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Yes. We're simply going to need to see this picture, whether we're linked to it behind a spoiler or it's posted in the off-topic Tattle turds thread - it's important as it determines whether AE has lied about this, too. All the evidence is important. ;)
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I got off social media years ago, after I split with the narc. Since then I've popped on Twitter to look at bits n bobs, but not wanted to directly interact with anyone. This place has been absolutely fantastic. It's the first time in years that I've thoroughly enjoyed engaging with total strangers about shared interests, and I'm loving it. There are so many gorgeous souls on here that I can't be arsed listing you all because don't you know I've got a premiere to attend?

Seriously though. You guys are great, and much as I want the AE/IG saga to end for the sake of the sanity of all players involved, I'm so happy to have found yous lot. You make me think, laugh, and smile. Long may it continue.


Sorry about that, came down with a moment of feels.
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I'm pretty sure AE looks in the mirror and KNOWS her chances of ever getting a man again are zilch. At her real age of 53. 😏 And who would want her if they are following this debacle?
Full disclosure - I'm almost 62 and my boyfriend of seven years is IG's age and I would post a pic but I know her staunchest defenders are scouring here constantly. 😂
Being a raging, out-of-control 53-year-old in LA won't have the men beating down her door for her. It's LA. There's a ton of gorgeous young women/women from ages 20s to 50s all vying for successful men of all ages. Fifty-year-old actors, if they are even mildly successful, are probably dating the 20-somethings, 30-somethings, beautiful 40-somethings. It's tough there. It would be depressing to be out of shape, freshly divorced, 53, and facing dating in LA. Yikes. She would do better in the U.K., I would think. She has had the security of a relationship for 20 years. I would really feel sorry for her except, wait, she's a total . . .(fill in the blank). There's too many words to choose from.
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If you're who I think you are I was just trying to message you on Twitter and saw I couldn't, but go you Mrs. You're brilliant x

I'm sure I had something more profound to say at the time but I can't remember now!
Thanks, but Tattle is AMAZING and as I’ve tried to back off Twitter, it’s been helpful. And your comments are great.
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Mad Betty

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That Pfizer person is now intensely fangirling me. Delicious! And I am indeed clever, thank you. Just ask my husband. 😘

I live in the same neighborhood as Alice, you silly coe. Keep up. I'm fat? Aw, not even close. Kisses. x


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I can’t even watch them. Honestly my husband is way too loud and dramatic about US football (& premier league as well but less so) and our kids did NOT like it. Our son would often go hide under blanket when he was toddler (now he also gets overly emotionally invested as a sport loving 12 yo). I would never ever record him doing that and while I sometimes would scold him about it away from children , I primarily focused on ensuring child knew Dad wasn’t upset at them and just excited about game. It seems like such an awful episode to post on SM, like a smug “look at how much better a parent I am, I don’t scream and frighten child even though I am filming the distress of my child versus helping them understand the situation “. How would she have felt if IG posted videos of her on a bender screeching about the 2019 Twitter episode involving her trying to one up POC writers and activists while her children I am sure were equally nervous and upset? Or passed out in morning after an all nighter of tweeting and slugging “3 glasses of wine”?
I noticed in that video how rather than put the fucking phone down and go comfort her child she was more concerned with documenting it and continuing to film.
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I would be really interested in where she gets her information from in order to form the opinion that Bianca wears the pants. I don’t mean that sarcastically either, I’m interested. And I’m not saying this in defence of Bianca because I don’t feel she is squeaky clean and all positive energy either.

I’m guessing maybe the only reference to Bianca in the divorce is some court or restraining order asking Alice not to slander her etc. Ioan has requested that Alice never make contact with him again, so she isn’t getting an information from him. Neither Ioan or Bianca have issued any statements or spoken about their relationship apart from that photo with the passive aggressive comment about smiling again.

So how does she know that Bianca is wearing the pants or trousers as we’d say in the UK?
Because that is the only type of relationship that she knows.

I'd really love to know what her mother was like and her parents' relationship. Though she did get both of them to stop moving house by tantruming as a teenager.
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What sort of ‘therapist’ is she working with if they are discussing how solid his new relationship is? Sounds like she’s working with quacks and charlatans rather than working on herself with qualified professionals - apparently she’s in therapy that obsesses over him and what he’s doing???
Very odd!
Maybe her therapy consists of looking into a mirror and listening to herself talk.

