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Chatty Member
I’ve decided I am relocating to the other side of the pond. The holidays, having covid and catching up with this thread have TOTALLY thrown my sleep schedule. I think at this point it’s going to be easier to just up sticks rather than try to get to sleep at a decent hour and stay awake during the day. It’s currently 4am where I am and I am wide awake 👀👀
Supposed to be back at work tomorrow but now I have to isolate so I have a few more days to try and get it back under control.
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
Good morning from LA!

Any time now a judge will be reading Alice's freshly submitted documents.

We wait.
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I would hope so. Still, the special needs tweet was highlighted.

This is the problem when people start to engage on Twitter. They can't win with logic because those people aren't logical, and so they get frustrated and start resorting to the same insults and pettiness as the FMs, hoping that if they play their game, they might be able to win. That's what we saw with Tamika. Now Emily is doing the same thing. We should not engage with them. I don't want to be associated with anyone - even anonymously - who posts shit like 'have you got special needs, is that why you're so thick?' which although I'm paraphrasing is what she was implying and we all know it. We're better than that.

I'm not having a go at anyone who liked the post, I was just shocked that's all.
Totally agree. I don’t support any one who gets in on the Twitter drama no matter what side they are supposed to be on. Only Alice benefits from keeping the drama alive on Twitter nobody else.
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Ninas purse

VIP Member
Is Lupine gonna name us all individually??

View attachment 978385

He's not going to find my IP, our security is slightly tighter than his grip on reality 🙄
I have one word for him. VPN. Our ramblings have as much relevance to her divorce case as a grasshopper's fart has to ocean waves.
If she decides to go after anyone for bullying, good luck with that. It is extremely difficult to prove the actual perpetrators , she will have to first subpoena social platforms to get the identities behind the so-called bullying accounts. Companies running these platforms will not give that info without a fight and that mean they will set their armies of lawyers to the task. Hope her baptismal/childhood/ first communion fund has sufficient funds for that fight.

Unless of course the esteemed Mr. Lupine is just going to download all our ramblings on a flash drive and give to AE to present as evidence in her case. He thinks he is a super sleuth, but a nose picking computer savvy ten year old will run rings around him.
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Chatty Member
He’s not getting as much engagement as he’s hoped for on Twitter. We’ve actually discussed him more.
As much as they claim to hate it on here they’re checking out every single post hoping for a mention or a titbit to take back to Madame.
Engagement on Twitter matters to them most, it’s just them talking to each other in an echo chamber behind locked accounts.
It’s hilarious.

The abusive sock accounts have thankfully been quiet, here’s hoping they’ve realised how awful and abusive they were and how easily identifiable they were as sock accounts by her “supporters”.

Now where is Al Ca“Tone”???
It's so weird how obsessed Lupine is with Tattle. How is that going to help Alice? 🤔🤦🏻‍♀️ 😂
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
I think a lot of people who act/react this way online have a lot of anger inside themselves for things in their own lives. Venting online is just a safe way of expressing it, or wallowing in it. People like AE who rage vomit attract them like flies to 💩
I take mine out on the salad spinner. The lettuce is begging for mercy by the time I’ve spun both ways.
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Welsh Attack Squirrel

Active member
Ooh my first comment 😁 I know I'm not alone in this. I'm very concerned as to what might be going on in that house if Alice is alone with those two girls. I don't mean that she would physically hurt them (please no!), but what they might be witnessing or having to cope with. My hope is that they are with Ioan (and not Bianca. The relationship with their father needs to be repaired first). Just my thoughts.
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Someone posted a triggering comment about the idea that IG may have had other affairs because he was so unhappy (I personally doubt it) and Voila! Tone is back on in Alice's voice threatening screenshots to be used against Ioan. Imagine that.
Yep. They still don’t understand the concept of no fault divorce. He could have been shagging all of LA and it wouldn’t matter.
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They are so deluded that they accuse rouge Twitter accounts of being BW then they go “right I got you! I’m screen shot that one for court!” . Like serious my god these people are demented.
I want them to take these things to court. It will be the funniest thing ever.
I can’t believe these people are real. How do they adult??
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There’s absolutely no need for anyone to be engaging / arguing with these people on Twitter… they’re not making anyone else look good, or themselves. Quite the opposite in fact
i dont get why anyone does, you wont change anybodys opinion at this point, no? so what's the point in engaging? it's just a waste of time
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VIP Member
Sooo I was asking a while ago about Alices late night tweeting and her 3 hrs of sleep wake tweet pattern. The reason I asked is I suspect Alice has done it for years. I’m married my husband is oncall 24/7 his phones and pager go off all night so he gets kicked to the spare room. I was thinking Ioan has been in spare room for a long time. Then I see this on the DM…
View attachment 978015
Basically the whole Ioan has been in spare room since Aug 2020 is bullshit, it’s much longer
It might be correct. Even with Alice’s narrative it’s clear the marriage was in trouble long before he actually left. If he’s actually accusing her of abuse for the past 3/4 years, then it’s probable he went to the spare room one or two years before leaving. Let’s not forget that he was also away most of this time.
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I don't know if Alice genuinely forgets what she has Tweeted because she is in denial, or under the influence, or just says what she wants to say in the moment and thinks if she deletes it doesn't exist, nobody ready it and therefore she never said it.
Probably all of the above.

She has tweeted about drunk Tweeting and not remembering.
sodas alice.jpg

She was asked in November 2020 if she would return to acting.
alice work Nov.jpg

In December 2020 the same Twitter user asked her again if she would be acting in the future and it was as if she had forgotten what she had already said, and things were fine on the family front.
Dec Alice Tweet.jpg

I did these screenshots a while back and I see the search words are in bold, oh well, no going back now her Twitter has gone
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I’d be raging with the weird filter over his eyes.
I think he was checked out by then too. My ex-husband did this after I told him I was leaving him. There was a transition period for the kids sake and to allow me time to find a place to live. He’d insist on lots of happy family photos. Hard to say no when the kids were about.
I didn't realise she put a filter on his eyes.

As for the FMs, I can't be doing with their nonsense. I feel like I lose IQ points every time I look at their crap.
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
Isn’t it public unless a private judge is used?
Interesting to note that my ex and I used the same private judge to settle our divorce that Jen Aniston and Brad Pitt used and then he used again with AJ (ours took all of one day). Her name is Jill Robbins and she is truly excellent. I found her tough, thoughtful, and incredibly fair. She is very well known here in Los Angeles.

As much as I'd enjoy seeing Alice held accountable in court, I think using a private judge would serve them both well. It would also keep much of what they both likely want private out of the press. For the sake of their girls and both of their futures, I hope they'll consider that path.
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I was going to bed an hour ago. I thought when she imploded this thread would quieten down but no, you all upped your hilarity and I’m here for it.

Keep on keeping on Tattle Turds. You’re all amazing.
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