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Surely everyone already does things like pasta and peas if that's all they have. I've made similar things many times, it's just using common sense really. Goodness knows how she built a career out of it, that's the thing I can never understand.
Because her middle class audience are the type of people who think the "poor" are feckless, thick idiots who only know how to cook oven chips and therefore need blatantly obvious things like pasta and peas pointed out to them.

It all fits into the narrative of "You can live on £20 a week, if you aren't you're just not trying hard enough" that she also encourages through her ridiculous £20 shops (of course the cabal and questioning squigs know that she uses stuff outwith the shops but the audience she's going for won't check). AND her constant posts about £34 in her bank account and not having wifi and Netflix and whatever else she's claiming this week then managing to buy X luxury ingredient/hats/sideboards also play into the same stereotype - look at all she accomplishes with £34 cos she's cut out stuff so anyone who is struggling just mustn't be doing that. Never mind that wifi is basically essential for claiming all benefits if you live somewhere that doesn't have fab phone signal indoors or that the kids need it for school work and Netflix helps fill the time hole of all the lessons and extra-curricular activities Jack had as a child, and I'm sure SB is lucky enough to benefit from, that actual poor people can't fucking afford.

She's vile and she's playing right into every single stereotype she claims not to, and is constantly absolutely shitting on the very people she's claiming to help but the audience she has laps it right up to make themselves feel better and that's how she's got her career. She's no better than Hopkins or Mogg - in fact, at least they have the slight redemption that they're honest about who they are rather than being snobby by stealth like Jack.
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Marmalade Atkins

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I have said this before, but the pub story is clearly made up because she says it was just her and the other woman in the pub garden. On a Friday afternoon. In August.



Absolute bullshit, Your Honour.
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So behind but happy patreon day - looks to be down to 698 which is a huge jump even from the last remembered figure which was ~740, from month start will be even bigger. I’m BUSY today but will try and provide the full breakdown at nap time?

Est revenue

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Who wears a suede flat cap on what looks like a glorious sunny arvo in Italy? And ... jeans? ETA: and big old clodhoppers?
I’d be floating around in a summer dress and straw hat trying to cram all the gelato in my face.
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Hooray, a new word for the Jacktionary! A smorgasbord of amused and furious ffs.

I've been approached multiple times by security in shops for wearing hats with a peak because they think that I am a young (male) rapscallion up to no good. Every time it happens I howl and claw. I am a peripatetic cacophony of enraged and elated. My feet perform an exquisite cavalcade of shin kicks and I scream 'I AM A MATURE ADULT WOMAN YOU NINNY' and then I somersault out of the shop leaving the security guards with the lingering screech of 'TOOT TOOT' ringing in their mendacious ears.
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I can't believe that this is the thing that brings me out of lurkdom, but I am a Venice- loving Frau, and this has me 🦉 and 🍾. Jack thinks Per Rialto is a place in Venice. This will be because she has seen it written on numerous signs on the 2 main walking routes either side of the Grand Canal. The clue's in the arrow, Jack. Rialto is the place. Per means 'for', as in, follow this arrow for Rialto. Along with all the other tourist sheep who never venture off the beaten track......
I am here for 'foreign' food Jack, she reminds me of a very shouty English man I heard loudly demanding a blacko curranto in a Spanish hotel.
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It makes me cringe when she says SB Googles her Twitter. Some of the stuff she says is totally not suitable for her kid to read (the graphic descriptions of ‘death threats’, etc.) True or not, it’s such a strange and sad boast.
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I find it amazing that she hasn’t been cancelled. There was a high profile Indian chef (I can’t remember who) complaining about Brits just calling everything curry yet she posts this underflavoured peach monstrosity and doesn’t get cancelled for it.
She messes with risotto with her long grain bullshit yet she calls out Jamie Oliver who at least appears to have some respect for his ingredients
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Jack was, apparently, in training to pass the fitness test you need to pass to become a firefighter.

She was never employed, or offered employment as a firefighter. However much she implied it.

For a start she would have needed a full driving licence to get recruited.
"Please, I called the fire brigade half an hour ago and no one is here. The fire is now spreading to my neighbours house"

"Yeah, sorry. First Old Chief told the driver go back and put on a skirt, then the crew got stuck at a roundabout"
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Is Jack as insufferable as ever?

Don't know why I am asking. Of course she is. I see there's loads of threads to catch up with. I might have to have two tabs open at once for some mega Gunking.
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Sorry super behind but have come bearing the rejiggled Patreon tracker. Felt it was important to look at the range of potential revenues she’s getting for this, as if you read the small print at the bottom it’s very very possible for her to be raaaaaking it in with just some small tweaks to her subscriber composition? Eg not everyone on the £3.50 tier.

Please let me know if anything looks awry I’ve done this last thing after a busy work day (Jacqui doesn’t know her 💅🏻) and lurkers pls don’t take this to Twitter my anxiety disorders can’t handle it x 🙏🏻

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We all know Venice is mega expensive yet she feeds her son eyelid sausages and 9p maize snacks. Surely the penny must drop at some point for people following her?
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The last few days have been shit. My weekend was really shit. If someone asked me to go to Venice, I would have told them, thank you so much for the offer but I would rather stagnate in my house to breaking bad because the juxtaposition of my mood against the lovely weather, happy tourists and beautiful surroundings would have exacerbated my shit feelings. Her triggering posts about ED and calories set me off but that is on me and I have to accept that.

Jack is a spoiled, self-centred, lying cow. I want to say our F and D chat about Italy had nothing to do with her Venice trip but I am starting to think that everything she does is aimed at us.

She has every right to go on holiday, but as usual, she had to make it the most holiday ever. If she was feeling that rubbish and burned out Venice really isn’t the best thought out place in the world to go. It is over priced, not the best place in Italy for food and requires a considerable amount of physical effort to navigate due to the canal structure and sheer number of tourists.

Not that I want her up here, but it would have been far better for her to visit a smaller Northumberland (Obs not Bamburgh🤣) or N. Yorkshire village. Far less showy, fantastic food, beaches, places to chill and unwind and far more in keeping with the persona she is trying to portray.

But, it is “festivals and talks” season. Jack needs to prepare by being relaxed and the only way to relax is to hand one to the trolls.

You looked a fraud Jack. You’ve looked a fraud for years. I hope L is with MM. She is the campaigner you could only hope to be.

ETA- lots to grunk, give me time ❤
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Still fuck all for SB, again. My kids loved Venice 😟

I’m sure this short break won’t interrupt her 900 year run of never having a holiday!
The contrast between his life with his dad/family versus her no expenses spared social life is one of the saddest and darkest things these threads have unveiled tbh.
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NONE OF THE GREAT DESTITUTION EVER HAPPENED, it is all a fantasy scam dreamt up by a manipulative weirdo. Jack is a compulsive (not very consistent) liar who has managed to make a lucrative lifestyle from her confections of grandiose and odd ideas about how the poors live and unfortunately for her patreons, and anyone who bought any of her appalling books, she is a dangerous voice for the Conservative party as she keeps shrieking about how she can manage on below poverty budgets. More fool The Guardian, GMB, mom and everyone else who promotes her snotty voice and shit slop.
Bugger, @Five hundred dogs has already said this much better!
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