So Alice claimed that last time they talked was a bit after when he moved out right? And she was already comparing him to her father? And then wonders why he doesnt talk to her?
View attachment 918184
Now Ella was very sick and he wouldn’t attend to her? Yeah, sickness is a big card in the narc arsenal. It’s a great way of eliciting sympathy, controlling the narrative (poor thing, she’s so sick!) and shutting down criticism.
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What case does she thinks is being built against her? Your honour, they called me fat! Yes, my Twitter avatar! I’m deeply upset, to the point I might actually do myself in over internet strangers’ comments.

Like I said - how does she think BW has felt? 🤷🏻‍♀️
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@ReturningthePearls - your mum must feel so loved by you & be so proud of you; for your compassion, wisdom, insight & understanding of her choice to stay. I'm so glad she has you in her corner. 💞 I wish her peace. ❤ I think you will make a wonderful counsellor. Hugs, ❤ xxx

@ZipSilver - that is so sad & an awful thing for a child to witness. I hope you're in a good place now? Hugs, ❤ xxx

@Fuzzy Slippers - DV against men sadly doesn't get the support or acknowledgement that it should. I think there's still a stigma about it. I'm sorry your poor son suffered & can only imagine how helpless you felt. I hope he one day finds someone worthy of him. Hugs, ❤ xxx
You’re so very kind to go to the trouble of replying on another thread, bless you!

I’d say I’m okay with it now, yeah, she died over ten years ago now and I’m at peace with how things happened though I’ll wish forever that it didn’t have to be that way. The worst part was watching her suffer so much. She was an absolutely incredible mother, the best I could have ever hoped for, she was so loving and kind, always my biggest cheerleader, had such a caring heart, made me feel like the most beautiful and smartest person in her world and filled me with self esteem. She never got to pursue her passions due to marrying and having kids young with an abuser but spent all her free time listening to music and reading books, both of which she passed onto me (and I’m passing on to my child!). I’d rather have had her for the time I did than anyone else’s mum for a lifetime and so I feel incredibly grateful, and I’m glad she’s no longer suffering even though it hurts that she went so soon. In time I learned how to cope with the grief and even though certain songs still gut me and take me right back to her it all feels as okay as it’s ever gonna be.

The experience of caring for her during her decline taught me so much. It took a while to stop only remembering her as the sick alcoholic she was at the end and to start remembering her when she was well, it was excruciatingly painful to remember what I’d actually lost before the addiction but I’m so glad now that I can think of memories of her and smile and talk about her without pain.

I don’t talk about it much anymore coz who wants to hear an adult go on and on about someone who died a decade ago? But grief never leaves you, though I personally feel for me it’s gotten much, much easier and more bearable with time. But I wouldn’t wish her experience on anyone, nor would I wish grieving a mother in those circumstances at that age on anyone either. I didn’t know it was possible to turn inside out with raw pain and I’m still surprise in some ways that I survived it.

I try not to project, I know the experience of AE and her daughters is unique to them. But I wish sometimes I could speak to and shake her and tell her how serious this could become, and how she could be risking leaving her children for good. I know she wouldn’t listen, denial is a powerful thing and she has to reach that conclusion by herself, hopefully before it’s too late. I remember an older ex of mine, he was a functioning alcoholic with a daughter, and I asked him once whether he realised where things were going to end up for him. He did. He just didn’t want to or couldn’t stop.

I was incredibly lucky to have had the ‘good’ kind of alcoholic in my mum, I think, one who only started problem drinking right when I hit adulthood, whose decline didn’t take too long, and who always tried her best to protect me from it by trying to tell me not to visit so I wouldn’t see what was going on. Who was otherwise a phenomenal, loving, amazing mum. it could have been much worse, I can’t imagine having a parent who is both an addict and has such serious problems with their personality, who is disengaged, with children who are so young😓
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Just catching on some of the posts on the messageboard site welp linked. Love this comment

ninjabunny said:
As for Alice - she's all the worst things about Vergie Arthur, Heather Mills and a pitbull all rolled into one big fashion disaster
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imagine thinking you can do anything with an IPaddress 😭
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Don't know why the FMs are hellbent on Ioan being unemployable when Alice will rely on his income still. I really cant see her getting off her arse and going to work.
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She's been making digs about his looks almost from when they got together. It makes me wonder if he isn't so much vain as terribly insecure because of her "jokes."
He is most definitely insecure about his looks. He has mentioned his nose being too big, him being awkward, and a boring person.
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Comparing being dumped to abuse is horrendous.

Being dumped by someone you thought would love you and support you forever is painful and disorientating but if this is the worst thing that has ever happened you’ve led quite a charmed life.

I have no problem with AE grieving or feeling hurt but the nasty sniping does her no favours.
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