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This is interesting. I screenshot while Dear Abby wasn't private. So, she says Ioan made up the engagement story just for the laughs. That sounds an awful lot like someone who would post Instagram stories just just for likes. Alice is a fan of posting things like recordings of her husband snoring, chopping vegetables while shirtless, watching sports in his underwear, always shoving a phone in his face to video the arrival home after being away for long periods of time.
BTW Alice, Ioan doesn't have a narrative, he has the truth, with evidence. GFY.

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That engagement story has been mentioned multiple times on Tattle, but also on many other sites, and always as a WTF was he thinking moment. Everyone but Ioan and Alice could see it was a massive red flag and are stunned he still went ahead and married her. The penny has finally dropped for her in regards to this story, so now she's trying to change the narrative to make herself look like an innocent victim (again!) and paint Ioan as a selfish, insensitive bastard at best and outright abusive at worst.

It's actually kind of funny that the smartest person in the room needs to see criticism of her actions from multiple people across multiple platforms before she finally considers that maybe her behaviour was problematic. But then the narc kicks in and she immediately tries to manipulate it into her being the victim yet again... I know so many of us want to see her get justice, but in many ways I think being someone like Alice is the worst punishment.
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Except us. That's why she keeps mentioning Tattle on her Instagram. It's her way of saying "Actually, I'm quite a big deal - 222 threads on little old me."
In all fairness she isn't even the most talked about Al on her own Tattle thread any more 💅
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If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
As it's slow I thought I would post some videos of AE. Here she says she will earn more than IG... Sure Jan.

Maybe it is time for an Only Fans account as the Cameos seem to have dried up?
Oh. My. Fucking. God.
She makes Jack Monroe look like a polished media professional.
Clown makeup, terrible camera angle, her mouth looks like some kind of hoover from hell, and she sounds drunk AF.
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When she’s this quiet is usually means shit is happening behind the scenes. I’d love to be a fly on the wall. One of many as her place is filthy. 👀🤣
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Who is sad because their kids don't look like them ??? I was so happy mine look like the person I love and few of my genes made it - sadly they got the adhd and my dads early balding .. This statement about being sad she didn't get mini me's is next level wierd. And thinking that's somthing you'd admit to !
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In what universe is AE not jealous of other women?

She seethes with jealousy of Bianca. She was jealous of Ioan’s relationship with his daughters.

She was even jealous of her stepmother FFS.

Her jealousy is pathological 🤬
She has always been extremely jealous of Mama Gruff. Not forgetting her jealousy and dislike of the rest of his family and friends.
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Going into the next phase of the evaluation and the results coming out, I think we will see a lot of Alice posting how she can no longer cope, threats of SM and possibly even an attention seeking hospital episode. She will argue that people cannot attack a person in the 'midst of a nervous breakdown' but will have completely overlooked the fact the court cannot legally place the children with a mentally unstable parent.
She is entering into the end game of being boxed into a corner. Most likely she will work on the children's fears of being removed from her, and cheerlead them into talking about self harm should they be removed from their mother - 'If I have to live with Dad and Bianca I will kill myself, I will run away, I will never accept them, you can't make me'. Incredibly problematic with a GAL and an adolescent psychiatrist watching every move.
She is firmly facing the wall in a corner, with no way to move forward except in a way that is deeply damaging to both her and her children, or to I&B.
Hello fuckos, seahags and fellow turds!
Had a mini weekend away, which then took me 5 hours to get home, when it should have taken 2 😩
Anyway, am going to have a catch up, I see mAlice has given us a shout on insta, how nice 😒🤣
I just wanted to say I agree with your comment 100%. She is gonna try and pull the "mental health card" which fucks me off, as it makes a mockery of everyone that has mental health issues; however, as you stated, the court won't appoint 100% custody to an unstable well done mAlice, you've put yourself between a rock and a hard place 👏🏻
The insta posts are all performative, as usual! Dr D, the GAL and Judge J will see right through this 💅
Also just wanted to add, apparently she's flat broke, but can afford fish that come in iced smoke...gottcha 👍🏻
she is so desperate to get Ella noticed
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Am just gonna say one thing here!
A 10 year old top is NOT VINTAGE 🤣
FYI mAlice: vintage when used to describe clothes/goods is for old designer goods, that are in excess of 20 years old. In fact I'd say they'd have to be at least 30 years old, to be described as vintage. Just my MOO 🐮
(But I'm right mAlice 😉)
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Her jealousy is pathological
Yep she was even jealous that IG had a fan base and she didn't. She was jealous about IG being everything she wasn't hence all the little digs on her Insta before the split. She will also be jealous of the girls as they are young and pretty and she isn't. Maybe the dowdy old clothes the kids wear and the lack of haircuts is AE's way of making sure they don't look too nice. There can only be one star in the Evans family. The one with the baboon butt lips and the comedy glasses.
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Her go to for emotional abuse is to threaten her own extinction. It's not a joke and her response to her step sister is evidence of the very little care she has to that whole topic.

