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View attachment 558960

Fuck off with your bullies. Close your Patreon and your PayPal begging jar, stop lying about being in poverty, and I (and I suspect many others) will literally forget you exist, you con merchant.

No grifting = blissful peace.

p.s. you are indeed a twat.
This is it. The shirt doesn't bother me, it might not be to my taste, but I think they did make it and I like creativity.

What I find upsetting is the lies and embellishment of their pov stories, dishonestly shoehorning themselves into every possible disadvantaged minority, the begging and the gaslighting over 'bullying'.

If they want a fresh start doing commissioned embroidery, ceasing their constant aggressive cosplay, then I for one will actively encourage it, more power to them.

Quite amazed that they still have to draw explicit attention to their recovery even through some fucking flowers though.
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The other big difference is that Ruby genuinely thinks that the things she writes about are bigger and more important than she is, and it shows - she is genuinely trying to amplify other voices. This for example is a really superb piece about race, class, food, how to live in cities and growing stuff - all issues Jack has touched on in order to amplify Jack:

Oh, he was lovely. Sent me loads of seeds after chatting online about the soil conditions/aspect of my house and what he'd seen growing on the site before it was developed.

Had a friend visit today to fix the loo - he left with some Dill, Nasturtium and Sage seeds that were harvested from plants that were grown from the ones I'd been sent. And a big bag of dried Rosemary (labelled as such in case of a stop and search) with some fresh nipped off the bush still growing like mad out front. Esiah's legacy is far greater in a ridiculously short time than anything JM could ever wish for.
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There’s also a whole thing on her wiki edits about whether he was decorated in the Falklands as she’s claimed or not. Though to grudgingly be fair to Jack, as a non-military Frau, the internet does seem to imply people generally disagree on what counts as decorated.
There's various types of medals. Gallantry ones like the Victoria and George Crosses, Military Medal, Mentioned In Dispatches, etc for doing something above and beyond. These are usually what is meant by 'decorated'. There's the 'Undetected Crime' ones, ie long service and good conduct. 'Around At The Time' ones such as the various Jubilee and Coronation ones. Then there's the campaign ones - if he was in the Falklands and Northern Ireland, he will have the South Atlantic Medal and the General Service Medal with NI Bar; basically, I Fought Here ones. After big wars such as WW1 and WW2, there were peace medals (my grandad got the 1918 Peace Medal and my parents the 1939-1945 Victory Medal), ie 'I Survived This'.

* Gallantry
* Undetected Crime
* Around At The Time
* I Fought Here
* I Survived This

Incidentally, as a great pub quiz question, the only person to have been decorated by both sides for the same action in the same war was in the Falklands - Surgeon-Commander Rick Jolly RN was honoured by both the UK and Argentina for his treatment of the wounded.

ETA: My parents would never have described themselves as "decorated". Dad had the Atlantic Star, the Burma Star, the Africa Star (with bar for France and Germany), the 1939-1945 Star, and the 1939-1945 Victory Medal (he said that Japan capitulated too quickly for him to get the Pacific Star); he died around the time Russia was starting to acknowledge those on the Arctic Convoys but he was on them. Mum had the Burma Star, the Defence Medal, and the 1939-1945 Victory Medal. Even I've got an Undetected Crime and a couple of Jubilee ones. 📐📐📐
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I like the embroidery yet I don't think she did it! She prob found it in a charity shop, the flowers look machine embroidered, and look at where the pocket flap is missing, that shirt isn't an upcycle, it was originally sold like that. 100% putting my money on it being a charity shop find.

I just can't believe Jack could do something so intricate and fine, in just one weekend. And also, which one is it Jack, are you hype rfocus or hyper distracted? You seem to pick and choose your symptoms.
My daughter does stuff like this - makes a bit of cash off it too. I think it would be possible to do it over a weekend because she does some nice stuff quite quickly, however - she did a load of textile and embroidery for her degree and loves it as her hobby so is well practiced. She also does not have crippling arthritis and require “intensive” treatment. And, when she does get into the zone, it is literal hours and hours of work. She pops a binge watch on her laptop and will lose a weekend to a nice piece. Jack has either spent the whole weekend on her own, doing this, or is lying.
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View attachment 558960

Fuck off with your bullies. Close your Patreon and your PayPal begging jar, stop lying about being in poverty, and I (and I suspect many others) will literally forget you exist, you con merchant.

