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Mr Krabs

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god oh no, on the topic of journo jack I just remembered when I followed her old twitter in the run up to the 2017 election. remembered a tweet about how she read all the newspapers every single day and went through them with a highlighter pen because "when I worked as a journalist we had to read All The Newspapers Every Morning, A Big Pile of Them, We Learned The Enemy's Arguments"
I have no proof this tweet exists now but it's so on brand! the Southend Echo otherwise known as the Truth Battalion
(eta: I do not believe Jack read all the newspapers every day, or that wading through stacks was daily practice at the Southend Echo, it's Jack having false memories of the 19th century again)
Probably just gave her that task to keep her busy and out the way.

Journo: Sir, that blogger we hired can’t write for shit and is getting under everyone’s feet.
Editor: Well, just get her to make the tea then.
Journo: We tried. She made it in a slow cooker and it took six hours. And I won’t even tell you what she did to the work microwave.
Editor: Sigh. Well, just give her one of those jobs we usually give to the nepotism work experience kids.
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I remember a show where he went to the homes of people in food poverty and taught them how to cook simple recipes. Could literally not imagine her stepping into a council tower block to make her peach and boredom curry without a look of sheer horror.

Does anyone remember when the inverted snob Monroe started talking about single mums in a tower block with a broken lift?

For context. I’ve lived in flats but she just gets on my nerves when she starts wanging on about single parents in tower blocks.

My mum was a single parent and we lived in a studio flat. Like a tenement but we didn’t have a separate bedroom. Then we moved into a terraced council house. I live in a council flat just now. Point I’m making is that there’s all sorts of social housing but Jack seems to think all single mums live in tower blocks. she’s an idiot who likes stereotyping people

Clueless. A lot of council /social housing is actually really nice. And tbh. There’s nothing wrong with towers either in my view. As long as the housing is fit for habitation which to be fair in my area it is.
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This 100 hour week bollocks is just SO ridiculous. 16 consecutive weeks, which also include her yomping around a holiday cottage, Kickyball games in Liverpool, being whisked off for lunch repeatedly, tweeting ALL day, spending all day at Asda, doing the school run, listening to podcasts with OH, watching TV at his, and being in bed every night by 10pm with all the power off. How many hours are there in a Jackday?
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The more Jack slags off Jamie the more I like him. Actually I saw this video he made maybe around 18 months ago when he was talking about poverty and food and I’ll tell you something. The research he did was far more impressive than anything I’ve seen Jack Monroe churn out. Plus he spoke like he really cared.
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Jelly Bean

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This is her preamble to the teacher/stalking thread. Preplanned.
But genuinely didn't realise she was tweeting until halfway through.


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Chatty Member
Really fucking rad.
Is Jack not doing Bestival? They came back from bankruptcy and went all parenting influencer crazy. That whole thing sounds like satire:

Among other names on the bill this year are Thanet couple Simon and Clemmie Hooper - known on Instagram as Mother of Daughters and Father of Daughters where they have more than 1.5 million followers combined.

The parents to daughters - Anya, Marnie and three-year-old identical twins Ottilie and Delilah - will be hosting a DJ set in the famous Bollywood Tent, playing their favourite tracks and challenging each other as families dance the afternoon away.

"From Mother of Daughters vs. Father of Daughters DJ Set, to Clemmie Telford’s Lists Live and the amazing Pizzup we wanted to recruit the finest from the Instagram parenting community to help bring their stories and experiences to the festival."

Simon and Clemmie Hooper find their names alongside top headline acts like Jess Glynne

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Hugh Grant offends public decency by paying sex workers with drug addictions for their services on the street. If that doesn’t say Hugh for PM then I don’t know what does.
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While we're in the relative calm before the next chaos, could someone please enlighten me as to where "TOOT TOOT" and "she LEFT" came from? I know the latter is something to do with LJC breaking up with her but more specifically? I've been trying to figure this out for about six threads now 🤣
A few months ago she did a triumphant post about how she was living her best life despite all of her trolls. She ended it with TOOT TOOT. The cable was most amused.
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Jack Monroe is a lying liar who lies.
I have never seen her use a trigger warning - she weaponises her made-up experiences and throws her labels at everyone at every opportunity. She’s an absolute monster.
View attachment 1239234
Why not fucking delete it and start again if you’ve noticed “half way through”? Or realise maybe you shouldn’t be writing it at all? UGH.
The worst part was this was released around the time of Sarah Everard and she tried to make it all about her
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Five hundred dogs

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I’m going to be devils advocate here. I don’t think it’s that unusual for for people with children to have short breaks without the children, especially when the children are a bit older like SB. What those people also do is have a family holiday with the children though, something Jack never seems to do.
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I think she became an “expert” freelance crafter instead of trainee journalist as that is exactly the kind of career path plot twist we’d expect. And of course, “freelance crafter” seems like a solid secure way to be paying bills with a toddler — no offence the artistic Fraus among us.

so you’re probably right @Cucumberthunder - I’m sure there’s more to just leaving the Southend Echo because of the “pressures of fame”….feels a bit like the firm “resignation accepted “ from the Old Chief
Other way round: she quit a (retail, I think) job to become a freelance crafter in late 2012. Then she became a trainee reporter in early 2013.

She quit that later. Her book had not yet been published, but she posted on her blog that she was expecting TV, radio, etc etc so quitting was a pre-emptive strike. She did get a deal to write a weekly recipe in the Guardian, a monumental task that could not be managed alongside a full-time job.

I have the receipts for this, but not to hand - I have shared them here before.

ETA: She also claims to have been working as a prostitute and stealing food to survive in 2013. Busy year!
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Her vegan book is so annoying because she has taken things actual vegans have been doing for years and passing them off as something she has slaved over researching. Like using tofu in egg mayo for example. The tofu ricotta in her book is identical to one in a book published 17 years ago. I don’t care at all that non vegans write vegan books, I care when they act like they invented veganism.

On the topic of JM 'inventing' recipes that have been around for decades, I find it interesting how she needs to take credit for literally everything, as though she's the first person in the world to try cooking on a budget. She even said as much during the Jamie Oliver rant. It takes a specific, self-obsessed mindset to conclude that you're the sole voice in budget cooking and anti-poverty campaigning, and that anyone else who does these things is stealing your patented ideas rather than contributing useful information to a collective pool of resources.

I also think it highlights how unnecessary most of her 'work' is. Her advice adds absolutely nothing. It might as well not exist. The world of budget cooking spans many cultures/cuisines; there are already actual chefs whose recipes are cheap and much more appetising than her sad slop; anti-poverty campaigners are doing meaningful work behind the scenes without spouting about how much they deserve accolades; foodbanks will continue without her intervention; there would still be voices (more informed, less annoying ones) holding the government to account. Jack has no visible talents (sorry if that's harsh) and hasn't made any effort to become skilled at anything - but in her mind she's truly indispensable.
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Soapy Dolphin

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Yep, just do that luv. Barrel scrapings will be preferable to the Ch****** and P**** curry.

I'll just pop this here. It will be appropriate some time soon. ;)

loud enough.JPG
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