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Morning all.

I just want to start this post by saying I definitely over reacted yesterday and I shouldn’t have posted about flouncing. That was totally wrong of me and I hold my hands up to it - apologies to all. No excuses - I was being a twat.

The fact is - I can’t prove to any of you that I’m not an Alice FM. I used my posting on the JM threads as an example, because they, and not Alice, are what bought me to Tattle in the first place. I found these threads because Alice’s thread was always in the most liked bit and I remember reading about the DVRO ages ago and so joined in.

I had to lurk on Tattle for so long before a kind Mumsnetter gave me a code and I could finally join in the conversation.

I am open about my health etc purely because it riles me, like many of you lovely lot, when Alice starts claiming she’s bed bound etc when nothing remotely like that happens to her. I hate to see people use disabilities as a way of deflection, especially when they’re faking them in the first place.

I do have a certain posting style and can be aggressive. However, I’m taking that as a “constructive criticism” kind of thing, and I will tone ( no pun intended 🤣) it down purely for the reason that Alice needs no further ammo against Tattle.

I sincerely apologise to any posters I’ve offended or wound up. But I repeat I am not a FM. You don’t have to believe that, but please believe that I love the community here. So many lovely, kind, hilarious and clever people…the opinion on Tattle is all wrong, but on reflection my style of posting is exactly the kind they refer to when they say we bully others etc. I’ve sometimes been too aggressive and that’s not right. So I’m going to do better moving forward.

Again, apologies for the post yesterday - I was massively wrong to do that.
Fellow aggressive poster here. 😜 Don’t flounce ever again or you’ll end up on the Tattle naughty step.
Your posts are hyperbolic and funny. I always thought it’s because you have a lot of shit going on and Tattle is a way to vent, that’s what Tattle is for. I think you thought people were accusing you of being an FM and they weren’t. Everyone has been new at some point but that account had some people’s interest piqued. I missed it.

Interestingly the Snyder person hasn’t been back on.
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Exactly. This three-year meltdown isn't "heartbreak"; it's narc injury. She's exactly who she has always been. As those Tattlers who were involved with Ioan Online and the imdb boards can attest, she's just repeating the same old behavior over and over.

It's all part of the ongoing campaign to throw whatever mud they can at I & B, just to see what sticks.
I don’t think she was even heartbroken or in emotional pain. She was raging and angry that she she had been rejected on his terms. She immediately set about on a campaign of abuse and coercive control. That’s not heartbreak. It’s just a dark heart and an empty head.
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I have nothing to say about these FMs, apart from - How about starting an Alice rave thread instead, where you can be yourselves and not make up daft backstories that make no sense? Here’s some tumbleweed to get you started -

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Go see ZM. I say this as I wear a scarf to work today but at least it's Louis Vuitton.
I’ve worn scarves every almost day since a teen and it’s my security blanket. If I don’t have one with me I go and buy one 😊 let’s reclaim the scarves. Scarves are cool. Scarves are fab. Don’t tuck them into a belt otherwise we can’t be friends.
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The pretzel invader is one of the reasons I'm a bit 👀 of Bianca interacting with total strangers on SM....because nobody knows who anybody really is.

Ioan has the right idea - keep people at a distance.
I don't think Bianca is that naive about SM. She knows how bad the FMs and Alice are after what she went through. At the end of the day, Snyders achieved nothing, just like Alice achieves nothing with her constant revolving door of socks. It's something AE does in lieu of therapy or getting a job. All you really need is some common sense and you don't give out information that can later be used against you. B is having positive SM interactions now as she blocked all the FMs.

That said, I think we give too much attention to the FMs on here and it only encourages them. I know it's tempting when it's a slow news day but they're fucking non-entities and nasty with it. NL and Tone are different as they're Alice.
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Snyder, eh? I missed all of this as I put them on ignore pretty much instantly when they turned up - they gave me "danger danger" vibes. Couldn't put my finger on exactly what was off at the time. I should listen to my gut more often.
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NL: Yes but I don't have 17 accounts like you.

NL is her 17th account since May 2023.

NL: Ok. idiot. So... she gets a job at Walmart. (Just under $12 an hour) So that's $480 a week. How is she going to pay for anything on that? I honestly don't understand your Walmart theory. She's a woman with a high BA honors who is an actress, famous and beloved. Why Walmart?

Oh boy showing your narc here Alice. Deb said she tried to talk to AE about using her languages but she always had an excuse not to. Not an actress, not famous, and not beloved. Jeez!
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Ioan isn’t ‘insulting’ them in reunification therapy. She knows it’s actually a space where they are all allowed to be honest with their feelings and emotions. The girls will also be expressing things to Ioan that are probably emotionally difficult for him too. That’s the whole point to work out these things between them so that they can have a relationship again. Another Alice/sock misdirect and another tell that she’s probably asking them about it the minute they get back home. She’ll be working extra hard to deprogram them and ruin any progress. 🙄
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I said it a couple of threads back, the BH apartment was a calculated move on Alice’s part. She knew what schools she needed the girls to go to. She knew that she couldn’t afford the apartment but knew FULL WELL that he will have to step in because he will not allow the children to become homeless. She did this knowing she can’t pay and knowing he will have to rescue them. She also moved Elsie’s school deliberately so they “need” to stay in BH otherwise he’s the awful one for moving her school again.

this is her scheming at top level here. I hope it backfires.
Wholeheartedly agree. She’s calculating but manages to give herself away each time. She thought he’d have to pay double for her and the kids while she doesn’t even attempt to earn a penny. It doesn’t make sense to me why she feels she doesn’t have the same financial responsibility for the children who are now ten and fourteen while she has “adequate” child care in place. And these fuckers enable that. 🤯
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Medieval issues?

