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I wonder why the cheats have kept that T-shirt for years? Do you think they were secretly hoping for a world wide pandemic in which we all needed vaccinating so they could use it? Or just massive hoarders?
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Its The Fergusons #6 cheating Al,his Saint of a wife, the elderly, trolls and blended family life
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The kid that was sick was clearly the poor kid that had to take the photo of the pair of idiots naked in the bath
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But that’s up to a judge. I really dislike the cheats but loads of kids wouldn’t get to spend time with their parents if judges ruled on that premise. Clearly Al the cheats a total arse but what gives you the right to say every weekends enough. Not being arsey we all like to pick them up on their total bad parenting and using I for content but that’s just a sweeping statement.
Nah I disagree sorry and I’m entitled to my opinion. Al wasn’t interested in having Isla until recently, so why is he so fussed now? Why is he suddenly challenging the court order and wanting the time split 50/50? Especially when all he does is moan about Isla when she’s there anyway and pulls sly tricks like not letting her speak to her mum over Christmas. I don’t think he should have her 50/50, that’s my opinion, I have the right to say what I like.
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Saying they dislike both parties is trying to throw everyone here off the scent. Gotta do better though, no one is falling for it.
I’m not happy about the other children, who have nothing to do with this being named when their mother has her social media profiles private. I hope they will be removed.
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He def wasn’t respectful when he flew into my dms after I commented that I couldn’t agree with what he did picking I up at Christmas and leaving H crying at the school. When I was a 🐑 I had opened up about my experience of blended families and he threw what I had said right back at me! Then started asking if his ex’s family had contacted me and could I help with their police investigation?! I know the last year has caused lots of peoples mental health to decline but genuinely Al (who cheats on his pregnant wife) think you need to seek help Cos you are not all there!
Sadly it doesnt surprise me. He is extremely controlling and paranoid. He has nothing to hide though... makes you wonder? 🤔

Watch the dms carefully, that's how another influencer got caught out. They will slip up. Probably once hes had a few.
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What probably happened is Cheating Jen was refused alcohol because L was with her, in case it was being bought for him, this is quite normal and nothing to do with staff thinking she looks like a 20 year old
This is exactly it. L is the age where some parents start buying them alcohol, it happens often. The woman behind the till probably said something like taking your mask off and telling me your age won't change it. Not because she looks young, but because of the young adult with her! God the cheater talks so much shit
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Right?! If they are genuine then I’ll eat my hat but who gets that defensive from the off as somebody new to the conversation?! And having read all 5 threads, would know where we are at with it all! Doesn’t give off a genuine vibe at all
@Emily465 joined at 9.44am and first posted at 9.52am yesterday...she must be some speed reader to have read all 5 threads!

Saying they dislike both parties is trying to throw everyone here off the scent. Gotta do better though, no one is falling for it.
I’m not happy about the other children, who have nothing to do with this being named when their mother has her social media profiles private. I hope they will be removed.
Exactly, I's brothers have never been named on here
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Love that comment!!! (Al’s a cheat) It’s funny how they only have four comments on that post, engagement levels are falling I’m calling bingo on Al the cheat posting something to get us talking 😂 has anyone else noticed their bio has changed #married 😂😂😂😂


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I know i shouldn't have posted her profile, but the stuff the new member was saying didn't sit right with me, and although I couldn't prove most of it wrong, one thing I could prove was that her profile is private on insta.
But you know what it reminded me of, when al was questioned by a follower if he thinks posting so much about isla is okay, and al replied "her mother posts her on her social medias so why shouldn't I"
Like there was no difference between hannahs private account and als with 30k!
Something about that new user is not right
Exactly, there is a huge difference between sharing picture of your children on your private account for your friends and family and sharing the most intimate details of your family life / profiting from your children on a public Instagram account! Just proves to us all that Al is a compulsive liar who will say anything to try to justify his behaviour and the choices he has made.
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I really don’t want to give them (cheaters) any content but have genuine questions. How can the double school run take an hour and a half and both kids be on time? Jen slept with a married man. Even with covid bubble times, my kids go to different primary schools and it’s 10mins drive between them. Not being funny but if poor Isla (al cheated on his pregnant wife) spends that much extra time in the car in order to just stay with them overnight that doesn’t seem in her best interests.
Yes this. The cheats wanted I through the week so school runs are part of it. If they’re unable to commit to that then why did the cheats push for this. They just like to moan. Look at the crap content atm! But Jen the cheat will do a 2 hour trip for fish and chips for one of her elderlys 🙈
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You mention gaslighting and in honesty it feels like thats what some of you are doing to me. Im glad you were welcomed chleopops, did you disagree with something said or just agree? i have a differnt opinion to you to youre trying to make peple believe im a liar. . I know both families and a lot of the facts. Yet you say you dont know them, aside from their instagram. If anyone actually wants to knoe, from someone who lives very close and knows both extended families then im happy to share what i know. but if its the hannah fan club, im out. the are both irrisponsible and should be ashamed of what theyve put theri kids through.

