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Chatty Member
I initially read it as AD was WTF on here. I vaguely remember that post & remember WTF as she was a fan of the TV series Person of Interest like me. Then soon after she was gone. So AD wasn't WTF. I'm none the wiser!
From the tweet I found of ADs she was telling Tattle that WTF was lying about having sock accounts and that she didn't know WTF. So, if AD says she herself was banned too then she must have been someone else, not WTF.

Also I reread TDs post to BW and she said "I tried', I don't know what to make of that? Whether it means BW knew about her posting in here and approved her trying or what :(
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OMG you'll never guess what I've just discovered or how relevant it is. This photo from Alice's instagram:
Now you remember we were discussing how a narc is grown? Nature or nurture? Etc.
Well I decided to a deep dive. Alice's mother was Janet, nee Dowell, born to William and Elsie in 1940. They were married in 1934.
Elsie was born in 1900 (took some time to find that out) so she was 34 when married and nearly 40 when she had Janet.
Still haven't found out her date of death yet so if I can make a joke of it, the vampire genes run strong in that family.
ANYWAY I figured that if Janet was an only child, born after difficulty to aging parents who thought they'd never have a child that might explain the start of the narcissism. That was yesterday's work.

But for that explanation to work I had to be sure there were no other children. That is this morning's work. Guess what I found this morning? Janet had an older brother. And not just ANY older brother. NOOOO. Janet's older brother is emeritus professor at University of Birmingham He's a physicist. In Hamburg, he helped develop detectors for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Geneva and was involved in the ATLAS experiment which discovered the Higgs boson.

He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1986[2] and a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2003.[3]
In July 2002, a symposium was held in his honour, as he retired in September of that year.[4]

Now lets go back to Alice's father, David Evans a British applied mathematician noted for his contributions to water waves and acoustics. He is an emeritus professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Bristol.
He is known for the Bristol cylinder, a wave energy converter.
The 21st International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies 2006 was dedicated to Evans on the occasion of his retirement.

So Janet's brother went on a distinguished career in physics and academia and her husband had a distinguished career in applied mathematics and academia. Janet was an English literature teacher.

I don't know much about narcissism but interested in what those of you who do know about it think about this family background.
Interesting. Did you find this out on FamilySearch Home — or somewhere else?
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Some previous posters said that it should be off the table. I mentioned it because of her repeated attempts to take the moral high ground at every opportunity - not to mention that the FMs she supports and validates have been judging BW/IG using extreme rhetoric, also of a moral nature. I hope that that makes sense.
What is your moral issue with someone having an abortion.
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I think she confused his photo with a similar but different one that BW took in Nice. His was taken in Australia. Both were silhouetted but his had a girl with wind blown hair in.
Another example of Alice getting it completely wrong!!!!
Oh I know the one you're talking about! It's on his instagram page.
Taken in Byron Bay on a rock wall I think. Most people standing I think.
The one in France was a group of people on beachchairs.
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I think the abortion thing becomes relevant to their insistence that it's morally wrong/unaccaptable to date after seperation/before divorce, or to divorce at all. Both this and the pro life stance take the very high religious route. It makes no sense to be in favour of the former, but not of the latter.

To be fair though I judge Alice's "friends" more than her. She is not religious and she is pro choice, I strongly suspect that the only reason why she is seeing dating before divorce as so bad now is because it's happening to her, it's hard to not be biased here, she actually isnt pushing this idea this hard (she is convinced that he was cheating anyway), it's some of her followers (not all, in fairness) that have this take.

maybe there is another big call on monday and she is preparing by showing that her kids have fun/she is responsible when she is alone in charge of them? Hence all the content this week?
I get the point about her hypocrisy on the issue of marriage as a proclaimed progressive. I put it in my post and you left it out of the quote. I don’t see her hypocrisy on this issue. She doesn’t claim to be Christian Right. She claims to be left wing progressive.
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Just William

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I think @ReturningthePearls was looking for this from TD
View attachment 1005579

And does anyone know about this? I knew Tamika had been here on Tattle and got kicked off, but I didn't know Amy had too, can anyone fill me in please? Thanks xx
View attachment 1005602
I initially read it as AD was WTF on here. I vaguely remember that post & remember WTF as she was a fan of the TV series Person of Interest like me. Then soon after she was gone. So AD wasn't WTF. I'm none the wiser!
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regulary working in the past years there then, not my point

I'm not saying she (possibly) planned for Alice and Ioan to have an ugly divorce (lol), but I wouldnt be too surprised if the (for their status) way overblown media attention isnt completely unwelcome for her. Obviously I might be totally wrong and the girl suffers badly with MS every time Alice says something terrible about her, and maybe she genuinely is just in love with him. But you cant rule out other intentions here.

