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Thread #25 recap:

Much discussion surrounding the hilarity, instability and all-round bonkers characteristics of select FMs.

Mod has stepped in and reminded us that this thread isn't about them, let's stop talking about them! (But it's soooooo hard not to!)

Three articles have popped up on the Daily Mail:

1) BW and IG wandering around, apparently buying a lottery ticket (?)
2) AE's barmy video showing off her fake lip fillers, which is really a filter call Pillow ... something. Believes she is hilarious, looks like a tool.
3) AE spotted in a shop. A whoop-de-doo.

Some thread members suspect AE has led the paps to BW and IG. Both do not seem particularly delighted to be papped. Timing of odd, smug Insta video and the bizarre calm being radiated by AE is also suspect.

Public opinion of AE on said articles began supportive, then completely went the other way on 2 and 3. General DM commenter consensus is that she's a lunatic.

AE has tweeted a few more bits in the last 20 mins or so, see final page of last thread for details.

Uuuuuuh that's all I can think of right now!

Thanks @curious km ! Also, AE spent her time deleting various Instagram pics and Tweets which would damage her. If you want more details, go through @welp s postings, I think they were hers/his/theirs.
I have in the past gone to @welp account to find something an it’s locked 🤣 paranoid? Lol
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Eh no, I wasn’t talking about you specifically, I meant as a general rule. And you don’t need to tell us anything secret or even allude to it? You won’t be done for perjury! I’m more than happy to stick to discussing stuff that’s in public tbh.
Oh ok it's just that I think most of this in general is directed at me because I was the one who mentioned getting a message from BW. Wish I hadn't mentioned it now - I didn't realise it would ruin the thread for people which seems to be the case.
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I guess the ultimative burn in Hollywood is when you call the paps on yourself and they say nah, not interested, you're off the alphabet list.

Do people setting paps on themselves have to pay them?
They have arrangements with paps. You can generally tell when they are staged - Kelly Bensimon does it all the time and Caprice. They are still has-beens. The paps get paid by the paper and the 'stars' take a cut or not depending on how famous they are
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Wtf is this all about 🥴
BW hasn’t done anything stop banging on about her
If T isn’t the person she says she is, which you tried to prove then BW hasn’t done a thing??!
No I wasn't trying to prove T wasn't who she said she was. I believed (foolishly or not) that T and Amy were 2 different people, sisters and both friends with BW. I just saw some inconsistencies in what they'd both written and wanted to find out which was true.
I think BW is bad (if it is in fact her and not someone we don't know) But if it is BW telling her friend she'd prove to Tattle that it's her then I think she's bad for encouraging anyone to spread info about her and IG online. If AE sent a message to a friend and said "Go for it" we'd rightfully rip her apart. So if that was BW giving T the go ahead then she's being a bad friend to T and using her to fight her battles for her. And if IG has no idea she's agreeing to this then she's betraying him too.
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Just my opinion, but I do also think there was an affair happening earlier- I actually hope it, because if he made this decision to start a serious committed relationship all based on zoom calls and a two month stay in France, I would be more concerned.

No one is 100% certain ofc but based on Tamika's twitter, she said their relationship started in August 2021 which is awfully fast to make such big moves but 🤷‍♀️
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He had visitation all of this year until he left for France. Now, he oldest fell out of going to his apartment, but Elsie never stopped. He stopped any contact with Alice once she became impossible to deal with. I bet he was getting all night calls from her when she was drunk. So now that he's back and visits have started back, I don't see why the way he would communicate with her would change. In fact, after all of the horrible things she has said on twitter, such as he's buying cocaine in Australia and insinuated others on set were part of it, I think his desire to ever have a verbal communication with her is nil. He doesn't want to talk to her, and he knows what she would do: twist their conversation in some cutting tweet about him to paint him in a bad light.
Yeah I get that. But things have escalated since he’s been away haven't they? Since the post about Bianca? I don’t imagine much will change regarding communication either but the mind is very powerful and I just wonder whether having them close will change her mentality in any way. Anyway, we’ll see.
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not going to imply that this is my opinion but - unless the pap saw it through the window, which is possible - the fact that this detail with the lottery ticket was even mentioned makes me kinda suspicious. It's usually a fairly easy giveaway that they were called for a specific story if extra details are mentioned, he looked kinda old/weak (mainly because his whole face was covered, which is also unnecessary outside), he is also driving a different car than before. While I still go for the more popular theory in this thread I wouldnt rule it out that he called them in order to paint himself as desperate etc.
A lot of people got jumped on for saying he looked a bit tired and drawn. I was basing it on the videos of him shouting at the football and prob wouldn’t have known it was the same person. Granted he had most of his face covered though 🤣
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Almost Bianca

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'Flaunts her perky assest' is the one that's in nearly every celeb article. And 'pert derierre'. And people are always 'flashing' slender legs or a toned figure. God, I hate the Daily Fail.
It’s kind of love and hate for me. I despise them yet I read them. And the comments! It’s one of my guilty pleasures :)) If not for DM I would never know about IG and AE and would never end up here, and Im so glad I did even though I no longer have any life not get anything done 😂
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Depends how far into the planning she met Ioan
Tbh it would have been better for the children if she had got her own apartment to start with. The girls are going to have to do a lot of adjusting to the fact their parents are no longer together and Bianca living with Ioan is going to make that more difficult
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Meh I’ve just done a bit of Colleen Rooney level sleuthing, if you go to BW’s actual Twitter page she hasn’t liked or engaged with one of TD’s posts, and like I said BW doesn’t follow TD on IG. Private messages / convos can be faked. Something feels off. If they’re real, then hats off to em - bigger fools than I took them for. Like @estellastheme said, IG should at least know how to negotiate the Hollywood system of public relations, because a mate’s sister poking the proverbial hornets nest ain’t it.
I’ve just opened my messenger and the profile picture of the person I’m talking to appears on next to every comment. Anyone else have this?
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So what you all think happened with Selma B!? Has she deleted her messages of support (or can I just not see them)

What a development!
She deletes the pics Selma commented on anyway. But she’s not following IG now that I can see
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I am going to subscribe to the theory that Selma's good friend Sarah Michelle Gellar told her what AE was really like (SMG worked with Ioan on Ringer).

I want to believe this as I'm a huge Buffy fan.
Someone here said they DM'd Selma and told her about AE. Love Sarah Michelle Geller too though!!
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Can't you just see it? A workout video wearing bedazzled trainers, a line of Bogan merch, a fictional bestseller (totally based on her real life with slightly changed names), a couple Lifetime movies where she plays the wronged wife. She could totally capitalise on this if she gets her act together.
the bogan merch part killed me lol
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Alice has now also deleted the only recently posted picture of Ioan she forgot to delete yesterday

Even if he is a total knob and I dislike him Piers has way too much reach, his army would take down her army within seconds LOL - it would be even more embarrassing than her fights in 2019 and 2020 on twitter.
This is what got me, she did that to PM. Not the man to do it to.
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