’s just coke then. She’s an absolute twat. She needs to fuck off and get herself a sinus lift (a procedure you can have done when you’ve absolutely fucked your sinuses with coke).

i was very underweight from my eating disorder and half a bmi point away from my doctor being allowed to section me and have me tube fed. (before I ever took any kind of drug). Although my eating habits if I take coke mimic That of my eating disorder, when you come down, you do eat a lot. I have woken up from a coke session and immediately cooked and ate massive plates of spaghetti bolognaise, and eaten big meals every two hours until I feel better. That’s why she doesn’t lose weight like someone with an actual eating disorder.

I bet she was a fussy eater as a kid and has tied that in - so was I, my mother used to ring her health visitor crying because she believed I would starve to death. That’s not an eating disorder diagnosis and only the most extreme kids are properly diagnosed with anorexia. there’d be evidence.

ETA when I referred to myself as having one since being a kid I mean teens. Just to clarify.
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Bringin this over from the last thread because it closed before I could post so you clearly wanted me to STOP BREATHING

I'm actually incensed by this for some reason.

The ooni was gifted, that boiled my piss as I actually had to do loads of overtime to buy mine, I contacted them and they were quite happy for her to have one
Because Jack's pov audience is exactly who they target for a £300 pizza oven - amirite?

How to prove she is middle class along with her followers in one swift move. Cheers Ooni x
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This is something I’ve been thinking, but was never sure how to phrase it. Her tweets/writing never look like she’s been drunk.

Whatever substances she may or may not be abusing*, for me, her biggest problem is that she’s a total narc. I know that word is thrown around a lot these days, but she really is, and it’s disturbing.

* If she was using coke or whatever, I wouldn’t judge her, in the same way that I don’t judge any fraus who share their experiences with it here, I really respect how open and honest you all are. I just have a problem with her lies around it all. Sorry not explaining this very well!
As Hotes said above, usually you'd see someone's literacy deteriorate as they gradually become more drunk. That doesn't happen with Jack and she also doesn't ever seem to pass out asleep, instead merrily tweeting away until early morning.

YouTube is currently being flooded with "Jack Monroe leaves twitter" videos BTW, she's definitely paid for some services.
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I find it genuinely fascinating that we’ve all been here for various lengths of time but we’ve ended up for the same reason. We rightly moaned that nobody bar us and a few others were wise to what was happening, she was given chance after chance etc….but now there’s a culmination of different publications speaking honestly about who Jack Monroe is, reaching different corners of the internet but it seems that’s not enough?

What would be people like to see published? Why do you think that would be better thank this slow but steady accumulation of detractors?
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I thought it meant there might be a newsworthy item ‘dropping’ tomorrow and I got all excited like Christmas time 😞
Patience tender one, it’s coming. We don’t need too much all at once or we’ll become overexcited and make ourselves sick- like toddlers jumping on a bouncy castle after mainlining Sunny Delight and E numbers at an 80s children’s’ party.
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One thing that I don't understand which is a huge giveaway as to income is the whole filler/Botox thing. I'm a man who has no understanding of these things but I know they aren't cheap and need doing regularly so how can Jack afford those yet not shower gel?
Worth noting that (to my knowledge) she has never admitted to having any fillers. I don't even think she has ever admitted to using so much as a filter - despite the glaringly obvious. Good lighting, soft pink curtains, sitting in a sunbeam, eating spicy Pringles being some of her terrible explanation-os. Literally can't lie, though.
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I notice the comments have been turned off for all of the posts on her IG feed.
I winder if she is under strict social media instruction by her agents?
I think she is preparing for something coming. She is expecting something.
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Husband: is this radio 4?
Me: oh Google misheard me, and I couldn't be bothered to change it...I'm enjoying the accents...

How long do I need to listen?
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