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VIP Member
Went to Tesco with No 2 son a while ago. He’s 6ft 3 and spent a lot of the time getting stuff off the top shelf for people. He told me that it happened pretty much every time he went shopping.
Mr Beds gets this too - though he’s smol at only 6ft. It doesn’t help when he by chance is wearing a stripped shirt with said supermarkets colours so people (mainly OAPs) assume he works there, never fails to make me smile 😂.

Back on thread I keep getting this ad, wonder if Jack has noted their details in case a back up lawyer is needed?

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Sorry… a Seamaster watch?? Am I reading this correctly?!! Is it the case that Jack received one of these as a gift from her parents at some point or do I misunderstand?

I grew up fairly poor myself, but can’t deny my family are now probably best described as middle class. I have a professional qualification, and currently have a pretty good job, albeit an interim one, and would say my partner does too, both our wages being above average.

I nonetheless consider those kind of watches to be a luxury extravagance that’s probably still slightly beyond us unless we were being really very generous to ourselves or each other. You get those or give those, when you have a lot of money and can afford to splash out.

Jack’s parents gave her one of these??
the only evidence I have seen of the existence of the Seamaster watch if Jack saying she had to sell it.

if it existed and was a present or bought by Jack for herself, or was actually a Michael Korrs watch who knows.
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Literally no one on the Mumsnet thread has said that Anderson's words changed their opinion about Jack (which would indicate reputation damage). All the critics are saying the same stuff we're saying (hell, some of them are almost certainly Tattlers).

She's really shot herself in the foot this time.
Indeed, the only comments I have seen are from ones deliberately saying it to help Jack's case.
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Basically they set a minimum income floor which is what they expect someone to earn based on a 35 hour a week working week

If she earns less than this then she would get no more UC to make up the difference and if she earned more then her UC would start to reduce

Personally. I would like to know what her income is without the grift
Looking at that Jack couldn’t begin to fill the criteria for UC.
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VIP Member
They wouldn’t. A lad in my year at secondary got expelled I’m sure him & his parents had to have a meeting with the head & his form tutor about it.
I only managed the feeble two days exclusion and they sent me home with a letter & phoned my parents. All schools may differ in certain ways but I’m pretty sure they all must have to follow certain procedures.
The parents HAVE to know as they have a legal duty to make sure the child isn’t in public during school hours when they are excluded.
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Chatty Member
The cheapest bacon you can buy is packed in a moist lump with lots of other bits of cheap off cut bacon. When you cook it, it releases.all the water and chemicals from all the preservatives etc that have been injected into the larger cuts of meat.

So you end up, sometimes anyway, with a floating film of scum and fatnand chemicals and horridness.. it's like looking at a pond but instead of fish and algea, it's floating bacon bits and sludgey fats.. 🤢
Spoiler tags please!!!!!!!

(I know, I know, should have a stronger stomach given Jack's food, but some of that especially her descriptions has also made me proper gip)
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You need to go back earlier than that - Allegra was expelled from her school after going off the rails because she was struggling to cope with bereavement - publically documented. Jack just cannot exist without appropriating someone else’s emotional state - she is fucking vile.
Did she get expelled before she failed her GCSE's? Which story has receipts...... :unsure::ROFLMAO:
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Chatty Member
I don't want to be outing myself as a Viper here... But..

There was a thread on MN years ago, Jack rocked up...

I'm Jack Monroe, Ask Me Anything..
Something like that.

Most responded with a resounding, "who?"

A good while later Jack came back on, ranting and raving about a mum at the pub that Jack claimed had stolen their purse or something. Typical nastiness about a mum at a pub, saying that the mum was horrible, unruly etc. As I recall, jack got.called out on it and flounced in a huff.

I don't think MN forgot those threads tbh.
(And those I remember them, they may not be accurate and I am in no way confirming that I go to or have ever gone o to a site known as Mumsnet...)
That thread is still there and it was ridiculous
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