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Chatty Member
View attachment 1543220

Jack may be a liar but she'd never joke about her famous vintage pickled arseholes. These babies are authentic veterans of the 2021 £20 shops. Could even be yellow sticker boys or the rare and highly sought after night radish.
‘The Night Radish’ is what Cheshire Ross calls his cock. Unfortunately it is neither rare or sought after.
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Really want to know how many people were on the publishing team.
Imagine a fresh faced intern tagging along to go the house of a famous food writer for brunch only to be served
View attachment 1542820

"these cherry tomatoes taste...interesting" you say weakly.

"Ah that'll be because I fried them" Jack grins like a Cheshire cat as you eye them dubiously.

"In cheese"

<camera pans into horrified pupil of eager intern before fading fully to black>
I just don’t understand why there are so many ingredients and flavours, and all in a confusing order too? Why avo (smashed) AND spinach (creamed)? Why radishes (pickled, aged) AND tomatoes (chilli cheese fried, wtf)? Why egg damply combined with bread?

A better combo that contains many of the original flavours but in a less unhinged way would be regular toast (buttered), avo with chilli flakes, tomatoes sautéed in olive oil and balsamic, with a scrambled or poached egg. No aeons old radishes needed. If she’s desperate to include the cheese and the spinach, you could wilt it down with a bit of parmesan, salt and pepper, but you really don’t need to.

She truly is the insane bunger-inner of all who dare to call themselves a cook.
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Jelly Bean

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Eeuww those radishes look exactly like my dog's pumhole - same colour and sort of puckered in the middle :sick:

Btw thanks for the warning of the snotty sniff on the video - an alert about the forced hyena laugh would've been good too.
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Dr R just put up this link
For me that was a painful read (not in a good way). And ill-informed at that. Contrary to what this piece states, she’s claimed to be working class on numerous occasions across the years. There are swathes of this piece that could be seized upon by Jack as a “gotcha” to any criticism of her (and not solely the compare and contrast with bad Jamie Oliver). And there are parts that are just nonsensical.

I am not coming from a position where I want or expect everything about her to be critical and get a thrill out of anything critical published. I thought that newer piece by Katie Roache (I’m making that name up I think-the one in past couple of days on the PDF download) was poorly written, inaccurate on even some basic facts and added nothing for eg. But particularly in the case of a press article or as here, academic research, I do expect it to be based upon rigorous (ie more accurate) research rather than, as here, cherry-picking to fit a predetermined academic thesis/argument. Some of this is so contorted to fit that thesis as to be nonsensical.

Also, and I say this as a former ‘academic’ with an actual Doctorate, but fuck me, academic writing can’t half be dry as fuck while being as overblown as fuck- a bit like the writing equivalent of a hoop skirt made of radiator orange peel on a rollercoaster on a particularly windy day.

PS I’m also irritated that it takes no issue with her Jeremy Kyle shite- almost lauds it as JM being clear she’s MC in fact
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My first title - I’m humbled and thrilled, but must acknowledge the first half was taken from the wonderful and underrated “Early Doors”.
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I always feel bad for newbie publisher who had to do that chaotic live with her over lockdown, I think it's the launch of GFFBD.

That poor young thing details how she got the job, and how excited she was to work with Jack, and you can see her re-evaluating all her life choices as the video goes on.

The actual publishers did a dirty on that girl. They knew exactly what they doing, sending a naive, eager young un off to keep the dragon occupied. I hope she LEFT and got herself a nicer job with bosses that give a damn about employee's MH.
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Can you imagine going to someone's house for a business meeting and their dog rocks into the room and starts drinking out of your glass of water?This is just beyond unprofessional! And I am a dog person, have one, but would be absolutely mortified if they behaved like that in a professional setting. Just urgh.
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She definitely got the kid to come over specifically for the meeting with the publishers, didn’t she? To give the impression of a busy working single mum balancing everything and the stress of the 6 weeks holidays. And it would be much harder for them to tell her how it is with him sitting across the room.

