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Agree it’s not Bianca’s fault what this person chooses to say. But, we are judged on the company we keep.

We all judge Alice for the people she surrounds herself with therefore should we not extend the same judgment to the company Bianca keeps?

That person’s comment was absolutely disgusting. Who does that? I wouldn’t have anyone in my life who thought things like that let alone put them out there on SM. And this is someone that Bianca has in her life? A person who thinks it’s ok to joke about the holocaust? She makes Alice look like Mother Teresa.
so you are judging BW based on TD tweet then? Because of the company she keeps.
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I’ve looked at the latest Instagram posts from AE and I sadly think they are all very calculated and highly manipulative -

1) I think she’s trying to rub IG’s face in it, in the only thing she has left in her ammunition- his kids. So she’s really going to town on it. First it was little E with make up (staged), then it was Little E in the sea (staged) then she’s at the bowling with Big E who’s clearly said she doesn’t want to be filmed - yet there is AE right in her face and panning the phone camera around at Big E’s friends and hiding it when Big E turns around. It is all deliberate.

2) She is responding to complete strangers who are commenting on these photos, in great detail. One is clearly a fake account and pretending to have kids and dogs and AE goes all in with a personalised reply. Can you imagine what IG thinks? He’ll be so angry that she’s plastering her kids all over social media all of a sudden, making out she’s mum of the year, when she can’t even muster up enough energy to wash her own hair or vest. He knows she’s a terrible mother - she quoted him saying that many times - but it’s back to the woe is me narrative. Oh look, here I am, here for my girls, looking after them and making them happy.

Bullshit. She’s thinking “see how you like this fucker” as she’s posting every photo.

And don’t get me started on the baby “reflective” past photos - all done on purpose to say “look at what you’ve lost”.

She’s about as subtle as a fart in a lift.
Does AE have a habit of posting her kids to her Instagram or is this new?
Edit.. I can kind of answer that myself from her past insta. The kids are often on there right. But I do see what you are saying
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My father in law is a prominent scientist. I’m not sure I’d go so far as to call him a narcissist but he’s definitely self-centered and pretty oblivious to the needs of other people. But my MIL is like that too; she was a teacher. I suspect to get to that level in a university or scientific setting, you have to have a lot of faith in your abilities and a lot of focus. Does it lead to actual narcissism? Not sure. But I think anyone doing a complex Ph.D is going to be putting their own needs before those of other people for a fairly long time, just to get a thesis and the accompanying academic work done. (I realize self-focus is not narcissism…)

But it isn’t genetic, so even if her uncle was a narcissist … can’t see that having any bearing on AE or her mother.
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I guess in that narrative dating means online dating. I guess (again based on that theory lol) that's around the point where they declared themselves as serious enough to give it a go and made plans to meet in France?
Nah, doesn't add up
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I at first wondered whether maybe BW hadn't seen any of TW's tweets, you guys have taught me to look at the 'tweets with replies' section, I never even thought to do that before with my friends, I just looked at what they posted. But if you look at TD's Twitter it is nearly 100% about IG/BW an AE, even on the 'main page' it's all arguing, putting up anti AE memes and retweeting posts about PA. It's like her account has nearly nothing to do with her and is solely dedicated to BW and IG's cause. I personally would find that disconcerting if I were in their position. It's like she's fixated on them.

I also saw a post there from Rowdy Carlile - and isn't that Pfizer/Marcia/MEWhitt? She posted to TD about what Tattle wrote about her, and TD replied to her in a manner that looked like they were on the same side. I found it a bit strange.
Rowdy Carlile posted this to TD:

View attachment 1007398

and TD wrote back to her saying:
View attachment 1007400

So they're talking to each other in an amicable way AND TD is denying that she wrote the Mods 16 abusive emails...I know I'd rather believe the mods are telling the truth here...
The enemy of my enemy and all that ;)
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Haha yes, Clive’s trying to clean his smeary laptop screen, not sure what it is - sure looks like salad cream..
Is that the same Clive Alice was talking about in the Cameo?

I don't know how this fits into the timeline but I noticed AE mentioned separate bedrooms back on her new year's resolution list thing
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Was Alice sleeping with him in another bedroom, why would you have your make-up in two bedrooms? Wouldn’t you normally leave your make-up in the vanity area of the master bath or bedroom? 🤔
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it was remarkably easy. he started following her that day. one google search and you knew she is from Brisbane and was in Harrow (that credit disappeared a few hours later). Her feed had recent pics from the place Ioan's new series was shooting, and she had a pic where she bid farewell from her dog in september for 2 months, which is exactly the date his shooting would have ended. If their plan was to only reveal it a few weeks later they are pretty stupid.

I actually only hinted here that I might have figured out who he is seeing out of fear that the girl is innocent, then somebody else who had the same thought revealed it instead. then one of Alice's trolls tagged her with screenshots from here a few hours later. She went to BW's insta & left a few comments on there, then a few minutes later the relationship drop happened. you can re-read the whole mess in the last 3 pages or so of the 2nd thread lol
I think you have your dates wrong. He was already back in LA in August, so September he was long gone from Brisbane.

