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"I put it to you" bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! *gasp for air* Aaaha ha ha ha ha haha! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

OMG I know I sometimes come across a bit stilted and weird 🤷‍♀️ but Wolfie takes pomposity to another level :ROFLMAO: Does he think his blog is a courtroom? M'Lud :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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Morning, all.
There's a barrel organ oompah-ing outside my window - it's the annual Christmas Fayre - and this has done nothing to sweeten my mood.
I'm on my last nerve with Alice and her FMs. You're such good and giving people? Go and volunteer with MSF or the Peace Corps, assist at a soup kitchen or a food bank, and stop whining because a man left his wife (for thousands of good reasons which have been enumerated everywhere).
Is anyone else getting completely fed up with all the whinging?

You’re absolutely right about everything being the woman’s fault. How interesting….my mum has similar opinions about things. As someone else pointed out, it’s a seriously old school mindset
Internalised misogyny is one of the reasons feminism is yet to really make a dent. Of course, Alice would never admit to upholding the patriarchy she claims she despises, but her vitriol provides incontrovertible proof that she is a hater of Other Women.
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OMG I'm literally creasing up, Alice Just said
"Does she have access to my phone somehow"?
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Pfft please. As if anyone cares what AE threatens us with. It's called freedom of speech sweetie. You spout crap on SM all the time and we just sit here and laugh at you. Nothing we are saying isn't the truth. And she can't take it. Her entire family has disowned her, now we know why. Her husband left her for a younger model, and she's turning her children in to the wreck of a mess she is. Someone needs to give her a good shake.
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Yawn. You're creating your own narrative as always

Alice is going back through twitter to get more attention because it must have died down
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The contrast with both AE & BW social media tonight speaks volumes. AE is just spitting vile, nasty shit. BW is rolling around the floor with her pupster while her new bf records her.
God the venom just seeps out of Alice. What a bitter and twisted excuse of a human.
Bianca and Ioan look and sound happy and at ease, and you know what I'm happy for them, they deserve it.
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Oh for gods sake
They were doing much worse to Bianca not a hot minute ago than gossiping about her. Tagging her, defaming her, calling her a long list of insulting names

you childish idiots, get a grip. All these fake self harm threats may work on your poor, entrapped loved ones but they don’t work on me
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It's a bit rich of Alice to complain about Tattle when she just uses her SM to troll Ioan and Bianca (a woman she doesn't know) and encourages her thousands of followers to do the same. What makes her look even more hateful is the fact that Ioan and Bianca don't take the bait. Ever. They haven't said a single bad thing about her in public.

But Alice continues to publicly berate them because she tells herself she's entitled to.

How can't she and her minions see how hypocritical it is to complain about Tattle? :rolleyes:
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That Rugby video makes my blood boil. Why create such tension when there is no need? when they could have had a happy family occasion, especially as Ioan wasn’t there that much. Why be so fucking selfish? What does she get out of it?

Poor little Elsie just quietly sitting there (probably thinking WTF) while Alice just LOVES all the unnecessary ridiculous drama.

Alice reminds me so much of my aunt, a woman who cut her children off from all of their family. I never saw my cousin (her daughter) after the age of about 13.

She once sent her son a scarf as a present when he was at uni with a note saying “ I hope you hang yourself with this” - which she boasted about to my mum. I hope her son finally got away from her, maybe at uni he was trying and this was her response. She felt ENTITLED to say and do the nastiest things because, well who knows, possibly because people weren’t behaving how she wanted them to and she couldn’t control them.

After her divorce she moved a couple of times. She never really settled anywhere. She always fell out with people - yes really!

Once my mum went to visit her in her new house (my mum was dreading it because she was so unstable and you never knew what mood she’d be in or what you’d done to upset her, my aunt not mum lol 😀. ) Anyway my mum bought her some nice cushion covers as a housewarming present, which she seemed to like. About a week after mum came back from seeing her, she received the same cushion covers through the post, all packaged up and slashed to pieces.

Sadly I don’t think her daughter ever extricated herself from her complete bitch of a mother.

my aunt is dead now but she caused so much misery, not just to her own children, but to my mum and to her own parents, who she stopped from seeing their grandchildren.

Phew rant over.
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I know it’s old but I’m new ( old lurker, new poster). That video with the older child getting upset about Ioan watching the rugby.

What is that about? The younger daughter seems more wary of her sister and possibly mum, not her dad.

Alice smugly controls it all and then posts it. The only reason she posted that is to show how she CONTROLS everything.

so glad Ioan go away.

Got away (Alice typing) 😀
Guys this misinformation cannot stand!!

He’s watching the Euros, not rugby.
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The FM’s all chiming in “I don’t know how to pronounce either of his names…”. These people! Your ignorances and intolerances are showing just like your arse.
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Her apparent hatred for anything that isn’t Anglicised is majorly… off. The world is a big place Alice. You’re coming across as racist with zero respect for other cultures.
I hate her attitude towards this. Ignorant and xenophobic.
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Chatty Member
Alice is so like Trump. Racism, disability hate, homophobia, misogyny, lying in the face of mounting evidence, passive-aggressiveness, insane belief in their own intelligence and interest to others, outdated attitudes, brain-dead followers, ...etc, etc...
And they both have a really unpleasant voice/ delivery that makes them hard to listen to.
And bad hair.
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