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Oh God yes! Ex narc bf liked to claim people called him this. In reality it was how he loved to see himself, but it was also true to an extent. Like AE he was nowhere near as evil genius level clever or cunning as he thought he was but he was very good at the puppet master manipulations.
Some people have said that AE can't be a very good narc because of her contradictory lies and stupidity, but I think that's part of the disorder. It's not necessarily that narcs are particularly intelligent let alone geniuses at their horrendous behaviour, but they can get away with it for so long because of all the confusion they cause. Seeing AE's behaviour in black and white cuts through that confusion and fog and we can see her stupid, childish narc games clearly for what they are. Living through it in real time is very, very different to watching on from the side lines and having a clear and concise record of her lies.
Isn't it just. Plus they think they're so adored that the aggro they cause can just be looked over, like it's no big deal
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This guy is a legend in my book.
(I hope this isn't derailing, and if so, I'm so sorry) A mod or I can delete it if I'm able. But he discusses two types of narcissism here at the 9:40 mark.
I love the way he breaks things down with the most objectivity I've ever seen, with some good zingers in there. But I was already watching this video when he delved into talking about two types of narcissism and it was fascinating to me. I started trying to figure out more of what makes AE tick. Thought others might want to have a listen from 9:40 onward. There are so many parallels to how she acts, even down to deriving value out of being a victim alone, so I thought it was relevant.

If only he could break Alice down..

Profound lack of insight LOL, yep that’s Alice in a nutshell right there! Sounds eerily familiar the stuff he’s saying about being a perpetual victim….
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@Perplexity and I already looked at the FB screenshot of messenger - there are no small profile pics next to the messages that T posted. It cannot be real. Unless it was cropped strangely, just on that edge (but not top and bottom)

Just reposting as was late to the other one
On fb messenger, if youre logged in and looking at your messages, your own picture doesn’t show up for you by the messages you sent. The picture of the person you’re chatting with shows up at the bottom left of their message, or if they send multiple messages in a row, it only shows up by the last message in the string.

If the person who took the screen shot would’ve scrolled up a bit to the very bottom of the last message the person she was chatting with sent, their little pic would’ve been visible. Looks like they didnt so that the previous messages sent would be in view/not cut off instead, which makes more sense to me. And if the theory is that they created a fake BW profile and were just using her photo & name to send the messages to themselves, BWs photo would’ve shown up as the small version too regardless of it was actually her or not.

It seems the chat has well moved on from this subject & I understand why people would be sick of discussing it. I’m only responding now because I seem to live in a different time zone than a lot of you & woke up to 37 notifications on comments I made about this subject last night before I went to bed and this is just me wrapping up my participation in that discussion. Sure, maybe some of you are right & it is all fake/bs, but the “it cannot be real based on the little userpic thing” was one of the first posts I saw when I started catching up & I’m just shedding some light on the technical side of why the small pics aren’t visible in that screen shot. I won’t bring up that topic anymore guys, I promise 😆✌🏼
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Just William

VIP Member
she is saying stuff like this pretty consistently

and he looked a tad embarrassed to me
And likely knew better than to say anything as that would have been live posted to IG about how grumpy he is/boring/doesn't have a sense of humour, etc
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Influncer Snarker

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So last night I worked in my home office until 3 a.m. I had a deadline due. During the evening, early morning I checked on the site while working. So at 3 a.m. I knew I needed to sleep for a few hours because I had to be up to finish it. I took an Ambien. So I was on my laptop in bed and I clicked on this Alice thread. I guess the Ambien was kicking in. If you stay awake when it's hitting you, things can become three-dimensional. Like, objects and a person in a painting in our bedroom starts moving as if live. It's freaky. It hasn't happened in a long time, several years ago. But here I was staying awake through the Ambien and I clicked on Alice's video posted on here. If you think she looked freaky in that video, just imagine what I was seeing. And I thought what I was seeing was all completely Ambien induced. :eek: I slammed the laptop shut and fell asleep. I had no idea what I was seeing in the video was real and she was acting like that until I checked in on the thread today and saw it in the light of day. Horrors.
That sounds awesome! 😂😂
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I know and the HUGELY ironic thing about that tweet was that Alice seemingly does FA for charity or people in need

You don’t see her doing anything!! She’s an ambassador of nothing!!

Now obviously not everyone advertises their charitable endeavours - and this is admirable- - so she could very well behind the scenes. But AE puts her whole life online so she would definitely brag about this

But I would put money on my little modest household doing more than that lazy, selfish lump and yet we get called out for lack of compassion- get in the bin!!
Thread title #32
Alice Evans unambitious and an ambassador of nothing !!!!

