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This is really sad . I really feel for the kids.
my best friend divorce has just come through. Her ex gave her 300k for a house and a pension share. He’s a university professor and their only child is a young adult not living at home.
So I’m assuming they have no money in reserve. He wants Alice to get a job, and that would be any job, and she’s not going to be happy about that.
putting all this out there is the only bit of power she still has.
it’s really sad.
I agree the whole thing is really sad but doing so only makes the situation far worse, particularly for the children.

I haven't kept firm tabs on this thread but Alice needs to STOP using Twitter as her counselling sounding board (and with Alice, it seems, she only highlights echo chamber replies - so it isn't really counselling either - you also get constructive criticism when seeking professional help). Which is actually what she sorely needs.

If Ioan DIDN'T CARE about his kids (she says its twice a week for two minutes, but is it?) - he would SAY NOTHING, DO NOTHING - he'd be GONE - like my father and countless other deadbeat dads. How does she KNOW that he doesn't care about "our kids' hopes, needs, problems" unless she's listening in?

Being isolated is a bitch and I absolutely understand how desperately sad it must make you feel, when there's still love there and your partner is gone - when there's financial pressures, when you're in emotional freefall (Alice is, maybe her kids are because they're picking up on mum's energy?) but if Alice truly is the "alpha" she proclaims she is, she will stop the nonsense and take the responsible parent route.

I don't blame Ioan for not trusting her, she is a classic over-sharer who lacks self-awareness, boundaries and is led by her emotions. Not a good combination.

Most TMI people I know online are teenagers/in their early 20s, but most who live their lives online tend to gain perspective as they become more settled/responsible. Ie, they become more mature. Alice, it seems, has never learnt this or evolved in this way.

Edited to add: I have seen older posts on these threads when their marriage was seemingly going quite well, and Alice seemed to delight in making Ioan cringe by uploading pictures/photos he may not necessarily want fans to see. Of course if it's "banter" and both are able to laugh about it, fair enough. I suspect this was just one bone of contention between them, as IG seems very private. It reminds me of Russell Brand's notorious "just woke up" picture he posted of Katy Perry (which I thought was a particularly cunty thing to do).
I don’t know if anyone else recognizes these traits of possible domestic violence against IG, but public humiliation of a spouse is one of the symptoms. And there are actually many more.
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What does this woman hope to achieve by putting this out there? She wants things as they were before but that isn’t going to happen. I completely understand why he is reacting this way. Indeed why he has to react this way.
She is desperate and batshit crazy!

Furthermore it’s totally inappropriate to butt in and start a conversation about a child’s problems in front of her! Have a conference with her teacher first. I don’t believe for one minute that he doesn’t care about those things. He just doesn’t want to discuss them with AE! There must be a reason for that.
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For someone who claims to be pragmatic - it’s not the case at all.

It’s rare for a relationship to last - for many reasons, the people who are with someone for x amount of years and still happy are rare.
We fall in and out of love, we can be in love with someone and then one day you don’t feel the same way.

But for some people it’s EGO - how dare this person leave me ? How dare they fall out of love ? How dare they move on ?

The ego dictates the emotional response - depending on ego size.

I have never read on any thread, this or anything where threats have been made towards anyone (and some people on these threads have done so horrific things - but I don’t see any threats, doxxing or anything which these people claim have seen written on here)

Ps I have never thought of her or her husband previous to this. Never crushed on him, or any celeb to be fair - in case, I am accused of being OBSESSED by him or her.

I have commented on this thread after seeing her Twitter feed & her attempts at doxxing. An opinion is an opinion - like an arsehole, we all have one. So it attempt to threaten because you do not like what people are saying about you on a public forum - then I suggest lock your social media. Simple.
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Jelly Bean

