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Do you think she’ll do an unboxing vid when her parcel arrives in a parody of when BW went to pick up her pup?

I thought it was illegal to take pictures in the airport security?
Funny it’s often a black woman she goes off on. And why do her kids CRY CEASELESSLY. Fucking hell. Try teaching them some resilience maybe. Or stop making shit up. One of the two.
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I'm not convinced a 4 year old would have said that, where on earth would she have learnt it from? What is Alice teaching her?
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Arctic Ocean

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That quote's great but it made me wonder, what does it say about us if we're here watching her so much? Most of us have had narc relationships in our lives and we're here watching another narc. I can't help but feel if I was over it I wouldn't be here watching a narc like AE go on.
Honestly? My main reason for being here - apart from the brilliant commentary on this forum - is morbid fascination. I agree that it says more about me than it does about AE that I find her melodrama (dare I call it downfall?) so intriguing, but her untamed-shrew antics keep my compunction to the bare minimum. :sneaky:
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Mad Betty

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I go back and forth on how I feel about the whole situation.
Imagine it honestly, your husband starts pulling away, not wanting sex, sleeps in a different room, hates having pictures taken with you, always seems annoyed by you, then he breaks up with you… ok this happens. But to then have it all played out on the internet and in newspapers and seeing him with his new love, how horrible!
It must feel to her like he died that day he left, so in a way I get why she’s clinging on, desperate.
I appreciate your mixed feelings. The issue I have is that SHE dragged it to the internet and newspapers. SHE chose to publicly play their entire divorce out in real time and smear IG daily. BW is new to all of this. He'd seperated from AE in January and filed for divorce in March. He didn't parade BW everywhere. He made one Insta post with one simple line about smiling again. She went nuclear and went after anyone associated with IG or BW on SM, including his castmates. She called his mother a cunt. She weaponized their children. She set out to tear him down. She lost control over him and it triggered an absolute tsunami.

I understand the pain of losing a marriage. It's horrible. I've been there. It just doesn't give the partner who is being left the right to destroy the person leaving them.

All my opinion. Thanks for sharing yours.
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I go back and forth on how I feel about the whole situation.
Imagine it honestly, your husband starts pulling away, not wanting sex, sleeps in a different room, hates having pictures taken with you, always seems annoyed by you, then he breaks up with you… ok this happens. But to then have it all played out on the internet and in newspapers and seeing him with his new love, how horrible!
It must feel to her like he died that day he left, so in a way I get why she’s clinging on, desperate.
It’s only playing out in the media because Alice is playing it out. It would have been a flash in the pan if she didn’t carry on like a wailing banshee for a year, they are both Z list. I honestly think she likes it this way. There is no other reason for her to continue on the way she has for so long.
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Funny it’s often a black woman she goes off on. And why do her kids CRY CEASELESSLY. Fucking hell. Try teaching them some resilience maybe. Or stop making shit up. One of the two.
Ohhhhh my gosh, thank you for acknowledging that it was a Black person she was going after.

There's really so little for me to contribute because my personal experience with TSA is super limited so I really shouldn't be talking, but I honestly try to accommodate the fact that they're on their feet for hours parroting the same commands again and again, often to people who either don't listen or think the regulations somehow don't apply to them, not to mention the lines are fast-moving and they have to keep them that way. It's like they're choreographing a Broadway performance in there, and I honestly can't take that out on them, as much as I dislike people givin' me attitude.

This is strictlyyy just me, I won't dare pretend we've all had the same TSA experiences...but I just be nice?

Obviously there's no time for chit-chat, but I do say "Thank you, sir/ma'am" and all that jazz or, and I feel stupid saying this, but if the line is really short/less people to handle/things are slower, I just quickly look for any cute earrings or nice tattoos they have (arm tats are ok, apparently, as I've seen), and I say I like them. Pick up my luggage out of the bin, slip into my flats again, put my panties back on, wind my large intestine back into my stomach through my ass, wish 'em a good day, and hey, sometimes I can even get a smile out of them, which is SO nice, haha. 💚

They're people, and I wish she remembered this before she took to Twitter, posted (illegal?) photos of TSA agents, and pawned her children YET AGAIN in an exaggerated attempt to garner sympathy and punish tired-ass people, people who work a hell of a lot harder than she ever will.