He’s nothing but a prop to her and it’s so horrible to see.
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Not tone policing, more a heads up, but please don't be too mean - the website is almost irrelevant as he mostly deals with customers on Twitter - he used to have a bricks and mortar shop but then moved house and went online. Misplaced Jack love aside, he does a lot of good with his weekly Buy a Stranger a Book thing, and I've taken advantage of his kindness myself when I was low and he offered to send anyone who wanted one a copy of a Matt Haig book.
Awh, that's nice to hear. He isn't full Jack grifter. Was worried about how legit it all was. Faith restored.

I was just pointing out how he is part of the 'send me money for no reason' club. It's a horrible modern phenomena!
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Just our luck, she's going to put out her stinking pile of emotional trash when the binmen are on strike.

Anyway, we could see this coming, eh? Full on victim mode because of The Thing that happened. Well it didn't happen just now, it's an anniversary of The Thing. No matter that everybody in the world has their own cross to bear and has their own Thing, Jack Monroe does not need to be held accountable for her actions, because can't we see she's a victim?

How dare we expect adult or reasonable behaviour from a person to which this Thing happened. And she is just so so vulnerable. More vulnerable than you anyway. And haven't all these shitty TED talks from people encouraging to make your vulnerability your strength taught us that it's fine to use the things you suffer from as a shield, or better a weapon*? Only Jack of course, when you slip up you will be reminded that you ought to be kind and to fuck off.

Seriously, fuck this level of victim-turned-persecutor bullshit.

(*I don't think people actively encourage this, but it is used in this way)
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Mr Krabs

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I know this is going back a few chaos's (how time FLIES) but I am so annoyed about this that I can't stop thinking about it. As an actual lesbian Frau, this is such a dangerous narrative to suggest that your lesbian identity can just be discarded when it doesn't suit you anymore. It's what men tell us all our lives. It's already considered such a dirty word, even within the lesbian community itself, as it carries a lot of shame. Most lesbians I know refer to themselves as "gay" because of the stigma attached.

I'm not saying bisexual and pansexual women don't exist, of course they do - but Jack wore the lesbian title as a badge when it suited her agenda, and now to declare herself as "done with all that" is just so insulting and offensive. If she had said something like "I felt like the word lesbian suited me a few years ago, but having reflected upon my sexual identity, that no longer fits" that would be fine; but the dismissal of it all as if it's a choice absolutely boils my slop.

Jack is a TWAT.
As a bi Frau I hate it too. It’s bisexual erasure. Even when I’ve been through periods of exclusively dating women, I’ve never called myself a lesbian because I still fancy the occasional big hairy bloke and I feel it’d be an insult to my lesbian friends. There aren’t enough bi women in the public eye.

(Autocorrect keeps changing this to bin women which is a career option for Jack I suppose. If she can handle slop, she can handle anything).
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Grunking so not sure where this will land or if it’s been said

with regards to the ‘speech’ about trackies, burgers and Jeremy Kyle … now, I’ve only heard the audio (not even sure if there is a video?) but from the sound of it, she is reading from a piece of paper (very possibly she has memorised) but my point is, that she has written that line down, presumably re-read it, practiced the speech and STILL didnt clock how utterly vile that statement is and didn’t see anything wrong with it and then proceeded to say it out loud in the HoC!?
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Nobody’s mentioning her aches and pains may be a result of being rogered by Ronald McDonald for six hours after several hours hula hooping…
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I've got nothing to add to the conversation, I found this picture the other night, and it's a rare occasion of Jack looking quite nice. She wears this pink suit a lot, but this is the nicest version, and she found a twin!

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She admitted that she couldn't even remember his birthday in Edinburgh.

Plus, that's just cruel making SB sleep in the Barold tainted bed of massive burgers and nightmeats.
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Re Jack's suggestion that Asda should do convenience stores for the poors.

I've just got back from Morrisons and they have made a little section. It's in a weird middle aisle that has Easter eggs, Halloween or Christmas stuff in seasonally, and the rest of the time it gets ignored. Honestly it's a little depressing.

I'm sure they meant well, trying to show customers how much is in their value range, but it's a little odd. You don't go to the supermarket and buy the ten random things that have a budget version. Who shops like that? (Apart from Jack).

Surely you go round the shop and when you get to the tinned tomatoes you think I can't stretch to a fiver on 4 tins of Mutti, it's 3 quid for the Napolina ones or they've got value ones for 45p?

It just feels quite patronising and sad.


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