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So she only spoke to Ioan for 'one minute' of her daughter's 30 minute Wizard time with him? 🤔
I rather doubt that. She no doubt was lurking for the entire time of it, shouting and butting in. We have seen her doing that on the red carpet when he was being interviewed. No chance she would let her daughter have alone time with her dad - she is far far too controlling and paranoid for that.
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Chatty Member
Only just discovered this thread, it’s taken me a while to catch up!
I was shocked when she announced they were divorcing but the more things she posts the more I think how he managed to stay for so long.
She clearly has mental health and alcohol problems and needs to get help before she damages her own relationship with her children. Now they are young and will see no faults in her but as they get older they will start to realise. Speaking from experience of having my own alcoholic n-mom.
Ioan must have really truly loved her to stay so long, and judging by her public SM activity I wouldn’t be surprised if she was mentally abusive towards him too.
obviously we only see one side of the story but I think he’s definitely made the right choice in leaving, and keeping quiet about it. Much more dignified.
I just feel sorry for those two sweet little girls having to be witness to it all. I hope the dust begins to settle soon and they can get a little more normality.
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Ooooh a shiny new thread!

Laughing at Tattle's tweet. It did get a reply (even though the original tweet Tattle was responding to has already been deleted)


And there's now tweets with screencaps of you naughty jealous stalker haters not being naughty jealous stalker haters. I thought she said she wasn't going to look on here anymore :unsure: Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
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Is Ioan/his lawyer on this thread? 😂
If they weren't they probably are now, thanks to her bio.

AE: My husband of 20 years had fucked me over and wants to split the family I've worked so hard for

Is that her way of saying he wants joint custody? No mention of the fact that he worked hard for that family too?

Also her Insta is as tacky as her designs. See attached.


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Daddy Cool

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Late thread suggestion Ioan Gruffudd and Alice Evans #3: we can only communicate through the wizard, the wonderful wizard of divorce
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I’ve noticed that many Tattlers and others comment on how long AE and IG were together and how happy they were. I don’t doubt that for at least the first decade or so, but AE was posting clues at least as early as 6 years ago that things weren’t as perfect as they seemed.

SM”Instagram in particular” is all about appearances. How perfect your life is. That’s why so many teenagers get depressed from looking at unachievable lives showcased there. Appearances are so very important to people in the public eye. To people in general in many cases.

Once one has married and had children, bought a house, merged their belongings and finances and lives it can be preferable to stay in an unhappy marriage rather than to go through the agony of breaking it up. Until things become unbearable.
I’m not saying that was the case. It’s merely food for thought.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
The logic scares me. It makes me question whether I am sane?!? So correct me if I’m wrong a man leaving the home is worse than children seeing their mother have a mental breakdown about their father day after day. Admitting to drinking daily to be able to cope. She is a bunny boiler who I suspect thinks that with all of this noise her husband will run back to her to quieten her down. At the start I felt terrible as I suspected like Dom West he may have met a younger woman. However I since think he had to put up with alot of mental health issues that she was not willing to get help for. Surely having a husband who is not happy with life and does not want to be with you is worse then having him around just so you can roll over to when having a bad dream as she said.
I think this is all very selfish on the children as moral of the story she is a scorned woman.
She is right in one respect - 'privacy only protects the bully'. If she had been private nobody would have any idea of her bullying behaviour.
We'd all still be thinking how awful Ioan was for leaving her.
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I’m sorry, but what was so wrong with what he said in his email to her? I’d feel differently if he maybe said “Hey fuck face, quit interrupting my Face Time sessions with my kids, use the god damn Wizard and piss off.” His email was polite.
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Here’s the thing, I do feel for her situation. Whilst I think it would be wise for her to take a step back from social media, and I think she convolutes the truth, she’s in an undoubtedly shitty situation. She had a decent career, and it does seem to have taken the back burner to his. Whether or not her career would or could have been something else, whether she was impacted by Weinstein (I have no doubt she was, he is a monster), she now is facing the reality that giving up that independent career has fucked her. I think so many people end up in this situation, and it just has to suck. I kind of want to shake her - irrespective of everything, she’s a beautiful, intelligent woman who could get her shit together if only she’d get him off the pedestal and move forward. He may have aged well, but he’s pretty corny, doesn’t have the biggest career and if was she says is true, doesn’t sound like the most supportive of partners or fathers. Basically, all of her outbursts are fully playing into his hands, and she just doesn’t seem to see that.

Oh and Lady Victoria Hervey’s IG? JFC. 😬😳
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
by the time the divorce is finalized that house will be worthless to sell LOL

(yes, it's that post from earlier edited)

Is it really wise to advertise the fact her electric gate (I presume therefore security) is no longer working?
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Well-known member
Blimey, just caught up with all the hooha... She's clearly batshit crazy. Those poor kids.

