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VIP Member
Would be nice to see how the fared maybe 15 years later
Yeah, I'm not sure I'd want the story to be bang up to date. I'd like to see the same actors featured rather than different actors playing them 30 yrs later or trying to age them up as that never works successfully.

Tbh, I actually felt that it ended on the perfect note, I'm not certain I'd want it to go beyond that. But I do think it could easily have been 6-8 episodes - but with the same ending.
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Chatty Member
Started watching this on Thursday, just finished the last episode this morning, just wow. I was born in the early 1990s so this was hugely eye-opening for me. Gloria’s story probably affected me the most, just that scene of the bonfire, like your whole life being erased, like you never existed. And Episode 3.

What's everyone watched since? I'm finding it really hard to get into anything else, watch about 15 minutes of something but can't get into it! It was so good, everything else seems rubbish!
It’s a totally different theme, but not sure if you’ve seen When They See Us? About the Central Park 5. Just as powerful in terms of making you angry and sad about the injustice of the world - more essential viewing in my opinion.
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Chatty Member
I’m watching bohemian rhapsody, and the part where Freddie is in the hospital got me, walking pass a young boy...never noticed it before (watched so many times) never put 2 n 2 together.

Callum who plays Collin was on radio 2 today and he sounds so lovely and is blown away by the love for Collin .
Ahhh I was just about to say that about Colin on radio 2 this afternoon, he was soooo cute! So polite and genuine, I was smiling listening 😂
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I think it was very clever how that line about his death was delivered, too. It wasn't some grandiose announcement, it was almost a throw-a-way line delivered very matter-of-factly. That's what made it more shocking as there was no build-up to make us expect it.
That is what took my breath away the flippancy
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i really thought the mum would’ve understanding and the dad angry at him. But I loved how they turned it round and the dad was lovely,
Yes, a very good little twist in the characters. The dad always seemed a bit of an aggressor while the mum was mousy and fussy. You'd have fully expected him to be the one in denial, stomping around the hospital corridors and kicking off at staff, but it was very sad when the mum went into the lounge and the dad was just slumped there sobbing in the chair.

I know the mum was incredibly infuriating at the end, but I did get a rather large lump in my throat when she put the Little Mouse song on in Richie's room 😔
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VIP Member
Oh god Violet Moon. Brace yourself with Cucumber. One of the episodes is HARROWING. I was shaken for days.

Years & Years is also fantastic by RTD.
Thinking of watching Cucumber. Not sure if I'm prepared for a high level of harrowing, though 😆

I’m watching bohemian rhapsody, and the part where Freddie is in the hospital got me, walking pass a young boy...never noticed it before (watched so many times) never put 2 n 2 together.

Callum who plays Collin was on radio 2 today and he sounds so lovely and is blown away by the love for Collin .
Aw, he should be really proud of himself. I've not felt such strong emotion for a TV character in a long while.
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Well-known member
This exactly with the friend.

He's dying and if not now, when?

With the mother, I think he was fully aware and just trying to make her understand that his way of life is okay, just because he's gay he isn't "wrong" and that he's had lots of fun and lived a good life without any regrets. So that she understands that he's fine with it all, that he wasn't wrong ("debauchery") and that there are no "what ifs" and to not blame others (his friends, Jill) for his own choices in life. I'm not explaining this well I feel, hope you get what and how I mean it.
I agree that he was finally challenging his mother. Context to that scene was that she clearly lived under a weight of shame and stigma and had passed that on to Ritchie, who had a quite a bit of internalised homophobia shown throughout the series (eg when he sort-of-defended section 28). He finally rejected that just before he died.
The scene with the friend didn't quite work for me, though, although it was extremely well acted.
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Another binge watcher here. I was a right mess at the end. I thought everyone played their part brilliantly. Colin was such a sweetheart 😭.
And I want a friend like Jill ❤
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VIP Member
Does your friend know anyone who has been disowned by their family because they are suffering from Covid?
Are people with Covid being shunned by large tracts and society and being made to feel ashamed of who they are?
Don't think so!
People are dying alone in hospital of Covid, yes, but not for the same reasons as men were left to die alone of AIDS in the 1980's.
There is no comparison.
Exactly! She is in her early 20s so they know best of Course! It was a argument I wasn’t expecting I’m hoping I might of educated her a bit.
No comparison at all. I had no idea what happened in the 80s and I’m so glad I know and feel I’ve learnt so much but feel I can learn more.

So many people are talking about it, which is so good. More eyes need to be opened.
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I haven’t read this yet but it was recommended to me after I went on and on about this programme

Amazon product

Has anyone read it?

Also - reading all the love for this show is making me cry all over again! 😭
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I’m looking forward to watching this, I was only young when aids/hiv was first about. Only knew of it from eastenders and freddie Mercury.
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VIP Member
I finished this about a week ago and still haven't stopped thinking about it.

Will definitely watch it again at some point.

One of the best TV shows I've ever seen
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I’m Currently watching “postive” on sky (now) as recommended here.
it amazing that those who were diagnosed in the early days are still alive now.
the normal heart is next on my list.
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I read Ruth Coker Burks book, 'All the Young Men' as a result of watching this series. Its based on her life and the lives of gay men in the US in the 80's so a lot of similarities, a wonderful but very tough read
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Great series. Although out of all his work, Cucumber ranks as my favourite. Loved the modern fun funky feeling, yet with some seriously dark moments.
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