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VIP Member
LOL You know that Tamika says "It's like you're saying the sky is green" to AE's FM's...same language.
Look I am not going to get into it but this is a lot of in depth opinions in a short space of time, so it could look like a very specific agenda. Just saying 🤷🏻‍♀️
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What is even going on here?

No they haven't been banned, they've been asked to prove their claims about having relationships to people mentioned here.

Tattle is talking about public figures, it gets all muddy if someone is here claiming to be someone, know someone and chatting to someone that's the subject of the thread.

Hope it makes sense why we have no choice
They seem to think they have received a full ban, that is what they just tweeted, but feel a bit iffy about posting the tweet though so I won't
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I’ve suggested using ignore a few times after the possibility of the thread being closed down. Rather than get in to a back and forth and loads of posts getting reported, sometimes it’s best just not to engage.

The mods have to act if there’s a lot of arguing either side.
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Oh I've missed you here today!
The lottery ticket hoo ha feels like so long ago now.
Basically a few of us expressed a little discomfort about having someone so close to BW actively post on here and report back to BW, passing messages on etc. The mods asked that person for proof of their relationship with BW and, well, they're having a good old Twitter rant about the whole thing now.
Nothing from Alice, nothing from IG and nothing from BW. We're all collectively hoping he had / is having a wonderful time with the girls and feeling much better for it, and that Alice is getting some much needed alone time (hopefully for some self-care and self-reflection).
Awwww! That's actually really touching, thank you ❤
I've been a mess today coz I can't multitask and I've only had a few minutes at a time to nip in and try and soak up as much info as I could quick sharp! :ROFLMAO:

Thank you for catching me up! Is it teekimoo who is ranting on twitter? If someone has shared screenshots, can anyone remember roughly what page please? I'll go back and have a peek. Not so good though! :(

All my fingers, toes and all other crossable body parts crossed for your BIB!
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No but the girls could take her with them and once with Bear, they might decide to leave Emma there.
I wish, but can you imagine how much AE would kick off about that? I feel like the girls really need Emma more than ever now, but I also wish she was safely away from AE.
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I guess this is where I might get lots of angry emoji reactions and honestly, I hate confrontation so I'm very hesitant to post this but I really don't think it's okay when relationships start as affairs/infidelity/ whatever you want to call. I don't know if that happened here, although the timing does imply that there was overlap and yes, deep emotional entanglements outside your marriage, IMO, is being unfaithful.

I totally sympathise with being in a toxic or unhappy relationship and I know it isn't as simple as just leaving but I feel like it's healthier for yourself to make a clean break and take time after leaving a negative relationship to heal as a person and it also means that any new relationship starts in a trusting and solid place. I was cheated on when I was about 19 and that was a silly little 8 month relationship that was not serious AT ALL but it was my first relationship and it hurt so badly. It really made me ask myself over and over 'How could I not see it?' and 'Why wasn't I enough?' and I think cheating inevitably does that to almost anyone cheated on. I am in a 10-year relationship now and soon to be married and I would absolutely fall apart if he cheated. I would NEVER post on SM (I rarely do so now and certainly not about anything personal) but I do have some sympathy with Alice here and I can imagine the pain would be unimaginable. It's easy to see that AE is acting ridiculously here but I try really hard to imagine what I would do if I were that person and I can see how someone who has possible mental health issues, drinks and medicates far too much and whose identity and life is completely wrapped up in her husband's persona, would fall apart in the face of something like that. It would amplify all her deep-seated insecurities about her no longer being a working actress, aging etc.

Just my two cents. Please don't throw your rotten tomatoes and eggs all at once.
I largely agree. (Also ducks flying vegetal matter and begs not to be dragged to the stocks/midden.) I can see why he felt as if he had escaped, was free, could blossom, could love wholeheartedly without manipulation, without everything being monetised and catastrophised. But even so, I still think it would have been more honourable if he had just left Alice first. The marriage had been on its last legs for four years and the therapy wasn't working - why not just cut the knot? But then, I'm speaking well after the aftermath of splitting from my abusive narc, on whom I never cheated - but he cheated on me constantly. I remember walking away from the STI clinic after an HIV test because I didn't know what he might have given me, and something broke. To be cheated on is to have all your worst fears made concrete. It's no longer 'am I enough?' It's the cold, leaden feeling that 'I WASN'T enough.'
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So weird! I remember years ago being on a wedding planning forum (uuughh) and there was a poster who was clearly making up bullshit but people were swallowing it whole. She was supposedly an American marrying a very rich English guy and they lived in a huge isolated mansion on the edge of a lake…in London 🤣…and she was pregnant with twins that her Evil Mother in Law was trying to get her to abort. It was so obviously end-to-end shite but I guess she was getting something from the attention. I left her to it but if she’d started asking for money or anything I’d have piped up!
You were on WeddingBee too? I joined years ago when I was ridiculously into pretty engagement rings and I remember how crazy it would get. Didn't post much but secretly enjoyed the batshit 'My fiance won't propose with a 3 carat, D, VVS1 diamond. Why doesn't he love meee?' posts. :ROFLMAO:
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i know. just talking about the optics

isnt the seperation date (1st january 2021) the cut off point in terms of shared assets/income etc.?

her family appears to have money
In what way do they appear to have money?
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Anyway, it's night in LA, yes? So the meeting happened already (I'm trying to be optmistic that it did). Shit, I want to hear good news so badly. Today I was actually disappointed the thread had only 10 new pages when I woke up.

And I don't think the hand holding has anything to do with her MS. I link hands too, holding hands stopped after college. :)
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VIP Member
Wtf did my phone just send?

Edit: If this is Gloria, then where is Elsie?
maybe with friends? Or maybe she is in the background with Gloria and the DM just didnt realize that this is Alice's housekeeper LOL (I mean why would Gloria even come with her)
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Thread #25 recap:

Much discussion surrounding the hilarity, instability and all-round bonkers characteristics of select FMs.

Mod has stepped in and reminded us that this thread isn't about them, let's stop talking about them! (But it's soooooo hard not to!)

Three articles have popped up on the Daily Mail:

1) BW and IG wandering around, apparently buying a lottery ticket (?)
2) AE's barmy video showing off her fake lip fillers, which is really a filter call Pillow ... something. Believes she is hilarious, looks like a tool.
3) AE spotted in a shop. A whoop-de-doo.

Some thread members suspect AE has led the paps to BW and IG. Both do not seem particularly delighted to be papped. Timing of odd, smug Insta video and the bizarre calm being radiated by AE is also suspect.

Public opinion of AE on said articles began supportive, then completely went the other way on 2 and 3. General DM commenter consensus is that she's a lunatic.

AE has tweeted a few more bits in the last 20 mins or so, see final page of last thread for details.

Uuuuuuh that's all I can think of right now!

Thanks @curious km ! Also, AE spent her time deleting various Instagram pics and Tweets which would damage her. If you want more details, go through @welp s postings, I think they were hers/his/theirs.
Thank you darling for this update 🥰
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