Oh and its pretty easy to find out who I am.. Doxx away! Just let me know when the police are popping round so I can put the kettle on, Alice, there's a dear...
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Chatty Member
Sorry, what alternate universe have I found myself in?

View attachment 781298
WHAT?! First she accuses her husband of pedophilia, now tattle users? It seems like her first defence is to throw around wild accusations (like that tattle users are all trump supporters). I used to feel sorry for her and what she was going through with the break up but any ounce of pity I felt has been wiped. Although I have to say she needs some serious mental health help.
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oh boy. here we go again...

AE: I don't know how we got to this awful point. I don't hate him. But he definitely hates me. Nobody saw it coming. Least of all me.

That's funny cos I know how it got to this point. Just check your socials.

AE: If only he knew how hard he was making it for me and th girls...

Divorce is always hard, especially if there are kids and especially for the one being dumped. Life sucks sometimes, deal with it.

AE: I never agreed to using the wizard. It was imposed on me. He would never go to court - there is too much he's done that people don't know about. Court is public. I did lean in for a second. There are so many things falling apart here in the house that only he knows how to fix. Also I wanted his thoughts on elsie's progress. I spoke for 1 minute out of his 30 minutes with Elsie. I don't know what the fuck I have done wrong.

You didn't use the wizard, that's what, as agreed.

AE: Yes, he does have NPD. (Although undiagnosed, because I don't think his 'people' agree with getting diagnoses. But well spotted.

Hmmm, do AE's people also not agree with getting her diagnosed?

AE: They won't read it when they're older. They know it and read it now

And I am sure they hear it too constantly. That's why it doesn't matter to AE if they read it too.

AE: They are Begging him to talk to me and to come back for Christmas and I know he won't...

I personally think AE is using the kids to try and manipulate IG. A mature parent would explain to the kids that it's better if the parents talk thru the wizard and don't spend Xmas together.

AE: We abused women need to stick together.

FFS! Leaving a marriage doesn't constitute abuse.

AE: Kids do NOT SUFFER because of public gossip! Certainly not Gen Z for whom ALL is public gossip. Kids suffer when their parents LEAVE HOME and deprive them of a proper family. Privacy only protects the bully my kids are fine. They are upset that their father has left and ruined their family.

And kids suffer more when the divorce turns acrimonious and the mother badmouths the dad for ruining the family.

AE: What they want is the Dad they've grown up with. But that's not possible.

They still can do. Just not under the same roof as you.

AE: Man- $500 per email. $500 to send the email to the opposing counsel, $500 for that counsel to forward the email to their client. OR... the divorcing couple could JUST AGREE to work stuff out themselves!

Yes, I thought the latter was what collaborative divorces was all about. They have a mediator too. Don't complain about him wasting money on lawyers when you are dragging this divorce out and not compromising.

AE: Lawyers in LA charge $600 for phone call. And they rally don't want to hear your shit.

Wonder why? I guess ranting on twitter is certainly a lot cheaper lol

AE: I have three attorneys, a therapist and a divorce coach. I'm running out of money to pay for them.

Why does she need 3 attorneys?? And he is the one wasting money?

AE: He has lost all the money saved for our kids future.

Well at least he is still earning. Unlike AE.

AE: Losing custody of my children because I am desperate enough to share the constant hate I get from him seems like a very odd reason to take kids from their mother and put them in a home.

This is truly vile. If the children are reading this (and they will talk to each other even if Elsie isn't reading it), what a way to traumatize them. The obvious outcome is joint custody NOT putting them in a children' home.

AE: A year ago this would have been anathema to me. But the stealth bullying hasn't stopped, the threats, the refusal to pick up his stuff, to speak to me, to come to the house. He's told Elsie if she behaved well he 'might come back". She still hopes + it breaks me

I wonder if IG when faced with Elsie begging him to come back didn't relent and say he might just to make the kid feel better in the moment. When faced with an upset kid, parents can do that so I can't be too harsh about that.

AE: I did my fair share of crying, screaming, accusing. I begged and begged for at least some sort of running discussion, for the kids sake. That's my way of reacting to such a life-changing event. So he ghosted me. I have been ghosted for almost 10 months now. I can understand his feelings changed. What I don't understand is why he chose to do it in such a hateful way.