View attachment 2462923

Because you aren't doing anything at all now and it would be a start. She's actually offended someone suggested getting a job. As for famous, not so much.

View attachment 2462919
Oh my fucking God why not Walmart? I worked as a school cleaner and dinner lady when they were little to make sure the Bill's were paid and my two young children were provided for. No dad's involved as they had skipped out or were dead. I mean you do what it takes to provide for your kids. Had I sat on my arse all day doing fuck all, I possibly wouldn't have my kids any more . Lazy old cow
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Alice's idea of morality is an unlimited credit card for her. gold diggers will be gold diggers

btw check zillow: plenty of 3-4k rentals in the place she mentions

very good news that Alice is worried about the kids: it means she is concerned that her cult could lose its two most important members.
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according to a document signed by Alice she has received 200k (90k to her lawyer)
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Alice hasnt said anything for ages? (in anothrt post he said 18 moths which is hilarious) just last week she made false public accusations against her victim
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ah yeah, Ioan is "fudging" his income. wonder how he got a third party to do that. And wonder what secret big role he has to yknow earn much money

as for Alice will sue for support. what stopped her to do it until now? its Ioan that asked for an order. I csn tell you why. the same would happen to her as to Costner's wife and order for him to pay less than he currently does
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Alice finding out her own minions got her banned. priceless
I’ve never seen someone so terrified at the prospect of having to get a job.
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What's that standard Twitter disclaimer? "Likes/retweets are not endorsements".

This poster was very clever in trying to become popular quickly:
  • Cute, recognisable avatar
  • Welsh greeting of "Bore da, Tattlers!" for a lot of her earlier posts
  • A funny/amusing way of writing (I'll give them that)
  • Blunt and outspoken, which would have appealed to some people
  • Open about her health problems, including claiming she had a serious neurological condition
  • Claimed to work hard for her family
But what she did very early on, was try to manipulate people here by claiming her cat had died, and that her son was upset:

Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 00.44.25.png

Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 00.45.12.png
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I couldn’t spot an FM if it slapped me in the face and said “Hey fuckos, I am a sock!”. But I think those with clever spidey senses have wheedled them out now.

Also like to think I am a bit too dizzy to be accused!
Or going through airport security and wondering if you remembered to take the gun out of your bag (I don't have a gun, I would never own a gun, but every single time I think there's going to be something there!)

I am not Alice or an FM. I might be Welp though, as I have some Germanic heritage, although that's not my wurst trait...
Haha, on my recent trip to Greece I was pulled for suspicion of carrying explosives after my hand luggage got pulled for extra tests. Proper shit myself and I was in tears. Turns out normal household cleaners can trigger the swab machine.
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Why is she carrying what looks like an embroidered drawstring bag that your nanna would get for Christmas that usually contained a gift set of yardleys lavender soap and talcum powder?
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Although in hindsight the repeated offer to have Mr Pretzel the IT Genius doxx the socks should have been a big clue. It must have been a disappointment when no one thought it a wise idea.
And if someone had said "yes get Mr Pretzel to doxx the FMs" then what? All that happens is it gets screenshot and posted by an FM and they wank themselves into a frenzy over it. (thanks for that one @M33L4) I guess it livens up their empty days.
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I've had to miss the RB threads, as I chose this thread over that. Only so many hours in a day!
I was keeping a weather eye on how many pages you lot were racking up per day in case I needed to run back. I knew a big jump would mean either Hiraeth had the docs or mAlice had her tits akimbo again. 😄
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So pointless them calling Bianca a 'stick insect' in their posts when Alice has said previously that Ioan prefers women who are 'skinnier than Angelina Jolie' (Alice's words). How is it insulting if Bianca's happy and Alice herself said Ioan likes skinny? Who exactly is bothered by Bianca's body weight other than them?
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Chatty Member
Let's hope that their therapy sessions are doing some good!
If the therapy sessions are upsetting to Alice it means it's working. She's become so unhinged about it and what she doesn't share is always more important than was she does share. I'm guessing Alice has been getting some interesting questions from her daughters and she's literally losing control.
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Yes, I thought this was the worst thing.

Alice's FM friend and Alice herself writing terrible things about her own daughter, in the hope it would rile people up on a forum, so they could then screenshot all the posts, including the original ones they wrote, and post them to Twitter.

Her own daughter. Just unbelievable. It's terrifying the depths she's willing to plumb.
Idk if Ella reads here, but she definitely reads her mum's Twitter and it's debatable how much she posts on her mum's socks herself. So Alice deliberately created another sock, shared it with an FM and wrote horrible things here about her own 14 year old daughter as you wrote hoping to rile us up so she could screen shot them on Twitter, knowing full well Ella would see them. Whether it was to punish Ella, to manipulate her or she was just collateral damage in Alice's war against Tattle, this is so, so horrific. Alice is like a fucking tornado that destroys everything she touches, even when that's not her deliberate intent.
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