Attitudes aren't cool, but we have to offer slack sometimes, you feel me?
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I don't know the reason WHY Bianca shouldn't have shared that lovely video?? Is she meant to stay mute just to keep Alice & co happy? It was a lovely moment for her, why not post it?
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Ena Sharples

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A friend of mine made a vision board every year cutting pictures out of magazines of all the things she hoped for. She had always wanted a house by the sea and she and her husband eventually did move to a really beautiful ocean-front house. They had been living there for about a year when she looked at one of her old boards and saw she had cut out the exact same house she was living in.
I’ve had a picture of Tom Hardy next to my PC for years. The bastard hasn’t manifested himself into my life yet and trust me I’ve really focused on that picture lots.
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I’m not doing anything for self care to be honest; I’m too sad, just found out my dog is deaf :(
I can tell he’s scared and he sticks to us like glue now.
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I came across an old 2017 Instagram post of Alice's today about the death of her 15-year-old stepsister. I am sure it has been covered on Tattle before, but it was the first time I have read it. It was so appalling and self-serving that any sympathy I have had for Alice has evaporated. It is revolting. Alice's stepmother was 51 when she lost her daughter, who was not much older than Ella. In the guise of 'honouring and raising awareness', Alice went into minute detail about the event and blamed her grieving stepmother and father for the tragedy. She hashtagged her post with her stepsister's full name which I have cropped out, the only reason she would have hashtagged the full name was in the hope it would be found by the people it would hurt most .

NOOOO! what have I just read? I've been dipping in and out of this thread today not properly caught up and could see everyone upset about something so just come back now to see what it was all about...I have no words for this.

Alice, if you're reading, you're not normal. This is not something that a normal person does, and I'm referring specifically to the graphic detail you decided to share with the world. It's time to get HELP.

She also strikes me as a bit of a grief-thief. Taking someone else's tragedy and making it her own to get attention. Because I don't believe for one second based on what I've read here that she truly had a relationship with her stepsister. And to encourage people to pass it on. It's sickening. This woman needs to be cancelled, NOW. Though I think that she basically already is because she's done in Hollywood. Done. She looks like shit, she acts like shit, and she treats people like shit. She'll never get any work, at least not anything meaningful. And I'm glad.
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The account was specifically set up to "support" Alice because Alice lives on SM. It's not too surprising that it's very one way. It's obviously a joke though.

Oh I remember this! It was 2016 when her twitter behavior started becoming noticably more erratic.

to quote from her other tweets that week

I'd really like to know what was gained from the whole charade. Telling my 7 y old she was a criminal? My 3 yr old was too old for milk? at one point the lady on the right told me 'if you don't stop talking so fast I'm gonna make you really really sorry. You'll see.

if you've ever watched your kids reduced to tears, frightened they had 'done something bad + would be taken away', PLEASE, please RT

Evil. Never seen anything like it in my life. Said she'd'take me outside!" Me:I've done nothing wrong. H:That's for me to say

Some people say 'just let it go' and I usually do but seeing those excited little faces cramped in tears...OMG

No - to 'split us up' ( didn't want me holding the girls' hands, the girls were frightened!). Also "U'll be sorry" used a lot

Thank you. Ella was shaking for the first two hours on the trip. This woman, especially, had it in for us.

Elsie was pushed back when she thought she as coming thru the scanner with me. She screamed. Guy say 'Someone grab this girl!

It was pretty awful. Ella likes to do the right thing - she didn't get wha she'd done wrong..

I mean - it's never a nice experience, but this was different - this lady was like the school bully! She nearly had ME in tears!

