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Desperate to know who Welp is while no one gives a fuck who New Lips is in real life. You’ve just harmed Alice’s custody and finances by disclosing confidential therapy sessions. Dumbass.
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"puke/poop/spit out food" - I thought they were 14 and 10 years, not 14 and 10 months.

everyone does this shit with a full time job btw.

Well, the kids are in therapy now. So hopefully they will heal from Alice's abuse.

View attachment 2452002
the post she is replying to is proper psycho: imagine you would do this to a woman that escaped a abusive relationship.
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She’s an absolute cunt and I hope when this all gets settled, the Judge throws the fucking book at her 🤬

Ruining her daughters lives and Ioan’s…going all “Scorched Earth” and for what?? Because her ego got dented when he left?? So fucking what Alice, you fucking dickhead.

I kicked my ex H out because he DID and MOST DEFINITELY cheat ( I had loads of proof of this ). Did I ever for one second stop him seeing his child?? Nope. Didn’t even enter my head.

I’ve told my story here about my other ex, “Father” to my eldest, here before and I can’t face recounting it today BUT AGAIN he was allowed to see her. The reason she hasn’t spoken to him in nearly a decade is because he’s a narc cunt just like you A, and not because of anything I had said or done to damage that relationship. He did that all on his own, and eventually she realised.

What the fuck’s going to happen to you? Once the girls are old enough to see through your fucking poison and bile you odious little prick?? Childless, jobless, homeless, boyfriend-less…. All the lesses and it’ll be ALL your own fucking fault you waste of fucking skin.

So sit there spouting your shite online or in person. Revel in the misery you’re causing so many people. Because one day, it’s gonna backfire massively and you will lose EVERYTHING. And you know what? Couldn’t happen to a nicer cunt.

Stupid, selfish, lying, cosplaying prick. Oh and your fucking fans can get tae fuck as well, band of simpleton fucking morons who have no business breeding and bringing down the international IQ 🖕🏻

ETA - Can you gorgeous Turds tell I’m fucking FUMING today following my physio appointment 🤣🤣 That was cathartic. Hi Alice 👋 in case you didn’t get my memo, you’re a total and absolute 100% cunt.
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I'll say it once again for the people at the back - if Shit Lips, RingTone and all really wanted this thread to fall silent they'd quit posting on Twitter. Every time one of them or their cronies sends another tweet about tattle or trolls it continues to prove that they live for the attention and couldn't bear it if we no longer discussed Malice. So shut up about bringing down Tattle because we know you're talking tripe you absolute halfwits.
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Alice slipped up big time BTW

She posted this pic
View attachment 2454596
This picture is taken by Tone, he has posted his desktop PC several times the past years, like here
View attachment 2454598
Sooo, why would Tone DM a random twitter account pictures like this and not the other way around if it wasnt Alice? Isn't it always "send it to Tone, so that Alice gets it"?

yeah, it will definitely happen. The only thing that is still holding her back IMO is financial dependency on him. She even has at least the eldest daughter far enough to at least not protest, perhaps even to support her false allegations (Elsie is probably too young/innocent to realize what is happening)
Why is Tone's display on his monitor so HUGE?

Is his eyesight really shit?


Or does he just like technology that is bigger?

Wonder if he uses a mobile phone like this:

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Bianca looks great. It is true that she's lost quite a bit of weight since her relationship with Ioan was revealed.

It could be because of the MS and her strict diet to mitigate its effects, or it could be because of stress from Alice and the whole situation. It could be because of Hollywood beauty standards. It could be something else entirely.

Whatever the reason, Alice is disgusting for making comments about her weight and giving her pathetic, bitter nicknames which reference her weight. Particularly when Alice might be the cause of the weight loss.
i thought this post last night was particulary wtf

(no way that either number is true btw, you can easily add 50lb for each)
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I had a full time housekeeper when my kids were small, lots of working ppl do but I also taught them self care habits and they knew how to tidy up after themselves.

But at that age? WTF does she do all day?? Did anyone teach the girls how to keep their spaces clean and tidy, do they have any personal care habits? How can they need a nanny or housekeeper?? 🤯

I just don’t get it. Surely they could share the chores rather than paying someone else. There’s only three of them in the house and no small kids, how much is there to do?l!!? Use a laundry service if they cba with that, It’s beyond ridiculous and such a stupid waste of cash. Cash that would be better spent on a college fund (if either of them ever get to school enough to have a chance of college that is) SMDH. Alice there is absolutely NO EXCUSE, get a job already you lazy mare.
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Ninas purse

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Just reading up on the sudden settlement of the Costner/Baumgartner divorce, mAlice should take note. Love the quotes from Costner’s lawyer Laura Wasser:
“although Kevin is wealthier party with higher cash flow than Christine, she is quite capable of contributing towards her own attorney fees”

“Further Kevin’s wealth…does not provide Christina and her attorneys carte Blanche to take unreasonable positions, fail to make any effort to resolve disputed issues and litigate unreasonable positions”

Baumgartner didn’t appear to be weaponizing children - she just seemed hungry for more money and, like malice, thought she could get airtight prenups overturned. Well looks like her attorneys saw it was going to be diminishing returns on likelihood of money & advised her to take what she could and be content.