She no doubt has threatened it in front of the kids and that is probably terrible for them. I wonder if the evaluator will ask her why she made things like this public and the ways she's tried to handle it better?

And to all the new people directed by her insta post, she's been saying she would hurt herself as a form of emotional abuse for nearly a half decade.

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Let’s not forget that this is the woman who threatened to khs because someone she’d never met blocked her on Twitter.
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my cup runneth

Well-known member
Added, thank you!

I think this one is one of my favourites:

Merail but when husband number 1 and I got divorced one of the reasons he gave (cos he couldn’t think of much because I’m basically fabulous) was ‘sometimes she orders clothes online and doesn’t send them back if they’re not suitable’ hahaha!
You can't fool dogs.
hmnnn he fooled Alice (meow) 💅
Not seen this before. Alice does something weird at times (stating obvs) with her neck, a bit like a turtle pulling it back like her head is trying to retract or summat 👀

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The Lin thing makes me feel queasy. I understand Ioan doesn't want to alienate his fans, but he did when he went balls to the wall for Alice in in IOL days. If I were Ioan, I would block Lin and the Facebook group - and to be honest Facebook is a dead art, the keys nowadays are TikTok and Twitter and Instagram. Ioan has ALL the information/texts/emails/direct messages from Lin already. I would not want to be anywhere near to a person who was an Alice stan.....I understand he forgave them, but jeez, I wouldn't be anywhere near it going forward.
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The fact is AE has alienated pretty much everyone now, including the 'closest girls'. I also read this as an admission that their marriage had gone south by 2019 (it happened years before actually) "your marriage has gone asquew" but she still signs it "Alice and Ioan xxx" as if she has a right to speak for him too. She always has to namecheck him as he was her ticket to Z list fame and SMG might not know who she is otherwise.
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I don't think Ella looks like Alice at all.
It's kinda disturbing that Alice was sad when Ella was younger because she didn't look like her.

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Alice in 2023 - I was so sad when Ella was small bc she didn't look like me.

Also Alice in 2015 - I use a hashtag that leads people to this picture where I say Ella looks exactly like me. In 2015. When Ella was 5. and little. Don't forget Tone! Oh yeah, I'm a liar.
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Personally I don't see Alice moving on from this anytime soon, if ever. We know that she can't afford to stay where they are currently living for much longer, so the impact of the divorce has yet to have its full impact on her life and circumstances.

Of course, this is her fault in that if she had gone through the collaborative divorce, there wouldn't have been over $400,000 and counting spent on legal fees. But, she won't acknowledge that. When she moves to a cheaper neighbourhood, her bitterness will only intensify. It will also be hard for the girls to adjust to the move. So, home life will be difficult for all of them, and Ioan will of course be blamed.

She faces living in very reduced financial straits with no obvious way of improving her lot. She's now 3 years older and her reputation precedes her. It would be a brave/foolish man who would take her on and she's shown no inclination of being prepared to work. And even if she did get a job, she's unlikely to get anything that allows her to live in Beverly Hills again. If anything, things could get far worse as she has nothing to lose.

And as others have said, once the court ordered therapy sessions are done, she will have free reign to undo any progress that was made with the girls. And to be honest, the girls would likely resent Ioan for the changes in their life even if Alice hadn't gone crazy. It would have been hard to accept Bianca especially because they got together so quickly. I'm not blaming Ioan for this as Ella in particular was no longer wanting to spend time with him before Bianca's existence was known. But the reality is, for the girls, they see her as the reason why their father left their mother and them.

I just don't see how this gets better for anyone in this situation unfortunately.
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also does everyone in Aliceland think Ioan owns the internet? he could only stop a harmless website that wasnt kissing Alice's ass because he was funding it. he has no control over tattle. there is nothing to 'stop'

also the kids are irrelevant in this discussion. you can't guilt trip him with people stating facts about them when they tried to prosecute him with false accusations (something we ALL correctly predicted btw). in psycholand you must support your kids no matter what even if it's morally or legally wrong or even when they drag you to court (the account above seriously claimed Ioan choosed Bianca over his kids in the RO hearing, can you see how psycho they are?) but Ioan is reasonable: he supports his kids doing the right thing. so that strangers call them out certainly hurts him but if he'd try to "stop" it, and that's only possible over a announcement they so much crave, he'd signal his kids that their actions are perfectly reasonable and unlike Alice he is a way too good parent to do this. I'm sure he isn't even blaming them, his filings make it obvious, and he didn't even blame D&L, that doesnt make the actions approvable though.
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