Sounds very typical Alice exageration
Soooo... Ella did something that she shouldn't have, so the TSA lady mentioned it. And Alice's milk bottle exceeded the maximum allowed for liquids.
And instead of reacting like a normal person, she started her verbal abuse, talking too fast, threatening, like we have seen her done in other videos, and she was told to calm her hackness, otherwise there will be consequences? And the girls cried because mom went bonkers. Again. That's how it looks to me.
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Mad Betty

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Why bring that up.. I have decided now i am far from being on anyone's team as some of AE's tweets are awful BUT tbh i think it serves no purpose to dredge through posts from years back for 'evidence'. Posts like this make me feel very uncomfortable. If you go digging far enough you will find all sorts in anyone's history. I actually don't think AE did anything wrong in that post. Yes maybe she referenced her own pain but i think she was being honest. This is feeling like a witch hunt. I will not defend AE's behaviour but some posts i think go a bit too far. I don't want the poster here to feel attacked. That is not my intention. I'm just playing devils advocate here in the interests of fairness.

Also i really dislike Bianca putting up that video of bubba bear. I love animals but ffs it is vomit inducing plus her liking stuff on twitter that is clearly going to try and inflame things re narcissists. Bianca is being very subtle but i can see her manipulation clearly. I definitely think she has her people/friends on here. I do feel like another poster said earlier, a certain anger against certain behaviours and tweets but also then feel bad for feeling that way. So i have mixed feelings. I don't say much but i feel like there comes a point when i have to say ah this is going a step too far and several posts have made me feel that way. I just have to say my piece in the interests of fairness. I hope others can respect that and not take this as a personal attack...#ducksandhides
Past behavior is a future indicator. Alice's previous posts show a pattern of destructive, abusive behavior. It's all relevant. It gives perspective on the current situation and the way she is displaying similar attacking behaviors towards the latest targets of her ire.

Regarding the dog reunion:

When one looks for reasons to be unkind to someone having a genuine moment of connection to a beloved vulnerable little being, one might consider removing oneself from a narrative that runs dangerously close to emptying them of genuine human kindness.


And I was initially very empathetic to Alice.
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Geesh, dragging a joyful reunion with a fluffy puppy into this as some tool of evil manipulation. That's...something alright.
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Imagine being a private person and your nuttier than squirrel poo wife tweeting about your sex life?
I wouldn't have even just locked myself in that bathroom with a bottle of booze, I’d have opened the window and legged it, never to be seen again.

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i have Covid 😡

malice is not a psychopath, that label is mis-stereotyped as people who are acting psychotic ‘a psycho’ is incorrectly confused with it. She is led by all of her emotions, so she’s not a psychopath but I would say she worrying does border on some scary behaviour and I can see why people get them confused.

she’s typical someone who cannot manage emotion. And she’s arrogantly selfish and living in deep denial. She doesn’t want to see/hear the truth as it’s too scary
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Can I just say that the weight of what BW is being criticised for is so minuscule in comparison to the hate campaign Alice has thrown at her, I really don’t understand the judgement against her. Why should she have to watch what she ‘likes’ or posts??? She’s not exactly retaliating is she! I just find it hard that she getting beef 🤷🏼‍♀️
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ON the 5th day of Christmas MTLSTM. 5 salad creams 4 hobnobs 3 Yorkshire teas 2 marmites and some tinsel for my Xmas tree.
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since we are on the subject of old Alice tweets. This was last september (around the time everything started blowing up for them)

sometimes I wonder if she is making up those stories to tell us something, otherwise some of the things her kids are allegedly saying are a tad worrying 😬
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What is wrong with a dog reunion video? I honestly fail so so hard to see how a woman who has been posting about her dog for at least 2 years wouldn’t be excited to see him after 3 months apart, I can’t see how it’s meant to be manipulative? Unlike ever so threatening and drunk Majorie, falling down her bedside cabinet and latching on to the ‘me toooo mooooovement’
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