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My son left a single banana chip! Oh how we laughed!! 🍌 It's almost as rib-crackingly funny as the picture of Cooper doing nothing more remarkable than being asleep 🍌 I do have a sense of humour as I am a naughty smol puppybrained pixie also my friends are very real!!! 🍌 You can't see them but they're there behind the scenes!!!! Anyway, here's my horrid cake that I chucked in the communal skip the moment after this photo was taken as it was impossible to remove from the tin 🍌🍌🍌
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How has so much happened here in just an hour?! Sorry, but I have so much to say!

1. Does anyone still fancy Sir Matt after seeing this picture @DisgruntledGoat found? I never did but now I fancy Ching, she’s so pretty.


3. Never mind the gold spray, what are the pearl things on that metaphorical rocky road? It looks like a cheap necklace got knocked off a sideboard and landed in the tin?

4. That picture of the Scream ghostface holding a packet of Digestives ended me @traumatised sideboard !
Ching is unreal, as is her husband. I often think wistfully about how good they must both look just going about their everyday business and feeling bad that for the past year me and Mr Goat have been walking around looking like sentient piles of hair grease in lounge wear.

On topic: taxi driver is one of my favourite thread cameos. Next I want the driver of the train that her Tile got stuck to the floor of.
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An androgynous teenaged child with a sharp chin and half an ear grins impishly. This photo has definitely not been altered, filtered or facetuned.
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I read the wiki and the INFAMOUS thread. Christ on a bike. I feel so much better now I know I haven't just been a twat imagining some abstract perception of her.
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Chatty Member
But I don't think she's malicious.
I used to think that as well, back in the day when she first appeared in media. I felt sorry for her when I heard the story of how she and her son struggled..
Then I saw how she takes money from those who willingly send it to her believing she is poor and who can’t spare it themselves (yet brags about 5 figure deals with big brands and collaborations), how she snaps at those on social media and causes ‘pile-ons’ to others (also could be called bullying really..), and how she treats animals. I now think she is very malicious indeed.
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I didn't know about any of that. Is it all on the wiki with sources?
Probably not as that’s fairly recent and small potatoes compared to the lying, animal abuse, failure to supply goods paid for etc, however it is all detailed in previous threads with sources and screenshots.
ETA I said small potatoes 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I didn’t even think!

I'm on the matt haig thread too :)

ETA - it was a genuine question. I've not used patreon before. Being unconvinced someone isn't 100% a bad person because I haven't read all 200+ threads doesn't make me a troll. I pop in and out of this site and I haven't heard of most of the people the site talks about. I stumbled across the RSM thread after looking at the Jack threads. Bit weird that you're this suspicious?
To be honest, popping into a discussion asking questions/stating the opposite/“taking the other side” is actually what trolling is. Funny enough people here have spent up to 200 threads discussing why they dont like Jack, were quite deeply entrenched by now. Also a few people now have pointed you to the wiki to answer your questions yet you’re asking questions about what’s in the wiki, I’m afraid my patience is worn now.
Aargh my posts combined
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Top notch grunk, haven't had a strange and startling visit in a while. Wheezing at "everyone keeps asking me where I get this gold spray". Jack, hun, you've had comments turned off on all posts for the best part of a year, nobody is asking about anything least of all that horrific gold food spray.
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Why mention it at all?

Sorry for the list, but it is the only way I can put my thoughts about this morning’s posts in order.

1. I rarely go out, but when I do, most of the people I go out with don’t drink. It isn’t a novelty like Jack is making it out to be. It might be different in her luvvie London set, but once again, she implies her behaviour is novel and special.

2. The long-winded “I had a fantastic night, but I cannot tell anyone about what we did or show you what we got up to” is all very teenagery. She thinks we are interested. We aren’t. I don’t give a shit that she went out. I want her to pay her taxes, write the books and make the fucking granola.

3.Anyone who cooks for a living, or cooks for anyone else for that matter, should be ashamed of that tin. It is disgusting. The cake (regardless of ingredients) will taste foul simply because it is cooked in that tin. She needs to stop with this performative bollocks and learn some basic skills.

4. All this communication to us (SB is here, AA, therapy) is getting boring. She couldn’t take us down directly by coming here, she couldn’t stop us by going on about online bullies because she is the bully through constant triggering posts so now she has resorted to this. Instagram is easier for her as she can write more shite, post stories and generally present her life in an entirely false manner.

5. the end.
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I wonder what people who haven't read the (incredibly thorough) Wiki think that we've all been banging on about for over 200 threads.

Do they think we've just copy and pasted 'don't like her because she was definitely for sure poor once and wants to help people' over and over and over?
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Impulsive spending is part of ADHD, so perhaps she treated herself with one of her book advances? I think she might be traumatised by when she was poor so she still has the mindset of someone living in poverty, and that's what comes across when she chooses to do things the long way for the sake of a few ££s. I'm inclined to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, to a point.
Hi, what was it that prompted you to join up, and do take a look at the wiki which details all the times Jack admitted she wasn’t poor, only went to a food bank once and her housemates in the shared house of 5 were...her parents.
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