No grifting = blissful peace.

p.s. you are indeed a twat.
Jack is the bully here. That not so subtle tweet about cocking her lawyer finger is her way to tighten the screw and scare anyone off.
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This was the night she fugue tweeted the whole salad bar menu. I’m at odds as to share it again here as it almost did a lot of us in the first time 😂

ETA- looking at it with new eyes, I’m convinced it was more and went on for longer. Maybe it just felt like that at the time.
Was this around the time she went out to meet someone for tea with her Boy cap on and treated all the burglars to pictures of her internal locks?

Or did she just go to the Harvester that night? ‘Kinell, I’m boring myself just typing this 😂
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Late night jackseeker activity afoot:
This is an old article, people may have already seen it. Can't link it for some reason so have copied

'11 months ago today, I turned up to work late, sleepless, an incoherent babbling wreck chewed up by an 18 month landmark court trial and with bright copper dye fading from my wiry, tousled mania of hair. I left my walking stick in the lobby, and limped in to work…to find a hand thrust towards me in a polite gesture of welcome, a smile, a curt hello. She introduced herself. I apologised seven times for my lateness and my pulled-from-a-car-wreck appearance. She was firm and professional, and she smiled at me again. And I felt that selfsame car wreck collide with my solar plexus and toss me down a rabbithole of giddy headspinning highs and that soaring, almost nauseatingly disorienting feeling of time stopping and slowing and turning on its head. I stumbled away, a new crush ablaze across my cheeks and in every tip of my fingers, burning coiled springs in the soles of my feet, a song whispering in the cold, grey, slumbering chamber of my strange little heart. And then I went home, and did what any self respecting 21st century romantic heroine would do; I followed her on Twitter.

Fast forward a few weeks and, having established that my paramour was mutually curious, I found myself standing frozen in my kitchen, petrified, with a wooden spoon in my hand, wondering what to cook for her imminent arrival. I settled on this, and it has become eponymous, to me, with falling in love. It is not flashy, nor expensive; no grand gestures required. It requires a little patience, but very simple ingredients. It is homely, comforting, nourishing, the culinary equivalent of a soft warm body wrapped around your own. It delights, it satisfies, both firm and tender, messy and irreverent, hot and saline and sticky and sweet, and so much more than the sum of its parts.

It took her a month to pluck up the courage to tell me she doesn’t like pasta, but I love her regardless.'

The thing that's always bothered me about that, is the leaving of her walking stick. Everyone I've known who required such things has taken it with them.
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I never watch any television series either but I do enjoy the out-of-context images. Jack could be immersed in the World of Tanks game that's free to play on Steam right now. It has mostly negative reviews so it sounds like it's right up in her niche.

I am not going to be pickling any beans and/or mandarins. There's a significant chance if given long enough it will be able to outwit me and I don't want to have to ask my housing officer to amend my tenancy agreement to include the sentient pickled beans that now occupy my living room and watch Line of Duty all day at an obnoxious volume.
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Fashion frau in a hideous menstruation-induced rage. I hate the shirt and let's not get started on the subliminal embroidery. I hate the stupid breadcrumbing about her 'illnesses' which are irritating at best and frankly very fucking offensive at worst. Take her fawning squiggles away from her so she can get to absolute fuck please!
Thread title nomination
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Absolutely gutted to find out Irn Bru bars aren't just a Scottish thing. Likewise Wham bars. #handsoffoursweeties
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More favourite threads...

#46-50 - Jack, Edinburgh

#73 - The rogue "For Sale" sign incident, Jack makes a plea for fawning correspondence, then leaves/returns/leaves Twitter. Again.

#77 - Contains a walk down Memory Lane re: Jack's numerous rebuttals of criticism of her Guardian recipes

#101 - The splinter saga, the Bond Jack/Tank Jack double whammy and a squiggle getting her riled over asparagus
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Why bury the award in the middle of these engagement tweets?
If you are accepting the award you should be proud of it. Otherwise, refuse it. Says to me Jack thinks it is below them, or embarrassed to be associated with it.

At least they read my previous post about it being poor not mentioning it. Jack, if you are reading please use the words monkey & tennis in your next tweet.
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