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Well-known member
Just as a side note, im sure its been said but i cant find it -Is there any where we can request the proof that the charity money has been donated? I am not sure if it would be illegal if she is saying she's donated her wages but i am pretty sure its a crime if people have bought something or donated something that is lining pockets rather than going where it was supposed to be.
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I often think about doing it to. Taking it further. I suspect I am. I just never get round to it. I’m the complete opposite to Jack though, I know that no two people on the spectrum are ever the same, so you can’t really draw a fair comparison between two people with ASD or ADHD, but if she actually is, then she’s the only one I know that uses it as excuses for every mistake she makes. That’s why I doubt her word on it. I suspect she picks parts of people she meets irl. She then uses it all to form her own personality. A bit creepy when you look at it like that. It’s very telling how SB isn’t allowed to be his own person. She always has to jump on his interests and claim them as her own. As much as I dislike her, she also fascinates me. As in the psychology behind it.
I know a person like Jack who uses his ASD as an excuse for everything under the sun - but oddly, unlike Jack's claims her parents kept the diagnosis from her, I think his behaviour is learned from his mum who used it as an excuse for everything when he was younger (not at all saying all or most parents of neurodiverse children do this, just this one specific mum) and it's carried on into adulthood.

He's absolutely telling the truth about the diagnosis but he definitely uses it still and isn't always telling the truth about what it affects and I think that's how I feel about Jack.
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We also had a conservative MP who got his Richmonds mixed up and came all the way up north instead of being at a meeting in Richmond upon Thames
Interested to know how he managed that! I mean, Richmond (lovely place btw) is so far from the Thames one, how did he not notice the journey time was taking way longer than it should?

My grandfather once attempted to get a train from from Durham to Newcastle, only he somehow managed to board the direct to Edinburgh one. Apparently the train staff looked after him really well and kept bringing him tea and biscuits. He was in his early nineties, so we assume they thought he was having 'bad mentals' (as Jack might phrase it).
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😂 Um, sorry for the double post. I was trying to add stuff but ended up doing a big chaos. Oh well, at least all of this entertainment has helped me through the night shift hours.

Quick Jack, make a middle of the night cabbage stew, that'll bury it!
I don't think it will.
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I’m loving this. She’s proper shown herself up as a liar and a spineless whelk and she’s never done such a thorough job of anything in her life so far.

1. wrong country
2. It’s a banger
3. Church recipe nerd
4. Is alerted to her error and quietly deletes that bit of the tweet

normally she’d be all “well WHEN did I say that EXACTLY I’m so SICK of these TROLLS twisting my EVERY WORD. But you go on love have a nice day thankyou”

stupid whelk
So good, I'm still snorting with laughter every time I think about Tblisi Jack
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All up in her niche

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When she came upon this young man
Sawin' on a goat leg and playin' it hot
And the devil jumped
Up on a hickory stump
And said girl let me tell you what

I guess you didn't know it
But I'm a bit of a cook too
And if you'd care to take a dare I'll make a bet with you

Now you play a pretty good slopscam, girl
But give the devil his due
I'll bet a pineapple of gold
Against your soul
'Cause I think I'm better than you

The girl said my name's Jack, though
And it might be a sin
But I'll take your bet
And you're gonna regret
'Cause I'm the best there's ever been

Jackie wash up your bowl and play your slopgame hard
Cause hell's broke loose in Georgia and the devil deals the cards
And if you win you get this shiny fruit all made of gold
But if you lose the devil gets your soul.

The devil opened up his case
And he said I'll start this show
And fire flew from his fingertips
As he floured up his bowl
Then he pulled a pan across the hob
And it made a evil hiss

And a canal of hausfraus joined right in
And it sounded something like this

When the devil finished
Jackie said well you're pretty good old son
But sit down in that chair right there
And let me show you how it's done

She made self love stew and Anchoiade
Run Harold, run
The peaches' in the pot of the blandest slop
Chicken in a cold pan, dirty hands tho'
OH does your brother's chicken bite
No child, no

The devil bowed his head
Because he knew that he'd been beat
And he laid that golden pineapple
On the ground at Jackie's feet

Jackie said, devil just come on back
If you ever wanna try again
I done told you once you son of a bitch
I'm the best that's ever been

She made inexplicable eggs and rinsed hoop pie
Run squiggles, run
The meals in this plan only cost me 2p tho' (lies, lies, LIES)'
Bollocks in a sausage flavoured like Bounty Bars now
Jackie, will this food taste good?
No child, no
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V late but has Jack actually been talking to a woman in her 70s who can't have her grandkids round or has she just read this article?

I'm hoping the latter because sharing details of someone else's situation without permission is unbelievably shitty.
If she has read the article , she must be baffled at seeing a real, well thought out anti- poverty campaign, instead of howling and slop.
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That sandwich she cooked the other night and fried in egg sounded like the worst thing I’ve ever heard of in my life. She actually put mayonnaise on a sandwich and fried it. 🤮
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Well-known member
I’m like this too. I’m contemplating an assessment for ADHD currently because it would make a lot of things make sense, but who fucking knows.
Oh please please let there be a huge brilliant expose. The NHS would have to write a report on the mass aneurysm and all the conspiracy nutsos would think it was the second coming.
I often think about doing it to. Taking it further. I suspect I am. I just never get round to it. I’m the complete opposite to Jack though, I know that no two people on the spectrum are ever the same, so you can’t really draw a fair comparison between two people with ASD or ADHD, but if she actually is, then she’s the only one I know that uses it as excuses for every mistake she makes. That’s why I doubt her word on it. I suspect she picks parts of people she meets irl. She then uses it all to form her own personality. A bit creepy when you look at it like that. It’s very telling how SB isn’t allowed to be his own person. She always has to jump on his interests and claim them as her own. As much as I dislike her, she also fascinates me. As in the psychology behind it.
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