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Sometimes, I find it a little scary that people who are frankly, complete strangers, manage to connect via social media platforms but become "owners" of another account. :confused:

They tell others what to think, say, feel - I'm seeing so many people doing this on AE's Twitter. They believe they are defending her, supporting her, showing love and care...... but they come across as bullying, taking over, smothering and just enjoying the ride. :(

If they truly cared for AE as a person, not as a personality, then they'd try and calm her, soothe her, explain that yes right now is stinky, miserable and painful, but the best way to handle things is to be private, share the adult feelings and thoughts with other adults (like family and close long standing friends) not lay your life out, with windows for all to view as if you are some sort of creature in a "celeb-breakup-zoo" .

I'm concerned that in a year/few years, when this has moved onwards, as life does, she will look back and feel so miserable that her whole soul was spilt out over social media. But more so, that when her Daughters are older, they will see all of this, hear all of this and say stuff back to her, which may not be what she wants to hear.
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she is clearly threatening violence at the end pf the 2nd IG video

do you guys want me to upload her twitter video since many of you can't see it?

i just skimmed the past pages, think those were missing

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I’m sorry these women are just making themselves look stupid. Firstly your sex life is a private matter and should not affect your work. Secondly ladies of the church, it’s not a crime. Walk on by if you don’t like cheating. And thirdly, you don’t even know if he cheated. These idiots think they are some kind of marriage police
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Looking at these rabid cockwombles preach about morality and propriety is really hilarious. They should all go live in a Puritan commune, preferably without WiFi. Why are they soooo fixated on adultery and marriage? I bet they’re all swingers behind closed doors, because me think they doth protest a little too much….
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Chatty Member
and here the IG videos (for when she deletes them and somebody who joins in later wants to see them) - again cut into two parts, so 2 videos become 4

Sheeeeeesh just watched these. What the actual, and I cannot stress this enough, fuck? She is steaming drunk! Her speech patterns actually remind me of a person I knew that had suffered a stroke and then a traumatic brain injury.

Again the content of what she’s saying in nonsensical and has probably been covered already (my work has kicked into high gear for the festivities so I’m managing a once a day check in now just scrolling past the pet pics for screenshots of Alice’s Twitter) but it’s fucking ludicrous that she thinks anyone would believe IG said “thank god” in response to being told she was dead. (He thought it for a split second maybe, but he wouldn’t say it out loud 😂)

She is still the mother of their kids, of course he doesn’t want her to fucking die how dramatic. Unfortunately she doesn’t seem to see the importance that he is still their father no matter her personal emotional feelings towards him right now.
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Pfizer is genuinely such a nasty piece of work. The absolute misogyny dripping in every post about BW is borderline frightening. It’s so spiteful and vicious. And apparently all consuming, if the volume of tweets is a reflection of their headspace.
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lol some French dude on IG recommended her to go skiing and she asked if they can sleepover at his place lmao
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Can anyone show me the US law where adultery is a crime I thought this was 2021 not 1790
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Lads, does she not ever get the fear after drink?

I thought it was a truth universally acknowledged that too much alcohol results in the fear?

That awful soul crippling anxiety of what you did, said, or posted? The self promise that you’d never do such a thing again (even if you did nothing but that alcohol soaked brain & nervous system tricks you to think innocuous things you did could be misinterpreted)

I’ve always put her crazier behaviour down to copious amounts of vino because of the dirty deletes after.

But she doesn’t seem to express any fear of her stupid alcohol diatribes and just double downs even when the sun has risen.

I genuinely felt bad when I saw those videos but even with the dirty deletes she still doesn’t seem to have any introspection into her wino behaviour.
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So you should sacrifice your principles and integrity because it affects your bottom line as an actor? I think not. Get a 'normal' job. But speak truth to power.
I think then you shouldnt be surprised if your partner wants to bow out (which is certainly one reason why he did)

Ioan has only ever learned to be an actor, so getting a "normal job" for him as a nearly 50 year old is a bit much to ask for, he would massively downgrade in payment, and again, this would mostly affect his children.

her case is different because she isnt even working (and even when she was she wasnt earning much by her own admission), so every low-paid job would be an upgrade and she has also studied something else.

Having your principles is fine, but what's worth it if you are ruining your own life?
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Oh, I mean a psychiatric evaluation.

I watched them again. Now I see something else. More crying and no tears. This feels like more theatrics. And the comments! Give me strength.
She is absolutely off her face on something, mouth so dry she can hardly get her words out , and bloody Selma Blair needs to stfu , so not helpful. AE latches onto comments from anyone with a blue tick like a fly round 💩 and takes it as justification for her behaviour 😡
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Wow thanks for posting these Welp.

She so reminds me of the Betty Davis character in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, at the end when she’s dancing on the beach.

The best lines in Alice’s home ‘Whatever Happened to Alice Evans’ movie are when she says: ‘I never lie, I don’t think I ever lie’
which itself is lie because she creates more fiction every night on the keys than Barbara Cartland ever did.

She’s definitely off her head on something, her lipgloss is heading up her nose and down her neck, I’m surprised she actually hit her mouth.

Alice is pissed, stoned, angry, hurting etc because she didn’t get what she wanted. To keep Ioan. She didn’t want to alter her behaviour towards him, she wanted him to accept her abuse and stay married to him. He did give her a few chances to stop abusing him, via counselling and directly asking her to stop but she wanted to continue to abuse him and stay married to him.

It’s very telling when she says ‘I should never have let him be gone for that many times.’ Let him?? He was an adult FFS. Who the hell ‘lets’ another adult do something unless they are a manipulative controlling arsehole?

Everyday she shows more and more of herself and the FMs are blind to what she is showing them.
I believe she’s using a nerf gun to apply her make up these days … tik tokers are all over it
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Sad. I'm sure Alice'll delete these in a few hours but the Daily Mail will post them and the commenters will have a field day. I mean, this level of drama will certainly generate thousands of clicks. Is anyone else here concerned she might end up committing suicide? She just seems so far gone, mentally, and quite possibly mixing booze and meds.
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What you are witnessing in those videos is a narc in full blown meltdown mode due to loss of control.

I'm sorry but I don't feel sorry for her and if those girls were my daughters I'd be fighting for sole custody.
I suspect he knows the best way to get sole custody is ask for 50/50 then watch her meltdown and refuse the custody order. She's handing full custody to him on a platter!
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Is she saying the housekeeper/nanny rang IG and said she’s not breathing and then said oh she’s breathing again. What is she on about? If she wasn’t breathing why would you ring the ex husband miles away wouldn’t you ring an ambulance. Prob bribed Maria ‘call him up and tell him Iv stopped breathing’
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