doesnt it. lucky escape. ok ill use initials, thanks for the help.
I'm not on here to agree or disagree with anyone,on this thread particularly I comment on 2 x people who choose to very publicly share their life with their blended family-and some of those actions/decisions/ posts are very questionable.They choose to share their most private family moments as well as images of their children when they are at their most vulnerable (sleeping/in the bath/unwell) and call anybody who doesn't believe the perfect blended family charade a troll.why people are questioning how real you are is the odd turn of this thread that has included the reference to Jen not being the actual homewrecker,the extremely personal reference to their contraceptive choices, and the reference to I's mum not being the hero-all points that are at odds with the natural flow of the thread (which typically is mainly commentary around their endless cycle of trolling/stJen/drunk stories/gifted holidays/ illness of some sort) and that automatically raises suspicion, it doesn't mean its an H rave thread.
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Only al and jen the cheats would complain about being "denied" access to isla in the week, never being able to take her to school blah blah. Then getting a day they can take her/pick her up and complain even more about how bloody long it takes them!
There's always a drama with those two cheats, they absolutely love it
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Fuck me, have you guys read the introduction to that book!!! The Ferguson cheating trolls have gone off the scale crazy 😳😳😳
I can't even read those, beyond the first one. What a load of fucking bullshit. I can't believe someone published that shite.
St Jen of fucking hives is the one who shagged another woman's husband behind her back, and ran off with him when his daughter was a baby.
They're so deluded it's bonkers. Absolute poison, the pair of them.
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They couldn’t send him to the very good school thats opposite their house because that’s where the affair started 😂
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Ted the cheats son needs to learn he can’t always have what he wants. Omg me and my brother never went on like this about our brother who we used to spend 1 in 2 weekends with. This is life. You choose to have kids with different people you have to accept that I had a life elsewhere. The cheats really are far too dramatic. Does Ted the cheats offspring really go on like this or do we think it’s purely to up engagement and make H look like a nasty mother that doesn’t allow calls. They’re a disgusting pair of cheats.
these guys live such a sheltered existence that Isla seems to be the only real friend he has which would explain the upset.
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Chatty Member
Exactly this! I couldn’t live further from these two and don’t know them at all. Marriages break down (as mine did) and people move on. It’s the total lack of disrespect for the mother of his daughter that leaves an after taster tbh regardless off the past.

New people to the thread or welcomed (as I was as a relevantly new member) however this Emily has only commented on this thread if you check their history, I mean most of us are active in other threads too 🤷🏼‍♀️
I noticed that too...maybe Al (bully) and Jen (who sleeps with married men) are looking for some Sat night content!
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Cheating Al can't even keep consistent between 2 posts.Last night he said there was nothing for St Jen who cheats with married men, yet this morning lo and behold Cheating Al has been out with I to Tesco to choose mugs.I know its such a minor detail but surely people would just think it doesn't make sense.Also how can cheating Al promote this as an ad for mothers day?if you're advertising what an amazing range of mugs Tesco has for mums (and cheating liars like Jen as well)wouldn't you be expected to post this BEFORE mothers day?I went to Tesco yesterday, unfortunately not for mothers day mugs, and they had fuck all mothers day stuff left anyway
I thought this too! What’s the point in promoting a Mother’s Day ad on the day when most people will have already bought what they wanted and when the shops have likely sold out?! He clearly did this ages ago as didn’t he only have Isla on Thursday after school, so why not post it straight away?! And the making out he hadn’t got Jen anything last night...such a strange cheating man!
Would he have encouraged I to get anything for H had it not all been for an ad? I think not! Sadly, it’s all for the gram and not genuine at all!
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