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That’s his choice though, on his terms. Just because he’s an actor doesn’t mean he doesn’t get to set some boundaries - in his own home especially! Just because you consent to something in some circumstances doesn’t mean you consent to it in every circumstance. That’s basic. I’m not even arguing that he isn’t vain or doesn’t like attention! I just think that him setting some boundaries around photos of his private life being a sign that he’s a controlling narcissist is way off the mark.

I’m also not saying he’s some angel either - I have no doubt there was secret shagging going on…
Didn't say he was a narcissist! It just shows he cares veeeerrrrrrrry much about his image and illuminates part of the dynamic of their marriage.
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He could well be vain but image counts for a lot in this industry. I'm not surprised that he tried to rein Alice in. She may consider herself 'quirky' but from the video evidence she comes across as inappropriate, unprofessional, sex obsessed, and both jealous and envious. As a jobbing actor he has to be considering his image as he isn't a big enough star that it doesn't matter when casting roles. Alice is a liability, always pushing in and falling flat. I wonder if he's lost roles because of her? It's interesting that most of his roles seem to be filmed away from home base. I can imagine people choosing to cast another actor because they just can't face the baggage called Alice.

Another thought I had: she's trilingual but in 20 years never made any attempt to learn the first language of her partner/husband and her in-laws who are the only grandparents her children appear to know? She doesn't have to be fluent but it's well known that it's easier to pick up further languages the more you know. It's almost as though she doesn't see Welsh as important despite being her children's paternal culture, but yet another thing to look down on him for and to whinge about him speaking to his parents in. He had to speak to the family in HER first language.
I agree about him losing jobs. This is irrelevant considering the series was cancelled but if there had been a second season of Forever the writer/producer mentioned that AE was to play another immortal love interest of Henry Morgan. Can’t you see her pushing for that with a vengeance?

Another thing I imagine is that when AE was trying to get pregnant before she sought professional help, I can see her just daring IG to leave for auditions when she thought she might be ovulating, particularly those out of town. And she wasted time trying all sorts of random ways to get pregnant instead of seeking medical help, especially for someone her age. Obviously this is just my opinion but knowing her personality I can see it happening.

Her not learning her husband’s beautiful native language is just heartbreaking to me. I wonder if the children have learned any Welsh? I also find it very sad that they seem not to have spent much time with them.
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Interestingly, I noticed on the divorce petition that the kids surnames are “Griffiths”. It is an anglicised version of “Gruffudd” but I’m surprised that he’d have been OK with them not sharing his surname.
I read that his mum's name has been anglicised to Griffiths and he had chosen to de-anglicise it back to Gruffudd. Maybe they just anglicised it again for their kids. I think his bro and sis are Gruffudd though. Anyway people have stage names that are different from their real names. And their real names are usually reflected in their kids names. eg David James Elliott is really David Smith and his kids are Smith.
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God how I wish we could apply more emojis to our comments! This needs a love and a lol.

I’m sorry you feel this way but you have completely gotten the wrong end of the stick. Yes, she has every right to feel abysmal but no right whatsoever to take innocent people down with her!
If by 'innocent people' you mean her kids, I agree 10000%. If you mean her ex,no way. He is just as bad as she is, just sneakier about it.
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So she thought that they were still together even after she announced that he is leaving?

The account is protected, but the first one seems to be about Piers Morgan from context? (I mentioned this the other day I think, another spy?)
If I even Piers Morgan thinks you shouldnt speak out, lol

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HI everyone

Does anyone realise that Olivier Picasso is gay? So AE did leave him but I think she had good reason. Plus, he was not fully ‘out‘ at the time (at least publicly) so, AE never spoke about it.
Furthermore, people should remember that BW is a woman happy to have a relationship with a married man behind the backs of his wife and kids, even if the relationship had ended she should have valued herself enough to wait until the ink is dry on the divorce papers especially as kids are involved.
I call ‘IG and BW‘ a relationship but, really it has been an extended holiday romance since, they are not living a real life, staying in Fancy hotels, whilst filming, is not living real life. Bonding over the ogre ex wife is not a real connection And very easy to do. Living together, having step kids stay, paying bills, staying up all night with a new baby, being ill, not seeing eachother at ones best, working away, stress.....all this is real life. When they do this then, it’s a relationship. When a man marries his mistress......he creates a vacancy....many a true word said!
No relationships start off as real life though.. they either thrive all fail when real life happens. the divorce, or any kind of break up some people date instantly others don’t. Divorced or not.
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House of Tea

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Eh, yes but he left her over 10 months ago. She is acting like it was last week. Also is it the end of her hopes and dreams? She is 53 and will probably have 30+ years left to go. Do you just give up on life because of a divorce? She needs to look forward now but doesn't want to. Sad but her choice.

Henry Morgan scarf is psycho granny Lin Blank. Didn't know she had a pecker lol
So is that photo, a photo of Lin Blank?
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AE: You gotta work on your skills Bianca. This is very sub par

So now Detective AE is outing randomers like Ohboy as BW?

Very sub par Alice :ROFLMAO:

Oh and it seems she is disappointed that that twat Piers Morgan unfollowed her. LOL
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