Er, the crying, screaming, accusing might have led to him refusing to speak to you. BTW, you were not ghosted or No Contacted. He is willing to communicate via the wizard. It's just too bad she doesn't like it.

That's all for now.

PS I think IG has probably looked on here. It's certainly less toxic than her twitter feed and the FM enablers. Plus we keep the receipts, a bit like the wizard. 😎
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May I be cheeky and ask for a quick summary of that situation, please? I don't know much about it, and trying to slog through the first thread. It keeps being mentioned and I'm intrigued!
Yes same here. I have gathered Ioan had a fan forum but what actually did Alice do? She got it closed down?
Of course!

IoanOnline was ultimately the largest Ioan resource and a comprehensive database of nearly every photo, interview, and article of Ioan published as well as a collection of clips from his projects. Attached to the website was a forum. Despite him being a relatively minor star at the time, the engagement in forum was off its head. Every single day there were new discussions, comments and posts in droves.

The forum had a core team of moderators as well as a very active and diplomatic admin. One of the moderators, of whom I can still remember the username of, was incredibly popular with members and allegedly a close, albeit online, friend of the admin. She actively posted daily.

One of the most popular threads was a game and involved members placing captions over IG photos for a laugh. Naturally, being a part of Ioan's life, AE was sometimes included in these jokes. Additionally, any time a new premiere or event photo was released, AE's outfits would be critiqued. Being quite eccentric, her outfits, poses and general vibe on red carpets was often discussed. As too was the speculation that AE had cheated on Picasso with Ioan and essentially corrupted him, as a Welsh boy that grew up singing baritone and had to be rescued from joining a cult. This was relatively light hearted but carried consistently through the forum. The general consensus was that AE was an interesting choice but this was largely harmless. A few members (that AE still remembers the names of) spoke up for AE any time she was mentioned, even when it was obviously said in jest. Nothing defamatory or serious was ever said, if it was, the admin would have pulled it in a second.

One day, the popular moderator disappeared and it was noticed immediately. Speculation ensued. As it turns out, AE had blamed the mod for unsavoury information on her Wiki and the admin had been asked to discipline the moderator. She did and chaos followed. Then we found out Ioan had been funding the site for two years (hence being able to make demands of the admin) and was pulling the plug. So the admin lost the site anyway.

Evidently, the claims on that forum (despite being pretty harmless) probably weren't too far off.
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I haven't kept firm tabs on this thread but Alice needs to STOP using Twitter as her counselling sounding board (and with Alice, it seems, she only highlights echo chamber replies - so it isn't really counselling either - you also get constructive criticism when seeking professional help). Which is actually what she sorely needs.

If Ioan DIDN'T CARE about his kids (she says its twice a week for two minutes, but is it?) - he would SAY NOTHING, DO NOTHING - he'd be GONE - like my father and countless other deadbeat dads. How does she KNOW that he doesn't care about "our kids' hopes, needs, problems" unless she's listening in?

Being isolated is a bitch and I absolutely understand how desperately sad it must make you feel, when there's still love there and your partner is gone - when there's financial pressures, when you're in emotional freefall (Alice is, maybe her kids are because they're picking up on mum's energy?) but if Alice truly is the "alpha" she proclaims she is, she will stop the nonsense and take the responsible parent route.

I don't blame Ioan for not trusting her, she is a classic over-sharer who lacks self-awareness, boundaries and is led by her emotions. Not a good combination.

Most TMI people I know online are teenagers/in their early 20s, but most who live their lives online tend to gain perspective as they become more settled/responsible. Ie, they become more mature. Alice, it seems, has never learnt this or evolved in this way.

Edited to add: I have seen older posts on these threads when their marriage was seemingly going quite well, and Alice seemed to delight in making Ioan cringe by uploading pictures/photos he may not necessarily want fans to see. Of course if it's "banter" and both are able to laugh about it, fair enough. I suspect this was just one bone of contention between them, as IG seems very private. It reminds me of Russell Brand's notorious "just woke up" picture he posted of Katy Perry (which I thought was a particularly cunty thing to do).
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