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I think AlcaTone is going to kick off tonight. Either that or we’ll be treated to another Alice plastered on camera clip. I can feel the nervous energy before the shitstorm manifesting …. 🔮 🔮

I should’ve picked Mystic Meg for my user name. 😉
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Bianca Alice has nothing that anyone will see as stand out, apart from her mercenary malice

fixed it for you
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new cameo
cant watch it with audio myself atm, but the visuals are fine. did she took our advice to stop walking lol?

also it's terrifying how a person like her has such a nice smile
Good, so she is reading here and taking advice and starting to look and sound professional. This is excellent!
She will be able to earn an income, even working from home, she will be able to support herself and plan for her future.
This is all good stuff :love: and great to see you Alice!
Less night time on devices, some exercise, more and better sleep.
In 12 months time you'll have a resurgent career and be feeling so much better. 🤩💐
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lol I can see how her post looks like a pregnancy announcement due to caption and “glowing” comments but she’s standing in front of the sun so I think that’s where the latter comes from, haha. But who knows! Also I need that coat STAT.
Yeah I’m here for the coat 😍🙌🏻
Tbh, I do like BW’s style, especially in more recent photos. It’s seems like she’s opting for a more understated, classic look. You can’t go wrong with camel coats!
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I agree, I think it’s just wise to not post anything that’s likely to purposely antagonise the situation (which she isn’t doing, so far) I think she wants to raise her profile, so that’s why she’s not on private. If it was me, I’d definitely go private because I loathe unwanted attention. She can do what she wants, basically. We can comment on it, but it’s her prerogative and her life.
For me personally, I think whatever she posts will be picked apart and interpreted in a million different ways by the people who follow this drama, and Alice is always going to go apeshit regardless. Alice needs to move on, the marriage is over and everyone has a life to live, including her. She needs to stop focusing on BW and IG and sort herself out.
Exactly. I personally think she's doing the right thing by ignoring everything that Alice keeps throwing her way, and just carrying on with her life. The alternative would just play right into Alice's hands.
And to be honest, if people have an issue with her posting her own pics on her own SM as well as positive stuff then clearly that's their problem.
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I take umbrage at Lupenis (pictured below) conferring the title of "Jumped-up Ockerina" on any megastar other than my good self. Alert the Women of Hollywood and let them know it's a billion-bikini emergency!

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LoopDeDo seems to have a knack for predicting the days when his overseer is going to have a “human moment” that the tabloids pick up. Wasn’t it last weekend when he reassured the microscopic flock that she was in a good place… and a few hours later she lost it about the lack of domestic service?
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Then why could he have written privately saying 'I need to get legal advice regarding contractual obligations and will be in touch with an update' instead of saying no off the bat?
I'm gonna be honest, I think this is a non-story. I think you're knit-picking now (no pun intended). I do agree with many of your posts, but not in this case. Ioan, under contract to Burberry, wrote a letter which helped the campaign to gain momentum. The people heading the campaign were happy with his actions and felt supported. Like Welp said, even if he did change his mind in response to public pressure a good thing came out of it.

This was back in 2006 when he'd only been in Hollywood for 3 years or so. He was probably thinking of his career, his reputation with other brands, the financial repercussions of pissing off Burberry and I don't blame him for that. It only took him 10 days to send his letter of support.
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Wow! Okay, I'm going to order a Cameo in installments and ask about her life with Picasso. I need more of this story 😆. It's like a modern day Valley of the Dolls!
Can you ask how a down n out wannabe actress meets France’s most minted bachelor pls

Asking for a friend
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Seems "Tone" is also an avid reader of Tattle. So like his sister in many ways, they could almost be twins. 🤭 Identical twins.

I don't think anyone said he shouldn't have the transplant - but there was some concern about his long all night twitter sessions and general lifestyle for someone so poorly.
I think what people meant is if a transplant recipient doesn’t take good care of their gift of life by taking care of themselves first then they absolutely do NOT deserve an organ donation. There are others that will and they do deserve an organ. There’s not enough to go around.
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I think she was difficult and entitled and she didn't have the acting chops or resume for people in the industry to put up with it. You can see that from the way she spoke to the photographer, she was a real prima donna, she was used to being fawned over in Paris but she was a nobody in the UK or US. Though of course, Alice being Alice, blamed Ioan's fans for her career 'tanking' rather than her behaviour.
View attachment 1026635
Cry me a river....
Her career in 2006 wasn't even that bad compared to now, ie, non-existent. She was "alone" living with her fiance who she married the previous year lol.

