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I want to clarify just a few thoughts I had re: Alice and her claims of assault.
Firstly, it doesn't matter whether Alice was beautiful (which she was, and could still be, if she went for an hour's power-walk every day) or not. Predators gonna predate. It's not about the individual's look, their dress size, or whether they're able-bodied or not: thousands of disabled women are sexually assalted every year by such predators. Sexual assault is purely about power. Look up testimony re: Harvey Weinstein, in which he would bully and cajole and find 'no' an elixir; he told one victim that it 'could be over with one thrust'. We have to be sensible of the fact that the deeply rooted sociopolitical and -cultural male power urge is what validates men's sense of supremacy and entitlement.
Secondly, I have known many pathological liars - my narc ex is a case in point. However, he was honest on a few points. and they were usually those which were felt so deeply that he was unable to constuct a subtefuge or construct a narrative. This is one thing I may not like IG for (if it is not Alice falsely reporting the interaction): the claim that he did not want Alice to go public with her revelations for the sake of his own skin. I've been there myself, where the man weighs up what will benefit or harm HIM rather than what is right (and as an autistic woman, those things are pretty binary for me, and always come out in favour of the latter). Our entire Western social construct implicity prioritises male feelings, careers and futures - to wit: rape cases always use the argument as to the damage to the man's career prospects. IF IG were so cavalier re: Alice, and were she wholly truthful in this instance, he has a lot of learning to do.
I still stand by my initial statement: let's believe women, fix male entitlement and winnow out the liars post hoc.
I'm not going to debate this too much but at the time Alice said that Ioan didnt want her to come out with this out of fear that both he and Alice (obviously mostly him because he is earning much more) could be blacklisted and thus neither generate income for their children's future. You can say that women shouldnt compromise themselves for the sake of their partners career, HOWEVER if it impacts your families future you should think twice.

And this also applies to the current situation: perhaps they will be lucky and Ioan can continue his career as before (and maybe even better for various reasons) and Alice gets to re-ignite hers in some way by being the wronged woman/attention etc. but it's more likely that his career will stall because of the amount of accusations thrown at him (there are A-listers who had their career ruined for less, and sadly the Depp/Heard Case also proves that woman enjoy an advantage here) and she will never get a somewhat serious acting job again because everyone now knows for good that she is a mess that cant play along (big no go in Hollywood).

The bad thing about this particular case now is that it isnt even like she tells the whole truth about a horrible man and does something honourable etc. (unlike the Weinstein stuff), there is a lot of proof that she is lying in many parts (due to contradictions). She is basically risking her children's future out of revenge to her ex.
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I wondered why there were so many pages to wade through…. 😳

I’m not being funny, but when I’m drunk it’s the easiest thing in the world to cry. I’ll be in floods over dropping my burger king on the floor ffs, but I could see she was trying to squeeze them out and nothing was coming. Yet she’s talking about her children? This is really creepy and alarming, for there to be no discernible genuine emotion other than histrionics and anger.
I really wish she would drop the Griffith/Gruffudd thing. It’s bordering on offensive now.
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Still catching up, I’ve been super busy this week but I just wanted to say (before I head out again!) that I can’t believe the FMs saying how toxic this thread is! Honestly, I’ve seen nothing but empathy (ok and the odd ridiculing but only fair given the car crash that is AE) as well as total respect and support for each other. Disagreements are quickly put to one side and everyone moves on. The least toxic chat forum I’ve ever seen and why I feel comfortable reading/posting. Anyway to keep on topic - my other half watched the videos with me this morning and was like what the actual?? Very worrying indeed.
Keep on being awesome guys and if it’s ok with you, I’ll proudly call myself a tattle turd even if I hardly get chance to post before it’s moved on again and I’ve missed my chance to have my little say 😆
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Mad Betty

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Good morning from West Hollywood where I'm still not Alice. 😎

First coffee, kids. Be gentle.
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View attachment 904338

Why can’t they be congratulated on being happy?
It’s a normal and natural occurrence