Uplifted from AD2018
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Quick question, is the video of the two E's welcoming IG home when Malice forced him home? After hugging the girls the look he gives her is just total disgust. I'd post it but don't know how lol
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Chatty Member
Full disclosure homies one night I took 25 mg of weed by mistake and between the bouts of utter psychosis and paranoia I almost bought those. I think it was those. It was something crusty on her Etsy shop. Also almost copped them pink trainers, too, why am I so determined to blowtorch my fucking life.

View attachment 922062
Ngl I’m into this place of reckless abandon. Tattle turds clinging onto dear life and buying from the Etsy shop anyone?
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Thread suggestion
Alice in denial, Ioan had to file, Alice now gone cray cray coz Bubba’s come to play play
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I see @WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot is no longer. I don't post much but does anyone remember what I said threads ago? She/he is one of AE's flying monkeys. I do sometimes hate being right all the time. 🤭
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Back to Ioan and Alice for me, throwback time.

This is from Alice's IG, and I was wondering, can anyone help me what's on the card?
I've never played Trivial Pursuit.

I’m assuming she was talking about the “which British talk show host took over Larry King’s show” (paraphrasing), because he (and she was) is friends with Piers Morgan, who is tagged in the post.
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Essie is posting on Twitter. Why does Alice think Essie is Bianca? and why do we think Essie is Ella?
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Funnily enough I've been drafting:
Attempted Thread #31:

Gentle reminder in the first post,

“The pink button is a wiki full of history for this subject. Please remember no thread title suggestions until the tail end of the thread. Add ‘thread title’ or ‘thread suggestion’ and remember to keep it clean.

Please consider popping personal or potentially upsetting or triggering posts behind a spoiler.

Tattle has lots of off topic threads if you just want to chat, including one for people from this thread - and

Finally, a gentle reminder this thread is for Ioan and Alice. Don’t give peripheral trolls the attention they desire.”

Pg 1 – @Silver Linings shares a somewhat terrifying video of a dishevelled AE doing … something. I can’t find the words, either go and look for yourself, or avoid like the plague if you are currently eating. If you can’t access the vid, more versions have been posted further down.

There was a lot of “who’s who” discussing again about Essie being BW, Tamika being someone, Essie being EN, us being BW, I couldn’t keep track but we’re all gently reminded again to keep the topic on AE / BW.

Pgs 5 to 9 – Comedy AE and FM tweets aplenty, including AE being “nice” in a sort of … self-involved kind of way, discussions of our good selves despite them apparently not caring about Tattle, and an old video of IG and Elsie adoring each other which AE weirdly twists into a suggestion that they get a room. Also apparently AE has had a fight with both of her children (homework? Hmmm) which is why she’s not on good form. Of course it couldn’t at all be because of the vid of BW being reunited with her pooch. Discussion ensues.

Pg 10 – @Penguin86 helpfully shows how to insert a giphy to your post, @ReturningthePearls posts another of her classics, @EllaBella89 shares screen shot of the hilarious detail Ashley/Clive is sharing to ensure AE knows precisely when his “package” will arrive. The day x the time xx THE VERY MINUTE … xxxxxxxx

More “who’s who” follows.

Pg 12 - @PinkyWinky shares some AE fashion staples, one ironic, one historic (credit to @EllaBella89 “I refuse to believe these shoes aren’t a prop Ioan yoinked from the set of Titanic years ago. They look like they’ve been dwelling on the ocean floor for a century”, that was fucking hilarious)

Pg 16 to 21 – More FM/AE tweets, Hugh Jackman being fed chocolates, HJ Wives Cordially Assemble.
Thanks so much!!!
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But you were trying to vouch for them as who they were supposed to be? Unless you've met in person I don't think you can do that in all fairness.

Like I said last thread we don't know if these people are who they say they are, I was taken in for a while but I just don't believe any of them now.

I just don't know, I just think you can't get involved on one hand and then say it's making you uncomfortable on the other 🤷‍♀️ I'll drop it though!
Sorry I think you misunderstood I know them from Twitter only. It’s ok today is confusing the crap out me I may have misspoken.
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Check wiki I can’t remember who exactly. It was from a while ago when Alice wanted info on certain members. $500 I think.
Ooh i thought you meant me because of the weirdo screenshotting my tattle posts and putting them on twitter 🤣
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