She got IG to nuke his website and his agent confirmed that. Literally everything she says is a lie. Including her faux suicide threat.

Two of her tools of manipulation are fake illness and fake suidical ideation. As someone said, she screams Cluster B personality disorder but I'm going to call her an arsehole.
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What I really don’t get is that AE puts up with mad wolf’s deeply misogynistic, ultra-conservative crap.

They go on about metoo but In the next breath blame the brazen, bikini-clad hussy who is tempting, luring and stealing innocent IG away.

This is exactly the thinking behind some of the most repressive, anti-women regimes in the world. Cover yourself and behave woman or a man is not responsible for his actions.

Also the emphasis on BW and her role as marriage wrecker rather than IG feels like that blog was written by a spurned woman.
This too it is just ridiculous. Picking and choosing what women are worthy of respect from him is fucking misogyny.
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All the nastiness towards Ioan and BW is totally off the charts and so abusive. I’ve never seen Ioan do or say anything that compares with that. I feed it really odd and obsessive.
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Forgive me, Turdsters, if this has been dumped here before. Saw AE's IMDb filmography and had a cackle.
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Both Ioan and Alice have let their children down. Me documenting Alice's very public mental health crisis 3 years ago and questioning why Ioan wasn't proactive is 'anti-Ioan'? I guess you didn't read my post with screenshots of Alice's disgusting Instagram post about her stepsister's suicide, the article I posted about Alice being an entitled prima donna, 20 years ago, or the countless screenshots of her tweets I have posted showing her shitty behaviour. As @veevee04 pointed out, this is a thread titled Ioan Gruffudd and Alice Evans. However, do you really think I am unaware of the bias here, which you have confirmed. Any sniff of criticism of Ioan leaves the poor sod who raised it fighting in a corner and making a bigger deal out of the criticism than intended thereby resulting in an 'agenda' apparently.
I have to agree with this and it's why I haven't posted in a while. Make no mistake. I think Alice is histrionic, intense and mentally unwell and must be incredibly difficult to live with. Her vitriol and unkind words are incredibly hurtful and destructive to everyone she attacks and it will sour and eventually destroy her relationship with her own children if she doesn't stop soon.

But I feel like no one in this threesome has truly demonstrated putting the girls first. I don't think IG's public behaviour is nearly as egregious as Alice's, not even close, but I stand by my original opinion that bringing BW to LA now was a poor decision. Right now, fast tracking custody of his children and rebuilding a relationship with them should be of the utmost importance.

There are other small little things that I have wondered about but I will stop now. Last time I raised concerns, I was accused of being a troll and a flying monkey over in the Tattle Turds thread which was hurtful to say the least. I was even accused of trying to mimic another well-known poster here (Plinky) with my previous avatar - a green P. I avatar was literally randomly generated as I did not upload a photo when I first joined; it was the first letter of my username with a randomly-generated colour (green)... how would I even control that and why would I? Posters there were even saying that I showed up everytime a new poster/ troll signed up so I guess they were implying that I was behind it? It was eye-opening and I definitely felt ganged up on for simply stating that we should let all opinions be heard, even from new comers. It doesn't mean anyone has an agenda or is supporting abuse or is a Twitter FM.

Sigh. I'll stop and mosey back on to the Royal Family thread now.
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Just William

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She been online abusing for 4-5 months. You don’t have to be physical to abuse someone. Although I do believe she was. She has gained an audience through her online harassment and abuse. That is my issue. I don’t know who’s buying them. If they are people who know her from movies that’s fine but if it’s people who do it cos of her notoriety and they follow her cos of her divorce that is wrong. To me anyway.
(y) She's been abusive online & in RL for a long time not to mention her abuse of IG & her PA. A few cameos don't change that for me either. She needs to stop expecting IG to keep shelling out $$$, stop looking down her nose at people & get a proper job, instead of a low paying gig that feeds her ego. I know I'm in the minority but I still believe she's a narc (& possible hpd?) that is who she is & people like this don't change as they see nothing wrong with their behaviour.
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