I’ve spoken before about moving on after the breakdown of my marriage, I didn’t put any of it on social media until my children had met him and they were happy with the situation. I also didn’t mention the pending divorce on social media so it was a surprise to a lot of people on there.
I got the feeling IG was forced into the reveal. Wether it was by you detectives finding it out or AE posting about it, I think he also wanted AE to know he wasn’t coming back to her. If he was the victim of domestic abuse, it’s about taking back his agency and controlling the narrative. Sadly the children were/are collateral.
They are all to blame for that. IG & AE being the parents should have handled that better. As some have said, she was always going to lose her mind no matter the timing.
How do you think he should have handled it better? To spare the girls, knowing what Alice is like.
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I agree with you. Its not my kind of thing either.
HOWEVER I don't think that positive thinking, spreading kindness and living your best life philosophy includes having an affair and busting up a marriage. Pretty sure none of the gurus or teachers or whatever would say that if you asked them. Also I'm not sure that is what happened.
But I do agree with you that having an affair and/or busting up a marriage is not right.
As much as I dislike Alice and how she's handled everything, I do think IG (& BW) were totally wrong to post that Insta post outing their relationship when Alice & IG weren't divorced yet. So yes, agree that it doesn't fit under this philosophy (and I bet IG regrets ever posting that now).
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O. M. G. I made it. I started reading the first five threads thinking I’d catch up easily. I was mistaken 🤪! In the end I’ve managed the first five and last fifteen. So I’ve been lurking for a while. Been a tattler a while, usually found on other threads like the Caroline Hirons or Sarah Akwisombe ones.

long time IG fan, watched Hornblower when it was first on and have always loved it, through to Liar and Harrow. Hope they do a series 4 of Harrow because it was just getting tricksy for his character! Lots of unanswered strands to the show that need answers! I hope this business and AE‘s nastiness hasn’t ruined it for him. I guess we will see.

anyway this is me putting my head above the parapet and saying 👋🏻

now I’ve caught up it’s time for bed and come tomorrow morning I’ll be another thread behind I’m sure 🤪
Welcome! I’ve been secretly reading the Hirons thread; never understood why someone with her average at best skin is a skincare guru.

I haven’t seen Harrow but maybe they can do a TV movie to wrap up the loose ends.
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Did she even take them? She said Elsie "arrived" at the freezing beach that morning. I find the phrasing of her first sentence a little odd. No way is Alice getting up in the MORNING and taking Elsie to the beach in January IN THE MORNING. Noon would be more believable. I mean, she didn't take them to the beach for months, except her forced days away from the house for Ioan to get his stuff. So what is going on? What's the real story? Because we know there is always "the real story," not what Alice just puts out there.
Ioan dropped them off?
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Ioan wasn't in Australia in July 2021 so what do they mean by dating?
Amy said Bianca and Ioan started talking at the end of Season 3 of Harrow. AD worked on Season 2 of Harrow, she doesn't have a credit for season 3, so I would guess that information came from Bianca. I think Bianca was an extra on Season 2.

View attachment 1007684

Season 3 started filming in November 2019, but there were 2 'ends' to the filming. Covid shut down production in March 2020 with 7 days left on the shoot. Ioan didn't seem to be particularly bothered about leaving, that could well be Alice's spin on things but this could be when things started with Bianca, and the prospect of being in lockdown with her, rather than going home was not unappealing.

View attachment 1007729

Ioan flew back to LA in March, which is when Alice filmed him looking miserable getting out of the car. He went back to Australia at the beginning of August 2020 for a week or so to finish filming came back and told Alice he didn't love her.

View attachment 1007708
I guess in that narrative dating means online dating. I guess (again based on that theory lol) that's around the point where they declared themselves as serious enough to give it a go and made plans to meet in France?
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Chatty Member
I just had a closer look at this pic. She is completely stark naked. 🤣. I mean usually you would have some type of clothing on. Fuck I can’t Unsee this image now. You would at least expect some type of lingerie on right. No nickers no nothing 🤣. Shit damn.
I noticed too that she was naked, but to each his own. I looked at the exposed pipes everywhere. I assume that picture was taken in Europe. Do all toilets over there have those exposed pipes?
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So the whole family are brainiacs. (Alice is, too, too bad she has such a horrible personality.)

I guess little E got her name from Alice's grandma. How about big E? I know one of her middle names is Janet, so after Alice's mum.
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Pfizer was "dissected" when she launched a personal attack on some us
But that was just giving her oxygen, to the degree that she threatened to harm herself. She doesn't have anything to do with the story and neither do we
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The mask mandate would still apply I believe. It looks like the mandate came back in July 2021 so the video would have to be before then. So why post it now Alice??

She deactivated her twitter so people could not search it, like we had been doing here. And for other reasons, but not because she was being trolled lol. Speaking of which I might update the wiki as it's all quiet on the Alice front.
The NY Times has a story on the reinstated mask mandate. It went back into effect in October 2021 and is still in effect.

Is this in LA though?

This says it's July 2021. Los Angeles county to reinstate mask mandate indoors - YouTube
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Who are these people?

Tattle is for talking about public figures that put themselves out there and court attention. People without a public presence are generally offlimits, there's no big conspiracy or anything despite some here trying to disrupt and sow seeds of discontent.

This thread is a mess, some people need to calm down and stop with the conspiracy theories and attacking tattle. Talk about totally fucking clueless with how difficult it is to mod a thread that hundreds are reading. 🤦‍♀️

If you're confused read the rules -

And stop with the moderating and dictating to other people of what you want to be posted on the thread, dip out (quietly) if it's not for you.
Sorry Yel, I'm genuinely seeking clarity and not trolling or trying to be a PITA. While none of them are famous or public figures as such, Loopy, SCB, AE's FM's and TD and other BW friends/supporters have all publicly inserted themselves into this drama, of their own free will, and many of them have also inserted themselves into Tattle and referenced or bullied Tattle users on their SM's. Can we talk about them too, or are they all off limits?
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Chatty Member
It came up as a tangent to the discussion about how many boyfriends Alice has had/cheated on. Someone listed them as per Alice's own Twitter history and one of the 6 was the guy who got her pregnant when she was 18. I agree it prob should not be discussed but mAlice herself has put it out there. And I recall it being mentioned briefly once before here but who knows where or when?
I don't want to get the thread closed so I'm just here thanking for the reply now lol ❤
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