So hey mAlice of the new lips - if even a super rich dude like Costner pushed to end frivolous and pointless litigation for benefit of all - maybe you should consider sitting down and moving on. You say you want your girls to go to college? Leave IG and BW alone to work and let IG work on therapy with kids. If he can get Legal wrangling over with & concentrate on therapy while working without constant harassment and false accusations online - maybe some funds can become available for girls future . Meanwhile get on those overdue cameos and any other work you can find. It will make you feel more powerful than squawking over a motley crew of loopy pontificators, bitter old ladies and surly gaming online too much teens.
She doesn't want to settle. Without this fight, she has nothing. No job, no money, no boyfriend, soon no home...
Christina gets a nice lump sum, not as much as she wanted child support. She already has a new boyfriend who allegedly took her on a nice Hawaiian vacation after she filed. She still looks good and she hasn't burnt any bridges by fighting her divorce on SM.
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No Alice, I definitely agree with your minion here!

literally everything we predicted has happened lmao

hardcore backpedalling

this is incorrect.

the police would be very unprofessional to laugh about somebody ignoring a no contact order

as for "the DA realized how ridiculous it was" - the DA pressed charges, not Ioan, so the DA definitely saw merrits in the case. most of the time they do nothing
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BIB she actually tweeted that? 😱
I hope Anne and Co have got a copy of that. As I'm pretty sure that leaked information on therapy is breaking some form of law?!

I can confirm that you did call her this 🤣🤣
I remember that thread, we had a lot of names for boghoff, not as many as Tphoney, but we gave it a good go!

I have a huge crush on Alexander 🥵 and I usually perfer the Mediterranean look, buy him....oh hell yes!
It's not even that she's leaking therapy information alone, it's Al's sock saying that he "attacked" his daughter. The word has specific meaning, used for public, with weapons or with violence. With every stupid word she's digging her own grave.
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There may be a new Tattler - one of AE's FMs who I suspect comes from Texas.

"Because if Tattle opens up registration again I would certainly join and post in support of AE on the threads in the AE part of Tattle. Because that is allowed, right? It’s a discussion forum NOT a hate site. #AmIRight @TattleLife

Fine - just don't act all huffy and outraged when you inevitably get challenged. Oh and read the Wiki, not just pretend to.
Hmm, interesting.

I would expect an FM signing up here to actually post OTT insults about Alice, and then screenshots of those insults to appear on other FMs' Twitter feeds, as an example of how abusive and extreme Tattlers are...
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It's so mind blowing the people that do back her up. It is no fault State. If he did cheat that would just make him not a great husband. He left her, not them. He wants to be with his children, as he should. He was a good dad to the girls and very hands on when he wasn't away working. What reasons is she going to tell the Judge they can't be around Bianca? He's been with her several years now. Is she going to say my husband/baby angel fell in love with her. He wants to come back, but she's controlling him. She must be I know I always did. She likes dogs. She makes soup. She makes positive statements the children will be confused by because I only speak negative. I had a bad dream and she had the nerve to be in it. She is a bogan your honor. What is her reason that he can't see and love his own children other than he no longer loves her? So much money wasted and the children hurt for nothing. He played fair and only asked for 50/50 visitation. If she looses them it will be totally by her own need for revenge. It's all pitiful. I hope the children wise up that he's fighting for visitation because he loves them. It's not to put a picture on social media as Alice says. How ridiculous is that! Only Alice thinks that way because social media is her only existence. The children deserve to live in the real world.
This is perfectly put and a nice reminder that’s it’s probable the judge will rule in Ioan’s favour. When I was going through my divorce, my ex husband would make threats and demands and in the moment it’s difficult not to believe the BS. Hang in there Ioan! You’re almost there.
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Honestly I believe I’d prefer death over being Alice. And if I actually was her I’d die soon anyway. Probably within the first week. 🤣
I don’t know how she faces each day, knowing it’s going to be just like the one before and the one after will be just the same.

What a waste of a life.
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So Alice is angry because Elsie didn't have an opportunity to lie in court. Mother of the year.

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curious km

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You can also bet that Ioan didn't "attack" Ella, and that he never said the words "you ruined Bianca's career".

This is coming from a woman that believes Ioan asking his daughter to say "thank you" is abusive
Exactly I am sure it was IG saying how that episode prevented BW from attending the MS gala to not only support a charity focused on research for her illness, but yes, to network and raise her profile. I believe that was whole intention Malice had in pushing daughters to go and spend the night, to stir up some kind of publicity and trouble - look at how E was trying to provoke them into a reaction with throwing things, mocking apartment while on phone, etc. Also if malice is the new lips sock or sharing info from her daughters’ private therapy sessions with random internet strangers, she is again violating the law. Not that it seems to matter. It is more upsetting that she won’t allow her girls privacy or a chance to work on healing. (Personally that sock uses way too many malicisms to be someone randomly that invested in NEVER letting kids attempt to become more comfortable with BW and heal relationship with father). So tiresome.

And malice raging that her kids shouldn’t be told to say thank you sums everything up in a nutshell.
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I see those tweets and I'm lost for words. She's not right in her mind, in any manner. Dangerously obsessed with Bee.
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Alice claimed she only abused those who deserved it.
Ioan only divorced someone who deserved it. Ioan only received a RO on someone who deserved it.
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I guess because they have been very cruel to me
My advice would be to learn from the lesson of interacting with people like this. They are cruel people and Alice is a cruel person. The fact that Alice and her associates hurt other people so deliberately and in such a calculated way should tell you they don’t understand or feel things like you do. For me to empathise with someone like Alice would involve me understanding her feelings. I don’t want to go to that dark and nasty place. I don’t think I can go to that place because I never hated anyone enough to want to deliberately harm them.
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