I must say it has become less likely since she told a bit more about her MS, I was assuming so far that it doesnt affect her this badly, because it's kinda nuts - no matter how terrible Alice is (he is away most of the year after all) - that he would drop a part of his reputation/status, his house, the affection of his kids & a shitload of money that will go for lawyers for a woman that might need care rather than provide him with fun. So I was assuming that Alice's hate campaigns doesnt affect her much more than a healthy person, but it probably does. So yes, perhaps that theory now is a very long shot given her actual condition.
Yes that was the hotel he was staying at and where the restaurant is that he and Bianca both frequented (allegedly, separately). If he had any sort of profile, I'd think the hotel staff would know. Or maybe they regularly deal with so many much higher profile stars that he doesn't get a look in.

it was remarkably easy. he started following her that day. one google search and you knew she is from Brisbane and was in Harrow (that credit disappeared a few hours later). Her feed had recent pics from the place Ioan's new series was shooting, and she had a pic where she bid farewell from her dog in september for 2 months, which is exactly the date his shooting would have ended. If their plan was to only reveal it a few weeks later they are pretty stupid.

I actually only hinted here that I might have figured out who he is seeing out of fear that the girl is innocent, then somebody else who had the same thought revealed it instead. then one of Alice's trolls tagged her with screenshots from here a few hours later. She went to BW's insta & left a few comments on there, then a few minutes later the relationship drop happened. you can re-read the whole mess in the last 3 pages or so of the 2nd thread lol
I'm sorry @welp I'm even more confused. Which shooting ended in September?
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I swear by biotin gummies! My meds can cause hair loss so I starting taking the biotin and even my eyelashes have grown! It takes time but it’s worth it. And they taste yummy too! I take them every single day even though my hair is now filled in.
Vitafusion is what I take.
Thank you for the rec! I’ve had my brows tattooed back on which rillyfrickinhurts would love to actually have some hair again!
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She has long been a block of cement dragging him down. Word had it she was insanely jealous of Jessica Alba and disrupted filming at FF. And we know that she disrupted Harrow in Spring 2020 by starting an all-out campaign to get him FedExed home because of the pandemic and then a few weeks ago accused practically the entire crew of Harrow of being into cocaine. Does anyone (@welp?) know whether a 4th season of Harrow was or is in the works, or did she successfully blowtorch that for him?

And I've always wondered about FF. I remember an interview with Ioan once saying that it was a 3-film deal, but only two films were made. Anyone know why the 3rd was never made and whether Ioan and the other leads would have gotten reparations for that?

In any case, I hope his solid reputation in the industry - in spite of the batshit crazy wife - will win over her antics. Who knows, maybe he'll even get a break with a new bad-boy image to go along with the more weathered looks. He's had a lot of ups and downs after a really promising career start that began to go sideways right about the time he married her. He has always worked hard, taken supporting and even bit roles to keep himself in the game, and has been doing pretty well the past few years with Forever, Liar and Harrow and a couple of smaller film roles in between.

It would be awful for him if he were to lose his career as well as his children to that nasty piece of work he spent 20 years of his life with.
Harrow finished.
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She also had what appears to be an emotional affair with MITH on Twitter.
There were reports she had an affair with a co-star on VD.
IIRC on here there was also mention of her cheating on IG after big E was born?
What/who is MITH?...I'm a lurker who has seen this before and just can't work it out...
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VIP Member
Welcome! I’ve been secretly reading the Hirons thread; never understood why someone with her average at best skin is a skincare guru.
I got into her during her daily lockdown instalives - it’s made me more interested in skin care as at my age I need help🤪
havent Bought any of the kits though. been tempted, but never hit buy!
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