View attachment 904328
This cultural difference I think refers to them thinking Aussies have a different cultural understanding to marriage than Americans. This is not the case that I am aware of. We both understand when I man separated from a wife he can legally bonk other people. He does not have to wait for the paper work to state “divorced”. If you are American and would like to correct me, feel free to do so.
View attachment 904336
Alice needs no help, she manages to demonise herself ALL by herself.
What AGE do these people think marriage is in??? Yet Alice wants to be the pioneering force for women, whose husbands (ok, ready for this) :- say they are unhappy, explain why they are unhappy and ask for some changes, workswhat jobs he can to fund the household, commence marriage guidance?? no change takes place, sleeps separately, leaves wife - not kids - joint public announcement of separation, 3 months later files for divorce, 6-7 months later posts ONE PHOTO sat next to a woman. Ok, all that, but she wants to be a new trendsetter for woman to be able to.....ahem - talk out. So in one way, she wants a super olde world marriage and in the next breath wants to lead the future for women????
That has always puzzled me somewhat😳😬??
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Arctic Ocean

Chatty Member
Okay, grocery shopping done, but Mr Arctic Ocean had the bloody audacity to take me to lunch after and have an actual conversation that didn’t involve AE. How dare he! The cruelty! I haven’t decided yet, but I might sue. 😁

Oh dear, what a night it must have been chez Alice. It is beyond me how she can so much as entertain the idea that this overacted whimpering-mess display will make IG rush back, kiss her feet (after she takes off those... erm... let’s call them ‘shoes’ for lack of a better word) and proceed to shag her into oblivion till kingdom come. It arouses neither pity nor desirability, if that’s what she’s going for. Nor do I think for a second that it’ll trigger his protective instincts - not anymore, and certainly not towards her.

Sigh. :rolleyes:
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She also said he has spent two days with them in ten years 😂 I presume she means looking after them alone. She needs to accept he is going to want to see his children and if he stays with B then she will obviously be there too. I don’t believe him and B are trying to take the kids off her atall I think he just want to see them. She’s acting like the bitter ex who doesn’t let a parent see their kids because of a new partner. They have been split nearly a year haven’t they? She acts like he dumped her yesterday and got with B five minutes later.
that's also a lie, she went several times to Atlanta to shoot Vampire Diaries (where she apparently cheated herself) and he had to spend a week alone with the kids
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I don’t feel for her at all. Are you listening to what she’s saying or listening to her tears? What she says is quite sick actually.
She’s too drunk/high too regularly. This is insanity, her kids are too young, this is too much
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I liked @claudiarocks thread title suggestion: T’was the night before Christmas and all round Alice’s house were Ioan’s toothbrush and clothing just strewn all about
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These videos always happen just before a big development in the drama that goes against her. It’s a distraction technique so the DM post her batshit videos and keep the news cycle going. It’s how she’s making any money now.
Mind all that “I’m paying Gloria” pish?

Also, this is the day before her daughter’s starting role isn’t it? What an absolute cow behaving like this just before that, I’m not surprised. She’ll be faking not breathing at the show next. Always has to be centre of attention.
And again for those at the back, they’re not your kids Alice. He did is bit making them too!!
You're only punishing them in your drug-addled,alcohol fuelled rage. Grow the fuck up!
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She is so obviously drunk or in some way under the influence in these late-night Instagram videos and it is upsetting and enormously embarrassing. Like I experience secondhand embarrassment easily but this is beyond what I can manage. I cannot fucking believe she is posting this. I cannot believe it. When I was on drugs I almost posted a video talking shit about a friend who had wronged me that week and by the grace of GOD I passed out on the floor before I could upload it. Woke up the next morning to all these raging videos in my phone album and I looked AND sounded like a maniac.

I don't know what to say, she just has flown off the roof now. Like I mentioned before, it's not about dignity, but crikey have a LITTLE bit of it. I broke down a lot like Alice when I lost a dude but it was a private suffering; or, more accurately, a suffering that was private from social media (where he could fucking see it, btw, and where his friends could tell him about it) but a suffering that my friends and family could hold with me in a more intimate sphere of support. She shouldn't be doing this and I really hope Ioan's lawyers are gathering POWER POINTS of evidence because if all of this goes ignored those children are gonna have a life like a malfunctioning roller coaster at Six Flags.
Oh yes she’s definitely pissed! Speaking slow trying to articulate her words and the slurring. Even the text under the posts are full of spelling mistakes(the old drunken one eyed texting) 😂

I have a friend who always gets shit faced and when she starts speaking like Alice in these videos I know it’s game over! Then it’s face down on the table sleeping 😆
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