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Looks like it might be a busy day for Jack's mentions, her fans are hopping aboard! Wonder how long she can go trying to ignore all these shoutouts 🥰 🥰

Screenshot 2021-04-22 at 08.39.04.png
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She could knock the charred bits off that pork and softly fold them into it the dregs of oil from a jar of artichoke to create a reinvigorating body scrub.

Look after the pennies and the 3 week getaways really do come rolling in
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As other fraus have pointed out, Jack seems to think that low calorie, barely nutritious diarrhoea inducing slurry slop is ok for poor people. And that her fellow guardianistas think this is ok for people other than themselves too. I think it underlines how snobby and actually quite tory some of these people are.

In Jack's case I think it is a subtle thing but I think it's an example of 'othering'. She does it with various groups of people too. Definitely trans, autistic, BAME and I suspect gay people too. I get the feeling that she either subconsciously or consciously holds a bias due to her upbringing and wants to highlight differences and push these groups into the margins of society. She wants them to be shown as perpetually suffering or less than 'normal people'.
She is not about inclusivity, equality or respect. She sees these people as labels not humans and I hate that. I know she is gay and has tried to pass herself off under certain labels but I think she genuinely sees herself above all others even if she happens to be in one of those groups. It's incredibly damaging too because she exhibits dangerous behaviours and then uses various conditions/states of being as an excuse for sheer arseholity.
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In this one tiny corner of living space, I think I can see at least four pictures of Jack. Who the hell displays so many photos of themselves, let alone in their kitchen!?

Not even going to comment on the general clutter because I've only just recovered from my initial reaction and don't want to risk another episode.
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She's a busy little maverick today it seems. If the Hellmans "Eye of Sauron" shitshow is being used as a case study/best practice I am HOOTING.
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Jelly Bean

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As we all know Jack has been advising behind the scenes 🤭 due to modesty and being too busy or something like that, but I wonder in what capacity? The poverty angle? Marcus and Tom both have experience of that. Creating nutritious, appetising and cheap recipes? Let's not be silly. Campaigning? Marcus actually achieves things.
So I am wondering what unique skill set our modest yet maverick goblin brings to the table. Hopefully she can be persuaded to explain so that she gets the credit she is obviously due.
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'The brambly mice have returned to the hedge for winter'

*Nods in acknowledgement*
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I think the clothes are another performance in her attempt to prove her place on 'The Spectrum'.
I have Aspergers. (Officially diagnosed not a certificate out of the back of Private Eye)
The way clothes FEEL is incredibly important to me.
So that is how they are chosen. They don't get tried on, they get felt.
This can lead to some mismatching but if I'm not comfy or am itchy I'm an arsehole.
It seems, as with much of her godawful personality, to be another attempt to show just how "Different" she is.
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Hi I’m Troy McClure Jack, you may remember me from such Tweets as ‘kickyball’ and ‘Boris is a liar’. Here’s my hot take on something I know fuck all about!
She didn’t even call him a liar! She said in that interview he was disingenuous and then pinned a tweet saying she’d called him a liar with a video clip proving she didn’t and said they’d swiftly wrapped up as she was so shocking! I think she actually believes the stuff she says.
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I think the point of TK and MR being involved (and I may be completely wrong) is that they came from poor backgrounds and also have a lived experience of living in food poverty. Oddly, JM didn’t.
Tom and Marcus have a genuine experience of being poor. Both have gone on to be successful in their careers. Meanwhile Jacky has lied about her upbringing, magnified a time when she chose to struggle and doesn’t have a career successful or otherwise (unless she considers scamming vulnerable trusting people as a career). She is loathsome.
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For the Drag Race fans among us, I’m getting big “category is - Allegra’s kitchen couture” energy from those pictures.
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Jack tweeted to her squiggles that the recipe released on her website has been done so in error (this was for a future magazine article) therefore it was password protected. Detective Fraus managed to crack the code & (unfortunately) accessed said recipe. Password was very very obvious. Posts relating to password & recipe were deleted- and all of cabal breathed sigh of relief
Needless to say we, all had the last laugh, declared it the best ever, and the whole train cheered! We took the rest to bed, still in the pan, and ate it all up like greedy goblins, etc.
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Good luck with that, haven’t seen satsumas for months, only Clems or easy peelers whatever they are
Foreign Frau alert: everything was a mandarin to me when I first arrived here. Scrap that, I still don't know the difference between satsumas, clementines, mandarines, etc. If it's orange and not an orange, its all the same to me. Much like herbs.
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Jack does look very pretty, but judging by the washed out look of her tattoos, there is some assistance via a filter app
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Thank you! You're not that old, I'm just foreign. 😉

By the way, a man I used to work with maaaaany years ago now gives tours of secret gay history in London. He is probably of a similar vintage as you, and reminds me of you in some ways, dear heart - a very sharp mind, and a man who can discuss extremely serious topics with wit and warmth. When all this madness is over, I hope you can take a little trip and enjoy one of his tours.

(On topic: Jack would probably not enjoy the tour, as she seems convinced that "lesbian" is a personality trait.)
I would love to go on a tour like that. My sister lived in London when I was a teenager and I would go down every other weekend to stay with her. I am sure that much of his tour would bring back real memories.
If you can find his tour details DM me.

I agree that Jack wouldn't like it. She thinks she knows everything about everything. What could she possibly learn from someone who lived it? She has no doubt read a book about gay history, so is now an expert.
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