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I look forward to the trip to LA to sit next to Ioan and Bianca while I sing
“There’s a rat in me Prius, what am I gonna do…” over and over again.
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That's so weird because this just popped up on my YT homepage! I was so embarrassed for him. He's smiling but on the inside he's gritting his teeth.
She like ‘Bob from Accounts’ wife on an office night out.

Nobody really wants her there as they’re all a little scared of her, but she’s always good entertainment.

People can’t wait to see:

What she turns up wearing
Who she’s going to insult
Who she’s going to inappropriately grope in the crotch
And at what time she’s going to go radge on her hubby for being a boring old fart after he tell her for the 8th time to sit down before she falls down

And then she’ll drunkenly spit an apology at you saying ‘sorry I don’t get out much’ and everyone will understand why…
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Ha ha FM’s coming on here … good luck with that … how they’ve got time anyhow ?? I thought they were doing depositions on behalf of the ‘Rat Whisperer of LA’ 🤫🐀
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Per se lol

His writing is pretentious gibberish. He also defamed Andrea Deaton (who committed the crime of being an IG fan) and then had to put a disclaimer at the end when AE decided that Andrea was me. He is always trying to clean up AE's messes, eg, with the lawyer AE defamed too.

Invalidating Concern Troll Andrea Deaton is Targeting Alice Evans (

Loopy: Note: There is some speculation that Andrea Deaton may be a person who calls themselves Bridge of Sighs. I have not seen any sufficient evidence to back up such a claim and for all intents and purposes Andrea Deaton is not Bridge of Sighs.

No shit Sherlock!!

Loopy: Alice Evans will have her day. That is a certainty. In the meantime trolls and Stans should consider whether they want to be on the radar WHEN the day comes that Ioan Gruffudd faces a reckoning, for that day is coming as sure as the sun rises in the east. My vow on it.

ooh I'm scared and still waiting for the reckoning. 🤪
Poor Andrea, holy nutters.

I visited Lupompous's little cyber-hall-of-shame website and tbh the guy deserves some credit for having his eyes on the prize lol like never have I gone to such lengths for a lady's affection EVER in my life, and Christ in a Chrysler have I tried. (Intelligent, humorous, compassionate, gorgeous Russian acquaintance in all of my classes, LET'S CHAT PLS?) No lie, if I had his determination I would have graduated from university three years before I applied—and as valedictorian.

Friends let us all jointly pour one out for Lupine as we pray that our sacred beverages soak through the ground beneath our feet and miraculously flood the New Zealand grass on the opposite side of the earth, where Lupine may lap at it like a canine to quench his dire, pitiful thirst for ze pussy.

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Sorry for your friend lovely, hope you are doing OK? ❤❤❤

I don't think I know of goldengirl?
Goldengirl can go to hell. She wrote that horrible post about someone looking in the mirror and telling themselves they were a waste of space and repeating it until they believed it, and Alice laughed at it.
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If i was Alice i would disassociate myself from people like lupine. A call to arms asking for letters to be sent to the local courts. The Judge will go bananas. They dont want to see that sort of thing encouraged. Call off the hounds of hell!
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An FM Inventing Names of Men with Whom Bianca Cheated:

“Ok so, um…Chuck, yeah, she broke up a marriage by cheating with someone’s husband named Chuck…ok so…damn it, what’s my neighbor’s name—DAVE! Alright, Dave, yeah he was the second guy…and uh……honey? Honey, what’s your brother-in-law’s name again?…ANDREW! Yeah, yeah, that’s good, Andrew’s the next one……also, honey, what did we decide to call our next baby if it’s a boy? ……Richard, YES! Great, Richard…”

[PS, any updates on Lupenis’s twitter? I am highly invested in upping my ribcage-cackling capacity right now.]
Nah, sadly he's gone quiet. From 5 hours ago:

"Just a note to say I am getting through the follow backs and I will get to everyone. If anyone thinks I have missed you please give me a nudge."

God he's loving how important he thinks he is.
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Why is Tone still on Twitter supporting his sister who has deleted twitter. He never used SM before now, yet he remains talking non sense.
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And whereas and notwithstanding the detrimental implications of the case wherein with retrospect the plaintiff without prejudice doth tweet a nonchalant speculation …:

Oh sorry, don’t mind me I’m just practicing my Team Alice Twitter banter in case the court needs an interpreter.
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God are the obsessives now going to rant that Ioan has made her shut up 🤦‍♀️

Ioan cannot silence her in any shape or form. He does not have those powers. He can make a complaint about her and have it upheld either absolutely or pending investigation. But only a court or the law enforcement can tell her to stop saying certain things. They cannot prevent her from tweeting all together. That was her impulsive attention seeking reaction to getting her shoulder felt over her abusive and harassing behaviour.

Life Lesson. You can open your mouth and spew hate and abuse. That is the beauty of living in a free country. But that doesn’t mean you cannot be guilty of something because of what you said and how you said it.

Lesson learnt by Alice: (say in baby voice) “well they scolded me and told me it was naughty but I can still tweet. I’ll just be my usual kind and innocent self.“
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My biggest question is what is the new attorney going to do. There is obviously a petition for a default divorce. So she cannot contest the divorce itself, that is a given. She did not file her preliminary financials, so she's at a distinct disadvantage. And to think she started out from a position where IG was prepared to give her so much. No wonder she was scurrying around like a scalded rat this whole weekend. To AE : "Congratulations, you played yourself." (last bit said in my best DJ Khaled voice)
BIB: possible thread title -- Congratulations, AE, you played yourself.
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It's such a awful diagnosis. It started with my sisters leg shacking. And then her having no feeling in her legs 😢 we as a family are devisated 😪 she is 32 and has 2 children 😭 her speech is starting to be affected and her eyesight is poor😢we as a family don't know what to do.. We help her all we can😢
You know, presence is a powerful thing. Your presence in her life, be it over the phone or face-to-face, etc., allows her to recognize that her dark space is being illuminated by the company of others. It sounds very minor, I know, as it cannot magically reverse her diagnosis, but knowing that others are partaking in your suffering, helping you carry that great burden, is indescribably comforting.

You're probably already doing this, but a gentle reminder: if she still tries her best to speak, then listen to everything she says. All of it. Let her stories wander from funny and joyous, to disheartening ones about her discomfort and occasional sadness. Let her go int that darkness for a short while. Let her say it out loud. Literally all of it is healing for her, because she's reestablishing the affirmation that she can share her pain with you and that you will love her throughout.

Listening to people is an art, a craft! I don't know how many others realize this. You're performing an art when you communicate with her. And should her speech become more difficult to produce, appreciate any silences that come with it. Hold her hand, if her vision is suffering. Your presence is valuable. You're living with her, and she's living with you. I can't imagine a connection stronger than that.

All my love! 💚
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